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Master Resume

6.2. Image Histograms

The distribution of pixel values provides useful information about the quality of the image and the
composition of the scene. We obtain the distribution by computing the histogram of the image which
indicates the number of times each pixel value occurs. For example the histogram of the image, shown in
Fig. 5 is computed and displayed by

>> ihist(flowers)

and the result is shown in Fig. 6 .We see that the grey values (horizontal axis) span the range from 5
to 238 which is close to the full range of possible values.

Figura 6: Histogram

Monadic Operations, The result is an image of the same size W × H as the input image, and each
output pixel is a function of the corresponding input pixel.

O[u, v] = f (I[u, v]), ∀(u, v) ∈ I

Diadic Operations, Two input images result in a single output image, and all three images are of the
same size. Each output pixel is a function of the corresponding pixels in the two input images.

O[u, v] = f (I1 [u, v], I2 [u, v]), ∀(u, v) ∈ I1

Examples of useful diadic operations include binary arithmetic operators such as addition, subtrac-
tion, element-wise multiplication, or builtin MATLAB diadic matrix functions such as max, min, atan2.

>> subject = iread(’greenscreen.jpg’,’double’);

>> linear = igamm(subject, ’sRGB’);
>> [r,g] = tristim2cc(linear);
>> ihist(g)
>> idisp(subject)

PUC-Rio 10 ELE

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