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Andy Peter A.


1. Is there really a difference in the learning outcomes if we combine the andragogy and
pedagogy model of teaching in teaching adult learners? Explain your answer and support it with
Answer: Yes, if we combine the andragogy and pedagogy model of teaching there is a difference
outcomes we can conclude that pedagogy is a child-focused teaching approach, whereas andragogy
an adult-focused teaching approach; or, formally, pedagogy is the art and science of helping kids
learn, whereas andragogy is the art and science of helping adults learn. Adult learners are self-
directed they have control over their learning experience and they are 100% responsible for their
own learning. Adult learners have clearly more experience than young learners and adult learners
seek information that is useful in their personal lives and work environment. While the child learners
they are often train for unclear future, subject oriented, often dependent on others.

2. In your own point of view, what advantages does the andragogy teaching model have over
the pedagogical model of teaching?
Answer: Difficulty arises when pedagogical methods and practices are applied in whole or in part
to situations that require andragogical dynamics. A misunderstanding or misapplication of these
critical issues may result in situational, temporary, or unsustainable models of motivation that
guide lifelong learners and perhaps undermine the entire process of student motivation.

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