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NASLEÐA – Pouke grada Berna


HERITAGE - Lessons learned on the city of Bern
Naÿa KURTOVIû FOLIû UDK: 711.4-168(494.24)


U novoj situaciji, nastaloj poslednjih decenija u In the new circumstances created in the Central and
Centralnoj i Jugoistoþnoj Evropi, kada je reþ o Southeast Europe in the recent decades, when the built
graditeljskom nasleÿu i njegovoj ulozi u buduünosti heritage and its role in the future of the cities are con-
grada, korisno je obaviti uporedno prouþavanje raznih cerned, it is useful to undertake a comparative study of
alternativnih pristupa rešavanju problema. Osnovno various alternative approaches to the problem solution.
pitanje koje se može postaviti jeste kakve su moguünosti The fundamental question which can be posed is what is
prenosa iskustva iz sredina s tržišnom ekonomijom i na the potential for transferring the experiences from the
koji naþin se mogu primeniti u društvu koje je u environments with market economies, and in what way
dugoroþnoj, iscrpljujuüoj tranziciji, kao što je srpsko they can be implemented in a society in a long-running,
društvo. exhausting transition, such as the Serbian one.
Evropski stavovi o politici upotrebe nasleÿa uglav- The European position on the policy of heritage
nom su usmereni ka politici revitalizacije istorijskih treatment is mostly directed towards the policy of

 U istorijskim gradovima revitalizacija centra je  In the historical cities, revitalization of the centre is
centara zbog sledeüih razloga: revitalization of historical centres because:

bitna komponenta urbanog menadžmenta. To je „alatka” an important component of urban management. It is a

za formulisanje politike i implementaciju, te deluje kao “tool” for policy formulation and acts implementation as a

 Mnogi gradovi u Centralnoj i Jugoistoþnoj Evropi  Many cities in Central and Southeast Europe have
kljuþni faktor za uspeh revitalizacije gradskog centra. key factor for success of city centre revitalization.

nemaju jasnu politiku revitalizacije, odnosno regenera- unclear revitalization policy, i.e. regeneration policy of
cije istorijskih centara. Dramatiþne promene u ovim historical centres. Dramatic changes in these parts of
delovima Evrope, koje su samo površinski stišane, Europe, which only superficially abated, demand a new
zahtevaju novi pristup odnosu prema nasleÿu i nove approach in the attitude towards the heritage and new

 Postepeno propadanje grada i proces njegove

instrumente za upravljanje ovim tipom urbanih promena. instruments for management of this type of urban

 Gradual deterioration of the city and the process

regeneracije treba interpretirati u širem kontekstu urbane
dinamike. Ovi procesi su veoma nejasni i rasplinuti. of its regeneration should be interpreted in a wider
Uporedna analiza može pomoüi da se brže doÿe do context of urban dynamics. These processes are very
objašnjenja, koristeüi iskustva onih zemalja u kojima su vague and divergent. A comparative analysis can help to
pojedini problemi uspešno savladani.

Goran Stanišiü, MSc, dipl.inž.arh. FAB & Partner Goran Stanisic, MSc, FAB & Partner
Immobilien, Bern, Švajcarska, Immobilien, Bern, Švajcarska,
Naÿa Kurtoviü Foliü, profesor, Fakultet tehniþkih nauka, Nadja Kurtovic Folic, Professor, Faculty of technical
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Trg D.Obradoviüa 6; Novi Sad sciences University of Novi Sad, Trg D.Obradoviüa 6; Novi Sad,


 Pojedina rešenja u domenu primene instrumenata reach the explanation sooner, using experience of those

 Certain solutions in the domain of implementation

odreÿene politike prema nasleÿu mogu se prihvatiti iz countries where certain issues have been overcome.
primera zapadne demokratije, ali uz izuzetno pažljivo
prilagoÿavanje lokalnom kontekstu. U suprotnom, of instruments of a certain policy towards the heritage
rezultati mogu biti pogubni. can be accepted from the examples of western
Upravo zbog opasnosti koja postoji kada je reþ o democracy, but with extremely careful adaptations to
prihvatanju iskustva, postavlja se pitanje konteksta. local contexts. Otherwise, the results can be
Instrumenti politike moraju biti kompatibilni s lokalnim devastating.
kontekstom koji je odreÿen stavom okruženja i kulture, te Exactly because of a certain risk inherent in ac-
politiþkim i ekonomskim promenama. Procenjuje se da cepting the experiences, the issue of context is
üe prilagoÿavanje politika promenjivom kontekstu biti, emphasized. The policy instruments should be compa-
ipak, dug i složen proces, uz niz pokušaja i grešaka. tible with the local context which is determined by the
Razumevanje razlika i sliþnosti u transformaciji gradova attitude of the environment and the culture, and political
koji su postigli odreÿene pozitivne rezultate može and economic changes. It is estimated that the
pomoüi da se definišu specifiþne karakteristike adaptation of policies to the variable contexts will be a
odreÿenih lokalnih sredina i da se, shodno tome, long and complex process, with a series of trials and
modifikuju instrumentacijska rešenja. errors. Understanding differences and similarities in
Iz niza sredstva kojima se zapadna demokratija transformation of the cities which achieved certain
koristi u svojoj politici ureÿenja gradskih jezgara, mogu positive goals can help in defining specific
se izdvojiti ona koja mogu iskustveno poslužiti u našoj characteristics of local environments and accordingly

 postavljanje održivih i realno ostvarivih ciljeva;

sredini. Kljuþni faktori za politiku revitalizacije jesu: modify instrumentation solutions.

 kombinovanje razliþitih klasiþnih i inovativnih

Out of the number of instruments used by the
western democracies in their policy of arrangement of
city cores, those which can be empirically used in our
 stvaranje snažne vizije (putem projekta) i
instrumenata za formulisanje i implementaciju;
practice are singled out. The key factors for revitalization

 Setting of sustainable and realistically attainable

utvrÿivanje jasnih pravila javno-privatne kooperacije. policy are:
Na osnovu stranih iskustava, odmah se može

 Combining various classical and innovative

zakljuþiti da je to umetnost postizanja kompromisa u goals
okviru kulturno održive ekonomske revitalizacije

 Creating a powerful vision (through a design) and

gradskog jezgra. Upravljanje konfliktnim ciljevima i instruments for formulation, and
pristupima jeste suština prostorne politike. Ovo opšte
zapažanje dobija posebno znaþenje kada je reþ o establishment of clear rules of public-private cooperation.
planiranju u istorijskim gradovima, gde su osnovni urbani From the foreign experience it can be concluded that
sukobi izmeÿu ekonomskog razvoja i kulturnih vrednosti it is an art of compromise and negotiations within cultu-
nesumnjivo najdramatiþniji. rally sustainable economic revitalization of the city is the

Tabela 1. Lista ciljeva politike regeneracije gradskog Table 1. List of goals of the policy of regeneration of
istorijskog centra sastavljena na osnovu suprotstavljenih historical city centre composed based on the conflicting
pristupa [2] approaches [2]

Pristup razmene vrednost Pristup upotrebne Exchange approach Approach usable

/ tržišna vrednost vrednosti value/market value value
- promovisanje promene - održavanje stabilnosti, Change promotion Maintaining stability,
zaštita postojeüih protection of existing
vrednosti values
- stimulisanje ekonomskog - zaštita postojeüih Stimulation of economic Protection of existing
razvoja aktivnosti, fiziþke i development activities, physical and
društvene strukture social structure
- podsticanje novih, - ograniþenje intenziteta Stimulation of new, Limitation of intensity of
ekonomski isplativih korišüenja i gustine economically more usage and density of
aktivnosti i - shodno razvoja; decentraliza- profitable activities, and development; decen-
tome - promene cija pojedinih servisnih accordingly, changes of tralization of certain
zemljišne politike funkcija iz istorijskih land policy service functions from
- intenziviranje i podruþja, kako bi se Intensification and the historical areas in
koncentrisanje aktivnosti izbeglo pretrpavanje concentration of activities order to avoid
i novi razvoj radi kapaciteta podruþja; and new development for overloading of the area
pokrivanja troškova poveüanje finansijske the purpose of covering capacity; increase of
maksimalizacije pomoüi i drugih oblika the costs of maximization financial aid and other
zemljišne rente i društvene potrošnje of land fee and increase forms of social spending
poveüanja poreske koji ohrabruju vlasnike of taxable value which encourage the
osnovice da þuvaju istorijske owners to preserve
strukture historical structures.


- poveüanje - podrška odnosno Increase of competiti- Support, i.e. aid to the
konkurentnosti istorijskog pomoü postojeüem veness of historical core existing local business
jezgra kao investicione lokalnom biznisu i as an investment location; and protection of popu-
lokacije; privlaþenje zaštita stanovnika s attraction of new “internal” lation with low income;
novih „unutrašnjih” malim primanjima; investment using avoiding population
ulaganja putem izbegavanje izmešta- intensified marketing of displacement;
pojaþanog marketinga nja stanovnika; promo- the historical core and promotion of community
istorijskog jezgra i visanje svesti o using diverse logistical awareness and identity
upotrebom raznih zajedništvu i identitetu, support. and founding of the
logistiþkih podršaka kao i osnivanje pokreta “self-support” movement
Modernization of the Protection and
- modernizacija urbane - zaštita i oþuvanje urbane structure and preservation of old
strukture i promovisanje starih struktura i stilova promotion of marketing structures and styles
marketinških smernica za kroz strogu kontrolu guidelines for new archi- through the strict control
nove arhitektonske forme prostornih promena i tectonic forms which are of spatial changes and
koje su znaþajno slobod- estetskih standarda considerably freer, more aesthetic standards.
nije, fleksibilnije i odgo- flexible and more appro-
varajuüe tržištu priate for the market.
- stvaranje novih i snažnih - þuvanje prostorne slike Creation of new and Preservation of the
vizija o istorijskom jezgru istorijskog jezgra kao powerful visions on the spatial image of a
grada, kao simbolu simbola duhovnih i historical core of the city, historical core as a
ekonomske i politiþke kulturnih vrednosti; as a symbol of economic symbol of spiritual and
moüi korišüenjem novog þuvanje postojeüih and political power, using cultural values; preser-
jezika urbanih formi i urbanih odnosa i new language of urban vation of existing urban
stvaranjem nove skale semiotike gradske forms, and creating a new relationships and semi-
vrednosti slike scale of values otics of urban image

Nakon uoþavanja razlika, može se postaviti pitanje essence of spatial policy. This general observation gains
da li se ekonomski razvoj i kulturne vrednosti uzajamno a special meaning when planning in historical cities is
iskljuþuju. Niz veoma uspešno rešenih primera concerned, where the fundamental urban conflicts
revitalizacije istorijskih gradskih jezgara u Evropi, pa i u between the economic development and cultural values
Americi, pokazuje da se ovi konflikti mogu ublažiti, pa are undoubtedly most dramatic.
þak i potrti. Urbana politika je umetnost kompromisa. After observing differences, one may pose a
Zato se regeneracija gradskog jezgra definiše kao niz question whether economic development and cultural
programa i planiranih akcija, osmišljenih tako da uþine values are mutually exclusive? A number of successfully
održivim i unaprede postojeüe urbano tkivo, ali i da solved examples of revitalization historical city cores in
uvedu nove aktivnosti koje mogu da unaprede Europe and America indicate that these conflicts can be
ekonomsku bazu grada. attenuated, and even annulled. Urban policy is the art of
U meÿunarodnom iskustvu ovaj pristup naziva se compromise. For that reason regeneration of city core is
kulturno održiva ekonomska revitalizacija istorijskog defined as number of programmes and planned actions
gradskog jezgra [14]. U izvesnom smislu, ovaj termin conceived so as to make the existing city fabric sus-
nastao je pod uticajem ideje o održivom razvoju, ali tainable and improve it, but also to introduce new activi-
pored toga, sadrži u sebi i prihvata još neke pristupe kao ties which can improve the economic basis of the city.
što su: istorijska zaštita, integrativna konzervacija; „meka In the international practice, this approach is called
ili oprezna obnova”; koncept „zdravog grada”; stavovi “culturally sustainable economic revitalization of the city
pokreta „stvaranje životnog grada”, i druge. Osnovna core "[14]. In a sense, this term was created under the
ideja jeste da se pozitivno posreduje u konfliktu izmeÿu influence of the idea of sustainable development, but
ekonomskih interesa, zaštite nasleÿa i unapreÿivanja contains and endorses some other approaches such as:
okruženja. Kao primer veoma povoljno primenjene historical protection, integrative conservation; “soft or
kulturno održive ekonomske revitalizacije istorijskog careful renovation”; "healthy city" concept; positions of
gradskog jezgra, izdvaja se primer grada Berna u the movement "creation of a vital city", and others. The
Švajcarskoj, koji üe u ovom radu biti analitiþki obraÿen, s basic idea is to be positive intermediary in the conflict
namerom da se izvuku odreÿene pouke pogodne za between the economic interests, protection of heritage
rešavanje brojnih problema u gradovima Srbije. and improvement of the environment. The example of
the city of Bern, Switzerland, stands out as an example
of a very favourably implemented “culturally sustainable
economic revitalization of the city core", and it will be
analytically treated in this paper, with the intention to
draw certain lessons suitable for solving problems which
piled up in the cities of Serbia.



Zaštiüene zgrade su osnovni oblik našeg kulturnog Listed buildings are the basic form of our cultural
pejzaža. Oni su vodilja u razvoju jednog mesta u kome landscape. They are guiding principles in development
se nalaze u smislu „korporativne arhitekture”, odnosno of a place where they are situated in a capacity of
kako pojedinaþnog, tako i zajedniþkog interesa. Korist od “corporative architecture”, i.e. as both individual and
„korporativne arhitekture” samih objekata ima, pre common interest. The “corporative architecture” of the
svega, kompanija koja je taj objekat obnovila, odnosno buildings themselves is useful primarily for companies
koja ga je obnovljenog stavila u funkciju. Buduüi which renovated the building or put it working order after
korisnici, meÿutim, trebalo bi da budu svesni vrednosti renovation. The future users should, however be aware
istorijskog i ekonomskog karaktera takvih zaštiüenih of the historic and economic value of such protected
objekata. buildings.
U isto vreme, postoje mnogi istorijski zaštiüeni objekti Simultaneously, there are a large number of histori-
kojima preti propadanje i rušenje usled nekorišüenja. cally protected buildings which are in danger of dilapi-
Oživljavanjem takvih objekata može biti spasen ne samo dation and collapse due to the disuse. Revitalization of
izuzetan objekat, veü se može oživeti i cela gradska such structures, may not only salvage a remarkable
sredina u kojoj se taj objekat, odnosno ti objekti nalaze. building, but can revitalize the entire city neighbourhood
No, to zahteva primenu novih ideja i metoda za procenu where such building or buildings are situated. This calls
upotrebljivosti objekata kada je reþ o potencijalnim for application of new ideas and methods for evaluation
korisnicima. of usability of structures for the potential users.
Karakteristika strukturâ praznih spomenika kulture The characteristic of the structures of abandoned
jeste da su smešteni u postojeüim „luksuzima praznine”. (empty) cultural monuments is that they are situated in
Pravi primeri za buduüe korišüenje ovih zaštiüenih the existing “luxury voids”. True examples for the future
objekata jesu oni objekti koji su revitalizovani i na kojima usage of protected buildings are those buildings which
su sve potrebne mere kompenzacije izvedene. Mere were revitalized on which all the compensation methods
kompenzacije su procenjene prema podobnosti were performed. The compensation methods are
zaštiüenog spomenika kulture koji se revitalizuje. assessed according to the suitability of the protected
Ovaj rad zasnovan je na polazištu da su u zaštiüenim cultural monument being revitalized.
spomenicima kulture utemeljene i imanentne poruke This paper is based on the viewpoint that the listed
jedne epohe. Istovremeno, analizirajuüi istorijske objekte cultural monuments embody immanent messages of an
i zgrade u vezi sa ovim procesom, mogu se identifikovati epoch. By analysing historical buildings related to this
potencijali njihovih potreba i njihovog oþuvanja. process, the potential of their needs and their
Nakon analize ovog procesa, koji se odnosi na preservation can be identified.
potrebu oþuvanja istorijskih objekata i zgrada, sledeüi After analysing this process, which refers to the need
postupak jeste usmereni pristup zaštiüenim objektima. for preservation of historical buildings and structures, the
Istraživaþki proces koristi odgovarajuüe analize i following procedure is the process of directed approach
kreativne metode za postizanje održivog razvoja, to the protected structures.
odnosno održive koristi, što ima za posledicu The research process utilises adequate analyses
regeneraciju zaštiüenih objekata. and creative methods for achieving sustainable develop-
Zato je osnovni cilj ove metode da se otkriju ment, i.e., sustainable usefulness, which results in
potencijali revitalizacije da bi se poveüala konkurentnost regeneration of the protected buildings.
objekta u urbanom tkivu. For that reason the basic goal of this method is to
Pristup revitalizaciji zaštiüenih spomenika kulture, u discover the potential for revitalization in order to
svrhu buduüeg korišüenja, može se podeliti u þetiri increase competitiveness of the structures in the urban
modula. fabric.
Modul 1 Ukljuþenje zgrade u savremeni život na The approach to the revitalization process of
osnovu korišüenja istorijskih procesa i njenih samih protected cultural monuments for the purpose of the
karakteristiþnih parametara. Nove ideje se generišu i future use can be divide into four modules.
koriste u sledeüem modulu. Module 1 Inclusion of the building into contemporary
Modul 2 Utvrÿivanje koristi od istraživaþkih kreativnih life, based on the utilisation of historical processes and
radionica, koje ocenjuju buduüi korisnici. characteristic parameters. New ideas are generated and
Modul 3 Uporeÿivanje zahteva za buduüi život, u used in the next module.
pogledu upotrebe i funkcije postojeüe zgrade. Kao Module 2 Determination of usefulness of research
rezultat toga, proizlaze mere kompenzacije kojima se creative workshops, as assessed by the future users.
raspolaže. Module 3 Comparison of the demands for the future
Modul 4 Ispitivanje podobnosti oþuvanja objekta iz life, which are related to the use and function of the
perspektive korisnika. Uspešnost opisane metodologije existing building. The result is the compensation
proverena je na primerima analiziranim u gradu Bernu. measures available.
Na osnovu analiziranog procesa primene metode, Module 4 Testing the structure of preservation
zakljuþeno je da se ona može, uz prilagoÿavanje našem suitability from the users’ perspective.
zakonodavstvu, primenjivati u našoj sredini. The capability of the described methodology was
verified on the examples analysed in the city of Bern.
Based on the analysed process of method application, it
is concluded that it can be implemented in our practice
after being adapted to our legislation.


2.1 Teoretski okvir definisanja metode revitalizacije 2.1 Theoretical framework for defining the
revitalization method
Teoretski okvir predstavlja istraživanje nastanka i
razvoja predložene metodologije i proveravanje The theoretical framework is the research of the
potencijala unapreÿenih naþina korištenja nekretnina. emergence and development of the proposed
Analiza korištenja istorijskih objekata formulisana je kao methodology and checking of potential of the improved
odnos „istorijskog korišüenja” i izgraÿene strukture. ways of usage of real property. The analysis of the
Osamdesetih godina prošlog veka došlo je do process of usage of historical buildings is defined as a
„ponovnog otkriüa” starih kuüa u starim delovima relationship of “historical use” and constructed structure.
gradova, kao izvor materijanih kulturnih resursa, koje je „In the eighties of the previous century there was a
bilo prekinuto. Sada se u strategijama postavljaju principi “rediscovery” of old houses in the old parts of cities, as a
kao što su „oþuvanje materijalnog” i „opreznost u zaštiti” source of material cultural resources, which was already
koji su u osnovi bitni za dalju analizu. Daljom analizom forgotten. Now the strategies have the principles such as
ova dva principa pomenutim strategijama najverovatnije “preservation of the fabric” and “cautious protection” set,
daju svoju sledeüu dimenziju – „dimenziju trajnosti”.[2] which are fundamentally important for the further
Mogu se postaviti pitanja na koje graÿevine bi se analysis. Further analysis of these two principles
ovaj princip mogao odnositi, te koji su to prostori koji su provides a new dimension, i.e. the dimension of
napušteni i prazni i kako bi se mogao organizovati i sustainability.”[2]
aktivirati život u njima. Na ta pitanja odgovori se mogu A question might be posed, to which buildings this
dobiti poznavanjem fiziþke strukture, odnosno principle could apply, and what spaces which are
primenjenih materijala, kao i angažovanjem eksperata deserted and empty could be organized and life in them
koji imaju transdisciplinarno znanje u oblasti activated. This question can be answered by knowing
revitalizacije. Pored struþnog, tehniþkog znanja, to physical structure, that is, applied materials, and by
obuhvata i saznanje o jasnoj predstavi celokupnog engaging experts who have trans-disciplinary knowledge
socijalnog životnog ciklusa graÿevine. Oþigledno je da in the area of revitalization. Apart from the technical
postoji potreba da se osmisle nove ideje kojima bi se expertise, this includes a clear concept of the entire
istorijski proces korišüenja zgrade nastavio primenom social life cycle of buildings. It is obvious that there is a
elemenata realne zaštite koja može da regeneriše need to invent new ideas which would ensure
strukturu zgrade. Da bi se to ostvarilo, potrebno je prvo continuation of the historical process of building usage
preispitati dosadašnji pristup problemu revitalizacije by means of implementation of the real protection
objekata u kojima više nema aktivne funkcije. elements which can regenerate the building structure. In
Inventarisanjem objekata i prilagoÿavanjem metoda rada order to realize that it is first necessary to question the
može se generisati nova upotreba, a taj proces je bolje current approach to the issue of revitalization of
prilagoÿen fiziþkoj strukturi objekata nego u structures which function inactively. New use can be
konvencionalnim metodama odluþivanja prilikom izbora generated through entering the structures into an
buduüe namene objekta. Potencijalnim korisnicima, koji inventory and adaptation of the operating method. This
se uvode u proces, nudi se da sami procene da li process is better suited to the physical structure of the
karakteristike graÿevine zadovoljavau njihove buildings, than in the conventional decision-making
individualne funkcionalne zahteve, za šta je potrebna methods in selection of the future use of the buildings.
dodatna akcija. Ta akcija zasniva se na razvijanju The potential users which are introduced into the
metode kojom se analizira i vrednuje ekonomska process are offered to assess whether the
isplativost istovremene zaštite i korisnosti objekta. characteristics of the building meet their individual
Postojeüi objekti graÿeni su u uslovima i na osnovu functional requirements, and that it requires additional
principa koji su postojali u vreme njihove gradnje. Pošto action. This action is based on the development of the
se zahtevi korisnika stalno menjaju, onda se i namena method analyzing and evaluating economic profitability
zgrada veoma þesto prilagoÿavala tim zahtevima, o of simultaneous protection and usefulness of the
þemu svedoþe brojni primeri kroz istoriju. Zato je veoma building.
važno da se koncept i svojstva postojeüe graÿevine The existing buildings are constructed in the
mogu optimalno prilagoditi zahtevima buduüeg korisnika, conditions and on the basis of the principles which
bez bitnijih izmena fiziþke strukture. Uvoÿenjem existed in time when they were built. Since the
strategije upravljanja objektom u veoma ranoj fazi rada requirements of the users constantly change, the use of
na revitalizaciji, moguüe je objekat prilagoditi uslovima the buildings was often adapted to those requirements,
buduüih korisnika, poštujuüi ograniþenja koja se which is attested by numerous historical examples. That
postavljaju kada je reþ o zaštiüenim graÿevinama. is why it is very important that the concept and
Izrazito ograniþavajuüi faktor jeste zaštita vlasništva nad properties of the existing building can be optimally
istorijskim objektima, koju treba poštovati, istovremeno adapted to the conditions of future users, without
prilagoÿavajuüi graÿevinu novim potrebama. U considerable changes of its physical structure. By
Švajcarskoj se primenjuje tradicionalni stav da je „važno introducing the strategy of building management in the
oþuvanje slikovitog izgleda”, kao i to da „u procesu early phase of revitalization work, it is possible to adapt
planiranja buduüe upotrebe objekta i njegove the building to the conditions of future users, observing
prenamene treba i dalje nastaviti sa vidljivim originalnim the limitations set when the protected buildings are
osobenostima objekta”. [3] concerned. An extremely limiting factor is protection of
Predložena metodologija proverena je na podruþju ownership over the historical buildings, which should be
Starog dela grada Berna, glavnog grada Švajcarske, koji observed, simultaneously adapting the building to the
je 1983. godine zaštitio UNESCO, te se nalazi na Listi new requirements. In Switzerland, a traditional attitude is


svetske baštine.[20] S obzirom na to što su pojedinaþna implemented: “It is important to preserve the picturesque
rešenja dala veoma pozitivne rezultate, smatra se appearance”, as well as that “in the process of planning
korisnim da se naša sredina upozna sa specifiþnom of the future use of the building and its conversion, the
metodologijom revitalizacije koja je omoguüila te visible original properties of the structure should be
rezultate. Da bi se što bolje definisala metodologija rada perpetuated“. [3]
tokom revitalizacije graÿevina, prvo su postavljena Verification of the proposed methodology was
pitanja koja se mogu formulisati na sledeüi naþin: performed in the area of the Old city of Bern, the capital
1. Da li se nove ideje generišu kontinualno, poþevši of Switzerland, which is inscribed in the World Heritage
od istraživanja istorijskog procesa nastanka i razvoja List since 1983. Since the individual solutions yielded
objekata, pa do korišüenja postojeüih objekata? very positive results, it is considered useful to introduce
2. Kako bi investitor mogao da pronaÿe buduüu our public to the specific methodology of revitalization
funkciju objekata zaštiüenih kao spomenici kulture, a process which produced those results. In order to define
koja bi bila pogodna za buduüe korisnike i vlasnike? the methodology of work during building revitalization,
3. Koje su osnovne karakteristike (svojstva) questions were asked which can be formulated in the
zaštiüenog spomenika kulture i koja ograniþenja iz toga following way:
proizlaze za njegovo buduüe korištenje? 1. Are new ideas generated continually, starting from
4. Kako bi donošenje odluka o održivoj zaštiti moglo the research of the historical process of emergence and
postati pristupaþnije za revitalizaciju i korištenje development of buildings, to the utilization of the existing
zaštiüenih objekata? buildings?
5. Kojim se fiziþkim merama mogu nadoknaditi ili 2. How could an investor find a future function of the
popraviti razni nedostaci? buildings listed as the cultural monuments, and which
6. Koje zahteve moraju da uvaže nadležne službe would be suitable for the future users and owners?
koje se bave zaštitom u gradu Bernu da bi se 3. What are the basic characteristics (properties) of
investitorima nadoknadila odreÿena ograniþenja koja the listed cultural monuments and what are the resulting
treba da poštuju? limitations to its future utilization?
4. How could the decision making process on the
sustainable protection become more accessible to
revitalization and utilization of listed buildings?
5. What physical measures can compensate for or
mend various deficiencies?
6. What demands should be recognized by the
competent protection services in the city of Bern in order
to recompense certain limitations that the investors are
obliged to observe?

2.2 Methods of the study of the existing heritage

2.2 Metode prouþavanja postojeüeg stanja nasleÿa status

Istraživanjem metodom terenskog snimanja The research employing field appraisal of the current
postojeüeg stanja beleže se saþuvani objekti, koji su status enables recording of the preserved buildings
uvršteni u vredne primere arhitektonskog stvaralaštva, u which are listed as valuable examples of architecture
ovom sluþaju u gradu Bernu. Prilikom snimanja stanja, practice, in this case in the city of Bern. On the occasion
po pravilu, konstatuje se da su mnogi objekti promenili of the status appraisal, as a rule, it is found that many
svoj izvorni izgled i da je potrebno istraživanje originalnih structures changed their original appearance, and that it
dokumenata da bi se utvrdili autentiþna struktura i is necessary to investigate the original documents to
autentiþni oblik. determine their authentic structure and form.
Istorijskom metodom se pronalazi i prouþava The historical method finds and studies available
dostupna arhivska graÿa, autentiþne fotografije i drugi archive documents, authentic photographs and other
pisani materijal. U istorijskoj metodi, koriste se primarni written material. When using historical method, the
izvori, odnosno originalna istorijska dokumenta, kao i primary sources are used, i.e. original historical
sekundarni, nastali posredno. documents, as well as the secondary ones, created
Metodom teorijske analize prouþavaju se pisani indirectly.
izvori koji se odnose na nastanak i razvoj svih The theoretical analysis method studies the written
arhitektonskih oblika u bližem okruženju. Ova metoda records, related to the emergence and development of
služi da se stekne šire znanje o graÿevini i njenom all architecture forms in the immediate environment. This
statusu u širem kontekstu gradskog tkiva Berna. method is used to acquire broader knowledge of a
Intervju sa delom relevantnih subjekata kao metod building and its status in the wider context of the city
istraživanja ima ograniþenu verodostojnost, ali se ipak fabric of the city of Bern.
radi, jer se smatra da je dobro uporediti dobijene Interviews with the part of relevant subjects as a
podatke s nekim od pisanih izvora. research method has a limited reliability, but is still
Druga faza istraživanja je ona u kojoj se, na osnovu performed, since it is considered that it is desirable to
navedenih ulaznih podataka, definiše rešenje za compare the obtained data with some written sources.
revitalizaciju pojedinaþnih graÿevina, odnosno utvrdili In the second stage, based on the input data, a solution
procesni modeli, u zavisnosti od formulisanih kriterijuma for revitalization of individual buildings is defined, i.e.
i parametara. process models are determined, depending on the


Komparativna analiza i sinteza služe za izvoÿenje formulated criteria and parameters.
konaþnih rezultata. Kriterijumi izbora svode broj objekata Comparative analysis and synthesis are used for
na najvrednije i najreprezentativnije predstavnike Fonda production of the final results. The Selection criteria
kulturne baštine, za koje se definišu rešenja i izvode bring down the number of buildings to the most valuable
preporuke za primenjivost i standardizaciju tih rešenja u and most representative examples of the Cultural
Srbiji. Sama metodologija predstavlja praktiþno sredstvo Heritage Fund, for which the solutions are defined and
za „analizu korišüenja” u sluþaju upotrebe praznih recommendations are made for feasibility and
istorijskih zgrada u kreativnom smislu. standardization of such solutions in Serbia. The
Naþin sprovoÿenja analize potencijala postojeüih methodology itself represents a practical instrument for
objekata jeste takav da se dobijaju rezultati koji su “utilization analysis” in case when abandoned historical
optimalni za primenu neophodnih kompenzacionih mera. buildings are used in a creative manner.
Ove mere treba da budu kontrolisane tako što se The method of conducting the analysis of potential of
utvrÿuje korist koju one donose buduüim korisnicima, te existing structures is such that the results optimal for
se na osnovu njih daju predlozi za preventivnu zaštitu. implementation of necessary compensation measures
Primenom ove analize korišüenja, buduüi korisnici i are obtained. These measures should be controlled by
investitori dobijaju moguünost da provere rezultate determining the benefit for their future users and on
podobnosti i dobijaju instrument pogodan za dovoÿenje whose basis the proposals for preventive protection are
navedenih nekretnina na željeni, upotrebni nivo. given. By implementing this utilization analysis, the
future users and investors obtain the possibility to check
the suitability results and obtain an instrument
convenient for bringing the mentioned real property to a
desirable, usability level.

2.3 Definisanje primenjenih principa, terminologije i 2.3 Definition of applied principles, terminology
metoda rada and working method

Na temu revitalizacije, kada su u pitanju prazni Regarding revitalization, when it comes to the
istorijski objekti, u literaturi se mogu pronaüi uglavnom abandoned historical buildings only basic information
osnovne informacije. Praktiþno dejstvo revitalizacije can be found in references. Practical effects of revita-
iskazuje se u delu izrade projekta. Koncept je lization are manifest in the design production phase. The
prvenstveno namenjen za revitalizaciju unutrašnjih concept is primarily intended for revitalization of internal
delova onih delova zgrade koji su prazni odnosno parts of those parts of the building which are empty, i.e.
napušteni. Zadovoljavanje uslova korisnika i investitora abandoned. Meeting the conditions of users and
zaštiüenih spomenika kulture samo je poþetna taþka u investors of the listed cultural monuments is only an
postavljanju ciljeva. Korišüenje i održivost objekata je initial point in goal setting. Utilization and sustainability of
pitanje o kojem se u oblasti zaštite i oþuvanja structures is an issue which has never been extensively
graditeljskog nasleÿa nije puno diskutovalo.[9] discussed in the field of protection and preservation of
Veüina savremenih zakona o zaštiti nasleÿa sadrži built heritage. [9]
zahteve za „održivu zaštitu” i upotrebu, ali sam postupak Majority of contemporary regulations on the heritage
nije precizno definisan. Moderna interpretacija zaštite protection contains the demands for “sustainable
istorijskih objekata, za koju se u ovom radu zalaže, protection” and usage, but the procedure itself is not
zasnovana je na otvorenosti upotrebe spomenika precisely defined. Contemporary interpretation of
kulture. Proces orijentisanog pristupa, koji se temelji na historical building protection, which is advocated in this
polazištima ovog rada, nalazi svoje osnove u ponovnom paper, is based on the openness of the cultural
upravljanju objektom (Facility Management). Kreativne monument to usage. The process of oriented approach
metode su na veoma jasan naþin opisane u brojnoj of this paper is based on the reintroduced Facility
literaturi. Postoji, meÿutim, neslaganje u odreÿivanju i Management. The creative methods are in a very clear
postizanju ciljeva svake metode pojedinaþno. way described in the literature. There is, however,
Sistematizacija zahteva, odnosno tipa novih potreba, disagreement in setting and achievement of the goals of
koje se razlikuju od izvornih, ne postoji. Bilo bi veoma each individual method.
efikasno kada bi se na osnovu želja potencijalnih Systematization of requirements, i.e. type of new
korisnika mogli odmah praviti i odgovarajuüi projekti. demands which differ from the original ones, does not
Jedinstvenu klasifikaciju, meÿutim, komplikuju specifiþni exist. It would be very efficient if adequate designs were
zahtevi buduüih korisnika, kao i njihova neodluþnost i immediately created based on the wishes of potential
potreba da se stalno unose promene u zahteve. Izuzetak users. A uniform classification, however, is complicated
su jedino sluþajevi kada su u pitanju Švajcarske državne by the specific requirements of the future users, as well
norme (SIA).[17] as their indecisiveness and need to continually alter the
Test i metode za ispitivanje korišüenja dobrih i requirements. The exceptions are only those cases
sigurnih spomenika kulture mogu se primeniti na taj when Swiss state standards are concerned, (SIA). [17]
naþin. Za opis kompenzacionih mera nudi se struktura The test and testing methods for good and safe
izražena prema Normi SIA 480, „troškovi u cultural monuments can be implemented in this way. For
graÿevinarstvu”. [18] description of compensation measures, the structure
Predmet istraživanja su zaštiüene slobodne, expressed according to Norm SIA 480 is offered, „Costs
odnosno nenaseljene zgrade koje su spomenici kulture. in civil engineering”. [18]
Fokusiranje na zaštiüene objekte uþinjeno je iz dva The subject of the research are listed vacant, that is,


razloga: uninhabited buildings which are cultural monuments.
1. Prvi razlog je to što postoje znaþajna ograniþenja There were two reasons for focusing on the listed
kada je u pitanju adaptacija zgrada, odreÿena modernim buildings:
zahtevima korisnika. Svaka mera koja se preduzima 1. The first reason is that there are considerable
mora biti koordinirana sa stavovima državne službe limitations related to building adaptation, determined by
zaštite. Za nenaseljene zgrade koje nisu spomenici the contemporary demands of the users. Each measure
kulture, znatno brže se donose odluke da se sruše, iako taken must be coordinated with the principles of national
se i one mogu prilagoditi savremenim zahtevima. protection service. In the case of the abandoned buil-
2. Drugi razlog jeste to što spomenici kulture dings which are not cultural monuments, the decisions to
poseduju odreÿena svojstva koja ograniþavaju potpunu demolish them are more quickly made, even though they
slobodu odabira nove upotrebe objekta. Izvorna can be adapted to contemporary demands as well.
upotreba objekata i prenamena kroz istoriju mogu se 2. The second reason is that the cultural monuments
pronaüi u arhivama pod nazivom „Inventar” Agencije za possess certain properties which limit the freedom in
zaštitu spomenika Švajcarske i veoma su dobro selection of a new use of the building. The original
dokumentovani. function of the buildings and conversion through history
Falk definiše termin „revitalizirati” na sledeüi naþin: can be found in the archives under „Inventory“ of the
„Pod revitalizacijom i rekonstrukcijom se podrazumeva Agency for monument protection of Switzerland, and
prilagoÿavanje opreme i kvaliteta vlasništva promenjivim they are very well documented.
tržišnim uslovima, dok u isto vreme zadržavaju Falk defines the term „revitalize” in the following
postojeüu upotrebu.”[7] Razgraniþenje koncepta manner: „Under revitalization and reconstruction is
adaptacije, uz zadržavanje postojeüe upotrebe objekta, comprised: adaptation of equipment and quality of
takoÿe je definisano i obraÿeno u ovom radu. ownership to the changeable market conditions, while
„Revitalizacija”, direktno prevedena, znaþi da nešto simultaneously retaining the existing use.”[7] The
treba da „oživi”, bez obzira na to što üe objekat možda disambiguation of the adaptation concept, while retaining
dobiti novu namenu. U tom smislu, konverzija je subjekt the existing use of the building, is also defined and
revitalizacije. [13] treated in this paper.
Istraživanje i formiranje rešenja obavljaju se u „Revitalization”, in direct translation means that
nekoliko koraka: something should “come to existence” regardless of the
fact that the structure might obtain a new use. In that
sense, conversion is the subject of revitalization. [13]
Research and solution generation is performed in
several steps:

1) Analitiþko-opisni deo 1) Analytical-descriptive part

U analizi se polazi od þinjenice da istorijske zgrade The analysis starts from the fact that historical
imaju specifiþne karakteristike, prema kojima se buildings have specific characteristics, which allow to
prvobitna upotreba i druge prethodne upotrebe objekta clearly define the original and other preceding uses of
mogu jasno definisati. Sigurnost identifikacije originalne the building. Positive identification of the original use is
namene veüa je kada je reþ o velikim objektima. Drugo higher when the large structures are in question. The
ispitivanje se odnosi na utvrÿivanje toga da li je i koliko second research refers to determination whether and to
je moguüe odrediti obuhvat održive zaštite za ove what extent it is possible to determine the scope of
sluþajeve. Problem mnogih slobodnih, praznih, istorijskih sustainable protection of these cases. The problem of
spomenika jeste pronalaženje odgovarajuüe namene, many free, abandoned historical monuments is finding
zbog ograniþenja koja su nametnuta pravnom zaštitom, the adequate use, because of the limitations imposed by
odnosno strožim uslovima promena fiziþke strukture. the legal protection, that is, because of more strict
Zbog toga je razvijen metod, na osnovama istorijske conditions for change of the physical form. Therefore, on
upotrebe objekata, i generišu se potencijalne the basis of the buildings historical use a method is
moguünosti savremene upotrebe. developed, and a potential for contemporary use is
Drugom analizom treba utvrditi odgovarajuüi metod generated.
kojim se odreÿuje kvalitet vlasništva u odnosu na The second analysis should determine the adequate
korištenje, odnosno stanje i sigurnost tog kvaliteta. method for specifying the quality of ownership in respect
Ovom analizom ispituje se i tenzija koja postoji izmeÿu to the use, that is, condition and safety of the quality.
istorijskog razvoja same nekretnine, uprave nadležne za This analysis investigates the tension between the
objekat i konzervacije. historical development of the real property, authority
Na osnovu nalaza ovih analiza, formira se rešenje, competent for the structure and conservation.

x Faza 1: Formiranje metoda za identifikaciju

takoÿe podeljeno na dve faze: Based on the findings of these analyses, a solution is

x Phase 1: Formation of the method for users

formed, which is also divided into two phases:

x Faza 2: Formiranje metodologije za procenu


x Phase 2: Formation of the methodology for users

uticanja zahteva korisnika na svojstva postojeüih
objekata. influence assessment on the characteristics of the
Za formiranje metoda za identifikaciju buduüeg existing buildings.
korisnika (Faza 1) ispituju se odgovarajuüe mere. Bitno Appropriate measures are tested due to establish the
je da se cilj može prilagoditi moguünostima pronalaženja method for future users identification (Phase 1). It is
buduüeg korisnika zgrade. Tokom formiranja metode, important to adapt the goal to the potential of finding the


mogu se uoþiti dve alternative, definisane na sledeüi future user of the building. In the course of method

x Alternativa 1: Poreÿenje svojstva zgrade sa

naþin: formation, two alternatives can be noticed, and they are

x Alternative 1: Comparison of the building properties

defined in the following way:
zahtevima raznih buduüih korisnika da bi se izbegle
neprikladne namene korišüenjem regulativnih with the requirements of various future users in order to
kriterijuma, a istovremeno identifikovao i ograniþio broj avoid the improper uses applying regulatory criteria, and
pogodnih (odgovarajuüih) namena. to simultaneously avoid and identify the number of
Prednost ove alternative je to što proces može biti suitable (appropriate) uses.
razvijan kao instrument za ocenjivanje, zasnovan na The advantage of this alternative is that the process
nauþnoj osnovi; mana je to što su moguüe namene veü can be developed as an instrument for assessment,
zadate. U tom sluþaju, izostaje kreativni momenat, a i based on the scientific grounds. The drawback is that
osobenosti pojedinaþnih objekata su smanjene i ne the potential use is already set. In this case, there is no

x Alternativa 2: U okviru neke ustanove, biroa ili

mogu se uzimati u obzir. creativity, and the characteristics of individual buildings

x Alternative 2: In an institution or bureau the

are reduced, and cannot be taken into consideration.
studija ostvaruje se uspešan odabir potencijalnog
korisnika, putem specifiþnog, kreativnog procesa, successful selection of a potential user is performed,
problemski postavljenog. through a specific problem oriented creative process.
Prednost ove alternative jeste þinjenica da je The advantage of this alternative is the fact that it is
moguüe pronaüi nova i netradicionalna rešenja koja su possible to find new and non-traditional solutions which
uspešna. Potencijal objekta sagledava se putem are successful. The potential of the building is viewed
procesa koji se kasnije može iskoristiti za marketing. through the process which later can be used in
Mana ovog metoda je to što nije nauþno zasnovan. marketing process. The disadvantage of this method is
Rezultati zavise od dobre pripreme i kvalitetno uraÿenog that it is not scientifically based. The results depend on
posla arhitekata i drugih zaposlenih. the good implementation and the quality performance of
Uporeÿivanjem prednosti i mana navedenih the architects and other participants...
alternativa, može se zakljuþiti da Alternativa 2 pruža By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of
više moguünosti za uspešan praktiþni rad. Kreativne these two mentioned alternatives, it can be concluded
ideje se dalje preispituju i proveravaju. that the Alternative 2 provides more potential for
successful practical work. The creative ideas are further
questioned and verified.

2) Predlog za akciju i opis metodologije 2) Action proposal and methodology description

Objekat je ispitan imajuüi u vidu moguünost The building is tested for the potential of objectively
objektivnog adekvatnog korišüenja, bez saznanja da li je adequate use, with no knowledge whether the imple-
implementacija korištenja nekog konkretnog korisnika mentation of the use of some concrete user is possible.
moguüa. Ovakvo ispitivanje omoguüava neku vrstu Such testing enables some kind of a standard offer for
standardne ponude za razliþite namene, bez obzira na different uses, irrespective of the uses.
korisnika. Since there is no list of requirements for different
Pošto ne postoji popis zahteva za razliþite upotrebe, uses, a general list is generated: on one hand the
stvara se opšta lista – s jedne strane, parametara building parameters are listed, and on the other, the
zgrade; s druge strane, zahteva korisnika za procenu requirements of the users for the assessment of
uspešnog korištenja uz održivost zaštite. Obim procene successful use with sustainable protection. The scope of
ispitan je radi ocenjivanja praktiþnosti i taþnosti dobijenih the assessment was tested for the purpose of appraising
rezultata. Konaþni rezultat dobijen je u vidu jedne vrste the practicality and accuracy of the obtained results. The
agende s listom moguüih namena, koja stoji na end result obtained was in the form of an agenda with
raspolaganju svima zaineresovanima. the list of possible uses, which is at disposal of all the
Na primeru praznih, nenaseljenih, a zaštiüenih interested parties.
zgrada, koje su bile u vlasništvu Kantona Bern, The Management and authorities for protection of the
Menadžment i Direkcija za zaštitu objekata grada Berna buildings in the city of Bern tested this development
ispitali su ovu razvojnu metodu i primenili je u praksi na method and put it in practice in the way displayed in the
naþin prikazan u Tabeli 2. Table 2, on the example of abandoned, uninhabited, and
Uþešüe švajcarske države u ukupnom finansiranju listed buildings which were owned by the Bern canton.
UNESCO-a izraženo je u procentima ekonomske moüi, The share of the Swiss state in the total financing of
a iznosi 1,22% ili, pretvoreno u brojke – oko 5,2 miliona UNESCO is expressed in the percentage of economic
švajcarskih franaka. Švajcarska je na þetrnaestom power, and it amounts to 1, 22% or, converted to
mestu po finansiranju UNESCO-a. Imajuüi u vidu veliþi- numbers, around 5, 2 million of Swiss Francs.
nu države i broj stanovnika, iznos koji je Švajcarska Switzerland is ranked 14th in terms of financing. The
izdvojila veoma je velik. Ovoliko izdvajanje, kao ni Swiss contribution of 5.2 million Swiss francs is very high
znatno manje, Republika Srbija ne može da realizuje, for a state of its size and number of inhabitants. The
što može otežati primenu modela zaštite i revitalizacije Republic of Serbia cannot realize such a high (nor even
spomenika kulture na listi Svetske baštine u Srbiji. considerably lower) contribution, which may complicate
implementation of the protection and revitalization model
of the World Heritage monuments in Serbia.


Tabela 2. Prikaz razvojne metode za nenaseljene zaštiüene zgrade
Table 2. Development method for inhabited protected houses


2.4 O staroj gradnji i njenoj zaštiti u Bernu 2.4 On the old building stock and its protection in Bern

Objekti koji su zaštiüeni kao spomenici kulture dokazi The structures which are listed as cultural monu-
su društvenog života prošlih vremena. Oni su deo ments are evidence of social life of past times. They are
kulture jednog društva i svedoþe o naþinu života stanov- a part of the culture of one society and testify the lifestyle
ništva na jednom podruþju. of population in certain area.
Razumevanje objekta zavisi od što taþnijeg pozna- Building comprehension depends on the accurate
vanja vremena kada je izgraÿen i svih promena koje su knowledge about the time when it was built and the
na njemu nastale tokom upotrebe. Prikupljene informa- changes it experienced during the long service. The
cije o istorijskom životu zgrade i njene okoline omoguüa- collected information about the historical life of a building
vaju uspešnu sveobuhvatnu obnovu, rekonstrukciju i and its environment allow a successful comprehensive
buduüe korištenje koje üe produžiti život zgrade kao renovation, reconstruction and future usage which will
spomenika kulture. extend the life of the building as a cultural monument.
Svi prikupljeni podaci, zajedno s tehniþkom doku- All the collected data, along with the technical and
mentacijom i fotodokumentacijom, služe kao podloga za photo documents serve as a basis for formation of
formiranje smernica u pogledu toga kako sa zgradom guidelines of how to treat the building in the future, for
postupati u buduünosti, koje su intervencije moguüe, a finding which interventions are possible, and which are
koje nisu, te kakve su moguünosti za promenu namene, not, and what the potential for function conversion is, if
ukoliko je to rešenje da se graÿevina saþuva i ukljuþi u the solution comprises preservation of the building and
savremeni život grada. Na taj naþin, stvara se baza inclusion in contemporary life of the city. Data basis is
podataka, odnosno inventar kulturnih dobara koji služba created in this way, i.e. inventory of cultural assets which
zaštite spomenika kultre i kancelarija kantona koriste za are used by the Cultural monuments protection service
razne svrhe. S obzirom na broj i preciznost prikupljenih and the canton Chancellery office for various purposes.
podataka, na osnovu tog inventara moguüe je definisati Regarding the number and accuracy of collected data,
celovit plan delovanja, kao i finansijsku strukturu troško- on the basis of the Inventory, it is possible to define an
va za svaku potencijalnu, pojedinaþnu intervenciju, kao integral action plan and a financial structure of the costs
što su konzervacija, sanacija, prenamena funkcije i for each potential, individual intervention such as
revitalizacija kao oblik zaštite graÿevine u njegovoj conservation, rehabilitation, function conversion and
fiziþkoj i duhovnoj celovitosti. revitalization as a form of protection of a building in its
Kada je u pitanju revitalizacija, postoji veoma þvrsto physical and spiritual entirety.
utemeljen uslov da – bez obzira na druge intervencije – When the revitalization is concerned there is a firmly
spoljni izgled objekta mora da zadrži postojeüi izgled. founded condition that, regardless of other interventions,
Nikakve intervencije na fasadama u drugim materijalima the external appearance of the building should retain the
nisu dozvoljene, osim s kamenom, i to boje koja je existing appearance. No interventions using different
karakteristiþna za Stari grad Bern. Što se tiþe izmena u materials on the facades are allowed except with stone,
unutrašnjosti objekata, to je regulisano Pravilnikom o in the colour characteristic of the Old city of Bern. As for
zaštiti, tj. nova namena nekog objekta može se ostvariti the changes inside the buildings, it is regulated by the
samo ukoliko se sprovedu sve mere savremene zaštite, Code on protection, i.e. new function of a structure can
uz poštovanje koncepta buduüeg korisnika. Zato je u be realized only if all the measures of the contemporary
interesu gradske vlasti da, ukoliko je potrebno izvesti protection are conducted with observation of the concept
prenamenu prostorija ili celog zaštiüenog objekta s of the future users. Therefore, it is in the interest of the
ciljem njegovog opstanka, u što kraüem periodu pronaÿe city authorities to convert the rooms or entire listed
novog korisnika i u saradnji s njim odredi buduüu building if necessary, so it may survive, and to find a
namenu. Ovaj postupak podrazumeva to da se nova new user as soon as possible as well as to determine
namena, koja üe se uvesti u objekat, nalazi u registru the future use in cooperation with him. This procedure
delatnosti za koje je prethodno utvrÿeno da su adekvat- comprises the new use which will the building in the
ne prostoru i mestu u istorijskom, zaštiüenom starom register be introduced in of the activities which were
gradu. U zavisnosti od vrste nove funkcije, moguüe je da previously approved to be adequate for the space and
su potrebne samo preventivne, jednostavne popravke location in the historical, protected old town. Depending
manjeg obima i one se veoma uspešno obavljaju. Kada on the type of the new function, it is possible that only
nova namena zahteva znaþajnije promene u unutraš- preventive, simple non-extensive repairs are required,
njem tkivu graÿevine, onda su þesto potrebna i nova, and they are very successfully performed. When a new
savremena rešenja koja üe omoguüiti revitalizaciju use calls for considerable repairs in the interior fabric of
enterijera. Primenjeni materijali za buduüe intervencije the building, then frequently, new contemporary solu-
na objektima ne smeju biti štetni i zagaÿujuüi za ljude i tions are required which will enable revitalization of the
okolinu. Obavezan zahtev je da se ovakve intervencije i interior. The implemented materials in future intervention
eventualno dodatno graÿenje mora obaviti primenom on the structures should be harmless and unpolluted.
konvencionalnog naþina gradnje i ekološki orijentisane The basic requirement is that such interventions and
konstrukcije. potential building extensions should be performed
U tom sluþaju, zahtevi novih korisnika veü su na neki applying conventional method of construction and
naþin unapred sagledani u inventaru moguüih namena, environmentally oriented structures.
te nailaze na spremnu i ekspeditivnu gradsku službu po In this case, requirements of new users are, in a
svim pitanjima zaštite i revitalizacije. way, anticipated through the Inventory of potential uses,
and the city service is ready and efficient for all the
issues of protection and revitalization.


2.5 Održavanje graditeljskog nasleÿa grada Berna 2.5 Care and maintenance of the built heritage of
the city of Bern
„Održavajte svoje spomenike i neüete imati nikakve
probleme i razmišljanja u vezi s tim, ako treba da ih „Take proper care of your monuments and you will
popravite, vi ih popravite. Popravke na krovu izvršite, not need to restore them. A few sheets of lead put in
granje i jesenje lišüe na vreme pokupite i oþistite, time upon the roof, a few dead leaves and sticks swept
zaštitite krov, kao i fasade od ošteüenja. Održavajte in time out of a water-course, will save both roof and
staru zgradu s velikom pažnjom. Brojite svoje kamenje walls from ruin. Watch an old building with an anxious
kao da su dragulji ili drago kamenje, postavite straže za care. Count its stones as you would jewels of a crown;
održavanje kao u palatama ili na kapijama velikih set watches about it as if at the gates of a besieged city;
gradova. Poduprite zidove sa železnim stubovima gde bind it together with iron where it loosens; stay it with
poþinju pucati, poduprite stubovima gde poþinju da se timber where it declines. Better a crutch than a lost limb.
naginju. Bolje je nešto imati u ruci, pa makar i štake, Its evil day must come at last; but let it come declaredly
nego izgubljenu zemlju za gradnju; poslednji dan objektu and openly. “ This is a thought of John Ruskin, great
üe sigurno doüi, ali ga odugovlaþite i onda ga sami English thinker, who was as early as by the mid of
odredite.” Ovu misao je izrekao Džon Raskin, veliki nineteen century aware of the importance of continuing
engleski mislilac, koji je još sredinom devetnaestog veka maintenance of buildings, especially of cultural
bio svestan znaþaja kontinuiranog održavanja graÿevina, monuments. [16]
naroþito spomenika kulture. [16] Ruskin was right. With small efforts, one can
Raskin je imao pravo. S malim naporima, može se preserve the condition of a building and postpone
postojeüe stanje zgrade zaštititi, a rekonstrukcija i reconstruction and renovation, and save considerable
obnova mogu doneti uštedu, ukoliko se sve redovno finances if everything is regularly maintained. It is absurd
održava. Apsurdno je da se jedan spomenik kulture to completely neglect a cultural monument, and only
potpuno zanemari, a da se onda preduzimaju mere then undertake a protective measure. The scope and
zaštite. Obim i vrste mera zaštite za tako drastiþno type of protective measures for so drastically neglected
zapuštene sluþajeve mnogo koštaju. Nemaran odnos cases require considerable financial resources. Neglect
prema vrednim spomenicima kulture þešüi je meÿu for the valuable cultural monuments is more frequently
vlasnicima privatnih poseda, pa se u praksi dogaÿa da present among private property owners, thus, in
se jedan isti objekat mora potpuno obnavljati u practice, one and the same building should be fully
vremenskom razmaku od dve generacije. Radovi na renovated in a short time span of two generations. The
zaštiti i obnovi spomenika kulture u privatnom vlasništvu protection and renovation works of the privately owned
obavljaju se nakon dogovora izmeÿu vlasnika objekta i cultural monuments are performed after agreement
Komisije za zaštitu spomenika kulture, što može potrajati between the property owner and the Historical Protection
dok se obezbede finansije, a objekat u meÿuvremenu i Commission, which may be a prolonged process until
dalje propada. Komisija za zaštitu spomenika kulture zna finances are provided, while the structure is exposed to
da takav pristup održavanja objekata nije dobar, jer further dilapidation in this period. The Historical Protec-
uzrokuje propadanje objekata, kao i velike, neplanirane tion Commission is aware that such approach to building
troškove buduüeg renoviranja, ali nije uvek u stanju da to maintenance is inadequate, since it causes dilapidation
spreþi. of buildings and high unscheduled cost of future
Institucije i pojedinci, odnosno oni koji su odgovorni renovation, but is unable to prevent it in all the cases.
za zaštitu i revitalizaciju objekata, ranije su preduzimali Institutions and individuals, i.e. those who are
tzv. jednostavne mere preventivne zaštite, koje daju responsible for protection and revitalization of buildings
rezultate na duži period. U meÿuvremenu, primenjuju se undertook in the past the so called “simple” preventive
još mnoge mere preventivne zaštite, kojima je saþuvan protection measures and those measures have long
veüi broj spomenika kulture, što je i omoguüilo da term effects. In the interim period, a large number of
zaštiüeni grad Bern dospe na listu Svetske baštine additional preventive protection measures were
UNESCO-a. Mehaniþka vrsta zaštite pokazala se veoma implemented and thus, preserved lots of cultural
efikasnom. To je, u suštini, veoma praktiþna mera kojom monuments that enabled the protected city of Bern to be
se spomenik može popravitii ili prepraviti, poštujuüi added to the List of UNESCO World heritage. The
princip reverzibilnosti. Ova vrsta zaštite dolazi do mechanical protection proved to be very efficient. It is, in
izražaja kada je primenjuju vlasnici privatnih objekata essence, a very practical measure, which can repair or
koji su pod zaštitom, jer se s malim troškovima postiže change the monument; the principle of reversibility is
veüi uþinak zaštite. Na primer, jedna od tehnika koja se observed in the process. This protection measure is
koristi u svrhu preventivne zaštite jeste oþvršüavanje significant in the cases when the private owners possess
kamena pešþara, od koga je grad Bern sazidan, jednom the listed buildings, because little expenditure provides
vrstom cementa pomešanog s krupnijim frakcijama high protection effects. For instance, one of the
mlevenog kamena. Taj materijal koristi se s jednom techniques used for preventive protection is hardening of
vrstom lepka, þija je receptura specijalno napravljena za sandstone, which was used for building the city of Bern,
potrebe konzerviranja starog grada. Materijal je using a sort of cement mixed with coarse fractions of
kompozitan i nov, sastavljen na preporuku Zavoda za ground stone. This material is used along with an
zaštitu spomenika, da bi se spreþio i rešio viševekovni adhesive whose mix was specially designed for the
problem s vodom. Vlaga i kapilarno penjanje vode kroz purposes of conservation of the old town. It is a new
materijale od kojih je napravljen Stari grad (sivi kamen composited material, designed following the
pešþar) predstavljali su ogroman problem u zaštiti grada. recommendation of the Monument protection Institute, in
Da bi se izbegle kompletna rekonstrukcija i obnova, order to solve a several centuries lasting problem with


mora se primeniti preventivna zaštita koja ima isti znaþaj water. Moisture and capillary rise of water through the
kao i redovna zaštita koja se uobiþajeno primenjuje na materials used for building of the Old town (which is
spomenike kulture. Preventivna zaštita, u ovom sluþaju build of the grey sandstone), were a huge issue in
znaþi „sprovoditi redovnu obnovu i kontrolu”. protection of the city.
U Bernu, Komisija za održavanje spomenika, nakon In order to avoid the process of a total repair and
izrade završnog raþuna i uraÿene evidencije obavljenih protection (reconstruction and renovation) preventive
preventivnih mera, oba izveštaja šalje vlasnicima protection should be implemented and it is equally
zaštiüenih objekata da budu u toku s delatnošüu u toku important as the regular protection which is usually used
jedne godine. U istom izveštaju nalaze se i predlozi za for cultural monuments. Preventive protection, in this
periodiþne kontrole spomenika kulture. Vlasnicima se case means “performing regular renovation and control”.
nudi da se, na primer, svake dve godine obave kontrole After the final balance has been done and after
krovova i da se konstatuje njihovo stanje, o þemu bi registering all the performed preventive measures, the
vlasnici bili obavešteni. Dalje, u popisu predloga nalaze Historical Preservation Commission of Bern sends both
se i izveštaji o podovima u unutrašnjim prostorijama, kao reports to the owners of the listed buildings so they can
i saveti o tome kako se najbolje održavaju. Ove stavke, keep the record of the activities within a year. In the
koje govore o tome kako bi nešto trebalo da izgleda u same report, there are proposals for periodical controls
prostoru, mogu se navesti i u glavnom ugovoru koji se of cultural monuments. The owners are offered that, for
sklapa izmeÿu Komisije za istorijsku zaštitu (odgovara example, every two years roof controls are performed
Zavodu za zaštitu spomenika kulture u Srbiji) i vlasnika and their condition established. The owners are informed
zaštiüenog objekata. of the findings. Further, in the list of proposals, there are
Mnogi objekti u gradu Bernu su javnog sadržaja i u reports about floors in interior rooms, and the advice
privatnom su vlasništvu, tako da je i na njih primenjen about how to maintain them in the best manner. These
Zakon o zaštiti. Za otvorene (objekti javnih i poslovnih items, describing how something should look like in
sadržaja) javne objekte dogovoreno je da se, u odgova- space, can also be included in the main contract signed
rajuüim periodima od nekoliko godina, sazivaju sastanci by the Historical Preservation Commission and the
predstavnika Komisije i organizacija ili firmi koje su u owner of the listed building.
objektima privatnog vlasništva, na kojima üe se Many buildings in the city of Bern have public use but
dogovarati o daljim aktivnostima. Ti sastanci su nesum- are privately owned, so the Law on protection applies to
njivo veoma znaþajni, jer se na njima dogovori postižu them as well. It is agreed that the open public buildings
veoma brzo, posebno ukoliko se konstatuje da nisu (buildings with public and business uses), will be a
potrebna velika ulaganja. subject matter of the meetings between the
Na primer, ukoliko se uoþe manja ošteüenja na representatives of the Commission and the organization
fasadnom platnu, jer su fuge na fasadi popustile, ili ako and companies, in the appropriate several years
su ošteüene stepenice, ako se ogulila boja na ulaznim intervals, where the further activities will be discussed.
vratima ili su vidljiva i neka druga osetljiva, ali minimalna Those meetings are, undoubtedly, of great significance
ošteüenja na zgradi, Komisija može reagovati veoma and they proved to be important, because agreements
brzo. Ona predlaže zakljuþenje jednog kontrolnog can be reached very quickly if it is established that no
ugovora s firmom koju üe izabrati na pozivnom major investment is required.
konkursu. Firme iz te oblasti poznate su Komisiji i od njih For instance, the Commission can react very quickly
nekoliko, obiþno su tri do þetiri renomirane za potrebnu if small damage are observed on the façade walls
vrstu posla. because the pointing joints cracked, or stairways are
Po pozivu, firme daju svoje ponude, a komisija je ta damaged, or the paint on the entrance doors peeled off
koja odreÿuje ko üe da dobije posao održavanja odre- or some other sensitive but minimum damage is visible
ÿenog objekta. Ugovor se prosleÿuje vlasniku javnog on the building. They propose making a control contract
objekta koji daje ili ne daje pristanak na to. Ako vlasnik with a company to be selected at an invitation to bid. The
pristane, potpisan ugovor vraüa se u Zavod, koji poziva companies dealing in this field are known to the
izabranu firmu da zapoþne obavljanje zaštite. Preli- Commission, and out of several of them, usually 3-4 are
minarni ugovor koji je potpisan s firmom za održavanje specialized for this type of works.
ima dejstvo dve godine, s moguünošüu raskida posle After the invitation, the companies give their offers,
godinu dana. Firma koja održava objekat podnosi izveš- and the Commission decides on whom to entrust the
taj u kome mora biti navedeno: šta je kontrolisano i u maintenance of a certain building. The contract is
kakvom je stanju, da li su potrebne neke mere zaštite, forwarded to the owner of the public building, which he
obnove ili rekonstrukcije. Time je obezbeÿeno da mala may or may not give consent for. If the consent is given,
ošteüenja budu na vreme otkrivena i ako je potrebno, the signed contract is returned to the Commission, which
sanirana. invites the selected company to start with the protection
Navedenim merama spreþava se pojava velikih works execution. The preliminary contract which is
ošteüenja, jer se, s obzirom na kontrolu, ne mogu razviti. signed with the maintenance company has a validity of
Svi izveštaji o uraÿenim kontrolama moraju se blago- two years, with the provision for termination after a year.
vremeno dostaviti i ništa se ne sme zanemariti. Službe The company maintaining the building submits a report
koje su nadležne za tu vrstu posla moraju biti do detalja which should include: what was controlled and in what
informisane o tome kako üe se sve popravke obaviti ili condition it is, and if some protective, renovation or
kako üe se objekat zaštititi, koliko vremena treba da se reconstruction measures are required. This provides
to uradi i koliko üe košati. Svi detalji moraju objektivno early discovery and potential repair of small damage.
biti predstavljeni i trajno dokumentovani. These measures prevent the onset of a major
U Bernu je bilo velikih propusta u zaštiti istorijskog damage, which cannot develop due to the control. All the


nasleÿa pre Drugog svetskog rata, ali navedene mere, reports of performed controls should be timely submitted
uvedene pre sedam do osam decenija, tu situaciju su and nothing neglected. The services competent for that
znaþajno promenile. Ta promena se manifestuje, pre sort of the work should be informed in detail about how
svega, u postupnom, ali stalnom posmatranju spomeni- the repairs or protection will be performed, what time is
ka, te blagovremenim popravkama, kako se ti propusti needed and how much it will cost. All the details should
ne bi ponovili. be objectively presented and permanently documented.
In Bern, there were large failures in protection of the
historical heritage before the WWII, but the mentioned
measures, introduced seven to eight decades ago,
considerably changed this situation. This change is
manifested primarily in gradual but continuous moni-
toring of the monuments, timely repairs so that the
failures are unlikely to happen again.

2.6 Inventarisanje spomenika kulture kao 2.6. Making an inventory of the cultural monuments
preventivna zaštita as a preventive protection measure

Veoma dugo su u Bernu samo neke javne i sakralne For very long time, only some public and sacral
graÿevine bile oznaþene kao spomenici kulture. Na buildings were listed and marked as cultural monuments
primer, Gradska palata, jedna od najstarijih palata istorij- in Bern. The examples are the Town Palace, which is
skog dela Berna, od vlasnika i u politiþkim krugovima one of the oldest palaces of the historical part of Bern,
oznaþena kao bitan objekat u memoriji grada Berna, kao which was by the owner and in certain political circles
i Katedrala (Münster), zapoþeta 1421. godine, najviša u marked as an important structure in the memory of the
Švajcarskoj. Broj spomenika kulture se pažljivo i city of Bern, as well as the Cathedral (Münster) whose
postepeno proširivao. construction began in 1421 as the tallest cathedral in
S velikom pažnjom i brigom, Komisija za održavanje Switzerland. The number of cultural monuments
spomenika kulture priprema i sastavlja izveštaje tako da carefully and gradually expanded.
budu razumljivi i ljudima koji nisu struþnjaci, da bi svi bili The Historical Protection Commission with great care
upoznati s radovima koji üe se izvoditi na spomenicima and attention prepares and composes the reports, so
kulture. Ipak, ti spiskovi nisu uvek ispunjavali sve uslove that they are readily understandable to the people who
i zato se poslednjih dvadesetak godina intenzivno radi are not experts, so that they will be acquainted with the
na vrednovanju graditeljskog nasleÿa da bi ono moglo works to be executed on the cultural monuments. Yet,
da se što kvalitetnije inventariše. Istovremeno, ovaj these lists sometimes fail to meet all the requirements
inventar se digitalizuje u centralnoj bazi podataka, u and therefore, there has been an intensive effort in the
kojoj se, prilikom popisa, ispunjavaju svi državni, kanto- past twenty years to evaluate the building heritage, so
nalni i gradski zakoni zaštite objekata. Od poþetka rada, that it could be entered in an inventory. Simultaneously,
Komisija se veoma trudila da ono što radi naiÿe na this inventory is digitalized in the central data bank,
razmevanje i prihvatanje graÿana Berna, jer upravo according to all federal, cantonal and city laws. Since the
graÿani putem raznih poreskih oblika plaüaju rad beginning of work, the Commission endeavoured to
Komisije. Pre nekoliko godina, ustanove graÿanske have its activities accepted and understood by the
inicijative uspele su da se izbore za pravo odluþivanja i citizens of Bern, since the citizens pay for the operation
uticaja na odluþivanje prilikom upisa zaštiüenih zgrada u of the Commission, through various forms of taxes.
spisak Inventara. Several years ago, the citizens’ initiatives establishments
Oblici graÿanske inicijative dobili su „zeleno svetlo” u succeeded in gaining right to decide and affect decision
ministarstvima Kantona Bern i pravo odluþivanja sta- making on the occasion of including listed buildings in
novnika grada podignuta su na viši nivo. Sistem u praksi the Inventory list.
funkcioniše tako što Komisija popisuje objekte, The forms of citizens’ initiatives got the green light in
klasifikuje ih, odreÿuje kategoriju zaštite, ali ukoliko, na the ministries of the Bern Canton and the citizens
osnovu struþnih istraživanja, Komisija odluþi da se decision making rights were brought to a higher level. In
spomenik kulture mora srušiti ili znaþajno renovirati, bez practice, the system work comprises the Committee
obzira na to što üe to skupo koštati poreske obveznike, making a list of the buildings, classifying them,
tada graÿani istupaju sa svojom inicijativom. Graÿanska determining the protection category; but if the
inicijativa je mehanizam koji se u Švajcarskoj, pa tako i u Committee, based on the professional expertise, decides
Bernu, maksimalno koristi. ýim graÿani konstatuju da to demolish the cultural monument, or to extensively
treba da reaguju, oni prikupljaju potpise i raspisuje se renovate it, regardless of the high cost for the tax
referendum o tom problemu, o tome da li treba da se payers, then the citizens come forth with their initiative.
prihvati odluka Komisije ili ne. The citizens’ initiative is mechanism that is used to the
Rezultati referenduma obavezujuüi su za sve maximum in Switzerland and thus in Bern. As soon as
uþesnike tog procesa. S tim mehanizmom odluþivanja, the citizens conclude that they should react they gather
procesi se odvijaju na obostranu korist. Na taj naþin, signatures and put the issue on a referendum whether to
procenjuje se, odnosno prihvata ili kritikuje rad Komisije. accept the Committee decision or not.
Komisija za zaštitu objekata uvek je pod lupom javnosti, The referendum results are binding for all the
njen rad je potpuno transparentan. Javnost i transpa- participants of the process. With this decision-making
rentnost glavna su obeležja u radu ove institucije. mechanism, the processes are beneficial for both sites.
Osnovni pristup u radu jeste da se problemi rešavaju na In this way the work of the Committee is assessed, i.e.


samom poþetku, i to dijalogom i dogovaranjem, da posle accepted or criticized. The Cultural monument protection
ne bi došlo do konfliktnih situacija, jer tada svi graÿani Committee is always in view of the vigilant public; its
snose posledice. Zato se sve opcije rada na spome- work is fully transparent. Public character and trans-
nicima kulture predstavljaju odmah na poþetku, iznose parency are the main traits of the operation of this
se na javnu raspravu, organizuje se skupština graÿana i institution. The basic approach to the work is to solve the
donose se zakljuþci. problems at the very outset, through a dialogue and
agreement in order to avoid the conflicting situations,
because all the citizens have to bear the consequences
resulting from the problematic situation. Therefore, all
the options of the work on the cultural monuments are
presented at the beginning, taken to public discussion,
an assembly of the citizens is organized and conclusions
are drawn.

2.7 Preventivna zaštita koju nalažu zakonski 2.7 Preventive protection prescribed by the legal
propisi regulations

Ukoliko se pojavi problem, odnosno ako treba da se Certain research is performed in phases if a problem
donese odluka o tome da li üe se neki objekat rušiti ili occurs; that means a decision is made on whether a
obnavljati, treba obaviti odreÿena istraživanja po building will be demolished or restored. The experience
fazama. Iskustvo je pokazalo da prvo treba odrediti vrstu has shown that the use of the building lot should be
namene parcele, zatim namenu objekta na toj parceli, a determined first, then the use of the building on the lot
potom napraviti predlog na koji naþin se može spasti and then to make a proposal in what way the building
objekat, odnosno mora li se srušiti. can be salvaged or it should be pulled down.
Obim radova unapred je odreÿen, pa je zato veoma The scope and amount of work is determined in
važno da Komisija za održavanje objekata unapred advance, so, therefore, it is very important that the
dobije kompletna uputstva u vezi s postojeüim objektom. Commission for building maintenance receives the
Zakon grada Berna sadrži sve što je potrebno u vezi s complete instructions related to the existing building in
gradnjom i zaštitom osetljivih objekata, kako u samom advance. The law of the city of Bern comprises all
gradu, tako i u Kantonu Bern. Zakoni su potpuno odre- necessary details concerning construction and protection
ÿeni, naroþito deo zakonskih odredaba koje se odnose of sensitive buildings, both in the city itself and in the
na zaštiüeni istorijski deo, poznat kao Stari Bern. Ova Bern Canton. The regulations are entirely determined,
stavka nije baš povoljna za buduüe investitore koji bi especially the part relating to the listed historical part
želeli da ulažu u okviru Starog grada, bilo da je reþ o known as the Old Bern. This fact is beneficial for the
stambenim ili javnim objektima. Zakonske odredbe su future investors who would like to invest, within the Old
jasne i ne mogu se drugaþije tumaþiti osim onako kako city, regardless of whether those are housing or public
su u zakonu propisane i svi uþesnici, ukljuþujuüi i sve buildings. The legal regulations are clear and
stanovnike Berna, saglašavaju se s tim. U Gradskom inaccessible to a different interpretation except as laid
graÿevinskom zakonu grada Berna iz 1979. godine u down by law, and all the participants, including all the
þlanu 75, paragraf 3, piše: „Zgrada, grupa zgrada, blo- citizens of Bern, agree with that. In the City building
kovi i delovi istorijske arhitekture imaju ulogu u regulations, Bern 1979, Article 75, paragraph 3 is
specijalnoj zaštiti, i podrazumeva se da se neprihvatljivi quoted: “A building, group of buildings, blocks and parts
poslovi na zgradama ne obavljaju, jer bi to moglo da of historical architecture have the role in special
izazove sukob s javnim mnjenjem. Opisane su granice, protection, and it is comprised that the unacceptable
razdaljine meÿu zgradama, Mehrlangenzuschlage, interventions on the buildings are not carried out, which
rastojanja od graÿevinske linije i visine zgrada koje se could create conflict with the public opinion. The city
moraju održavati. U sluþaju katastrofe, stari zaštiüeni inventory explains the parts of the cantonal law (article
objekti treba da se izgrade na originalnim mestima, sa 8/19 Bau, article 12 Bau V). Bordering lines, distances
identiþnim fasadama, atrijima i karakterom koji treba da between buildings, distances from the frontage line and
se saþuva. Celokupni karakter se ne može promeniti heights of the buildings which should be maintained are
renoviranjem i dogradnjama na zgradama.” Dodatak br. described. In the case of a catastrophe, the old listed
4 glasi: „Nove graÿevine kao ni dogradnje u Starom buildings should be constructed in their original places
gradu ne smeju da promene gradsku perspektivu. with identical facades, atria, and character which must
Izuzeci za gradnju višespratnih dodataka neüe biti be preserved. The overall character must not be
prihvaüeni.”[20] changed with renovations or extensions on buildings.”
Ovaj zakon, s jasno definisanim odrednicama o Addition no. 4 defines that: “new buildings nor
zaštiti, važi samo za Stari grad Bern [25] koji je zadržao extensions in the Old city must not change the
originalan izgled [23]; izvan granica tog podruþja, zakon cityscape”. The exceptions for construction of multi-
nema tako striktno dejstvo. Na teritoriji Starog grada storey extensions will not be accepted.”[20]
zadaci Komisije za održavanje spomenika kulture This law, with clearly defined protection provisions, is
zasnivaju se na Kantonalnim zakonima. Na delovima valid only for the Old city of Bern [25], which retained its
gradske teritorije koja nije pod zaštitom države veoma je original appearance, [23] while outside this area the law
važno kako üe se planirati zaštita i revitalizacija. Tokom is leniently enforced. In the territory of the Old city, the
rada u toj oblasti, Komisija je istovremeno izložena tasks of the Historical Protection Commission are based
kontroli javnosti i stanovnika grada Berna kao neposred- on the Canton regulations. It is very important to plan


nih korisnika graditeljskog nasleÿa. protection and revitalization of those areas of city
Jedno od važnih pravila za gradnju u Bernu jeste da territory which is not under the federal protection. During
su izgradnja i namena objekta na svakoj parceli jasno the work in this area, the Commission is simultaneously
precizirani: dužina graÿenja (okvirno), dubina iskopa, subject to control of the mentioned public and citizens of
visina spratnosti, koeficijenti izgraÿenosti, minimalan broj the city Bern, as direct beneficiaries of the building
parking mesta, izgradnja skloništa i drugo. Detaljno heritage.
odreÿenje pomenutih parametara propisuje Gradska One of the important construction rules in the city of
kancelarija za planiranje po planu o izgradnji grada iz Bern is that construction and use of buildings on each lot
1987. godine, i ona se, takoÿe, brine o tome da tradi- are clearly defined: the construction duration
cionalni stambeni blokovi pružaju visok stambeni komfor, (approximately), depth of excavation, number of floors,
kao i da se održe dizajn, jedinstvo i þistoüa tih delova floor area ratio, minimum number of parking space,
grada. Planirani koeficijent novih zgrada je odreÿen u construction of shelters etc. A detailed determination of
skladu s postojeüim oþuvanim objektima. Dozvoljena je the mentioned parameters is prescribed by the City
gradnja na mestima gde je moguüe razviti urbani prostor planning office according to the city building plan of
ili gde se oþekuje intenzivniji razvoj ekonomskih 1987, and it also takes care that the traditional housing
aktivnosti. Plan o izgradnji grada nije izriþito povezan s blocks offer high living comfort as well as to maintain
planom zaštiüenih spomenika kulture. Plan ne objaš- design, unity and cleanliness of these parts of the city.
njava to da li se prostor koji je potreban za život stano- The planned coefficient of the new buildings is
vnika mora obezbediti s postojeüim zgradama ili je determined in agreement with the already existing
potrebno graditi nove zgrade. Ipak, ovako definisan, plan preserved buildings. The construction is permitted at the
je u veüini sluþajeva eliminisao pretnju da üe mnogi locations where it is possible to develop the urban space
postojeüi objekti biti srušeni usled zahteva javnosti za or where an intensive development of economic
novim prostorima. U veüini sluþajeva nema finansijskog activities is expected.
opravdanja da se zgrada sruši i da se gradi nova. U tom The city building plan is indirectly connected with the
smislu, Bauklassenplan grada Berna imao je znaþajnu plan of listed cultural monuments. The plan fails to
ulogu. To je posebno uoþljivo kada je reþ o graÿevinskoj explain whether the space required for the life of the
klasi E (ocena postojeüe konstrukcije), jer se u okruženju citizens should be provided with the existing buildings, or
može graditi samo u skladu sa zaštiüenom zgradom. [2] if it is necessary to build the new ones. Yet, the plan thus
U planu za izgradnju u graÿevinskoj klasi E ne navodi se defined in most cases eliminated the threat that many
konkretno da li se specifiþna zgrada treba održavati ili existing buildings will be demolished due to the public
ne. Meÿutim, ukoliko se novi objekat gradi na mestu demand for new areas. In majority of the cases, there is
starog, koji je oznaþen kao klasa E, onda novi objekat no financial justification to demolish a building and to
mora da zadrži plan volumena i visinu stare zgrade. build a new one. In this sense, Bauklassenplan of the
Dogradnja je jedna od moguünosti da se poboljšaju city of Bern played an important role. It is especially
uslovi stanovanja, ali samo ukoliko taj dodatak zadrži noticeable when it comes to the building class E
istorijske odlike postojeüe graÿevine. Tim merama plan (evaluation of the existing structures), since in the given
spreþava nepotrebna rušenja postojeüih zgrada, kao i environment, it is permitted to build only in harmony with
spomenika kulture, što se pre donošenja plana þesto the listed buildings. [2]
dogaÿalo. In the construction plan for the building class E there
are no concrete guidelines whether the specific building
needs maintenance or not. However, if the new building
is constructed in place of the old one, which was
designated as class E, than the new building should
retain the layout and height of the old building. Extension
is one of the possibilities to improve the living conditions,
but only if this extension retains the historical charac-
teristics of the existing building. These measures of plan
prevent the unnecessary demolition of the existing
buildings, as well as the cultural monuments, which was
often the case prior to enactment of the plan.


Ukoliko se u nekim delovima grada stvore nezado- If unsatisfactory conditions are created in some parts
voljavajuüi uslovi, onda se rade specijalni planovi za of the city, then the special plans are produced for the
buduüi razvoj tog podruþja.[2] U Bernu, kao i u celoj future development of that area.[2] In Bern, as well as in
Evropi, planiranje dalje buduünosti neke gradske all of Europe, planning of distant future of a city structure
strukture može uzrokovati zabrinutost javnosti ukoliko se may lead to the raised concern of the public, if the
predlažu neprimerena rešenja. Ovo ukljuþuje i problem unsuitable solution are proposed. This entails the
vlasništva istorijskih zgrada koje imaju specijane planove problem of ownership of historical buildings which have
u pogledu revitalizacije. Tradicionalno, one su poznate special plans related to revitalization. Traditionally, they
kao zaštiüeno privatno vlasništvo, zaštiüena ili privatna are known as “protected private property” or „private
svojina. Planiranjem se privatni i javni problemi property“. By planning, both private and public problems
uglavnom podjednako razmatraju. Zabrinutost za znaþaj- are mostly equally considered. Concern for the cultural


ne spomenike kulture samo je jedan od mnogih faktora. monuments of outstanding value is only one of many
Može se dogoditi da interesi politiþkih vlasti i glasaþa factors. It may occur that the interest of political
mogu vredeti manje od ekonomskih interesa i da se authorities and voters may be outweighed by the
zaštita spomenika kulture može odbiti. economic interest, and that protection of cultural
Svaki potencijalni sukob u planskom procesu treba monuments is rejected.
da se izbegne ili da se odloži za neko vreme, da bi se o Every potential conflict in the planning process
tome raspravljalo na nekim kasnijim sastancima. Iz should be avoided or postponed for a certain time, so
perspektive zaštite, veoma je važno da se saþini spisak that it could be discussed in some later meetings. From
zgrada koje nisu od izuzetne istorijske vrednosti. Ipak, the perspective of protection, it is very important to make
prilikom buduüeg korišüenja tih objekata vodi se briga ne a list of buildings which are not of special historical
samo o finansijskoj isplativosti, nego i o kvalitetu zaštite value. Yet, in the future use of these buildings, care is
njihovih istorijskih osobina. Primer za to jeste provizija taken not only about the financial profitability but also
koja se dobija po završetku zadatka. Kad je reþ o about the quality of protection of their historical
najvrednijim spomenicima i njihovim vrednostima, kon- characteristics. An example for that is the fee obtained
senzus o dugoroþnoj zaštiti treba da bude obezbeÿen. upon completion of the task. When the most valuable
Efektivni naþini preventivne konzervacije su u Bernu, monuments are concerned, the consensus on the long-
nažalost, ograniþeni. term protection should be provided. The efficient
Kao deo Naredbe o izgradnji, vlasnici finansija üe methods of preventive conservation in Bern are,
uživati korist kada se odreÿena zgrada ne koristi, pa se unfortunately, limited.
restaurira i dobije novu namenu. U Uredbi Zavoda za As a part of the Building order, the financers can
izgradnju grada za korištenje javnog zemljišta na kojem make profit in cases when a certain building is disused
se nalaze spomenici kulture stoji da polovinu troškova and is then restored and put to a new use. The decree of
plaüaju poreski obveznici, a ta sredstva se koriste za the City building Agency prescribes that half of the costs
restauraciju zgrada, te se tako izbegava dodatno of the land occupied by the cultural monuments is borne
finansiranje iz budžeta graÿana. by the tax payers, and those resources are used for
Preventivna konzervacija predstavlja reakciju koja je buildings restoration, and thus the additional financing
proizašla iz specifiþnih okolnosti. Istorijska konzervacija from the citizens’ budget is avoided. Preventive
ima mnogo nivoa i mnogo alata za preventivne mere conservation represents a reaction resulting from the
zaštite. Tokom poslednjih dvadeset godina, pokušava- specific circumstances. Historical conservation has
juüi da se zaštiti, grad Bern je usvojio mnoge od tih multiple levels and tools for preventive protection
metoda i sproveo ih u praksu. Deo procesa je završen, measures. During the last twenty years, in an attempt to
ali konaþan cilj još nije dostignut. protect itself, the city of Bern adopted many methods
and put them in practice. A part of the process is
completed, but the final goal has not yet been achieved.

3.1 Idiliþna zaštita okoline u gradu Bernu 3.1 Idyllically protection of the environment in the
city of Bern
Grad Bern je 1979. godine formirao posebnu
gradsku Agenciju za istorijsku zaštitu. To je bio odgovor The city of Bern established a special city protection
na zabrinutost države i Bernskog kantonalnog konzer- agency in 1979. It was a response caused by the
vatora, pogotovo zbog ubeÿenja gradske vlasti i graÿana concern of the state and the cantonal conservationist of
u to da je stari grad Bern, kao celina, baština meÿu- Bern, but also by the deep conviction of the city
narodne vrednosti i da je intenzivna zaštita preko authorities and citizens that the old town of Bern as a
potrebna. Meÿutim, veü od poþetka, rad agencije nije bio whole was a heritage of an international importance and
ograniþen samo na Stari grad, ukljuþene su takoÿe i that the intensive protection was required. However,
važne istorijske zgrade u predgraÿu, a kasnije i vredne from the outset, the work of the agency was unlimited to
graÿevine modernog doba. Podela odgovornosti i rada the old town, included were many important historical
odreÿena je geografskom podelom, a za sve poslove buildings in the suburbs, and in the later period some
konaþno je nadležna Gradska struþna komisija, bez valuable modern age building. The division of
obzira na kategorizaciju objekata. competences and work is determined by the geographic
Bliska saradnja s kantonalnom službom za division, and the Professional city Committee is
preventivnu zaštitu umnogome je doprinela boljoj brizi za ultimately competent for all the works irrespective of the
nasleÿe. S ciljem da bude što manje nepravilnosti, building categorization.
doneta je odluka da Gradska konzervatorska komisija Close cooperation with the cantonal service for
bude jedina odgovorna za sve finansijske kredite preventive protection largely contributed to a better level
buduüih projekata u oblasti zaštite. Na taj naþin, jednom of care about of the built heritage. A decision was made
peticijom, odnosno prigovorom, moguüe je prijaviti to make the city`s Historical Protection Commission be
nepravilnosti u radu i kontroli transparentnosti rada ove solely responsible for all the financial credits of the future
komisije. Jasno definisanom metodom obraþuna servis- protection projects. Thus, by only one petition, i.e.
nih usluga od strane Udruženja švajcarskih zaštitara, objection, it is possible to report the irregularities in the
omoguüeno je da se izraþuna þist, transparentno vidljiv work and control of the work of this Commission. Due to
doprinos koji mora da se obezbedi.[20] Pod voÿstvom the clearly defined method of billing of services by the
razliþitih kreditnih agencija, doprinosi su poþeli da se Swiss Agency for the Protection of Cultural Property it is
uplaüuju. Doprinosi su jedan od elemenata na kojima se possible to calculate a clear and transparent contribution
bazira rad Agencije za zaštitu grada Berna, iako je ona, which should be provided. [20] Under guidance of


uglavnom, nadzorno i savetodavno telo. various credit agencies, the contributions began to pay
Agencija, takoÿe, nadgleda projekte za glavne off. The contributions are one of the elements on which
poslove, kao što je formiranje inventara spomenika the operation of the Agency for Protection of the City of
kulture. Predsedavajuüi u ovoj agenciji je konzervator iz Bern is based, even though it is mostly concerned with
Komisije za istorijsku zaštitu. Ova komisija svake dve supervision and consulting.
godine dodeljuje nagradu dr Jost-Hartmann, za „najbolje The Agency also supervises the projects of the major
revitalizovanu i zaštiüenu kuüu u Starom Bernu”.[22] tasks, such as establishing the cultural monuments
Nagraÿuju se osobe koje su, preduzimajuüi resta- inventory. The chairman of the Agency is a
uraciju, sledile principe zaštite i oþuvale integritet vredne conservationist belonging to the Historical Protection
graÿevinske strukture. Nagrade se dodeljuju arhitektima Commission, and the other members are respectable
i graÿevinskim koncernima, inženjerima i restauratorima, professionals in fields relevant for the cultural property
zanatlijama, ali i zaslužnim politiþarima. ýlanovi Agencije protection. The Commission biannually awards the dr
godinama se ne menjaju, da bi se oþuvali ustanovljeni Jost-Hartmann prize, for the best revitalized and
kriterijumi. Imajuüi u vidu broj spomenika kulture koji su protected house in Old Bern”. [22]
pod njihovom brigom, njihovi uslovi za delovanje su The prizes are awarded to the individuals who,
skromni. Poslednje þetiri godine izvori finansija su se undertaking restoration, followed the protection princi-
smanjili, uglavnom za prateüu administraciju.[22] ples and preserved the integrity of a valuable building
structure. The buildings are awarded to architects and
contracting concerns, engineers and restorers, craft-
smen and politicians. The members of the Commission
remain the same for years, in order to retain the
established criteria. In comparison to the number of
cultural monuments in their care, their working
conditions are modest. In the last four years, the
financial resources were reduced, mostly for the
accompanying administration. [22]

3.2 ýetiri izveštaja o preventivnoj zaštiti grada 3.2 Four reports on the preventive protection of the
Berna city of Bern

U petom setu þetvorogodišnjih izveštaja o preven- In the fifth set of four-year reports on preventive
tivnoj zaštiti, koji pokriva period od 1997. do 2000. protection, covering the period 1997-2000, there is
godine, uoþavaju se moguünosti da se rad Agencije potential to present the work of the Agency to the wide
predstavi široj javnosti, da bi se opisali glavni doprinosi, public, in order to describe the main contributions,
uslovi, kao i razne poteškoüe s kojima se þlanovi u radu conditions and various difficulties the members
susreüu.[24] Dugoroþni planovi i trendovi takoÿe su encounter in their work.[24] The long-term plans and
ukljuþeni u izveštaje. Ovaj þetvorogodišnji izveštaj trends are also included in the reports. This four year
objavljuje se u „Bernskom magazinu istorije i lokalne report is published in the “Bern journal of history and
istorije”. Prikazani primeri, odnosno zaštiüene zgrade local history”. The presented examples, i.e. the protected
predstavnici su svih funkcionalnih oblika i služe kao uzori buildings are representatives of all the functional forms
za mnogobrojne potonje restauracije, u kojima se javljaju and they serve as models for numerous subsequent
sliþni problemi. restorations that feature similar problems.
Pomoüu tih primera uspešnih restauracija i konzerva- With the aid of these examples of successful
cija, uspostavljaju se opšteprihvaüene smernice za restorations and conservations, generally accepted
istorijsku konzervaciju. Pojedinaþni autori, vlasnici zgra- guidelines for historical conservation are established.
da i arhitekte, obrazlažu svoje liþne primere angažova- Individual authors, such as the building owners and
nja. Veüina tekstova odnosi se na odreÿivanje vrednosti architects explain their personal actions. The most of the
spomenika kulture. Uoþava se i uþešüe onih koji nisu texts refer to the determination of the values of the
neposredno vezani liþnim interesom za neki spomenik cultural monuments. Also notable is the participation of
kulture, ali oseüaju moralnu ili profesionalnu obavezu da those who are not personally involved with a cultural
skrenu pažnju na vrednosti koje zapažaju. [5] U arhivima monument, but who feel the moral or professional
se þuva i obiman materijal, ne samo o spomenicima obligation to draw the public attention to the values they
kulture, veü i dokumentacija o restauratorskim radovima perceive.[5] Extensive material is being kept in the
koji su na njima do sada obavljeni. Ova dokumentacija je archives, concerning not only cultural monuments, but
svima dostupna, a njen dodatak predstavlja i zvaniþni documents on the restoration works performed on them
detaljni interni izveštaj. U tom izveštaju navedeni su up to now. These documents are widely available. An
nerešeni problemi u pogledu istorijata zgrada, njenog official detailed internal report is an addition to these
nastanka i promena tokom životnog veka, kao i posebni documents. The report lists the unsolved problems
problemi koji su uoþeni tokom restauracije. U godišnjim concerning the historical background of the buildings,
izveštajima grada Berna nalaze se, takoÿe, lista their construction and changes they underwent during
objekata na kojima su izvršeni restauratorski radovi, ali i their life time, as well as special problems detected
lista projekata koji su odbaþeni. Najdramatiþniji dogaÿaj during the restoration. The yearly reports of the city of
iz perioda koji pokrivaju ovi izveštaji jeste nesreüa u ulici Bern also comprise the list of buildings which underwent
Randbjunkerngasse, poþetkom 1997. godine, kada se the restoration works, but also the list of rejected
nekoliko kuüa srušilo. Velike štete utvrÿene su na pet designs. The most dramatic event from the period


vrednih istorijskih zgrada. Požar, koji je ovu štetu covered by these reports is the disaster in Randbjun-
izazvao, naveo je graÿane Berna da u narednim kerngasse Street, at the beginning of 1997, when
mesecima reaguju u smislu donošenja važnih odluka o several houses collapsed, and when extensive damage
zaštiti nasleÿa. was caused on five historical buildings. The fire which
Iskazana je velika zabrinutost za Stari grad. Projekti broke out and caused this damage, led the citizens of
restauracija, preduzeti nakon ove nesreüe, obuhvatili su i Bern to react in the ensuing months, in terms of making
dodatne mere zaštite i predstavljali su nov izazov za some decisions related to the heritage protection.
struþnjake. [24] A high concern was expressed for the Old town. The
restoration designs following the disaster included the
additional protection measures and represented a new
challenge for all the experts. [24]

3.3 Spomenik kulture kao vlasništvo 3.3 Cultural monuments as property

Zaštiüeni spomenici kulture dugo nisu bili atraktivni Listed cultural monuments were not attractive to real
za poslovanje nekretninama. Uzrok za to bio je estate business for a long time. The main reason was
ograniþenje u izboru namene, kao i dizajna koji se može the limitation concerning the use and design which can
primeniti na neku zaštiüenu istorijsku graÿevinu. be adopted for a listed historical building. In the recent
Poslednjih decenija došlo je do znaþajnih promena u decades, there have been considerable changes in the
pristupu ovim problemima i njihovom rešavanju. Zašti- approach to solving these issues. The listed buildings
üene graÿevine danas imaju tržišnu vrednost i visoko se nowadays have market value, and they rank high both in
kotiraju kada je u pitanju prodaja, ali i iznajmljivanje, terms of sales and in renting, due to their practical value.
zbog njihove upotrebne vrednosti. The listed buildings have been used for a long time,
Zaštiüene graÿevine imaju period dugog korišüenja i and they are most often called the built layer of the first
najþešüe se nazivaju graÿenim slojem prve klase. Za class. The further existence of many of them was
mnoge takve graÿevine pojavljuje se problem daljeg threatened. There were diverse reasons for this: macro-
opstanka. Razlozi za to su razni: makroekonomske economic changes, population migration, environment
promene, migracija stanovništva, kao i promene u okru- changes, all leading to the undesirable effects of urban
ženju, a sve to uzrokuje neželjene efekate devastacije fabric devastation. The most common cause of
graÿevinskog tkiva. Najþešüi uzrok propadanja jeste dilapidation was the outdated function of the building
prevaziÿena originalna, izvorna, funkcija tih graÿevina, which led people who were residing or working in it to
što je ljude koji su u njima stanovali ili radili navodilo da abandon it. The logical conclusion is that the use of the
ih napuste. Logiþan zakljuþak jeste da u tom sluþaju building ought to be changed in such situations.
treba promeniti namenu graÿevine. To je, meÿutim, However, this is very difficult when it comes to the listed
veoma teško kada su u pitanju zaštiüeni spomenici cultural monuments, since the changes of the physical
kulture, jer promene fiziþke strukture koje, po pravilu, structure, which, as a rule, must be performed so as to
treba obaviti tako da se oþuvaju spomeniþka svojstva preserve the monumental properties for which the
zbog kojih je zgrada zaštiüena, iziskuju veliku pažnju i building was listed in the first place, require considerable
senzibilitet arhitekata, a i mnogo koštaju. Buduüa dobit attention and sensibility from the architects, as well as
od investicije u prenamenu istorijske graÿevine zavisi od considerable financial resources. The future profit
nekoliko faktora: faktora ograniþenja u buduüoj nameni, resulting from the investment in the conversion of a
faktora prateüih troškova u fazi daljeg životnog veka historical building depends on several factors: the
graÿevine i faktora poveüanja investicija zbog zahteva limiting factors of the future use, factor of running costs
maksimalnog oþuvanja originalnih svojstava objekta. in the future phase of the building service life, and the
Metode zaštite i promena namene graÿevine treba factor of increase of investment due to the requirement
da budu potpuno usaglašene. Odreÿeni stepen toleran- of preservation of the original building properties.
cije pri izgradnji novih zgrada ne postoji kada se Protection methods and conversion of the building
obavljaju radovi na zaštiüenim istorijskim spomenicima. must be in full agreement. A certain degree of tolerance
Zato buduüi korisnik postavlja pitanja da li üe uspešno which is normal in construction of new buildings cannot
moüi da se ispune svi postavljeni zahtevi, a da se be implemented when it comes to the works on the listed
prilikom investiranja u zgradu smanji uloženi kapital radi historical monuments. For this reason, the future user
što veüeg profita. wants to know whether all the requirements will be
Ovaj proces, putem kog se moraju rešavati problemi successfully met, while keeping the investment in the
funkcije i potencijala u savremenim uslovima zaštiüenih process at the lowest possible level in order to maximize
spomenika kulture, u punom smislu reþi jeste the profit margin.
revitalizacija - „ponovno vraüanje u život”. This process, through which the issues of function
and potential of contemporary listed cultural monuments
must be solved, is a fully fledged revitalization, “bringing
back to life”.

3.4 Definicija graditeljskog nasleÿa po švajcarskim 3.4 Definition of the built heritage according to the
zakonima Swiss legislation
Graditeljsko nasleÿe predstavlja nasleÿe koje nije The built heritage is the heritage which is not only
važno samo za jedan deo švajcarske teritorije, odnosno important for a part of Swiss territory, or belongs to


koje je vlasništvo pojedinca, veü je bitno za opšte i javno individuals, but is important public and general resource
dobro celokupnog društva u celini. Ono se identifikuje, of the entire society. It is identified, studied and passed
prouþava i prenosi na buduüe generacije tako što se on to the future generations, by being recorded, listed
beleži, evidentira, štiti i ostavlja za dobrobit celokupnom and left to the benefit of the entire Swiss society and the
švajcarskom društvu i celom svetu. world.
Graditeljsko nasleÿe odražava regionalnost, razliþite The built heritage reflects regional traits, various
tipove graÿevina i tradicije uopšte. Ono može da types of buildings and tradition in general. It can include:
obuhvata: od farme do velikog grada, nadogradnju, farms and big cities, extended buildings, commercial
komercijalne industrijske komplekse, radniþka naselja, industrial complexes, working people districts, castles
zamkove, kao i arheološka nalazišta. Spomenici kulture and archeological sites. The cultural monuments are not
nisu samo arhitektonski objekti iznad proseþnog only exceptional quality architecture, but those can be
kvaliteta, veü to mogu biti i jednostavni, ali za društvo simple, but socially important historical subjects which
važni istorijski subjekti koji doprinose uravnoteženju characterize and contribute to the balancing of the
današnje slike gradova. Graditeljsko nasleÿe podrazu- contemporary image of the cities. The built heritage
meva sve što je u prošlosti sagraÿeno, a ima spome- comprises everything built in the past, possessing the
niþke vrednosti. Sve što je proglašeno graditeljskim monumental value. Every item declared building heritage
nasleÿem mora biti zaštiüeno, a ako je zaštiüeno, onda must be listed, and if listed, it must be preserved. [21]
mora biti saþuvano.[21]



Revitalizacija nekorišüenih istorijskih spomenika jeste Revitalization of disused historical monuments is a

proces u koji je ukljuþeno nekoliko odluþujuüih faktora. Ti process which includes several decisive factors. Those
faktori su konstante i utiþu na pojedine faze revitalizacije. factors are constantly present and they affect individual
Sama revitalizacija nije jednoznaþno odreÿena, pošto se phases of revitalization. The process itself is not
spomenici kulture razlikuju po svojim karakteristikama i universal, since the cultural monuments differ in terms of
lokacijama. Ipak, mogu se postaviti odreÿene smernice – their characteristics and locations. Yet, certain guidelines
kao svojevrsni akcioni vodiþ koji se, potom, prilagoÿava can be provided as certain action guide, which is,
pojedinaþnim sluþajevima. subsequently adapted to the individual cases.
Faktori koji utiþu na proces revitalizacije nekoriš- The factors affecting the revitalization process of
üenih, odnosno napuštenih, spomenika kulture i njihove unused, i.e. abandoned cultural monuments and their
meÿusobne veze prikazani su na Shemi 1. mutual relations are displayed in Scheme 1.

Shema 1. Faktori koji utiþu na proces revitalizacije

Scheme 1. Factors influencing the revitalization process

Faktori, osim što su stalno prisutni, pomažu i u The factors, apart from being ever present, help in
pojedinaþnim fazama rada. Zbog toga se veze izmeÿu the individual work phases. For that reason, the relations
faktora na grafikonu mogu koristiti kao preporuka between the factors in the chart can be used as a
prilikom praktiþnog rada. Neke faktore, do odreÿenog recommendation in the practical work. Some factors can
stepena, mogu kontrolisati razni uþesnici. Pojedini, be controlled to a certain degree by the various
meÿutim, moraju se usvojiti takvi kakvi jesu. To su, participants. Some of them, however, should be adopted


uglavnom, faktori tržišta i lokacije. Na druge faktore, kao, as they are. Those are, prevalently, the market and
na primer, postojeüe stanje nekretnina, može se uticati. location factors. The other factors, such as, for instance,
Pri revitalizaciji, mora se voditi raþuna o vodeüim the current status of the real estates, can be affected.
taþkama u procesu i ograniþenjima koje treba poštovati. While performing revitalization, one should take care
Shema 2. prikazuje preporuke, u obliku akcionog plana, about the major points of the process and of the
koje znaþajno unapreÿuju kvalitet revitalizacije. limitations to be observed. The following scheme
displays the recommendations, in the form of an action
plan, which considerably improves the revitalization
process quality.

Shema 2. Preporuke za uspešan proces revitalizacije [21]

Scheme 2. Recommendations of successful revitalization process [21]

Akcioni plan prvenstveno ukljuþuje aktivne The action plan primarily involves the active
dizajnerske faktore. Za održivost projekta bitna je designing factors. The project sustainability requires
ujednaþenost svih faktora koji najviše utiþu na balance and uniformity of all the factures which mostly
revitalizaciju. Zbog toga je veoma važno prepoznavanje affect the process. For that reason, recognition and
i pronalaženje novih ideja prilikom dodeljivanja nove finding new ideas when converting the buildings is very
namene objekata. important.

4.1 Interesi u procesu revitalizacije i akcionari 4.1 Diverse interests in the revitalization process
and shareholders
Analiza moguüe namene praznih, napuštenih istorij-
skih graÿevina jedna je od najvažnijih faza revitalizacije. An analysis of the potential use of the empty,
Poþetak izrade projektnog plana zasniva se na abandoned historical buildings is one of the most
pretpostavkama da se u procesu revitalizacije originalna, important phases of revitalization.
izvorna namena i struktura zgrade mogu donekle izme- The onset of production of the project plan is based
niti, u zavisnosti od njene procenjene istorijske, estetske, on the assumptions that in the revitalization process, the
arhitektonske i konstruktivne, te društvene vrednosti. original function and structure of the building can be
Kada se utvrdi taj obim moguüih izmena, nadalje o tim changed to a certain degree, depending on its assessed
ograniþenjima nadležnost preuzima menadžer objekta. historical, esthetic, architectonic and structural, as well
U zavisnosti od veliþine graÿevine i razloga za njenu as social value. When the scope of potential changes


revitalizaciju, cilj revitalizacije može se ostvariti uz has been determined, in the further process the
pomoü specijalizovanog graditelja ili arhitekte, ukoliko je manager of the building is competent for these
reþ o manjim objektima. Preporuke i sugestije za limitations. Depending on the size of the building, and
formiranje veza u razliþitim razvojnim fazama revitali- reasons for its revitalization, the goal of the revitalization
zacije prikazane su na Shemi 3. can be achieved with the aid of the specialized builder or
Revitalizacija se u ovoj shemi definiše kao deo architect, if small size buildings are concerned. The
koncepta, ali deo koji se odnosi na neiskorišüenost same recommendations and suggestions for formation of
graÿevine može biti dodatno od pomoüi. relations in various phases of revitalization development
Uglavnom, cilj je da se izradi analiza namene i da se are displayed in scheme 3.
koordiniraju akcionari, odnosno deoniþari koji uþestvuju Revitalization is in this scheme defined as a part of
u revitalizaciji. Namera zainterɟsovanih strana jeste da the concept, but the part referring to the unused capacity
se projekat izloži njihovim pretpostavljenima, menadže- of the building itself can be of additional help.
rima projekta ili planerima. Primena ove analize omo- The goal is, prevalently, to make an analysis of the
guüava pokretanja projekta. use, and coordinate the shareholders taking part in the
Interes vlasnika napuštenog, praznog objekta, jeste revitalization. The intention of the stakeholders is to
da ga što bolje proda, odnosno, ukoliko ga zadrži u display the project to their superiors, project managers
svom vlasništvu, da ga iznajmi na što duži period. or planners. The application of this analysis makes it
Interes izvoÿaþa radova i investitora jeste sticanje possible to start the project.
profita, što projektom revitalizacije, odnosno uvoÿenjem The interest of the owner of an abandoned, i.e.
nove, odgovarajuüe namene, može da se ostvari. U empty building is to sell it with the best profit, or, if the
izboru odgovarajuüe, najprimerenije namene mogu da ownership over the building is retained, to attempt to rent
uþestvuju sve zainteresovane strane. Prilikom izbora, it for as long period as possible.
mora se voditi raþuna o tome da se ostvari harmonija The interest of the contractor and investor is to make
izmeÿu postojeüih karakteristika objekta koje þine profit, which can be achieved through the revitalization
njegovu vrednost, i zahteva koje postavlja buduüa project, i.e. through introduction of a new, appropriate
namena objekta. use. All the stakeholders can participate in the choice of
Dobro poznavanje prednosti revitalizacije leži u the most appropriate use. When making a choice one
prethodnom poznavanju dve vrste parametara - onih should take care to create harmony between the current
kojima se odreÿuju dodatni poslovi i onih u pogledu characteristics of the building, which constitute its value,
ograniþenja usled zaštiüenih vrednosti graÿevine, koji on one hand, and the requirements posed by the future
mogu biti preovlaÿujuüi faktor pri odluci da se investira u use of the building, on the other hand.
projekat revitalizacije. Good knowledge of the advantages of revitalization
Za korisnike objekta važno je da znaju koja su comprises previous knowledge of two types of
ograniþenja objekta prilikom odabira buduüe namene. parameters, one type determining the additional works,
Ograniþenja koja utiþu na novu namenu korisnicima and the other related to the limitations due to the
saopštava menadžer objekta. Prethodno, on može da protected values of the building, which can be a
koristi analize o nameni i strategijskom planiranju, te da prevailing factor when making a decision to invest in the
to ukljuþi u planiranje, koje obuhvata i strategijsko revitalization project.
upravljanje objektom. Za arhitektu-konzervatora, koji je When choosing the future use, it is important for the
predstavnik javnog interesa, glavna prednost koju ima users of the building to know what the limitations of the
od analiza jeste to što, pomoüu njih, minimalizuje building are. The users are informed about the
gubitke, zbog razliþitih svojstava istorijske zgrade, tokom limitations affecting the new use from the building
prilagoÿavanja objekta buduüoj nameni. manager. He can previously utilize the analyses of the
use and strategic planning, and include it in the planning
process, which comprises the strategic management of
the building. For and architect-conservationist, who
represents the public interest, the main advantage of the
analyses is that, using them, he can minimize the losses
related to the various properties of the historical
buildings, in the process of adapting the building to the
future use.


Shema 3. Linearna shema plana rada u ciklusima revitalizacije, sa životnim fazama
(FM-Facility Manangement sa glavnim procesima) [21]
Sheme 3. Linear diagram of the working plan in the revitalization cycles, with life stages
(FM-Facility Management with the main processes) [21]


Shema 4. Uþesnici u procesu revitalizacije i njihove veze [21]
Sheme 4. Participants in the revitalization process and their relations [21]

4.2 Promene na tržištu – ponovno otkrivanje 4.2 Changes in the market – rediscovery of the
istorijskih vrednosti objekata – odnos korisnika historical values of the buildings – relations of
i investitora the users and investors

Na tržištu nekretnina, rokovi za izradu projekata In the real estate market, the deadlines for
veoma su kratki i nikada nema dovoljno vremena da se production of projects are very short, and there is never
o njima ozbiljno promisli. Umesto „proizvoda – (rezultata) sufficient time to dwell upon them. Instead of “the
razmišljanja” [4] na poþetku revitalizacije na gradilištima product – (result) of deep thinking” at the beginning of
nisu postojali nikakvi istaknuti podaci kojima se, revitalization, there were no displayed data on the
atraktivnim reklamama, privlaþe potencijalni korisnici, construction sites, which could, as an attractive
odnosno investitori. advertisement, attract potential users, i.e. investors.
Tradicionalno teški faktori, koji se, po pravilu, „The traditional heavy factors, which are, as a rule,
povezuju s lokacijom, odnosno s dobiti uslovljenom related to the location, that is, to the profits related to the
infrastrukturom, bili bi pod znakom pitanja, a infrastructure, would be questioned, and formulation of
formulisanje novih mekih kriterijuma lokacije, na prvi new soft criteria of the location, which are, at first sight,
pogled, manje atraktivnih, bili bi u drugim sluþajevima less attractive, would be neglected.”[4]
zanemareni.”[4] The basic principles of contemporary construction
Osnovni principi kojima se rukovode moderni graÿe- projects are increased orientation towards the users
vinski projekt jesu veüa orijentacija prema korisnicima (market oriented projects), and an increased sensitivity
(tržišna orijentacija), te veüa osetljivost u pogledu in respect to the situation (environment oriented
situacije (orijentacija prema okruženju). [4] Kada su projects). [4] When the listed buildings are concerned,
zaštiüene zgrade u pitanju, one imaju koristi od ovih they can benefit from these principles, since in their
principa, jer se, u njihovom sluþaju, primenjuju mekani case, the soft factors are implemented.
faktori. In “The Monumental study of Bern” the data from the
U „Spomeniþkoj studiji Berna” izneti su podaci survey in which the users and the investors were que-
ankete u kojoj su korisnici i investitori ispitani o njihovom stioned about their experience in revitalization and the


iskustvu s revitalizacijom i izborom novih namena choice of new uses of the listed buildings which were
zaštiüenih objekata obuhvaüenih ovom studijom.[9] included in the study were published. [9]
Prednosti i koristi istorijskih zgrada, koje su bile Advantages and uses of the historical building which

x prednost lokacije: istorijske zgrade obiþno su x Advantage of the location: historical buildings are
navedene u tom istraživanju, jesu sledeüe: were listed in that research are as follows:

x istorijske zgrade se stalno održavaju; x Historical buildings are continuously maintained;

smeštene u samom centru grada; usually located in the centers of the cities;

x kvalitet opremljenosti objekata infrastrukturom; x The buildings are well-equipped in terms of

x dobra ocena servisnih usluga, kuhinja i sanitarnih
x Good assessment of services, kitchens and

x prirodna ventilacija;

x atraktivnost okruženja. x Natural ventilation;

sanitary facilities;

x Attractive environment.
x nedovoljna fleksibilnost namene: previše zaštitnih
Nedostaci, zabeleženi u ovom istraživanju, jesu:

x Insufficient flexibility of use: too many protective

The deficiencies, recorded in this research, are:
ograniþenja u prostornoj organizaciji i procesu

x upotreba samo odreÿenih, odabranih materijala,

korišüenja; limitations in the spatial organization and process of

x The use of certain, selected materials which are


x nedovoljno prirodno osvetljenje.

koji su pogodni za okruženje;

x Insufficient natural lighting.

fitting for the environment;
Podatak koji je iznenaÿujuü jeste težnja da se ostvari
više kancelarijskog prostora po zaposlenom radniku. „Na A surprising piece of data is the tendency to provide
kraju ankete, preko 21% ispitanika ocenilo je da je additional office area per an employee. „Eventually, the
prostor u istorijskim zgradama previše skuþen, kada se survey showed that over 21% of the questioned people
poredi s proseþnim standardom, u odnosu na savremeni evaluated that the space in the historical buildings is
prostor od 17.2 m2 po zaposlenom (napomena autora). excessively cramped, in comparison to the average
Ipak, uopšteno posmatrano, u rezultatima ankete naslu- contemporary standard of 17.2 m2 per an employee,
üuje se da kompanije sa uvažavanjem procenjuju situa- (author’s note). Yet, in general terms, the survey results
ciju i ostavljaju više prostora pojedinaþnim radnicima.”[9] suggest that the companies appreciate the situation and
Ove promene poþele su da utiþu na upravljanje leave additional space for individual employees.”[9]
prostorom kada je reþ o zaštiüenim zgradama. Konsta- These changes started to affect the space management
tovano je da vrednost spoljašnjeg i unutrašnjeg izgleda when it comes to the listed buildings. It is concluded that
zgrade, kao i zadovoljstvo zaposlenih njihovim radnim the value of the external and internal appearance of the
prostorom, utiþu više nego þistoekonomska efikasnost. building, as well as the satisfaction of the employees
Uz pozitivnu procenu zadovoljstva zaposlenih, ide i with their working space, have more impact that the
podatak da ljudi provode u ovim objektima više od šest purely material efficiency.
godina na radnom mestu. U nastavku ove analize, kao The positive assessment of the employees’

x izgled graÿevine;
ostali mekani faktori koji su bili pozitivno ocenjeni, jesu: satisfaction is accompanied by the data that people

x istorijska arhitektura;
spend more than six years working in these buildings.
Further in the analysis, the other positively assessed soft
x prepoznatljivost zgrade u okruženju;
x Appearance;
factors were:
x poboljšanje radne atmosfere;
x moderan ukus; x Historical architecture;
x poznata, prepoznatljiva adresa; x Recognizability of the building in its environment;
x korporativna x Improvement of the working atmosphere;
x Modern taste;
arhitektura: identitet vlasnika

x Known, recognizable address;

(kompanije, na primer) povezuje se s prepoznatljivim

x Corporate architecture: owner’s identity (company,

spoljašnjim izgledom zgrade.
Za stanove, na primer, koji se nalaze u
prepoznatljivim, istorijskim objektima može se odrediti i for instance) is related to the recognizable external
dobiti viša stanarina, jer su takvi objekti atraktivniji kao appearance of the building.
investicija. Ipak, zakonski, istorijske graÿevine mogu biti For instance, the flats located in the recognizable,
teret za klijenta, odnosno vlasnika, jer i pored navedenih historical buildings, can be rented at a higher cost since
pozitivnih ocena, mogu i dalje postojati zahtevi da se such buildings are more attractive as an investment. Yet,
takve zgrade održavaju na specifiþan naþin, kao i to što in legal terms, the historical buildings may be a burden
su propisane obavezne redovne popravke.[7] Uslovi for the client, i.e. owner, because apart from the
preventivne zaštite mogu, takoÿe, biti povezani sa mentioned positive assessments, there can still exist
znaþajnim ograniþenjima kojih se korisnik mora requirements to maintain the buildings in a specific way,
pridržavati. and to repair the building in regular and prescribed
Preventivna zaštita obuhvata: intervals. [7] The preventive protection conditions can
1. Fleksibilnost: Istorijski objekat ima ograniþenja u also be related to considerable limitations which should
prostornoj organizaciji. To, meÿutim, uglavnom ne utiþe be adhered to by the user.
na veüinu korisnika. Može se zapaziti da postoji sukob Preventive protection comprises:
izmeÿu ukupnog zahteva za fleksibilnošüu i pojedinaþne 1. Flexibility: A historical building has limitations in
procene fleksibilnosti prostora u zaštiüenim objektima. spatial organization. This, however, does not affect the


Ispitivanje istorijskih zgrada u Bernu pokazuje da, bez most of the users. It can be seen that there is a conflict
obzira na to ograniþenje, postoji specifiþno interesovanje between the overall requirement for flexibility and
korisnika za spomeniþke nekretnine.[9] individual assessments of the flexibility of space in the
2. Upravljanje energijom: Popravka i osavremenja- listed buildings. The examination of the historical
vanje izolacije u spoljašnjim zidovima istorijskih zgrada buildings in Bern indicates that, regardless of the
nisu tako jednostavni kao kod ostalih zgrada, zato što se limitations, there is a specific interest of the users for the
tim intervencijama þesto ne može izbeüi promena monumental property.[9]
izgleda zgrade. 2. Energy management: Repair and updating of
insulation in the external walls of the historical buildings
is not as simple as in the case of other buildings,
because this intervention often changes the external
appearance of the buildings.

4.3 Vrednosti spomenika kulture – razliþiti stavovi 4.3 The value of historical monuments – various
u javnosti attitudes of the public

Cilj preventivne zaštite jeste da se zaštite istorijski The goal of preventive protection is to list the
važne zgrade u interesu javnosti: „Preventivna zaštita i historically important buildings, in the best interest of the
konzervacija imaju zadatak da zaštite kulturne spome- public: „Preventive protection and conservation have a
nike, da ih održavaju i nadgledaju njihovo stanje, a task to protect the cultural monuments, to maintain them
naroþito da spreþavaju nedozvoljene radnje, promovišu and monitor their status, and in particular to prevent the
otkrivanje kulturnih spomenika, te da ih registruju i unsanctioned alterations, to promote the discovery of
struþno ispituju.”[11] cultural monuments, to register them and examine them
Kulturni spomenici smatraju se „vrednim poklonom” in a professional way.”[11]
zbog njihovog dugoroþnog postojanja, a njihovo vred- Cultural monuments are considered a “valuable gift”
novanje izražava se kulturnim poštovanjem.[15] Javni because of their longevity, and they are valued through
interes za konzervaciju graditeljskog nasleÿa, u formi the cultural respect for them. [15] The public interest for
zaštitnih zakona, ima prednost ispred interesa nad conservation of the built heritage, in the form of
vlasništvom. Zbog toga su spomenici kulture uvek u protective legislation takes precedence over the
centru sukoba interesa javnosti i investitora koji žele ownership interest. For that reason the cultural
profit. Da bi se ta dva interesa harmonizovala, treba da monuments are always in the focus of the public interest
se uoþi razlika izmeÿu – „praktiþne koristi koju spomenik and the profit seeking investors. In order to harmonize
kulture ima sam po sebi i prisutne vrednosti spomenika”, these two interests, one must differ between – “the
kao i „duhovne vrednosti koja je vezana za prošlost practical use the monument itself possesses, and the
zgrade”.[6] inherent value of the monument” as well as “the spiritual
Praktiþna korist i duhovna vrednost odražavaju se na value related to the building’s past”. [6]

x Korisnost zavisi od željenih ciljeva. Tržišna

ukupnu vrednost koja se može pripisati spomeniku:[8] The practical utility and spiritual value are reflected in
the total value which can be ascribed to the monument.

x Utility depends on the desired goals. The market

vrednost odnosi se na trenutnu korisnost koja se može [8]
samo delimiþno uoþiti kod istorijskih objekata. Razvojne
vrednosti predstavljaju polazište, a ugraÿene su u value refers to the current utility which can be only
trenutne i buduüe zahteve. Iz ekonomskig aspekta, partially recognized in historical buildings. The
korisnost je subjektivna vrednost, odnosno, za zgrade je developmental values represent a starting point, and
korisno da nastave da postoje kao fiziþka struktura. Ovo they are a part of the current and future requirements. In
se razlikuje od tržišne vrednosti, a rezultira od prodaje economical perspective, utility is a subjective parameter,
vlasništva u zavisnosti od „vrednosti koja je obavezujuüa that is, it is useful for the building to continue to exist as

x Istorijska vrednost strukture zgrade smatra se

za sve”.[12] a physical structure. This differs from the market value
and it is a result of the sale of the property depending on

x The historical value of the building is considered an

objektivnim istorijskim dokumentom i povezana je s the ”obligatory value”.[12]

x Vrednost seüanja ukazuje na interes javnosti za

materijalnim postojanjem strukture.
objective historical document and it is related to the

x The value of the memory indicates the public

prošlost, što je povezano sa istorijskim objektom. material existence of the structure.
Ukoliko je reþ samo o sentimentalnoj vrednosti, to þesto
može usmeriti radove ka rekonstrukciji, þime se samo interest for the past, which is related to the historical

x Vrednost predstavlja i razliþitost istorijskih struktura

delimiþni delovi istorije „vraüaju nazad u život”. building. If it is only a sentimental value, this can often
direct the reconstruction works, which bring back to life

x The value is also constituted in the diversity of

u poreÿenju sa sadašnjim formama. Iskustvom koje se only certain parts of history.
povezuje sa istorijskim zgradama, istorija postaje bliža
ljudima. Zbog toga je javni interes veoma izražen. historical structures in comparison with the
Svaka graÿevina ima odreÿenu strukturu, koja se contemporary forms. People become more intimate with
manifestuje putem: funkcije, forme, materijala i kon- the history through the experience of the historical
strukcije. buildings. For this reason the public interest is very
Materijali i konstrukcija ukazuju na to kako je zgrada pronounced.
graÿena i na vreme u kojem je graÿena. Ovo se odnosi


kako na celokupni objekat, tako i na njegove Every building has a certain structure, manifested
pojedinaþne komponente. Funkcija odreÿuje praktiþnu through: function, form, material and structure.
vrednost objekta, odnosno njegovu moguüu savremenu Materials and structure reflect the building process of
upotrebljivost. Ovakav pristup dovodi nas do teze da the time in which it was built. This refers both to the
procesi na graÿevini, ukoliko se promišljeno sprovode, entire buildings and its individual components. Function
odnosno ukoliko se pravilno sagleda i vrednuje determines the practical value of the building, that is, its
prilagodljivost oblika, konstrukcije, materijala i prostorne potential contemporary serviceability. Such approach
organizacije, do mere koja ne ugrožava spomeniþku promotes a thesis that the processes on the building can
vrednost, mogu da generišu novu namenu i nastavak generate a new use and continuation of life of a
života devastirane graÿevine. dilapidated building, if it is conducted in a well-conceived
manner, i.e. if the adaptability of forms, structure,
materials and spatial organization is appropriately
considered and valued, so as not to endanger the
monumental value.

4.4 Korisne namene zaštiüenih objekata 4.4 Practical uses of listed buildings

Odnos izmeÿu investitora i konzervatora uvek je bio There has always been a tense relationship between
zategnut, kada se imaju u vidu i vrednosti nekretnina i the investors and conservationists when the ratio of the
spomeniþka vrednost kulturnog nasleÿa. S jedne strane, property value and monumental value of the cultural
subjektivni stavovi investitora koji žele da imaju visok heritage is considered. Subjective attitudes of the inves-
povraüaj profita, a s druge strane održavanje istorijske tors who want to have a high profit return on one hand,
vrednosti spomenika kulture – stalno su u sukobu. and conservation of the historical value of the cultural
Najþešüi sukobi oko oþuvanja spomenika kulture jesu, monument, on the other, are in permanent conflict. The

x Kratkoroþni ekonomski modeli, koji nisu zasnovani

na primer:[10] most common conflicts regarding the preservation of

x Short term economical models which are not based

cultural monuments are, for instance: [10]
na principima spomeniþke korisnosti, nisu pogodni za
oþuvanje istorijskih zgrada (brz profit na uložene on the principles of monumental utility, are not suitable

x Zakoni i standardi zasnovani su na principima

investicije korišüenjem vlasništva); for preservation of historical buildings (fast profit from the

x The laws and standards are based on the

invested finances, through utilization of ownership);
izgradnje i eksploatacije novih, savremenih zgrada.
Kada su spomenici kulture u pitanju, mnogi od zakona i principles of construction and usage of new,
standarda ne mogu da se slede da se ne bi contemporary buildings. When this concerns the cultural

x Preobimno korišüenje zgrade, kada se, na primer,

prouzrokovala šteta u procesu rehabilitacije spomenika; monuments, many of the laws and standards cannot be
observed since they will cause damage in the process of
preterano preoblikuje potkrovlje, þesto
x Excessive usage of the building, for example, when
znaþajno monument rehabilitation;
narušava originalnost objekta.
Jedino interesi korisnika istorijskih objekata mogu da the attic is excessively altered often causes considerable
dovedu do promene u tržištu nekretnina. Švajcarske loss of building originality.
publikacije kao što su „Spomenik kao vlasništvo” [9] ili Only the interests of the users of historical buildings
„Spomenik kao investicija”[1] ukazuju na sporo can bring about change in the real estate market. The
usklaÿivanje i povezivanje upotrebe spomenika kulture Swiss publications, such a “Monuments as a property”
kao nekretnine i njegovog istorijskog oþuvanja. Da bi se [9] or „Monument as an investment” [1] indicate a slow
naglasio znaþaj istorijskog spomenika, koji ne treba harmonization and linking of the cultural monument use,
posmatrati kao praznu školjku, sada je uveden izraz as an immobile property, with its historical preservation.
„upravljanje istorijskim spomenicima”. Pored toga, treba In order to emphasize the importance of the historical
imati stalno na umu da vrednost spomenika kulture nije movement, which should not be viewed as an empty
samo u njegovom spoljašnjem izgledu, što ponekad shell, the term “historical monument management” has
zanemaruju i struþnjaci koji se neposredno bave been introduced. After that, one should constantly bear
zaštitom kulturne baštine.[10] in mind that the value of the cultural monuments is not in
their external appearance, which is at times overseen
even by the professional engaging directly in the cultural
heritage protection. [10]

4.5 Moguünosti i rizici revitalizacije istorijskih 4.5 Potential and risks of historical building
zgrada revitalization

Na osnovu iznetog, može se zakljuþiti da korisnici i On the basis of the discussion, one can conclude
investitori, ipak, pozitivno prihvataju korišüenje istorijskih, that, usage of historical, listed buildings has been
zaštiüenih, graÿevina. U daljem razvoju projekta positively accepted by the users and investors. In the
revitalizacije, meÿutim, postoje odreÿeni rizici. Na further development of revitalization project, however,

x Lokacije x Locations of historical buildings are well

primer:[3] there are certain risks, such as, for instance: [3]
istorijskih objekata dobro su
dokumentovane i odreÿene, ali skupa infrastruktura, koja documented and determined, but the expensive


x Spomenici kulture veü imaju stvorenu pozitivnu
nedostaje, može znaþajno da utiþe na ove projekte; infrastructure, which is missing, may have a significant

x The cultural monuments have an already created

impact on these projects;
sliku, što je polazište u službi tržišta, ali preterano
ambiciozna promena namene može da izazove positive image, which is a starting point serving for the

x Spomenici kulture, po pravilu, smešteni su na

odreÿenu odbojnost; market purposes, but an excessively ambitious

x The cultural monuments, are, as a rule, situated on

conversion can cause a certain repulsion;
istaknutim gradskim lokacijama i to doprinosi ogromnom
potencijalu vrednosti, koja se neadekvatnom namenom the prominent urban locations, and this contributes to the

x Zbog istaknute lokacije, a na osnovu istraživanja

može degradirati; immense potential of value, which can be degraded

x The number of users and passers-by who will

through an inadequate use;
koja se prave pri planiranju gradskih prostora, unapred
je poznat broj korisnika i prolaznika koji üe registrovati notice the buildings due to their prominent locations, and
objekat, a neatraktivna namena tu privlaþnost može da on the basis of the researches created during the

x Tržište, konkurenti i njihovi odnosi mogu da se

negira; planning of urban area is known in advance; an

x The market, competitors and their relations can be

unattractive use can negate this attractiveness;
prognoziraju, ali su delikatni i uvek postoje faktori
iznenaÿenja. predicted, but they are delicate, and there are always
Postojanje strategije i planova zaštite za istorijska possible surprise elements.
podruþja, kao i pojedinaþne zgrade, omoguüava razma- The existence of strategy and plans of protection of
tranje ponuÿenih namena za odreÿene prostore historical areas, as well of individual buildings, facilitates
istorijskog objekta, koje mogu da pokrenu revitalizaciju i consideration of the offered uses for certain areas of a
više slobodnih, napuštenih ili loše korišüenih objekata, historical building, which can trigger revitalization of free,
koji nisu do sada razmatrani zbog uvreženih oseüanja abandoned or poorly used buildings, which have not
nepromenjivosti zaštiüenih objekata kao i raznih pravila been taken into consideration because of the deep-
u vezi sa istorijskim zgradama. Iako su zahtevi prilikom seated feelings of unchangeable character of the listed
revitalizacije zaštiüenih objekata veoma visoki, za razliku buildings, and because of various regulations related to
od projektovanja nove gradnje, ovaj proces je moguüe the historical buildings. Even though the requirements
sprovesti i na taj naþin saþuvati istorijsku graÿevinu i during revitalizations of the listed buildings are very high,
omoguüiti joj dalji život prilagoÿen savremenim uslovima. as opposed to the design of the new buildings, this
Tokom revitalizacije, meÿutim, pojavljuje se nekoliko process can be accomplished, and in this way a

x Rizik namene: Korišüenje istorijskih zgrada

vrsta rizika koji su ovde definisani:[3] historical building can be preserved and a new life
adapted to the contemporary conditions can be
ograniþeno je izborom namene koja zavisi od provided. During revitalization, there are several types of

x Use risk: Utilization of historical buildings is limited

karakteristika i svojstava samog objekta. Fleksibilnost risk which are defined here: [3]
namene omoguüava se namenskim finansiranjem od
strane banaka i odgovarajuüim zahtevima koje prilikom by the choice of the use which depends on the
revitalizacije treba ispuniti. Ovaj rizik bi trebalo da bude characteristics and attributes of the building itself. The
sveden na minimum ranim upravljanjem rizicima u flexibility of use is facilitated by the targeted financing by

x Rizik zgrade: Rehabilitacija postojeüih istorijskih

procesu revitalizacije. the banks and by observing the appropriate
requirements which must be met in the course of
objekata može uvek da neugodno iznenadi i da bude revitalization. This risk should be reduced to the
skupa, ukoliko se do detalja ne prouþi stanje u kojem se minimum by the early risks management in the

x Building risk: Rehabilitation of the existing historical

zgrada nalazi. Finansiranje može da bude optereüeno i revitalization process.
zagaÿenim zemljištem, površinskim zagaÿenjem lokacije
i drugim zagaÿivaþima, kao negativnim faktorima koji buildings can always be an unpleasant and expensive
nisu blagovremeno sagledani. Ukoliko se ovi rizici surprise, unless the condition of the building is not
registruju u poþetnoj fazi zateþenog stanja, mogu se examined in detail. Financing can be encumbered by the

x Tehniþki rizik: Ekonomski život postojeüeg

znaþajno umanjiti. polluted soil, superficial location pollution or other
polluters, as well as by other factors which were not
istorijskog objekta mora da bude usaglašen sa observed in good time. If these risks are registered in the
zahtevima njegove zaštite. Naknadna ograniþenja i initial phase of the analysis of “as is” building condition,

x Technical risk: The economical life of an existing

društveni rizik, kao što je neodgovarajuüe isticanje veü they can be considerably reduced.
utvrÿenih vrednosti, loš i/ili neodgovarajuüi izgled nastao
tokom novih intervencija, mogu da budu izbegnuti historical building must be harmonized with the
sprovoÿenjem detaljnih analiza i scenarija u toku requirements for its protection. Subsequent limitations,
projekta. and social risk, such as the poor and/or inadequate
Postoje, takoÿe, i drugi opšti rizici koji su povezani s appearance formed in the course of new interventions,
projektom revitalizacije, ali koji postoje i pri projektima can be avoided by implementation of detailed analyses

x rizik odobravanja projektnog procesa i konaþnog

savremenih graÿevina:[19] and scenarios during the project.
There are also other general risks related to the

x rizik geomehaniþkih karakteristika tla;

rešenja; revitalization project but which are present in the

x Risk of approval of the project process and of final

contemporary buildings projects: [19]
x finansijski rizik ulaganja u revitalizaciju;
x rizik koštanja projekta i izvoÿenja radova, usled
x Risk of geomechanical soil characteristics;
nepredvidivih aktivnosti;


x rizik vremena, odnosno prognoziranje trajanja x Financial risk of investment in revitalization;
x Project cost and works execution risk, due to the
x rizik razvoja.

x Risk of time, that is predictions of revitalization

unpredictable activities;

x Development risk


Najvažniji rezultati uspešne revitalizacije, prema
The most important results of a successful
 Proces revitalizacije treba prouþavati u kontekstu
ovom švajcarskom istraživanju i iskustvu, jesu sledeüi:
revitalization according to this Swiss research and

 revitalization process should be studied in the

experience are as follows:
ciklusa životnog veka zaštiüenog spomenika kulture.
Postojeüi koncept revitalizacije proširen je na intenzivno
context of the life cycle of a listed cultural monument.
uvoÿenje novih namena u napuštene istorijske objekte,
The existing concept of revitalization is extended to the
 Faktori uticaja odreÿeni su kao privremeni, ali su
sa idejom da se ponovno koriste, a ne da se uklanjaju.
intensive introduction of new uses into the abandoned
historical buildings, following the idea to use them again,
ukljuþeni u analize koje su dalje razvijane i na osnovu
 the influence factors are defined as temporary, but
and not to remove them.
kojih su preporuþeni pravci implementacije revitalizacije

 Rezultati revitalizacije zavise od uvoÿenja

na zaštiüenim spomenicima kulture.
involved in the analyses which are further developed and
which served as a basis for making the recom-
nekoliko analiza, koje nisu uobiþajene prilikom
mendations about directions of implementation of
ustaljenog procesa obnove istorijskih spomenika kulture.
 the revitalization results depend on the
revitalization of the listed cultural monuments.
Jedna od takvih analiza jeste analiza korišüenja koja se
ukljuþuje u koncept analize celokupne revitalizacije
introduction of several analyses which are not common
zaštiüenih spomenika kulture, a zavisi od istorijske
in the regular process of revitalization of historical
metode vrednovanja spomenika u samom procesu.
cultural monuments. One of such analyses is the
Ova analiza osmišljena je da se primeni prvenstveno
analysis of utilization, which becomes a part of the
za nekretnine – spomenike kulture, koji zbog istorijske
concept of analysis of entire revitalization of the
upotrebe i bez specijalnih prilagoÿavanja, veoma teško
protected cultural monuments, and which depends on
mogu da budu predmet interesovanja potencijalnih
the historical method of assessment of monuments in
korisnika, bilo da je reþ o iznajmljivanju ili kupovini, te
the process itself.
 Za istorijske objekte koji zadržavaju svoju name-
usled toga sve više propadaju.
This analysis is conceived so as to be implemented
for the immovable property, historical monuments, which
nu, na sadašnjem tržištu nekretnina veoma je teško da
through historical use and without special adaptations
naÿu potencijalnog novog korisnika. Analiza namene,
can hardly be interesting for potential users, either in
naroþito za stambene objekte, dosta je skupa. Kao
terms of renting or purchasing, and which consequently
primer može poslužiti bivša Ženska bolnica u Bernu, za
 It is very difficult to find a potential new user for
continue to deteriorate further.
þiju zgradu je analizom namene otkriven veliki upotrebni
potencijal, pa je prostorna organizacija prilagoÿena
the historical buildings which retain their use. The
potrebama Univerziteta u Bernu, koji je tako dobio
analysis of use, especially for the housing buildings, is
znaþajno proširenje u neposrednoj blizini veü postojeüih
fairly expensive. Such an example is former Women’s
Hospital of Bern, a building for which the use analysis
Analiza namene za ovaj primer veoma uspešno je
yielded high potential for utilization, so the spatial
sprovedena u dve faze, sukcesivno izvedene:
organization is adapted according to the needs of the
Faza 1 obuhvatila je trenutnu moguünost vlasnika da
University of Bern, which thus obtained a significant
identifikacijom potencijalne namene objekta cilja na
extension in the vicinity of already existing premises.
specifiþnu grupu moguüih korisnika. Zbog toga je
The analysis of use for this example is very
primena marketinga u ovoj fazi izuzetno znaþajna.
successfully conducted through two phases, which are
Identifikacija buduüe namene napuštenih istorijskih
separately realized:
graÿevina jeste sistematski proces, zasnovan na metodi
Phase 1 included the current option of the owner to
otvorenog pristupa, odnosno kreativnoj metodi
target the specific group of potential users through
brainstorm, tokom koje svi zainteresovani saraÿuju i
identification of potential use of the building. Therefore,
razmenjuju ideje. U svojevrsnoj kreativnoj radionici
the application of marketing in this phase is extremely
poštuju se neki parametri koji imaju u vidu istorijsku
important. Identification of the future use of derelict
vrednost graÿevine i delovanje razliþitih uticaja na
historical buildings is a systematic process, based on the
objekat. Delovanje ovih parametara mora da bude
open approach method, that is, the brainstorm creative
fleksibilno, to jest da u okviru odreÿenih granica mogu
method, where all the interested parties cooperate and
da se prilagoÿavaju. Moderator mora da omoguüi
exchange ideas. Within a creative workshop of kind,
uþesnicima da stvore realnu sliku o istorijskim
some parameters relating to the historical value of the
karakteristikama objekta (npr. arhitektonskim, konstruk-
building and action of various impacts on the building are
tiþnim, stilskim). Ovi parametri služe da se zgrada dobro
observed. The impact of these parameters must be
proceni u svojoj ukupnosti i obradi u skladu sa anali-
flexible, that is, they can be adapted within certain limits.
zama predviÿenim u procesu revitalizacije.
A moderator must facilitate creation of a realistic picture


Shema 5. Predloženi pravci delovanja u procesu revitalizacije
Scheme 5. Proposed courses for action in the revitalization process

Faza 2 nadovezuje se na fazu 1, ispitivanjem upo- of the historical characteristics (architectonic, structural,
trebe objekta prvobitnog i zateþenog stanja i neophodnih style) of the buildings for the participants. These
mera prilagoÿavanja. Uspostavlja se veza izmeÿu parameters serve to well assess the buildings in their
postojeüih karakteristika zgrade i buduüih zahteva entirety, according to the analyses proscribed in the
korisnika. revitalization process.
Analiza namene ne može da zameni analizu tržišta i Phase 2 is a continuation of Phase 1 through the
gradilišta. Sve tri analize moraju biti sprovedene i veoma investigation of the original and current building uses
su važne pri odreÿivanju nove funcije. Analiza namene and the necessary adaptation measures. A connection
je koristan dodatak analizama tržišta i lokacije za tzv. between the existing building characteristics and future
kuüe - spomenike kulture. Prenosnom definicijom Spo- user requirements is established.
menik kao ambasada (tumaþi se kao zastupnik vrednosti The use analysis cannot replace the analysis of the
jednog vremena), mnogi sukobi izmeÿu službe zaštite, market and construction sites. All three must be con-
investitora i buduüeg korisnika, u pogledu tretmana ducted, and they are very important in determination of
zaštite spomenika kulture, mogu da se izbegnu. Problem the new function. The use analysis is a valuable addition
nastaje kada administrativne vlasti koje se bave zaštitom to the market and location analyses for the so-called
ne žele da ulože dodatni trud da bi opravdale i potvrdile “houses as cultural monuments”. Using the definition
sopstvenu procenu da je objekat vredan spomenik “Monument as an embassy”, (shall be construed as
kulture. To je neophodno obaviti da bi se mere representative values of a time) many conflicts between
kompenzacije mogle utvrditi od strane gradske vlasti, i to the protection office, investors and future users in terms


onog njenog segmenta kojem je primarni cilj zaštita of treatment of the protection status of the cultural
istorijskog jezgra grada. Kompenzacija, na primer, monument can be avoided. The problem occurs when
nedovoljnog prostora za novu namenu, može da administrative authorities engaged in protection do not
obuhvati nadogradnju, adaptaciju unutrašnjosti bez veüih wish to put more effort in justifying and confirming their
rušenja pregradnih zidova, korišüenje podrumskog own assessment that a building is a valuable cultural
prostora, poveüanje iskorišüenosti unutrašnjeg prostora monument. This is necessary to accomplish in order to
objedinjavanjem u veüe prostorne jedinice, izgradnju determine the compensation measures by the city
novog segmenta graÿevine koji se integriše u postojeüi authorities, particularly the segment dealing with the
objekat i sliþno. Poveüanje mera kompenzacije praüeno primary goal of protection of historical core of the town.
je utvrÿivanjem neophodnih troškova koji poveüavaju The compensation, for instance, of the insufficient space
cenu revitalizacije, ali zato þine istorijski objekat for the new use can include extension, interior adap-
atraktivnijim za tržište. tation without demolishing of partition walls, usage of
U celokupnom procesu revitalizacije napuštenih, basement space, and increase of utilization of interior
neiskorišüenih, zaštiüenih graÿevina u istorijskom jezgru space by unifying it into large spatial units, construction
Berna uoþavaju se dva problema koja još nisu dovoljno a new segment of the building, which is integrated in the
razrešena. Prvi je nedovoljno jako uporište u nauþnom existing building etc. The increase of the compensation
pristupu zaštiti graditeljskog nasleÿa, jer je uoþljiva measures is followed by determination of the necessary
subjektivnost individualnih ocena i procena. Pošto su costs increasing the revitalization costs, but which
zahtevi korisnika uvek subjektivne prirode, doza arbitrar- render the historical building more attractive for the
nosti svakako postoji. market.
Analiza tržišta na kojem se nalaze i istorijski objekti The entire process of revitalization of abandoned,
nije stabilna. Razlog jeste to što je švajcarsko tržište disused, listed buildings in the historical core of Bern
veoma liberalizovano i izuzetno atraktivno zbog velike features two problems which have not been properly
kupovne moüi stanovništva. Bez obzira na to da li je reþ resolved. The first problem is insufficiently strong scienti-
o kupovini istorijskog objekta ili samo o njegovom fic foundations of the approach to protection of the
zakupu, moguünost revitalizacije ili þak i rekonstrukcije, building heritage, because there are a lot of individual
dostupna je kako pojedincima, tako i raznim pravnim assessments and evaluations. Since the demands of the
licima, na primer, velikim robnim lancima, što najþešüe users are always subjective in nature, some arbitrariness
podrazumeva obuhvat nekoliko povezanih istorijskih is surely present.
zgrada i predstavlja složen i zahtevan poduhvat. The analysis of the market which includes historical
Preispitivanje finansijskog optereüenja svih etapa buildings is unstable. The reason for that is that the
revitalizacije nije bilo predmet ovog rada, s obzirom na to Swiss market is much liberalized and extremely
što zavisi od niza faktora, pre svega od veliþine samog attractive because of the high economic power of the
istorijskog objekata, a zatim i od obima intervencija u population. Regardless of whether a historical building is
procesu revitalizacije. purchased or rented, the potential for revitalization or
Ovaj uspešni metod odreÿivanja potencijala za even reconstruction is available both to the individuals
revitalizaciju graditeljskog nasleÿa, kao švajcarsko and various legal entities, for instance large department
iskustvo, može naüi svoju primenu u Srbiji, buduüi da store chains, which most frequently comprises inclusion
ekonomska, odnosno tržišna vrednost graditeljskog of several adjacent historical buildings, and represents a
nasleÿa ovde još uvek nije prihvaüena kao osnova complex and demanding undertaking.
velikog potencijala koje nasleÿe može da ugradi u razvoj Analysis of the financial load of all the stages of
privrede i kulture društva. Da bi se to ostvarilo, pored revitalization was not the subject of this paper, con-
razvijanja društvene svesti o koristi takvog pristupa, sidering that it depends on a number of factors, primarily
neophodna je i izmena ili dopuna þitavog niza zakona, on the size of the historical building itself, and on the
koji u ovom obliku nisu kompatibilni i ne mogu da podrže scope of interventions in the revitalization process.
navedene aktivnosti. Prvi korak bi trebalo da bude Yet, the method of determination of potential for revi-
usklaÿivanje odavno prevaziÿenih, zastarelih zakona u talization of historical heritage, as a Swiss experience,
pogledu zaštite kulturnih dobara, sa zakonodavstvom can be implemented in Serbia, regarding that the
Evropske zajednice. Švajcarska država je svoje zako- economy, that is, market value of the built heritage has
nodavstvo prvo uskladila s meÿunarodnim zakono- not been accepted locally as basis of a high potential for
davstvom, pa je tek onda poþela da razvija navedenu development of the economy and culture of the society.
strategiju revitalizacije. In order to accomplish that, in addition to the develop-
Najveüi izazov s kojim se susreüu svi akteri prilikom ment of the social awareness of the benefits of such
revitalizacije jeste to da svojim umeüem doprinesu da approach, it is necessary to change or amend a number
kvalitetno odabrana nova namena, putem kreativno of regulations which are not compatible with these goals
osmišljene ideje revitalizacije, doprinese produženju and cannot support the mentioned activities. The first
životnog veka istorijske graÿevine i da unapredi njene step should be the harmonization of the Serbian
veü utvrÿene vrednosti. (outdated) legal regulations referring to the protection of
the cultural assets with the EU regulations. The Swiss
state firstly harmonized their regulations with the
international ones, and only then started to develop the
mentioned revitalization strategy.
The biggest challenge encountered by all the parti-
cipants in the revitalization process is how to implement
their skill to contribute so that the well-chosen new use


can extend the service life of a historical building and
improve its existing values through a creatively
conceived revitalization.


Rad je deo istraživanja u okviru projekta TR36042 The paper is part of the project TR36042 financed by
koji finansira Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
razvoja Republike Srbije. Development of the Republic of Serbia.


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Srpski konzervatori mogu nauþiti mnogo iz primera Serbian conservationists could learn a lot from the
revitalizacije Starog grada Berna. Analize pokazuju da revitalization example of the Old city of Bern. Analyses
ovaj primer naþina revitalizacije i zaštite napuštenih, of this example show that the method of revitalization
nenaseljenih spomenika kulture zavisi od njihovog and protection of listed, but abandoned and inhabited,
buduüeg korišüenja. Analiza buduüe namene nasleÿa buildings depends on its future use. Alone analyses of
nije dovoljna da se koristiti kao postupak za njegovu future purpose of built heritage cannot be used as a
revitalizaciju. Primena novih ideja na osnovu istorijskog method for its revitalization. The use of new ideas based
znaþaja zaštiüenog objekta generiše njegovu strukturu. on historical importance of the protected building
Razliþitim analizama testiran je pristup revitalizaciji generates the building`s structures. The approach of
putem strukturiranja spomenika kulture i njihovog revitalization through the process of building structuring
prilagoÿavanja za novu namenu. Utvrÿeno je da se and adaptation to new purpose has been tested through
buduüa namena spomenika kulture ne može utvrditi different analyses. It was found that the future purpose
samo definisanjem metoda revitalizacije koji je odredio of building cannot be determined only by defining the
neki javni organ, veü da buduüi vlasnik zgrade mora revitalization method, set by public body, but in this
aktivno uþestvovati u svemu tome. Date su i preporuke process the future owner of building should actively
za prenos ove metodologije pri rešavanju problema participate. The recommendations for transferring this
srpskog graditeljskog nasleÿa. methodology in solving Serbian built heritage problems
are given.
Kljuþne reþi: metode revitalizacija, graditeljsko
nasledje, ekonomski potencijal, funkcionalna Key words: methods of revitalization, architectural
iskorišüenost, grad Bern. heritage, economic potential, functional utilization, city of



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