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AQuiz 1

Name: ID: Sec:

1. Create the table using following requirements& insert the given values


Column Datatype Constraints

GID Number(5) Primary Key
GName Varchar2(20)
Country Varchar2(10)
PID Number(10)

*******Ans Description here **********

create table arif(
g_id number(5),
g_name varchar2(20),
country varchar2(20),
pid number(10)

alter table arif add constraint arif_pk primary key(gid)

desc arif

GID GName Country PID

204 Cricket BD 110

205 Football Brazil 111

******Display Data here **********

2. Display Gname where third letter is i & second last letter is t also Pid is in the range of
101 to 110.
3. Write a query which display the output like this sample answer- Brazil loves Football

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