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The Hellion Name:

Force Lo re Steel Sway

A D e ad ly G am e My Pe t M o n s te r
When you have a moment to study your enemy and Your best friend in the whole world is an strange and
explain your plan to your allies, say what you’re ready to troublesome monster. Give it a name.

Pick a Core move

sacrifice: Pick two monster tricks: Give it two bad habits:
Some of your humanity. Your allies’ respect. Only you can see it. It’s jealous of your
The battlefield. A precious object. It goes where no one relationships.
else can. It eats things it
And what you want to destroy: Only monsters and shouldn’t.
Their escape route. Their awareness of the kids can hurt it. It’s really lazy.
Their dignity. situation. It’s gnarly and It’s always mad and
ferocious. loves breaking stuff.
When you put the plan in motion, roll +Steel. On a hit
When you give your monster orders, roll +Lore.
the plan comes through. On a 7-9, your allies choose
On a 10+ use both of its tricks to win the day, but one of
something else you must sacrifice.
its bad habits causes trouble. On a 7-9, use one trick and
Also, gain a harm slot: Saved by contingency plan. both bad habits... Bad monster, bad!
Also, gain a harm slot: Saved by my monster.

Th e T r e e Ho u s e Tho s e W ho Love M e
You have a secret place where you feel safe. Pick one: Choose one and tell us about them:
Only you can get to it. Only you can spot it. Your family. Your gang.
Only you can open it. Your creators. Your worshippers.

Also pick one:

Pick one for its interior: They’re followers with Quality 1 and 5-Loyalty. When you
It’s stocked with all kinds of supplies. would take Harm in their presence, you can spend Loyalty
It’s full of weird time and space anomalies. instead, 1-for-1. When you spend some quality time with
them, recover 1-Loyalty.
Th e W ei r d S tar e If they ever reach 0-Loyalty they’re dead or driven away. It
When you let loose your power, say what you want to do:
will take a long time to replace them, and you must chose
Protect a loved one; Banish a monster; Destroy a barrier.
someone else from the list above.
And what you are ready to wreck to get it done:
The whole place! Your health.
In h e ri tanc e
Another bit of your humanity. The respect of your friends. Get an Inheritance move from your Family:
Roll +Sway. On a hit, you do both. On a 7-9, the GM picks
an extra thing you wreck.

Roles Harm
Trigger one at character creation. When you mark
Leader: Mark when you vow to protect a off your Dead box,
gang or family. Say who or what is haunting Wrung by the neck everyone who has
them - it will never see you coming. (-1 to Steel and Force) a backstory with
you gains lasting
You’re just a kid, they say. What can you do to help? Why should we care what you think? Joke’s on them. Agent: Mark when you are sent against Advantage to
Out of your league
You have special friends they can’t see and a fire burning in your mind they can’t snuff out. monsters. State two facts about them. The
(-1 to Sway and Lore) destroy or overcome
GM will secretly decide which one is true.
Stats Looks Backstory Rebel: Mark when you radically change your
whatever killed you.
Choose one: Masculine, feminine, ambiguous, Read these out and ask for Dead
appearance. Say what you’re angry at, and the
Force -2, Lore 1, Steel 0, Sway 2 concealed. volunteers: GM will tell you who’s started following you.
Force -2, Lore 0, Steel 1, Sway 2 Gas masked face, dirty face, wicked gave me shelter when Outsider: Mark when you return home after
Gear and Notes
Force -1, Lore 1, Steel 0, Sway 1 face, playful face. I was a runaway. Add 1 to the Quality of a group of Followers when
a long absence. Tell us about the dark forces you Zoom In.
Goggles, mischievous eyes,
knew my real parents. that kidnapped you. The GM will tells us
mysterious eyes, naughty eyes.
about the place of your captivity.
Chubby body, deformed body, is also haunted by
slender body, supple body. When you change roles, add 1 to a stat or pick a new
monsters. move. If you mark all roles, retire to safety and trigger
as much of your Death move as you wish.

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