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June 2005 63


Determination and Confirmation of Five Phenolic Antioxidants

in Foods by LC/MS and GC/MS
(Received October 20, 2004)

Sumiko THJ?>῎1, 2, ῏, Maki N6@6CD῎1, 3, Hisaya T:G696῎4,

Yukio T6BJG6῎4 and Yasuhide TDCD<6>῎1, 5
(῎1Division of Food Chemistry, Osaka Branch, National Institute of Health Sciences: Closed;
῎2Present address, National Institute of Health Sciences: 1῍18῍1, Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku,
Tokyo 158῍8501, Japan; ῎3Present Address, Saito Lab., AnGes MG, Inc.: 4F,
Saito Bio-incubator, 7῍7῍15, Saito-Asagi, Ibaraki-shi, Osaka, 567῍0085 Japan;
῎4 Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute: 1῍11, Hagiyama-cho, Mizuho-ku,
Nagoya 467῍8615, Japan; ῎5Present Address, Test Inspection Center, Osaka Pharmaceutical:
1῍3῍8, Izumi-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540῍0019, Japan; ῏ Corresponding author)

Identification and determination of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytolu-

ene (BHT), nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), propyl gallate (PG) and tert-butylhydroquinone
(TBHQ) by means of LC/MS and GC/MS were examined. These five phenolic antioxidants were
detected as their pseudo-molecular ions [MῌH]ῌ by LC/MS using a Shim-pack FC-ODS column
with drying gas. Moreover, BHA, BHT and TBHQ were detected based on their mass fragment
ions by GC/MS. Decomposition of TBHQ, NDGA and PG during analysis could be prevented by
the addition of A-ascorbic acid (AsA) to the extraction solvent. All five antioxidants were
extracted from nikuman, olive oils, peanut butter, pasta sauce and chewing gum with a mixture of
acetonitrile῍2-propanol῍ethanol (2 : 1 : 1) containing 0.1῍ AsA (AsA mixture), which had been
cooled in a freezer and filtered. One part filtrate and 5 parts water were mixed and placed on a
Mega-Bond Elutῌ C18 cartridge, except in the case of chewing gum. Lipids in foods were removed
on a C18 cartridge by washing with 5 mL of 5῍ acetic acid, and antioxidants were eluted with 5
mL of AsA mixture. The antioxidants spiked into nikuman, olive oil, peanut butter, pasta sauce
and chewing gum were successfully identified and their concentrations determined by LC/MS,
and GC/MS with good recoveries.

Key words: antioxidant; LC/MS; butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA); butylated hydroxytolu-

ene (BHT); nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA); propyl gallate (PG); tert-butylhydroquinone

foods contain unpermitted phenolic antioxidants. Japa-

nese inspectors have sometimes found TBHQ in such
In Japan, four kinds of phenolic antioxidants, butyl- foods, and these foods have been returned or
ated hydroxyanisole [BHA; a mixture of 2- and 3-(2- discarded6), ῎6; in general, TBHQ is the most frequently
methylpropyl)-4-methoxyphenol, CAS No. 25013-16-5], detected of the banned phenolic antioxidants in im-
butylated hydroxytoluene [BHT; 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethy- ported foods in Japan6), ῎6.
lethyl)-4-methylphenol, CAS No. 128-37-0], nordihy- Therefore, improved methods of detecting and con-
droguaiaretic acid [NDGA; 4,4῏-(2,3-dimethyltetra- firming trace amounts of TBHQ in food are needed. In
methylene) dipyrocatechol, CAS No. 500-38-9], and pro- addition, it is necessary to be able to simultaneously
pyl gallate (PG; propyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate, CAS analyze TBHQ with other antioxidants such as BHT
No. 121-79-9), are permitted for use in foods1)῍3). On the and BHA, since in many cases they are used together.
other hand, tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ; CAS No. Various analytical methods are available to identify
1948-33-0), which the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Commit- and determine antioxidant additives in foods, including
tee on Food Additives (JECFA)3) and Code of Federal colorimetry7), 8), GC7), 9)῍11), HPLC7), 8), 11)῍16), GC/MS17), 18),
Regulations (CFR)4) permit for use in foods, is used in and HPLC with fluorescence (Flu)19), 20). Recently, HPLC
foods in a limited number of countries around the has been used after appropriate sample preparation,
world5), though not in Japan. Recent importation of such as liquid῍liquid partition or frozen separation
various kinds of foods from various countries into
Japan6), ῎6 has raised the possibility that some of these ῎6
64 J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan Vol. 46, No. 3

following extraction from foods7), 12)῍15). Preparation of sample solutions

However, for microanalyses in particular, it is neces- Samples other than chewing gum
sary to use several di#erent methods to determine var- Samples were prepared following a modification of
ious antioxidants that are added to foods. Therefore, in the method described in “Analytical method for food
the present study, we examined the possible use of LC/ additives in foods, 2nd ed.” (O$cial method)13), 14). First,
MS and GC/MS for the simultaneous determination of 50 mL of AsA mixture was added to the sample (5.0 g)
five kinds of phenolic antioxidants (BHA, BHT, NDGA, and dried sodium sulfate (10 g in the case of samples
PG and TBHQ) in foods that may contain potentially other than pasta sauce (15 g) and olive oils (none)), and
interfering compounds. We also developed a method the solution was homogenized for 3 min. The homo-
for cleaning up the sample solution in order to deter- genized solution was left to stand for more than 1 hr
mine the antioxidants at trace levels. in a freezer (῍20ῌ῍5ῐ), then filtered through No. 5C
filter paper (Advantic Toyo, Tokyo, Japan) in a freezer,
Materials and Methods
or through a glass filter rapidly at room temperature.
Samples and reagents Fifteen mL of cooled AsA mixture was added to the
Nikuman (a steamed bun with meat filling), olive oils, residue, the solution was filtered, and the filtrate was
pasta sauce, peanut butter and chewing gum were pur- taken as a primary test solution. A secondary test
chased from markets in Osaka and Aichi prefectures. solution (test solution) was made by concentrating the
BHA, BHT, NDGA (made by ICN Pharmaceuticals, Costa primary test solution to 2 mL in a vacuum with a
Mesa, CA, USA), PG and TBHQ were purchased from rotary evaporator at 40ῐ, and adding AsA mixture to
Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Osaka, Japan) make 5.0 mL. The test solution was cleaned up on a
and used as standards. Water was obtained from a C18 cartridge. Two mL of the test solution and 10 mL
Milli-Q SP TOC Reagent Water System (Millipore Co., of water were mixed, loaded onto the cartridge, and
Bedford, MA, USA). Anhydrous sodium sulfate of rea- washed with 5 mL of 5ῑ AcOH. The cartridge was
gent grade was dried at 110ῐ for 16 hr before use. All then eluted with 5 mL of AsA mixture to give 5.0 mL
other chemicals were of reagent or HPLC grade. A of sample solution (sample: 400 mg/mL). Each sample
mixed solvent was prepared using a mixture of ac- solution was analyzed by GC/MS and filtered through
etonitrile῍2-propanol῍ ethanol (2 : 1 : 1, v/v). An AsA a 0.5 mm filter before HPLC or LC/MS.
mixture was also prepared daily by adding 1 g of A-
ascorbic acid (AsA) to 1,000 mL of the mixed solvent. Chewing gum
Mega-Bond Elutῌ C18 cartridges (1 g/6 mL, produced A primary test solution was prepared as described
by Varian Inc., Harbor City, CA, USA) were used. One above. A sample solution (sample: 400 mg/mL) for GC/
series of C18 cartridges was pre-tested using a standard MS was made by drying an aliquot of the primary test
solution of antioxidants. The cartridge used for deter- solution in a vacuum with a rotary evaporator at 40ῐ
mination was conditioned with 10 mL of methanol, 5 and dissolving the residue in ethyl acetate to give a 5.0
mL of 5ῑ acetic acid (AcOH) and 10 mL of water before mL solution. A sample solution (sample: 400 mg/mL)
use. for LC/MS was made by drying another aliquot of the
test solution in a vacuum with a rotary evaporator at
Instruments 40ῐ and dissolving the residue in methanol to give a
HPLC was performed with an LC-10 HPLC system 5.0 mL solution. The sample solution was filtered
equipped with SPD-M10Avp photo diode array (PDA) through a 0.5 mm filter before HPLC or LC/MS.
and RF-10AXL fluorescence (Flu) detectors (Shimadzu
Co., Kyoto, Japan). LC/MS was performed with an HPLC
LCMS-2010A mass spectrometer coupled with an HPLC was performed under the following conditions:
LC-VP HPLC series system and an LCMS solution (Shi- column, Develosil ODS-UG-5 (4.6 mm i.d.῎250 mm,
madzu). GC/MS was performed with a GCMS-QP5050 Nomura Chemical Co., Aichi, Japan); injection volume,
mass spectrometer coupled with a GC-17A GC system, 10 mL; column temp., 40ῐ; PDA, 240῍340 nm (280 nm);
and a CLASS-5000 work station (Shimadzu). Flu, Ex 280 nm, Em 325 nm; flow rate, 1.0 mL/min;
mobile phase, a mixture of acetonitrile῍methanol (1 : 1)
Preparation of standard solutions (A) and 5ῑ AcOH (B), A/B῏4 : 6 (0 min)ΐ9 : 1 (15῍25
Standard stock solutions of BHA, BHT, NDGA, PG min)ΐ4 : 6 (26῍36 min).
and TBHQ were produced by weighing out 0.1 g of each
compound and dissolving it in methanol to make a 100 LC/MS
mL solution. All solutions were used within one month. LC/MS was performed under the following condi-
The standard stock solutions and AsA mixture were tions. LC conditions: column, a Shim-pack FC-ODS (2.0
employed to prepare standard working solutions that mm i.d.῎75 mm, Shimadzu); injection volume, 5 mL;
were used within one week. Corresponding standard column temp., 40ῐ; PDA, 240῍340 nm; flow rate, 0.2
solutions for the calibration curve were prepared using mL/min; mobile phase, acetonitrile (A) and 0.05ῑ
the standard working solutions and AsA mixture, and AcOH (B); A/B῏1 : 9 (0 min)ΐ95 : 5 (15῍20 min)ΐ1 : 9
were used immediately after preparation. (20.01῍30 min).
June 2005 Determination of Five Antioxidants in Foods by LC/MS and GC/MS 65

Fig. 1. E#ect of AsA on the stability of antioxidants

PG: ῌ; TBHQ: ΐ; NDGA: ῔; BHA: ῍; BHT: ῑ.
(A) Without AsA (B) With AsA (100 mg/mL)

MS conditions: nebulizer gas flow, 1.5 L/min; drying only in very low concentrations. Shimidzu et al. add-
gas flow, 0.20 MPa; corn voltage, ῌ3.5 kV; curved desol- ed A-ascorbyl palmitate to the extract solvent to in-
vation line (CDL) temp., 250῏; block heater, 200῏; CDL hibit oxidation῍7, but its retention time (Rt) on HPLC
voltage, ῌ25.0 V; Q-array voltage, auto; ionization is unsuitable. We used AsA, which did not interfere
mode, ESI (negative); SCAN mode, m/z ῎50ῌ350 (1.0 with the HPLC determination of phenolic antioxidants.
sec/scan), or SIM mode (1.0 sec/5 ch); monitor ions, m/z The stability of the antioxidants in the presence of
῎211 (PG), 165 (TBHQ), 301 (NDGA), 179 (BHA) and AsA was studied. Standard solutions (10 mg/mL) of
219 (BHT). antioxidants with and without AsA were left to stand at
room temperature, and then examined by HPLC.
GC/MS As shown in Fig. 1, BHA and BHT in standard solu-
The GC/MS experiments were performed using a tions without AsA were both stable, while the other
modified version of the method reported by Ohta et al.18) three antioxidants each decomposed gradually. Ap-
GC conditions: column, DB-5MS (0.25 mm film depth, proximately 40ῐ of TBHQ was lost within 24 h. In
0.25 mm i.d.῍30 m, J&W Scientific Co., Folam, CA, standard solutions with AsA (100 mg/mL), however, all
USA); injection volume, 1 mL (splitless); column temp., antioxidants were stable. Therefore, we added a rela-
60῏ (0ῌ2 min)῕15῏/min῕300῏ (7 min); injection and tively large amount of AsA to the extraction solvent
interface temp., 280῏; helium carrier gas, 100 kPa; flow (corresponding to 0.1ῐ AsA solution).
rate, 20 mL/min.
MS conditions: ionization method, EI; ionization volt- LC/MS of phenolic antioxidants
age, 70 eV; detector, 1.3 kV; fragment ions (m/z; num- The LC conditions with PDA were set with reference
bers in parentheses were used for confirmation), BHA, to the HPLC conditions. When 0.2ῐ AcOH was used as
165 (137, 180); BHT, 205 (220, 145); TBHQ, 123 (151, solvent B, the peaks of all five antioxidants appeared in
166). PDA chromatograms using various semi-micro columns
for LC/MS. When 0.02ῐ AcOH was used as solvent B,
Determination however, all five peaks appeared when only a Shim-
Antioxidant concentrations were determined by mea- pack FC-ODS column was used. The results of our
surement of the peak areas and interpolation from cal- preliminary experiments indicated that the Rt of PG
ibration curves. In determining PG and NDGA using should be set at more than 5 min in order to avoid
LC/MS, two calibration curves covering di#erent con- interference from components of the gum sample
centration ranges were used in each case. matrix.
In LC/MS without drying gas, the total ion chromat-
Results and Discussion
ograms (TICs) showed only peaks of PG and NDGA. In
Stability of phenolic antioxidants LC/MS with drying gas, on the other hand, all five
Phenolic antioxidants, especially TBHQ, PG, and antioxidants were detected. The drying gas creates a
NGDA, are readily decomposed by oxygen in air. It is finer spray mist that dries the liquid droplets and pro-
therefore necessary that their concentrations be deter- motes ionization of the samples, improving the sensitiv-
mined immediately after preparation of the sample ity of LC/MS.
solution12). If a lot of numbers of food sample are
analyzed, a lot of time is required to prepare sample ῍7 Shimidzu, T., Mizuno, T., Kato, F., Ishibashi, T., Sakai, S.,
solutions and to conduct determination by HPLC, LC/ Ishibashi, H.: The 76th Meeting of the Food Hygienics
MS or GC/MS, so that antioxidants in the samples Society of Japan, Abstract, p. 90 (5ῌ6, November, Niigata,
are easily auto-oxidizaed, especially if they are present 1998).
66 J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan Vol. 46, No. 3

Fig. 2. LC/MS chromatograms (TIC) with PDA and mass spectra of the five antioxidants
The six peaks showed the following pseudo-molecular ions (m/z῍[MῌH]ῌ).
1: AsA, 175; 2: PG, 211; 3: TBHQ, 165; 4: NDGA, 301; 5: BHA, 179; 6: BHT, 219
LC conditions: column, a Shim-pack FC-ODS; injection volume, 5 mL; column temp., 40῎; flow rate, 0.2 mL/min;
mobile phase, acetonitrile (A) and 0.05῏ AcOH (B); A/B῍1 : 9 (0 min)ῑ95 : 5 (15ῌ20 min)ῑ1 : 9 (20.01ῌ30 min)
MS conditions: nebulizer gas flow, 1.5 L/min; drying gas flow, 0.20 MPa; corn voltage, ῌ3.5 kV; CDL temp., 250῎;
block heater, 200῎; CDL voltage, ῌ25.0 V, Q-array voltage, auto; ionization mode, ESI (negative); SCAN mode,

As shown in Fig. 2, the mass chromatograms showed GC/MS of phenolic antioxidants

base peaks with m/z῍175 (AsA), 211 (PG), 165 (TBHQ), GC/MS was performed following the method report-
301 (NDGA), 179 (BHA), and 219 (BHT), which corre- ed by Ohta et al.18) However, the injection and interface
spond to the pseudo-molecular ions [MῌH]ῌ, and these temperatures were set at 280῎ in order to avoid ab-
were used for selected ion monitoring (SIM). The PDA sorption of the antioxidants on the injection port and
chromatogram at 280 nm showed sharper peaks with interface. Using a Shimadzu GCMS-QP5050, BHA, BHT
smaller tails than TICs. and TBHQ were detected, and fragmentation patterns
The calibration curves showed good linearity. How- of these three antioxidants are shown in Fig. 3. The
ever, to determine PG and NDGA with good sensitivity results agree with the data reported by Ohta et al.18)
it was necessary to make separate calibration curves in Nevertheless, no peaks of PG and NDGA were observed,
two ranges (PG: 0.01ῌ0.5 mg/mL and 0.5ῌ5 mg/mL; presumably because of decomposition within the GC
NDGA: 0.01ῌ0.5 mg/mL and 0.5ῌ5 mg/mL; TBHQ and column.
BHA: 0.1ῌ5 mg/mL; BHT: 0.5ῌ5 mg/mL). The calibration curves for standard solutions of these
three antioxidants (m/z for determination: BHA, 165;
June 2005 Determination of Five Antioxidants in Foods by LC/MS and GC/MS 67

Fig. 3. GC/MS chromatograms (TIC) and mass spectra of three antioxidants

The three peaks showed the following fragment ions (m/z; numbers in parentheses were used for confirmation)
3: TBHQ, 123 (151, 166); 5: BHA, 165 (137, 180); 6: BHT, 205 (220, 145).
GC conditions: column, DB-5BH; injection volume, 1 mL (splitless); column temp., 60ῌ (0῍2 min)῏15ῌ/min῏300ῌ (7
min); injection and interface temp., 280ῌ; helium carrier gas, 100 kPa; flow rate, 20 mL/min
MS conditions: ionization method, EI; ionization voltage, 70 eV; detector, 1.3 kV

BHT, 205; TBHQ, 123) showed good linearity from 0.01 mg/mL each of the five antioxidants) mixed with 5 mL
῍20 mg/mL. If only one injection of washing solvent of water was loaded onto the cartridge, and the car-
was done after analysis of high-concentration standard tridge was washed with 5 mL of water, BHT was not
solution, the carry-over amounted to 0.1῍. Therefore, fully eluted with methanol, though it was with the AsA
we carried out several washing injections on GC/MS mixture. However, as shown in Fig. 4(A), the recovery
after each analysis, especially for sample solutions con- of BHT was very low, as was that of TBHQ. A possible
taining high concentrations of antioxidants. explanation for this is that TBHQ might be decomposed
in the cartridge, while BHT may bind strongly to the
Cleanup with solid-phase extraction cartridge. The antioxidants eluted easily from a C18
Food extract solutions with mixed solvent or ace- HPLC column under strongly acidic conditions. There-
tonitrile contain lipids20). BHT is the least polar com- fore, the standard solution mixed with 5 mL of 5῍
pound of the five antioxidants and is readily soluble in AcOH was loaded onto a C18 cartridge, and the car-
oils; its recovery from oily samples was low. Oishi et tridge was washed with 5 mL of 5῍ AcOH, but again
al.20) developed a liquid῍liquid extraction method, the results were unsatisfactory, as shown in Fig. 4(B).
which we applied here, though the sample solution On the other hand, when the standard solution mixed
from olive oils contained only about 7῍ lipids. We also with 10 mL of water was loaded onto a C18 cartridge,
examined a Mega-Bond Elutῌ C18 cartridge for sample and the cartridge was washed with 5 mL of 5῍ AcOH,
cleanup. When the standard solution (containing 10 then eluted with the AsA mixture, the recoveries were
68 J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan Vol. 46, No. 3

Fig. 5. LC/MS chromatograms (SIM) of the five anti-

oxidants spiked into nikuman
2: PG, 211; 3: TBHQ, 165; 4: NDGA, 301; 5: BHA,
179; 6: BHT, 219
(A) Standard solution of five antioxidants (5 mg/
mL each)
Fig. 4. E#ects of passing the loading and washing (B) Nikuman only
solvents through the Mega-Bond Elutῌ C18 car- (C) Nikuman spiked with five antioxidants (10 mg/
tridge g each)
The sesitivity of LC/MS was changed at 15.0 min.
PG: ῐ, TBHQ: ῑ, NDGA: ῒ, BHA: ῌ, BHT: ῎
Loading solvent and 2 mL of standard solution (10
a#ected the ionization of BHT. In GC/MS, only three of
mg/mL each) were mixed and loaded on the C18
the five antioxidants were detected.
cartridge. The cartridge was washed with
washing solvent, and the antioxidants were then HPLC with UV detection was e#ective at higher con-
eluted with an AsA mixture through the C18 centrations of all five antioxidant (Table 1), though
cartridge. some interfering peaks of food components appeared
(A) Loading and washing solvents: 5 mL of water around the Rt of PG. HPLC with Flu detection was not
each e#ective for PG and BHT.
(B) Loading and washing solvents: 5 mL of 5῍ However, for microanalysis, it is desirable that BHA,
AcOH each
BHT and TBHQ be identified and determined using GC/
(C) Loading solvent: 10 mL of water; washing
MS, and PG and NDGA using LC/MS. Since the Rts of
solvent: 5 mL of 5῍ AcOH.
antioxidants in LC/MS sometimes vary, confirmation
satisfactory, as shown in Fig. 4(C). Consequently, the by co-injection of samples and standards is desirable.
AsA mixture was selected as a suitable extract solvent.
The antioxidants in purified test solutions were deter- Application of LC/MS and GC/MS to various foods
mined by HPLC, LC/MS, and GC/MS. Lipids in the Olive oils, pasta sauce, peanut butter and chewing
sample solutions of olive oils were 98.7῍ removed gum were used, and the five kinds of antioxidants were
through the use of the C18 cartridge. spiked at concentrations of 1 and 10 mg/g. Sample
solutions were prepared and examined by LC/MS and
Comparison of recovery tests of the phenolic antioxidants GC/MS. In the case of chewing gum, cleanup with a
in nikuman by various methods C18 cartridge could not be conducted because of the
The five kinds of antioxidants were simultaneously gum bases, and the primary test solution was evapora-
spiked into nikuman at concentrations of 1 and 10 mg/ ted to dryness as described by Ohta et al.18) The results
g, and the sample solution was prepared and examined of LC/MS are shown in Table 2 and those of GC/MS
by HPLC, LC/MS, and GC/MS. The results are shown in Table 3.
in Table 1. In LC/MS, the five antioxidants could be identified,
SIM chromatograms obtained by LC/MS and GC/MS though BHT at the 10 mg/g level was only barely ob-
showed symmetrical peaks. Figure 5 shows the LC/MS served. However, food components in chewing gums
chromatograms (SIM) of nikuman spiked with the five were incorrectly identified as PG or NDGA, and food
antioxidants. components in olive oils and peanut butter as TBHQ or
In LC/MS, the five antioxidants were successfully NDGA. It was also important to wash the column
identified, though BHT at the 1 mg/g level could not be thoroughly to avoid carry-over of antioxidants to the
detected. Other compounds in the sample may have subsequent analysis.
June 2005 Determination of Five Antioxidants in Foods by LC/MS and GC/MS 69

Table 1. Comparison of Recoveries of Five Antioxidants from Nikuman Determined by Various Methodsa)

Added UV detection Flu detection
mg/g b) b) b)
Found Recovery Found Recovery Found Recovery Foundb) Recovery
mg/g ῎ mg/g ῎ mg/g ῎ mg/g ῎
PG 0 ND ῌ ῏῏῏c) NDd) ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.80ῌ0.07 79.7 ῏῏῏c) 1.00ῌ0.10 100.7 ND 0.0
10 7.65ῌ0.49 76.5 ῏῏῏c) 8.70ῌ0.56 87.0 ND 0.0
TBHQ 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.54ῌ0.03 54.3 0.68ῌ0.03 67.7 0.85ῌ0.05 84.9 0.89ῌ0.02 89.2
10 6.18ῌ0.28 61.8 7.62ῌ0.28 76.1 8.91ῌ0.36 89.1 8.89ῌ0.22 88.9
NDGA 0 ND ῌ ῏῏῏c) NDd) ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.62ῌ0.02 61.1 ῏῏῏c) 0.95ῌ0.07 94.6 0.92ῌ0.02 92.2
10 6.64ῌ0.51 66.4 ῏῏῏c) 8.75ῌ0.39 87.5 8.75ῌ0.37 87.5
BHA 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.49ῌ0.03 49.3 0.67ῌ0.09 67.1 0.92ῌ0.02 91.6 0.91ῌ0.03 90.8
10 6.08ῌ0.33 60.8 7.32ῌ0.55 73.2 9.00ῌ0.33 90.0 8.96ῌ0.14 89.6
BHT 0 ND ῌ 0.10ῌ0.08 ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ
1 ND 0.0 0.77ῌ0.07 66.9 0.90ῌ0.08 90.0 ND 0.0
10 1.44ῌ0.04 14.4 7.06ῌ0.83 69.6 8.87ῌ0.20 88.7 10.54ῌ0.53 105.4
Sample was extracted with AsA mixture. The extracted solution was cleaned up through a C18 cartridge.
Each antioxidant in the prepared sample solution was determined by LC/MS, GC/MS and HPLC with PDA (280 nm; UV)
and Flu detection.
Values are the average and standard deviation of three trials.
PG and NDGA could not be determined because no peak was identified in GC.
There were peaks of food components around the retention times of PG and NDGA.
ND in LC/MS: PG῍0.01 mg/g, TBHQ῍0.05 mg/g, NDGA῍0.01 mg/g, BHA῍0.03 mg/g, BHT῍0.5 mg/g
ND in GC/MS: TBHQ῍0.01 mg/g, BHA῍0.01 mg/g, BHT῍0.01 mg/g
ND in HPLC (UV): PG῍0.5 mg/g, TBHQ῍05 mg/g, NDGA῍0.5 mg/g, BHA῍0.5 mg/g, BHT῍0.5 mg/g
ND in HPLC (Flu): PG῍12.5 mg/g, TBHQ῍0.01 mg/g, NDGA῍0.01 mg/g, BHA῍0.01 mg/g, BHT῍2.5 mg/g

Table 2. Recoveries of Five Antioxidants from Various Foods Using LC/MS

Olive oila) Pasta saucea) Peanut buttera) Chewing gumb)

mg/g Foundc) Recovery Foundc) Recovery Foundc) Recovery Foundc) Recovery
mg/g ῎ mg/g ῎ mg/g ῎ mg/g ῎
PG 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ 0.01ῌ0.01 ῌ
1 1.15ῌ0.12 115.2 0.91ῌ0.15 91.2 0.90ῌ0.09 89.9 1.15ῌ0.12 114.1
10 9.19ῌ0.90 91.9 7.28ῌ0.05 72.8 8.24ῌ0.20 82.4 9.19ῌ0.90 91.7
TBHQ 0 0.29d)ῌ0.03 ῌ ND ῌ 0.01ῌ0.00 ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.67ῌ0.01 37.9 0.51ῌ0.13 50.9 0.66ῌ0.01 65.1 0.43ῌ0.04 42.6
10 3.07ῌ0.28 27.8 4.08ῌ0.16 40.8 6.33ῌ0.11 63.2 5.28ῌ0.38 52.8
NDGA 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ
1 1.36ῌ0.08 135.5 0.67ῌ0.14 66.6 0.70ῌ0.01 70.0 0.78ῌ0.11 77.8
10 10.34ῌ0.43 103.4 6.40ῌ0.19 64.0 8.00ῌ0.95 80.0 7.38ῌ0.78 73.8
BHA 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.64ῌ0.06 64.3 0.58ῌ0.13 58.0 0.62ῌ0.02 61.8 0.25ῌ0.03 25.1
10 7.25ῌ0.15 72.5 4.79ῌ0.14 47.9 6.97ῌ0.30 69.7 3.78ῌ0.34 37.8
BHT 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ
1 ND 0.0 ND 0.0 ND 0.0 ND 0.0
10 1.06ῌ0.16 10.6 0.55ῌ0.10 5.5 1.31ῌ0.40 13.1 ND 0.0
Sample was extracted with AsA mixture. The extracted solution was cleaned up through a C18 cartridge.
Each antioxidant in the prepared sample solution was determined by LC/MS.
Sample was extracted with AsA mixture. The extracted solution was evaporated, and the residue was dissolved in
Each antioxidant in the prepared sample solution was determined by LC/MS.
Values are the average and standard deviation of three or five trials.
There were peaks of food components around retention time of TBHQ.
ND: PG&NDGA῍0.01 mg/g, TBHQ῍0.05 mg/g, BHA῍0.03 mg/g, BHT῍0.5 mg/g
70 J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan Vol. 46, No. 3

Table 3. Recoveries of Three Antioxidants from Various Foods Using GC/MS

Olive oila) Pasta saucea) Peanut buttera) Chewing gumb)

mg/g Foundc) Recovery Foundc) Recovery Foundc) Recovery Foundc) Recovery
mg/g ῏ mg/g ῏ mg/g ῏ mg/g ῏

BHA 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.71῍0.04 71.2 0.74῍0.22 74.4 0.49῍0.09 48.1 0.90῍0.01 89.7
10 7.55῍0.53 75.5 7.11῍1.88 71.1 5.79῍0.51 57.9 8.66῍0.52 86.6

BHT 0 0.09῍0.08 ῌ 0.14῍0.06 ῌ 0.18῍0.03 ῌ 0.23῍0.27 ῌ

1 0.76῍0.05 66.3 0.90῍0.25 75.6 0.71῍0.05 52.9 1.14῍0.02 91.6
10 8.69῍0.43 68.6 5.85῍2.56 57.1 4.44῍0.37 42.7 8.62῍0.27 83.9

TBHQ 0 ND ῌ ND ῌ 0.02῍0.03 ῌ ND ῌ
1 0.67῍0.01 66.5 0.57῍0.01 57.0 0.67῍0.13 65.1 0.61῍0.06 61.2
10 7.59῍0.80 75.9 7.03῍1.41 70.3 6.03῍0.71 60.1 8.29῍0.29 83.0
Sample was extracted with AsA-mixture. The extracted solution was cleaned up through a C18 cartridge.
Each antioxidant in the prepared sample solution was determined by GC/MS.
Sample was extracted with AsA-mixture. The extracted solution was evaporated, and the residue was dissolved in ethyl
Each antioxidant in the prepared sample solution was determined by GC/MS.
Values are the average and standard deviation of three trials.
ND: BHA῎0.01 mg/g, BHT῎0.01 mg/g, TBHQ῎0.01 mg/g

In GC/MS, BHA, BHT and TBHQ were sensitively

identified and their concentrations were determined.
However, carry-over was observed after injection of The authors would like to express their gratitude to
sample solutions with high concentrations of antioxi- Mr. Kimihiko Yoshii, Osaka Branch of NIHS, for his
dants. In this case, washing by solvent injection was helpful suggestions on the analyses by LC/MS and GC/
ine#ective. However, the combination of washing and MS, and to Mr. Takahiro Goda and Mr. Hirohisa
aging of the column overcame the problem. Mikami, the Analytical Applications Department
When determining the antioxidants by means of LC/ (Hadano City, Japan) of Shimadzu Co., for their assis-
MS or GC/MS, prior clean-up was found to be indis- tance in LC/MS determination. This study was sup-
pensable. The detection limits of PG and NDGA in ported in part by the Costs for Food Examinations of
LC/MS and those of BHA, BHT, TBHQ in GC/MS were the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in fiscal
approximately 0.01 mg/g. years 2001 and 2002.
A portion of this study was presented at the 84th
meeting of the Food Hygienics Society of Japan (Osaka,
Identification and determination of the concentra- 2002).
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