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Irene, Cris Gerald Montilla May 24, 2021



With all of what is happening around the world, I can say that the world

that we live in is far from ideal. Whenever I watch the news or scroll my social

media feed, tons of unpleasant events are being reported on a daily basis. From

robbery at the next-door convenient store to a civil war ongoing at a faraway

country, I cannot help but to feel anxious. Sure, there are still good things

happening around the world, but is it enough? It seems to me that these good

things happen only once in a blue moon. I cannot help but think, “What would

my ideal world be?”

It’s not rocket science. My ideal world is really simple. I think the ideal

world would be a world wherein people are discerning and acting out of love. It

might sound a dime a dozen, but hear me out. I think what is lacking in the

world today is love. There are tons of hate circling around the world, but there

are less love to counter all of those hate. People nowadays are reeling in the

concept of revenge, as evident by the rise of revenge plot in movies and

increased volume of revenge-centered posts in social media sites. Also, the

world that we live in is currently exploited by greedy people who are not

contented over anything. Because of this, we are suffering. Famine, global

warming, poverty, and war are only few among the effects of some people’s

greediness. That is why I think a love-centered world would be an ideal world

to live in, for imagine if everyone discerns and acts out of love, then forgiveness
would always be chosen, and it would be easier to cut someone some slack.

Instead of burning bridges, relationships are mended. In the first place, one

would not elect to do something heinous if one discerns and acts out of love.

And if everyone discerns and acts out of love, then greed will be kept at bay.

Therefore, we would not exploit natural resources, which will result in less

pollution. Also, we would not hoard resources, allowing everyone to gain them.

I can only imagine how wonderful would it be if I live in that world.

That’s it. That is the ideal world that I have envisioned. It may sound

so simple, but willing the world to an ideal world is easier said than done.

Would we be able to will the world to such? Well, your guess is as good as

mine. It is hard to tell such thing because everyone is different from each other.

However, I hope that even the world would not be as close as my ideal world,

somehow, it would be better than what it is today. For you, what would be your

ideal world? A penny for your thoughts, please?

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