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Nod off To fall asleep for a short time when you I was practically nodding off in that

were sitting on the chair meeting

Knock sth off Used to threatened sb that you will hit them
Back off to stop being involved in a situation, I saw the knife, and then backed off
especially in order to allow other people to
deal with it themselves
Pass on Pass away
Go off If a light goes off, it stops working
If a bomb goes off, it explodes
To leave a place and go somewhere else I’m a bit wary of letting Elise
go off to the local high school

Piss sb off = To annoy someone He never helps with the housework

pee sb off and it’s starting to piss me off
Turn over If an engine turns over, its parts move in When I put the key in the ignition it
order to make the engine start running turns over, but it won’t start
Fall apart To break into pieces My poor old boots are falling apart
If an organization, system, or agreement falls The deal fell apart because of a lack of
apart, it fails or stops working effectively financing
doze off If you doze off, you start to sleep, especially The office was so hot I nearly dozed off
during the day at my desk
Pass out To become unconscious for a short time, for I was hit on the head and passed out
ex: when ill, badly hurt or drunk

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