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But, Why are you need to travel to Ecuador?

Obviously , because Ecuador is a wonderful country maybe that for many it’s an
unknown country but the reality is that Ecuador more beautiful than any other. It has the
largest amount of plants and animals on the planet.

In Ecuador are there 17 indigenous languages that can be heard throughout it. Quichua
is the most common and It still taught in some schools and universities.

Their more recognize customs and traditions are the carnival that is a party that
precedent the lent and it’s celebrate more in azuay, Tungurahua, Imbabura , etc. Then,
The Corpus Christi that It always celebrated in June as a the more big and popúlar
movilitiations with manifestations theatrical . Also, The mama negra has carried out in
september and november at Latacunga. Finally, the Inty Raymy is a symbol of the
andean villages that It has offered to Pacha Mama because they had a good production
and harvest.

At some point, the ecuadorian food is pretty marvellous I can mention some such as the
Fanesca that is a beans soup, also the ceviche that is a seafood soup and the Churrasco
that is beef chops grilled with rice, eggs and potatoes.

Finally, among the places more amazing that I have visited I can mention locations such
as Montañita that is a gorgeous beach that it was visiting per people lovers surf. Also,
the lagoon Quilotoa that It located in the crater of the Quilotoa volcano, its color is
bluish green and It's an stunning natural viewpoint . Other place very fantastic is
Galapagos Islands that is a biological diversity reserve where almost two thousand
endemic species like the famous giant land turtles .

You should come to Ecuador, it's really magic and you will meet many friendly and
cozy people.

I love Ecuador .

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