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let's start per a small stop at the coast Ecuadorian, more specifically at the city of
Guayaquil, the coast was characterized per it always prepared the best seafood that may

Among the ecuadorian food that i have tried i can mention the encebolladeushion that is
a shellfish soup both dishes are very exquisite.

Also, If we talk about the beach, the favorite for surfers is MONTAÑITA, other very
amazing plase is the PLAYA ROSADA, its name comes from its sand of a very strange
pink tone.

Finally we have jambeli beach a magical place where you can have very good and
varied foods, places to spend the night and even where to dance.

while in the Ecuadorian highlands, the climate in this place is characterized per being
cold, There are many friendly people and the most typical dishes.

They are the baking that is a fried pig in its own grease and is accompanied with a
potato and mote tortilla, another typical dish is the guinea pig who roasts it and is
accompanied with mote both very exquisite, In the mountains there are very beautiful
cities with unique stories such as Cuenca and Quito, the latter has an architecture that
gives much resemblance to the medieval, It makes you come back in time, there are
crafts such as straw hats, ponchos, figures made of wood etc.

In the part of the Ecuadorian Amazon it brings us closer to what the land was like long
before us, if we say we can make a guided tour it will be the best decision we make
since the gias will show us each of the species of animals that live in This place, and we
can navigate the Amazon River.

The Galapagos Islands are the last jewel in the crown, it is also known as the insular
region, this place has many endemic species such as Galapagos turtles, blue-footed
boobies, marine iguanas, pinches, etc.

This island is a unique experience that can not be missed in the tour of any tourist
visiting Ecuador.

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