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Name : Hassan akbar pambudi

Class :I25

Departement :Keperawatan D3

Sereal Number :1911010011

-Warming up

A. Do you have close friends

 Yes, I have close friends.

B. How long have you and your friend known each other?

 about nine years we know each other

C. Do you have the same or different interests? Wre they?

 We have different interests, namely I went into the world of health and he was involved in civil

- Match the words on the left side with the correct meaning on the right side.

1. an acquaintance

f. someone you've met but don't know very well

2. Colleagues

g. someone you work with

3. co-workers

e. someone who works with us

4. like

b. really like someone or something

5. foreigners

j. someone who comes from another country

6. material

I. to be important, or to influence what happened

7. relatives

h. your family members

8. siblings

c. brother or sister

9. partner

d. someone's husband or wife

10. foreigners

A. someone you don't know

- Listen to monologues about how people meet their friends.

-Which speakers met their friends:

A. by using a computer?

- speaker 4

b. working?

-speaker 3

c. in a car park?

-speaker 2

d. in an airport?

-speaker 4

e. while studying?

-speaker 1

- Reading

A.Louis and Juanita are in touch every day via email.

B.Loise Henry from London and Juanita from Vancouver, Canada.

C.tren new social media that spread throughout the world. We don't have to live in the same city to
make a new border, or even the same in the same. We can establish new friendships on the internet.
This new web is followed by many members and more who join in every day

D. This webitus only accepts members invited by friends in real life. Members are accepted that they can
place their entire social network on the website.

E. How to join this new website friends can get to know friends. With the Qur to the party, meet, chat,
and certainly become friends.

F.Louis and Juanita have a lot in common even though they live in a different place. Like a photography

G. Because to meet new people in society which he thinks is not easy to get new friends.

H. This new webitus has a very high reach for friends on the internet very large.

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