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Jakarta, May 31st 2021

Attention To: Mrs. Sundari Julia

Head of Human Resources Department
“Weston and Bernard” English Training Center
Jalan Kyai Mojo No. 89B, Kasepuhan

Dear Mrs. Sundari Julia,

I have read from your job vacancy advertisement in English Education Magazine and
I do believe that your company is currently looking for an English teacher. I hereby
express my interest in applying for the job because I believe the job is suitable to my
educational background, making myself qualified properly for the job.
My name is Ahmad Fauzan. I am twenty six years old and I am an alumni of English
Language and Literature department of Purnama Baru University.Based on the job
vacancy advertisement, I have the proper qualifications for the job. First of all, I am
fully capable to speak, write, and communicate in English. Second, I have been
working as English teacher in several English courses and schools before. Third, I
have excellent motivation forprogress and growing and I also eager to learn. Last but
not least, I have the passion in education and thus teaching children will be a delight
for me.
With all the qualifications I mentioned above, I am sure that I am the suitable English
teacher you have been looking for. Herewith this letter I enclose my:
1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate and Academic Transcript.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Recent photograph with size of 4×6
I appreciatethe attention you give to my letter and I hope we can work together in the
near future.

Ahmad Fauzan

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