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Introduction to Computing Total marks = 20

Assignment # 03 Deadline
Fall 2020 02 February 2021

Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the assignment.


It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:
 The assignment is submitted after the due date.
 The submitted assignment does not open or the file is corrupt.
 Strict action will be taken if the submitted solution is copied from any other student or
the internet.

You should consult the recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not

You are supposed to submit your assignment in Doc or Docx format.

Any other formats like Scan Images, PDF, Zip, Rar, Ppt, and BMP, etc will not be accepted.

 Programming constructs
 Logical operators
 Control Structures
 Operators

No assignment will be accepted after the due date via email in any case (whether it is the case
of load shedding or internet malfunctioning etc.). Hence refrain from uploading assignments in
the last hour of the deadline. It is recommended to upload the solution file at least two days
before its closing date.

If you find any mistake or confusion in the assignment (Question statement), please consult
with your instructor before the deadline. After the deadline, no queries will be entertained in
this regard.

For any query, feel free to email at:
Questions No 01 Marks (20)
Suppose you are working as a programmer in an IT firm. Your firm got a project to develop an
application for an Ice Cream Parlor. The application must be developed considering the
following scenario.
• The application will display a menu showing the flavors that have been offered by the Ice
Cream Parlor.
• The Parlor offers Tutti-Frutti, Chocolate, Pineapple, Kulfa, Strawberry, Mango, Orange,
and Pistachio flavors.
• The price of each flavor per scoop has been listed in the table below, for multiple scoops,
the price will variate as per the scenario stated in the table.

Price Per Scoop

Flavor One Scoop Two Three Scoops or
Scoops above
Tutti-Frutti 150 120 100
Chocolate 150 120 100
Pine Apple 150 120 100
Kulfa 150 120 100
Strawberry 150 120 100
Mango 175 150 130
Orange 200 170 150
Pistachio 150 120 100

• The developed application will ask the customer to select the flavors and no. of scoops
for each selected flavor. The program will perform calculations and display the bill.

You are required to write the pseudo-code for the above-given scenario.

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