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USS Aventine (NCC-82602)

U.S.S. Aventine • NCC-82602

Vessel Class: Vesta-class

Vessel Classification: Explorer

A!liation: Federation Starfleet

Current Status: Active (Launched in 2380)

The U.S.S. Aventine is a first generation Vesta-class starship that was commissioned in 2380 and was
the second starship of her class to be completed.
Originally commanded by Captain Dexar, command of the Aventine was given to Lieutenant
Commander -- and subsequently promoted to Captain -- Ezri Dax after Captain Dexar and his First
O!cer, Commander Tovak were killed in combat with a Borg Sphere near Acamar. The Second O!cer
took command of the ship and was able to get it to safety. Two weeks later, Lieutenant Commander
Dax was promoted to Captain and given permanent command.

By 2381, Captain Dax and Aventine were permitted passage through the Bajoran wormhole to the
Gamma Quadrant to investigate the crashed Earth starship Columbia on an uninhabitated planet near
Dominion space.

Later that year, Aventine was used to transport Ambassador Sonek Pran to Achernar Prime in order to
convince Empress Donatra of the Imperial Romulan State to help in providing aid to the Romulan Star

In 2382, Aventine was used again as a transport, this time to transport Starfleet Intelligence o!cers,
Commander Julian Bashir and Sarina Douglas, to a covert infiltration of Breen space to determine
rather or not the Breen had successfully stolen plans for the Quantum Slipstream drive. Upon
confirmation of that, Aventine provided support for the mission by performing a slipstream jump into
Breen space and extract the operatives once the prototype was destroyed. Aventine was called in
slightly before the destruction of the prototype, and had to help finish the mission by using her shields
to force the Breen ship back into the shipyard, where it was destroyed by a reactor core breach in the

Aventine then returned Commander Bashir and Douglas to Deep Space 9.

In 2383, Starfleet sent the Aventine to the Venetan Outpost V-4 to investigate Tzenkethi activity there.

In August 2385, Captain Dax and the Aventine crew docked at the new Deep Space 9 for the
dedication ceremony of the new starbase.

In September, the Aventine was ordered to intercept Dr Julian Bashir on his way to Andor to prevent
classified information being leaked to the Typhon Pact, when in actuality Aventine was sent to stop
Bashir from administering the cure to the Andorian people that was derived from classified material.

During that operation, Aventine was involved in a stando" and fired upon by Andorian ships before
temporarily defusing an extradition situation. Once Captain Dax had sided with Bashir in administering
the cure to Andoria, the U.S.S. Warspite and U.S.S. Falchion attempted to remove the Aventine from
the system. However, the ship remained in orbit of Andoria for the duration of the conflict.
Captain Dax was arrested shortly thereafter and incarcerated on Jaros II.

Later in 2385 it was revealed that Ishan Anjar was long dead. Baras Rodirya - the man who had taken
his identity during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor - was revealed to be working with
the Cardassian group the True Way. Baras was personally arrested by Attorney General Phillipa
Louvois and removed from o!ce. Admiral Akaar was soon authorized by President Pro-
Tempore Sipak to drop all the charges against Captain Dax. Dax was issued a commendation for her
actions and reinstated as captain of the Aventine.

In November 2385, Rear Admiral William Riker was the Federation representative to the mysterious Far
Embassy, who, along with representatives from the Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, Cardassian
Union, Ferengi Alliance, Tzenkethi Coalition, Gorn Hegemony, and Tholian Assembly, became agents of
the Cytherians. Under their influence, Riker transferred his flag temporarily to the Aventine, and began
attacking various communications stations. Eventually, with the help of the crews
of Aventine and Enterprise, Riker was returned to normal and taken to Betazed Station 4 for
Primary Starship Specifications
Vessel Configuration: Federation Multi-Mission Explorer


Length: 672 meters

Beam: 195 meters
Height: 88 meters
Decks: 25
Crew Compliment:

Starfleet O!cers: 220

Starfleet Enlisted: 530
Maximum Life Support Capability: 5,000
Warp Core: One Enhanced Cochrane Warp Core feeding two naccelles

Cruising Speed: Warp Factor 8.5

Maximum Cruise: Warp Factor 9.9
Maximum Attainable: Warp Factor 9.991
Quantum Slipstream Generator: Mark IV Quantum Slipstream Drive Core

Maximum Slipstream Velocity: Equivalent of Warp 9.99999

Impulse Fusion Reactors: 2 Vesta-class Impulse Fusion Reactors (Primary); 2 Vesta-class Impulse
Fusion Reactors (Auxiliary)

Tactical Systems:

O"ensive Systems:

12 × Type-XIV Phaser Arrays

2 × Type-4 Pulse Phaser Cannons
8 × Type-5 Burst Fire Torpedo Launchers
1 × Type-2 Rapid Fire Torpedo Turret
150 Photon Torpedoes
70 Quantum Torpedoes
Defensive Systems:

Auto-Regenerative Adaptive Shield Matrix

Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 12 centimeters of ablative hull armor
High Level Structural Integrity Field

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