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Dallman 1

Anahi Dallman

Joni Flowers

Edu 214

November 15, 2018

Lesson Plan Final

Lesson Plan Title: Working With 2d Shapes

Concept / Topic to Teach: Math

Grade Level: Kindergarten

General Goal(s): Shape Recognition

Specific Objectives:

A. Students will be able to create, explore, and describe shapes.

B. Students will be able to identify, sort, and classify shapes by attribute and identify the

ones that do not belong in a group.

Required Materials: markers color’s (red, yellow), Copied paper activity pages of shapes

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

The students were introduced to the shapes earlier in the morning and told what they would be

doing on the worksheet. Students were asked to recognize each of the seven shapes, triangles,

squares, rectangles, stars, ovals, circles, and hexagon.

Dallman 2

Step-By-Step Procedures:

Present power point on 2 dimensional shapes (6 minutes)

Pass out markers (2 minutes)

Pass out work sheet (2 minutes)

Explain work sheet step by step (10 minutes)

Plan for Independent Practice:

Drawing and practicing the shapes activity page

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

Ask students what shapes they recognize write their names down and pull names to find out what

students know.

Assessment Based on Objectives:

During the morning the students were asked to recognize shapes and patterns of shapes.

Adaptations (For Students with Learning Disabilities): One on one attention

Possible Connections to Other Subjects: none

Extensions (For Gifted Students):

Using the white boards during choice time the students will have the opportunity to write shapes

on the boards and make different designs.

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