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A. Hi Josselin, how are you? What are you doing?

J. Hi Alan, I'm fine! I'm looking for a used car. i need to buy one. What advice could you give me? I
don't want to buy a bad car.

A. When shopping for a used car, you need to be careful. You must check the car very well. See
that everything works well, the engine, you must make sure that it does not have mechanical

J.Ok. I'll keep it in mind. Some time ago my mom bought a used car and she had a lot of problems.
She couldn't drive it and the tires were no longer working. She had to change all the tires.

A. That is terrible. well, when you buy a car you have to test it and make sure it works well. She
checks the air conditioning and also tries to raise and lower the window glass. Because if the air
conditioning does not work, you will spend a lot of heat inside the car.

J. I know. What else do I need to know? How much should I pay for a used car?

A. It's a good question ... The price depends on the model and style of the car. If you want a small
car the price will not be high. But if you want a modern car the price will be more expensive.

J. Could you go see some cars with me? To be sure of making a good purchase.

A. Remember that you should not only search one side. You must look in several places to know
the price in each place. Do you think if we meet in the afternoon? I have things to do in the


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