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Muhammad Supri



Tips for Becoming a Programmer

1. Of course you must have the intellectual abilities required to become a programmer. Such
as mathematics, algorithms, and so on.
2. Began to join several IT forums, both in Indonesian and in English.
3. Start tinkering with several websites and apps to find out the structure of the data arranged
in the website or apps.
4. Diligently follow technological developments, and usually informative news on IT
developments are written by foreign media. Automatically must use English. From the habit
of reading English media, you will soon master English for software engineers.
5. Get to know and join some friends or a community consisting of programmers.
6. If you are already in college taking IT, then try making some websites, applications, or other
technology products. At least for yourself. If you feel your work is very useful, then you can
share it with your friends and family. Lal asked for advice and criticism from them.

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