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NAMA : Venansia Eno Tangi

NIM : 20111501007


MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

1. A shirt in Matahari costs Rp.400,000. There is a 20% discount. How much does is
cost after discount?
Answer: The cost after discount is Rp.80,000.
2. Last year gado-gado in warung X was Rp.10,000. This year the price is increasing by
30% . How much is the price now?
Answer: The price of gado-gado now is Rp.13,000
3. Merry was shopping for a new dress and found one she likes for $48. Better yet, it
was 25% off. How much did Merry pay for the dress?
Answer: Merry payed for the dress is $12
4. The price of an item is $18 after 25% discount. What was the original price?
Answer: The original price was $72
5. A shirt that originally cost $45 is non sale. The sale price is 15% of the original price.
What is the sale price?
Answer: The sale price is $6.75

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