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Areeba Mughal (S17BBAH051)
Provide two examples of these forms of inductive reasoning are:

1) Inductive Generalization:

 Six months ago, I met a rancher from Montana, and she was friendly.
Two months ago, I met a waiter from Montana, and he was friendly.
One week ago, I met a student from Montana, and she was friendly.
I guess most people from Montana are friendly.
 All the catfishes caught in Mekong river have been less than 1lb. So, most of the
catfishes caught in Mekong river are less than 1lb.
 All dinosaur bones found so ar have been over 65 million years old.
Therefore, all dinosaur bones found will be over 65 million years old

2) Predictive Argument:

 Most U.S presidents have been tall.

Therefore, the next president will be tall
 It has rained in Karachi every February since records have been kept.
Therefore, it will probably rain in Karachi next February.

3) Argument from Authority:

 Centrum vitamins work because Dr. Jones did a study proved it.
 Mu’ammar Gaddafi said that Barack Obama was a Muslim, so he probably is.

4) Causal Argument:

 I cannot receive my emails. The network must be down.

 Exercise during heat causes sweating

5) Statistical Argument:

 90% of college students are in favor of not having a final exam.

So, 90% of 21 students are in favor of not having a final exam.
 If 65% polled will vote Democratic, then Hillary will win.
65% polled will vote Democratic.
Therefore, Hillary will win.
6) Argument from Analogy:

 Guns are like hammers-it would be ridiculous to restrict the purchase of hammers-so
restrictions on purchasing guns are equally ridiculous.
 Her face was perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a
Thigh Master.

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