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1. Cocacola company has just received 5250 cristal bottles. Before accepting the bottles, the
manager insists that 21 of the cristal bottles be randomly slected for testing. He intends to
measure the maximum capability of each bottle and reject the shipment if the mean
capability for the sample is greater than the 433 newton listed on the product label, Based
on the manager, the bottles on the require an average 425 newton, with a standard
deviation 0f 15 newton. Determine the probability ha the cristal bottles will be rejected?
2. The rent for one-bedroom apartemen in Jakarta fellows the normal distribution with a
mean of $3,500 per month and a standard deviation of $385 per month, The manager
selects a random samle one bedroom apartemens.
a. What is the probability that the sample mean is between $3,550 and 3,500?
b. What is the probability that the sample mean is greater than $3,430?.
3. Multiguna company has a plan to ipen a recquirement for new employee in 2348 persons
for 1250. 465 persons for that amount, ever had experinces in working before and the
residual is fresh graduated. 340 emloyees is taken randomly to be a sample.
a. Determine proportion of deviation standard?
b. Determine probability that the new employess who had working experience is
between 35% and 55%?
4. Tentukanlah probabiltaa bahwa diantara 60 orang yang dating ke Alfa Midi, terdapat:
a. Maksimal 30% adalah pria?
b. Lebih dari 70% adalah wanita?
Asumsi : probabilita kedatangan wanita dan laki-laki ke Alfa Midi adalah 6 : 4

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