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BLESSED ASSURANCE - CHB125, Fanny J.Crosby(1820-1915) Assurance JF. Knapp(1839-1908) KeyD 3/4 (9/8) 9.10. sath rt i mor.d]sisif.s t[ssells,m.s{dist.-,trl,s, fel s us ddd) dim: dd.djds-imd mp miry-vtirrye prin: [Blessed as = sur = ance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a fore-taste of glo-ty di - vine? Heiroi sal - va + tion, purchased of God, Perfect sub - mission, perfect de -Light; Vi-- sions of rapture now burston my sight; An- gels descend -ing, bring irom above, J.Petfect sub-mis- sion, all is at rest, 1 Watching and wait -ing, look- ing a+ hove, s.f.m[m:s:ilomf[m:-'s,s.s|s: Qiddldid:dd.d)d:-d,d,d]d: in my Sav - jour am hap-py and blest; ee til@ soi i 8 Born 5 ed a tay, : ‘ PSH, wacg i ate SEE 7 Hm Sm Filed wih Hig MS hivpers of to may His goodness, toe yh ai fs This is vba (ate is ane so imntal g mage ti eS juww med

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