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October 27, 2020

Dear Lakeville Area Staff and Families,

Since the beginning of this pandemic, our commitment to the health, safety and well-being of
our students, staff and families remains our top priority. Throughout this school year, our staff
have continued to monitor the state’s safe learning plan and key metrics to inform our district’s
safe learning model.

At this time, we remain in the hybrid learning model. However, based upon current
state-reported case data, we will likely meet or exceed the case rate threshold of 30 per 10,000
COVID-19 cases in both Scott and Dakota Counties. This could happen as soon as this
Thursday, Oct. 29 when the state updates its official case numbers relating to counties and
schools. When county case rates are within the threshold of 30-49, we must consider shifting
secondary schools to full-time distance learning. Elementary students would remain in hybrid
learning. Any decision to change learning models will be made in collaboration with the
Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Education in accordance with
the Minnesota Safe Learning Plan.

We will communicate again with you on Friday, October 30 to share whether middle and
high school students will need to shift to full-time distance learning. This communication would
include the process and timeline if a shift is necessary. In the meantime, it remains important
that all staff and families have plans in place to switch to full-time distance learning, if
needed. For more information about this process, please visit

Our schools have done an outstanding job following health and safety protocols. We continue to
ask that everyone in the Lakeville Area community remains vigilant in following the CDC’s
recommendations to slow the spread of COVID-19, which includes wearing face coverings in
public and during private gatherings, socially distancing and staying home when you are sick.

Thank you for your partnership as we continue to navigate this pandemic together.
Stay well,

Michael Baumann


Lakeville Area Schools

phone 952-232-2001


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