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MOHAMMED HUSSEIN………………………………………………………………CS/R/1051/13
MESBAHUDIN HUSSEIN………………………………………………………………CS/R/1046/13
DIRIBA OLI……………………………………………………………………………...CS/R/1016/13
FANA HAYLEMARIEM………………………………………………………………..CS/R/1025/13





JUNE, 2017
Approval Sheet
This Group Project Research entitled “Developing Online Bule Hora University Pharmacy
Management System” has been read and approved as meeting the preliminary research
requirements of the Department of computer science in partial fulfillment for the award of the
degree of Bachelor in computer science, BuleHora University, BuleHora, Ethiopia.


Mr. FiraolSignature: ___________ Date: _____________

Mr. FiromsaSignature: ___________ Date: _____________

Chairman, Committee:

__________________________________ Signature: ___________ Date: _____________


__________________________________ Signature: ___________ Date: _____________

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System I

I. Abstract
Pharmacy Management System - PMS application is to help easy management of pharmacy in
the systematic ways. Medicine selector for student means the system application that gives the
suggestion for the medicine to the pharmacist from the symptom that request by student. The
minor illness is small injury that cause when playing in the sport, like football or the other
popular game in university. Pharmacy is the one of the medical facilities to serve the people of
certain population for their healthcare. Before this, pharmacy uses the manual system to manage
the medicine stock. It needs to check the medicine twice a week to check expire date of the
medicine in the storage and the medicine that out of stock. The manual system that use is not
very reliable to the pharmacy management today. Therefore, the new approach of system
application is needs to make the pharmacy management more efficient and effective. They just
open the system and check it at the list of the medicine that display by the system.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System II

II. List of Acronym and Abbreviation
BHU= Bule Hora University
PMS = Pharmacy management system
BHUPMS = Bule Hora University Pharmacy management system
PHP = Hypertext Preprocessor
HTML = Hypertext Markup Language
SD = Sequence Diagram
HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
TCP = Transfer Control Protocol
IP = Internet Protocol
HEI = Higher Education institution
E.C = Ethiopian Calendar
ICT = Information Communication Technology
MySQL= My Standard Query Language
UML=Unified modeling language
SRS=System Requirement specification
UCID=Use case Identification
UC=Use case

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System III

III. Acknowledgements
Our profound gratitude to almighty Allah for the knowledge, wisdom and understanding that he
bestowed on us to carry out this project. We appreciateouradvisorMr. Firomsa T for the
advising and support that they gave for us, which helped the progression and smoothness of the
project. The co-operation is much indeed appreciated. Our grateful thanks also go to the Entire
Computer science department of the University of BuleHora, and all lecturers who prepared me
from the base of computer science. Special thanks also to our parents who encouraged support
and helped us financially, prayerfully and morally throughout this project. May the Almighty of
Allah bless you all and keep you all to enjoy the fruit of your labor.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System IV

IV. Table of Contents
Approval Sheet............................................................................................................................................I
I. Abstract..............................................................................................................................................II
II. List of Acronym and Abbreviation..............................................................................................III
III. Acknowledgements.......................................................................................................................IV
I. List of figures..................................................................................................................................VIII
II. List of Table..................................................................................................................................IX
Chapter One...............................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of University.........................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Mission.......................................................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Vision:........................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Background of the project.........................................................................................................2
1.3 Statement of the Problem..........................................................................................................3
1.4 Objectives...................................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General objective...............................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the project.........................................................................................................4
1.6 Scope and limitation..................................................................................................................4
1.7 Feasibility Analysis....................................................................................................................5
1.7.1 Technical feasibility...........................................................................................................5
1.7.3 Behavioral/Political Feasibility.........................................................................................6
1.7.4 Schedule Feasibilities.............................................................................................................7
1.8 Target beneficiaries of the system............................................................................................9
1.9 Project methodology..................................................................................................................9
1.9.1 Data source.......................................................................................................................10
1.9.2 Facts and findings Techniques on BHUPMS.................................................................10
1.10 Development Tools...................................................................................................................10
1.11 Testing Methodology...............................................................................................................11
1.12 Team Composition...................................................................................................................11
Chapter Two............................................................................................................................................13
2 Description of the Existing...................................................................................................................13

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System V

2.1 Overview of Existing System.........................................................................................................13
2.1.1 Problem of the existing System.......................................................................................13
2.1.2 Weakness and Strength of the existing System.....................................................................13
2.1.3 Strength of the existing system..............................................................................................13
2.1.4 Business Rules..................................................................................................................14
2.1.5 Major functions/activities in the existing system like inputs, processes & outputs.....14
Input Analysis..................................................................................................................................14
Process Analysis...............................................................................................................................14
Output Analysis...............................................................................................................................14
2.1.6 Report generated in the existing system.........................................................................14
2.3 Overview of the proposed system...........................................................................................15
2.3.1 Functional Requirements................................................................................................15
2.3.2 Non-functional requirement............................................................................................16
2.4.1 Assumptions:...........................................................................................................................16
2.4.2 Constraints:......................................................................................................................16
Chapter Three..........................................................................................................................................17
System Analysis or System modeling (Modeling of the Existing and Proposed System using the
chosen methodology)...............................................................................................................................17
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................17
3.2 System Requirement Specifications (SRS)...................................................................................17
3.3 Use case diagrams..........................................................................................................................18
3.3.1 Actor specification and their activities..................................................................................19
3.3.2 Use case description................................................................................................................19
3.5 Activity Diagram............................................................................................................................30
Chapter Four...........................................................................................................................................33
System Design..........................................................................................................................................33
4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................33
4.2 Systems architecture Diagram................................................................................................33
4.3 State chart diagram.................................................................................................................34
4.4 Collaboration diagram............................................................................................................36
4.5 Deployment Diagram...............................................................................................................37
4.6 Persistence data management.................................................................................................39
4.7 Access control and security.....................................................................................................40

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System VI

4.8 User interfaces..........................................................................................................................41
Chapter Five............................................................................................................................................44
Implementation and Testing...................................................................................................................44
5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................44
5.2 Final Testing of the system.............................................................................................................44
5.3 Sample code....................................................................................................................................47
5.4 Hardware and Software acquisitions...........................................................................................53
5.5 User manual preparation..............................................................................................................54
5.6 Training..........................................................................................................................................54
5.7 Installation process........................................................................................................................55
5.8 Start-up Strategy...........................................................................................................................55
Chapter Six..............................................................................................................................................56
6. Conclusions and Recommandation....................................................................................................56
6.1 Conclusions....................................................................................................................................56
6.2 Recommendations........................................................................................................................56

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System VII

I. List of figures
figure 1 use case diagram..........................................................................................................................18
Figure 2 Sequence Diagram for Add medicine..........................................................................................27
Figure 3 sequence diagram for search medicine........................................................................................28
Figure 4 sequence diagram for login.........................................................................................................29
Figure 5 sequence diagram for view prescription......................................................................................30
Figure 6 Activity diagram for login...........................................................................................................30
Figure 7 Activity diagram for search medicine..........................................................................................31
Figure 8 Activity Diagram For manage Stock..........................................................................................31
Figure 9 Class diagram for BHU pharmacy management system.............................................................32
Figure 10 system architecture diagram......................................................................................................33
Figure 11 state chart diagram for login......................................................................................................34
Figure 12 state chart diagram for search medicine..................................................................................34
Figure 13 state chart diagram for add medicine.........................................................................................35
Figure 14 state chart diagram for view prescription...............................................................................35
Figure 15 collaboration diagram for login.................................................................................................36
Figure 16 collaboration diagram for add medicine....................................................................................36
Figure 17 collaboration diagram for search medicine................................................................................37
Figure 18 Deployment diagram...............................................................................................................38
figure 19 persistent data management diagram..........................................................................................39
Figure 20 Interface diagram for home and login page...............................................................................41
Figure 21 Interface diagram Add medicine in the stock............................................................................42
Figure 22 Search medicine by Pharmacist.................................................................................................43

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System VIII

II. List of Table
Table 1 Feasibility Scheduling....................................................................................................................7
Table 2 Hardware Requirement Cost...........................................................................................................8
Table 3 Software Requirement Cost............................................................................................................8
Table 4 Work Breaks Down........................................................................................................................9
Table 5 Team Composition.......................................................................................................................12
Table 6 Scenario Or Use Case Description Of Add Medicine Use Case...................................................20
Table 7 Scenario Or Use Case Description Of The Search Medicine........................................................20
Table 8 The Scenario Or Use Case Description Of The View Prescription...............................................21
Table 9 The Scenario Or Use Case Description Of The Manage Stock.....................................................22
Table 10 The Scenario Or Use Case Description Of The Login...............................................................23
Table 11 The Scenario Or Use Case Description Of The Send Message...................................................23
Table 12 The Scenario Or Use Case Description Of The Give Comment.................................................24
Table 13 the scenario or use case description of view comment................................................................25
Table 14 The Scenario Or Use Case Description Of The View Student Info............................................26
Table 15 Description For Access Control And Secure..............................................................................40

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System IX

Chapter One

1. Introduction
The development of different computer based system has provided great advantages for many
organizations and institutions. Many developed countries are using computer technology to
accomplish their everyday activities effectively and efficiently.

Now days many organizations are using online system to accomplish their task but in our
country some organizations are still using manual system. Bule Hora University pharmacy
management system is one of such institute that use paper based system to perform their tasks.
The current system is inefficient for better performance of all tasks, for managing all medical
related works such as add medicine, search medicine, manage stock, view stock and any other
task that performed in the pharmacy will be managed by online system. This makes the system
reliable, reducing labor and save the time.

1.1 Background of University

Ethiopia is a country endowed by multi ethnics and people speak different languages and have
different cultures. Providing these people with fair education access and implementing “quality
education for all “was planned slogan of education minister. So, to open broad education door
for marginalized people and remote areas, whose majorities are illiterate due to the absence of
education institutions, the Bule Hora University have been established there. In line with this
strategy, Bule Hora University (BHU) was established to play its part in the national efforts of
bringing quality and excellence in teaching-learning, research, community services,
administrative functions/good governance, connecting the development of cultural and natural
resources with technology and its applications. The foundation stone was laid by Dr. Adhanum
Hailu, the then State Minister of Ministry of Education and Mr. Abadula Gamada, the then
President of Oromia Regional State, on 28 November 2008.The University was officially
established by proclamationNo213/2011 (213/2003 E.C) as one of the Ethiopian government
higher education institutions (HEIs).This university is located at a distance of 470 kmsouth of
Addis Ababa, Oromia Regional State, West Guji Zone at Bule Hora Town.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 1

Since the construction of the BHU delayed beyond expected completion time, the university
started functioning in the campus of Bule Hora College of Teacher Education with a total of 250
regular degree students in 2011/12 academic year; intending to transfer to its own campus site

1.1.1 Mission: To provide safe, high quality patient care in an atmosphere of professionalism,
respect, and effective communication.

1.1.2 Vision:   Recognizing that the pharmacy staff is our most important resource.

 Contributing to and accepting responsibility for optimal therapeutic outcomes including

promoting wellness.
 Fostering an environment that promotes the safe, efficacious, and cost-effective use of
 Improving the medication use process to enhance continuity of care.
 Recruiting and retaining highly qualified pharmacists and supportive personnel.

1.2 Background of the project

Now a day’s Information and communication technology (ICT) plays a great role in different
fields or areas among thus Health care system belongs to this. This leads to various studies and
researches being conducted to selected health care facilities. It is necessary to ensure a
technologically appropriate, equitable, affordable, efficient, and environmentally adaptable and
consumer friendly system, designed to fully utilize the ICT for the maximum benefit in the
health care industry.

Here computers have great relevant on storing data’s securely and ease access on them in short
period of time. In order to exploit the ICT in health care system, Bule Hora University Pharmacy
management system is being build. Bule Hora University Pharmacy management system is
robust, integrated technology. This Bule Hora University Pharmacy management system will
deals with the maintenance of drugs and consumables in the pharmacy unit. The set-up of this
pharmacy management system will ensure availability of sufficient quantity of drugs and
consumable materials for the patient. Bule Hora University Pharmacy management system will
be able to process drug prescription with ease. BHUPMS will design to detect drug interaction.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 2

In general, The Bule Hora University Pharmacy management system is based on computer
technology that gives service for users, managed by the pharmacist who give implementation of
function relatively in effective times as well as will design for removing time wasting, saving
resources, easy data access of the medicine, security on data input and data access by removing
almost manual based system.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Selecting the suitable medicine for the type of illness is usually take time and makes the patient
or Student waiting. Therefore, the time is waste for the student to be waiting. For the medicines
stock management, the admin must check it manually and no warning message for the medicine
that decrease to finish. So, BHUPMS provide the advantage to setup the process in selecting and
alert program to warn about the medicine stock. And, no analyses are done for the frequency
type of medicine usually take by the student or patient. This is also important to determine the
medicines that are demanded more from the student so that pharmacist can be prepared to order
more for that type of medicine.

1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop the existing system into Online Pharmacy
Management system for Bule Hora University.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objective of this project is:

 To make the system Online which lead flexible and reliable.

 To provide the reliable medical selector for patient.
 To provide a secure system application in terms of information retrieval.
 To develop system that decreases time and effort needed to give service.
 To provide easy means of storing, manipulating, searching, and retrieving data.
 System analysis and
 System design

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 3

1.5 Significance of the project
The proposed system would be designed to help make the rigorous activities carried out in a
pharmacy much easier by providing the statistics of drugs in stock, monitoring drug movement
in the pharmacy and ensuring effective policing of the activities in the pharmacy.

The new system will be designed to provide the following benefits in the interest of the

 The system would enhance management services and improve productivity.

 The system would enhance User/System interface.
 The system would improve information quality and accessibility.
 To increase the time performance in managing the drug stock..

1.6 Scope and limitation

The project scope will define BHU PMS, which include PMS system functionality, users and operating

The scope of the project is listed in the following constraints:-

 There are functions the system will do such as: store the necessary information of drugs,
easily searching of medicine, view stock, Update, delete and add data’s of medicine.
 Search the suitable medicine depend on the information that match with the symptoms for that

 Customizable workflow and simple navigation allow for ease of implementation.

 Ease searching capability for retrieval of data.
 When there is any new medicine/staff supplier available, add the information into the system
 Adjust stock returned or received by the stock manager for a number of reasons: restocked /
expired / destroyed.
 Design the user interface interactive way

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 4

Limitation of the project
 Can’t order to take medicine, it only recommend for the entered medical information.

 It works for the one who understand English language (we have not used other language).

 Our system does not serve the students who are not regular students and other employees
in Bule Hora University.

1.7 Feasibility Analysis

A feasibility study is an analysis of the viability of an idea. It is a preliminary study undertaken
to determine and document a paper's practicality. The feasibility study focuses on helping answer
the essential question of “should we proceed with the proposed paper idea?” All activities of
the study are directed towards helping answer this question. The term feasibility study is also
used to refer to the resulting document. The results of this study are used to make a decision
whether to proceed or not.

After the need for a new system is decided, the next sensible thing to do will be feasibility
analysis which can help an organization in determining whether to proceed with a project or not.
Feasibility assessment reveals the economic, technical and other risks that are involved in
implementing an information system project. It is a required activity for all information system
projects and could potentially be a large undertaking in carrying out the study. The following are
major feasibility concerns that our project must be in clear light about.

 Technical Feasibility.
 Operational Feasibility.
 Legal and contractual Feasibility
 Schedule Feasibilities

1.7.1 Technical feasibility

The purpose of technical feasibility is to gain an understanding of the organization ability to

construct proposed system. This analysis should include an assessment of the development group
understanding of the possible target hard ware, Software and operating environment to be used
as well as a system size, complexity and the group experience with similar system. Regarding
technology, we are going to use much on the open source technologies like PHP and MySQL.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 5

1.7.2 Operational feasibility

It is the process of accessing the degree to which a proposed system solves problems or takes
advantage of user opportunities. It concerned with human resource problems, labor objections,
manager resistance, organizational conflicts and policies; also external issues, including social
acceptability, legal aspects and government regulations. It takes in consideration whether the
current work practices and procedures support a new system and social factors of how the
organizational changes will affect the working lives of those affected by the system. Therefore,
the proposed system or the new system is operationally feasible because it can fulfill the
following requirements:-

 Satisfy the user needs or requirements

 Provides the end users and managers with timely, accurate, reliable, flexible and useful
 Provides adequate through put and response time.
 The system offers adequate control of data and information.
 We believed that our project would be workable and user friendly and it satisfies the
user needs or requirements. Then our newly proposed project is operationally feasible.

1.7.3 Behavioral/Political Feasibility

Behavioral feasibility is the measure that how users use the system effectively. The proposed
system should be easy to operate, convenient in maintenance and effective in its working. Thus
behavioral feasibility is very important factor to be considered for effective working of the
system. Behavioral feasibility is dependent on human resources available for the project and
involves projecting whether the system will operate and be used when it is functionally operate.
The system is behaviorally feasible because of the following:-

 The proposed system is easy to operate.

 Retrieval of information is easy, accurate and fast.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 6

Since developing this new system will be solve the pharmacy system problems, the users will
undoubtedly have positive attitude towards the system and the system is politically feasible and
free from any legal claims.

1.7.4 Schedule Feasibilities

We the team of this system development of Bule Hora University Online Pharmacy
Managements System, believe that the system will be developed on time or it is will be finished
according to the schedule .The reason is that the team is will organized and knows its duties and
responsibility .The only thing we think that will drag the analysis and design phase, however the
team is so determine to finish this phase according to the Schedule.

Dec 27-

Feb 19-

June 19-
Nov 04-

Nov 22-

Apr 8-

May 15
Nov 18

Dec 23

June 20
Apr 5
Feb 10


Implementation &
project Defense


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 7 COST OF THE PROJECT
A. Hardware Requirements cost

No Materials Required Amount Price Per Unit Total Cost

1 Toshiba Computer 2 12000 24000
2 Pen 10 4 40
3 A4 Size Paper 1 Destin 110 110
4 Print 100 1 100
5 Flash Disk 1(8G) 120 120
6 CD-ROM 2 7 14

B. Software Requirements Cost

No Materials Required Price Per Unit

1 Microsoft Word 2013 Free
2 Notepad++ Free
3 Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Free
4 SQL Server Free
5 Mozilla Firefox Free

A. One time cost: - Are costs incurred at the time of developing our project.
B. Recurring costs:-Are costs those incurred to maintain our project once developed. Work break down

ID Tasks Responsibility

1 Data Gathering and Project Proposal All members

2 Data Gathering and System Analysis All members

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 8

3 System & Object Design All members
4 Implementation and Testing All members


1.8 Target beneficiaries of the system
After this project is completed it benefits the following factors:

Some of them:

 Admin
 Clerk
 Pharmacist
 Student

1.9 Project methodology

The team chooses object oriented analysis and design approach to analyze and design the system,
based on our preliminary analysis of the old system.

In our project the team will use Object Oriented Software Development Methodology (OOSD)
because it has the following advantages:-
 Increase reusability: - the object oriented provides opportunities for reuse through the concepts
of inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and modularity.
 Increased extensibility: - when there is a need to add new feature to the system you only need to
make changes.
 Improved quality: - quality of our system must be on time and meet our exceeded the
expectation of the users of our system, improved quality comes from increased participation of
users in the system development.
 Managed complexity: -The object- oriented methods solve software complexity in this way.

1.9.1 Data source

The source of proposal can be referring the paper work, websites and reference book. As the
result, this chapter can determine the fact and findings of BHUPMS, which are, the domain that
this system involve, project methodology that use to develop, project requirement as the tools to
develop and the project schedule and milestones.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 9

1.9.2 Facts and findings Techniques on BHUPMS
We use the following methods during data collection: Observation, Interviewing and
Questionnaires as our research methods. Through this we were able to collect raw data on PMS
at BuleHora University Pharmacy where existing reports on the current system were obtained.
Verbal interview techniques were used to interview students from the clinic.


We went to the clinic and observed their daily activity as regards their current system.
We observed the systems weaknesses like it was vulnerable to errors and time consuming.
In this method, there was interaction between us, the manager and the staff was carried out.
Interviews will be conducted with the manager staff and some potential employees to find out
what difficulties they encountered with the existing system.

The efficiencies and inefficiencies of the current system were reviewed by issuing questionnaires
to the users of the system. This helped us to establish the requirements of the proposed system.

1.10 Development Tools

Software tools

 Microsoft office word 2007 or 2013

 Microsoft Power point.
 Wamp server
 Window 8.1 operating system
 Notepad++ or code lodestar or macromedia Dreamweaver
 Mozilla Firefox
Hardware tools

 Computer
 CD
 Flash disk
 Pen

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 10

 A4 size paper

1.11 Testing Methodology

Testing methodology is the way to know the system functionality weather it is working
according to the specification, behavioral and performance requirements or error. To find out
type of error which occurs during implementation time, it is better to use black-box testing

1.12 Team Composition

Project BuleHora University online pharmacy management system.


Prepared Student Student names student Email/mobile Responsibility

By number id
1 Mohammed 1051/13 All task
2 Misbahuddin 1046/13 All task
3 DiribaOli 1016/13 All task
4 FanaHylamarem 1025/13 All tsk

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 11

Chapter Two

2Description of the Existing

2.1 Overview of Existing System
The existing system is paper-based involving high amount of paper work and manpower
requirement. Even though computerized systems are used in some places, they are not web-based
and are very insecure and improperly managed. So, the current pharmacy management procedure
is very uneconomical and inflexible to meet user demands.

II.1.1 Problem of the existing System

The existing systems of BuleHora university student’s pharmacy use manual system. This
pharmacy cannot give full service to the patient because students does not get enough services as
they want in good manner. The student directly comes to the pharmacy and accepts the service.
When students come to the pharmacy they lose some things such as time, money and human
labor. They maintain product, student and employee information using pen and paper. This has
great problem on the consistency of the system.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 12

2.1.2Weakness and Strength of the existing System

Weakness of existing system

 The system work manually.

 Selecting suitable medicine for the type of illness is usually take time and makes the
patient waiting. Therefore the time is waste for the customer to be waiting.

2.1.3 Strength of the existing system

Even if the existing system is manual system as it has weakness it also has some strong side that
we need to be preserved are:

 The system independent from the electric power

 System give service face to face
 Provide the required infrastructure to the students.

2.1.4 Business Rules

 Can only access authorized user
 Student must send his/her prescription or send symptoms of his /her disease to
 Unauthorized user cannot access the system for the reason of system security.
 The student information must be available in the pharmacy database

2.1.5 Major functions/activities in the existing system like inputs, processes

& outputs
Input Analysis
Input to the system is the form which is fulfilled by the proper users.

Process Analysis
The form is filling by the users then collected and signed by the respected offices to certify that
the users has completed all the necessary things.

Output Analysis
The output from the system is the certificate or one form of pharmacy issued to the users stating
that the users fulfilled all pharmacy obligations.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 13

2.1.6 Report generated in the existing system
Store the necessary information of the drugs: The pharmacy system stores the detail
information about each medicine including Actual name, formula of medicine and how it is
importance and for which diseases is required. Since the information for each drug were
required in some cases like the use of drugs, when use drugs and for whom is given.

Searching Medicine and other Data’s:The PS has easily searching of medicine which shows in
which shelf is put and the behavior of the medicine. The searching process is based on the name
of the give data or the identification of the item. Here when the user search the item on search
bar the related things were displayed in the screen and can select the actual item that the user

Alerting pharmacy Data’s in the system: Changing medicines to another because of medicine
outdated, modifying the saved medicine data for incorrect data, deleting of data’s of the
pharmacy can be done on the system.

2.2 Proposed solution for the new system that address problems of the
existing system

The function what the system do is

 Add Medicine data’s easily

 Search Medicine data effectively
 View the prescription of the medicine
 Gives information for pharmacy organization
 Give alert for the user when medicine item is low
 Manage the medicine in the stock easily

2.3 Overview of the proposed system

The pharmacy management system provides functions on identify medication usages instruction,
minimize human errors in medication safety, facilitate accessibility of drugs’ information and
information management among users, providing optimal drugs movement in pharmacy unit,
despite simultaneous usage of database for the purpose stated above.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 14

The system will solve the problem of the current system by minimizing time wastage and reduce
resources which simply change manual based system to online system.

2.3.1 Functional Requirements

There are functions the system will do such as: store the necessary information of drugs, easily
searching of medicine, Update, delete and save data’s of medicine. Performance requirement:

 Very Short response time.
 The system must be operationally all over the year. Process requirement
 To update the item the system requires item name
 The student has privilege to access the system through his personal information.
 The skilled person interacts with the system properly. Input requirement
 Differentiate the valid students.
 View users.
 View prescription
 Stock items must be check by item id and item name. Output requirement
 The system display the medicine in the system
 Display updated stock item. Storage requirement
 The system should store all the data related with all the tasks performed into a database

2.3.2 Non-functional requirement

In its non-functional requirement sense Pharmacy management system works in the following
characteristics: Performance: The system is operating its function in small amount of time and
can be accessed by one user at a time or concurrently. User interface:Is friendly which is easy to use and having attractive structure
which is prepared with other related system. Security and access permission: should allow login to only authorized users.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 15 Backup and recovery
The system should be holding a backup of the data by using different storage devices.
2.4 Assumptions and Constraints
2.4.1 Assumptions:Suppose in our project, we assumed that we are going to design Bule
Hora University Online pharmacy management system.
2.4.2 Constraints: Constraints are limitations imposed on the project, such as the limitation
of cost, schedule, or resources, and you have to work within the boundaries restricted
by these constraints.

At first glance, you can think of two constraints. The first constraint is the scope of our project.
We cannot go beyond our scope. This is our first constraint. The second constraint can be
budget, resource and time schedule.

Chapter Three

System Analysis or System modeling (Modeling of the

Existing and Proposed System using the chosen
3.1 Introduction
This chapter covers the functional aspect of analysis that is functional modeling. The set of
functional requirements that have to be analyzed is done in an object-oriented way. UML
(Unified Modeling Language) an object-oriented, graphic language, is unified for all the aspects
of the requirement analysis

The pharmacy management system is based different model view to represent the system in
understandable way such as in use case diagram, Activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 16

3.2 System Requirement Specifications (SRS)
We can divide requirements in to two parts. Hardwareand Software requirements.

Hardware and software requirements for this project are listed below.

Hardware Requirements

 Computer
 Printer
 Pen Drive

Software Requirements

 Notepad++
 E-draw
 Wamp server
 Microsoft Windows
 Microsoft-Office

3.3 Use case diagrams

A use case is a series of related interactions between a user (and more generally, an “actor”) and
a system that enables the user to achieve a goal. It contains elements like:

 Actors: An actor portrays any entity (or entities) that perform certain roles in a given
system. An actor in a use case diagram interacts with a use case.
 Use case: A use case in a use case diagram is a visual representation of distinct business
functionality in a system. 
 System boundary: A system boundary defines the scope of what a system is to be work.
In PMS there are use case diagrams containing actors, use case and the boundary as well as the

An actor includes:
 Administrator
 clerk
 Pharmacist
 Student

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 17


3.3.1 Actor specification and their activities

 Administrator:manage Users, manage stock, manage account, send message
and view comment.
 Student: can access only limited function such as give comment, Send message,
& search medicine
 Clerk: can transfer information between the users of the system and view
student information,
 Pharmacist: can search medicine,view prescription send message and view

3.3.2 Use case description

UC Name Add medicine
UC Description To store the drug in stock.

Actor Admin
Precondition The pharmacy must exist in the university
Flow of event
1.Admin initiate the system by opening the web
2.The system displays the home and login form.
3.The admin enter user name and password

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 18

4.The system displays the medicine entry form for
respective action.
5.Fill the form
6.Admin click add button.

Post condition Drug was added to the system.

Alternative course Invalid Action Message
of action 1.The system displays “Invalid Action!” message
2.Return to the step 5.


UC Name Search medicine

UC Description Enables the user to know the medicine in pharmacy.
Actor Student& pharmacist.
Precondition The medicine must available in system
Flow of event 1. User initiate the system by opening the web
2. User login into the system
3. The system displays the medicine search space.

4. Users enter the medicine name.

Post condition The user gets the medicine.

Alternative course Invalid action Message

of action 1.If not available, the system displays “Invalid
Action!” massage like no item
2.Return back to step 4


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 19

UC Name View prescription
UC Description To enables the pharmacist to give the medicine for student.
Actor Pharmacist
Precondition The prescription must be created.
Flow of event 1. The pharmacist initiates the system
2. The system displays the home page.
3. The pharmacist enter user name and password into

login form.
4. Select pharmacist position
5. Clicks the login button.
6.system display view prescription menu
7. Clicks the view button.

Post condition The prescription is viewed

Alternative course of 1. If there no prescription it return back to step 6


UC Name Manage stock

UC Description To identify the drug stored in the pharmacy.
Actor Admin
Precondition The stock must be exist
Flow of event 1. The admin initiates the system
2. The system displays the home page.
3. The usersenter user name and password in to login

4. Select admin position

5. Clicks the login button.
6.sytem display manage stock menu
7. Clicks the manage stock menu.
8.Then check item in the stock

Post condition The stock was managed

Alternative course of If there is no item in the stock it display the stock is empty
action And return back to step 6

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 20


UC Name Login

UC Description Enables users of the system to login.

Actor Administer, clerk ,student & pharmacist
Precondition The users are out of the system.
Flow of event 1. The users initiate system by opening web.
2. The system displays the Login form.
3. The users enter their user name and password

4. The system displays access page for the respective

Post condition The user entered to the system and can access the system&
logout from the system.
Alternative Information Not Filled Message
course of action 1. The system displays “Please enter your user name and
password!” message
2. Then return to step 3


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 21

Alternative 1.unless it return back to step 3
course of action
UC Name Send message

UC Description To give alert the user out of the work

Actor Student, admin, pharmacist and clerk
Precondition The send message must be exist
Flow of event 1.The user initiates the system
2. The system displays the home page.
3. The users filltheir user name and password in login

4. system display text field
5. The user writes the message to get available service
6. Clicks the send button.

Post condition The message will be sent.


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 22

UC Name Give comment

UC Description To give feedback for the user or every employ in the


Actor Student,
Precondition The pharmacy must exist in the university
Flow of event 1.The user initiates the system
2. The system displays the home page.

3. Student fills the login form.

4. The system display comment page
5. The student writes the comment to give feedback for his
6. Clicks the post button.

Post condition The student gave his feedback

Alternative Unless it return back to step 3
course of action


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 23


UC Name View comment

UC Description To see feedback given by the user or every employ in the


Actor Clerk, Admin & pharmacist

Precondition If
mustfilled was
exist in thenot correct system display
Flow of event 1.The user initiates the system
UC Nameof action “invalid info” info
View student and return back to the step 3
2. The system displays the home page.
UC Description To3user
understand the student valid
and or invalidin to login form.

enters their user name password

Actor Clerk
4.The system display view comment menu
Precondition The student must be registered in the pharmacy
Flow of event 5. 1.The
They click
user the view button.
initiates the system
2. The system displays the home page.
3. The user writes the student name and id to get

information of student. the view button
Post condition The Admin/clerk/pharmacist can view comment

Alternative course Unless it return back to step 3

of action

Post condition They understand information of student.


3.4 Sequence Diagram (SD)

Sequence diagramsdepicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of
messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario.
Sequence diagrams are typically associated with use case realizations in the Logical View of the

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 24

system under development. Sequence diagramsare sometimes called event diagrams or event

In this project sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in time sequence. In particular, it
shows the instances participating in the interaction by their “lifelines” and the stimuli that they
arranged in time sequence.


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 25


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 26


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 27


3.5 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of step wise activities and actions
with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In this activity diagram tried to document the
flow of logic for the major Pharmacy Management System at BuleHora University.


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 28



Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 29

3.6 Class Diagram

 It represents the properties of entities, their operations and relationships. Also it drives
use case diagrams from use case.
 The class diagram is the main building block in our project modeling.
 It is used both for general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application
and for detailed modeling translating the models into programming code.
 The classes in a class diagram represent both the main objects and or interactions in
the application and the objects to be programmed.
 Generally the project is including the following class in the class diagram the over
view of the class diagram is:-


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 30

Chapter Four

System Design
4.1 Introduction
This is chapter of our project entitled Bule Hora University pharmacy management System. In
detail description of chapter four which focused on Object-Oriented design and system
containing System Architecture, State chart Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Deployment
Diagram, Persistence data management, Access Control and Security, User Interface design.

4.2 Systems architecture Diagram

System architecture is a conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and more views of
a system. An architecture description is a formal description and representation of a system,
organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structures and behaviors of the system. A
system architecture can comprise system components, the expand system developed, that will
work together to implement the overall system. There have been efforts to formalize languages
to describe system architecture, collectively these are called architecture description languages,.






Web Server/Application server


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 31

4.3 State chart diagram
UML state chart diagram is used to describe the behavior of an individual object as a number of
states and transitions between these states. A state represents a particular set of values for an
object. It has initial and final states. Transition is used as a progression from one state to another.
Our project team has designed the following state chart diagram for our system.



Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 32



Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 33

4.4 Collaboration diagram
A collaboration diagram, also called a communication diagram or interaction diagram, is an
illustration of the relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML). Collaboration diagrams are best suited to the representation of simple
interactions among relatively small numbers of objects. As the number of objects and messages
grows, a collaboration diagram can become difficult to read .It is used to show some data flows
between objects and the interaction caused between them. Some of the data flows among objects
were explained below.



Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 34


4.5 Deployment Diagram

UML deployment diagram show physical view of system, taking software into real world by
showing how software gets assigned to hardware and how communicates.The deployment
diagram shows how the software components, processes, and objects are deployed into the
physical architecture of the system. It shows the configuration of the hardware units (e.g.
Computers, communication devices, etc.) and how the software components are distributed
across the units.

BuleHora University pharmacy management system is server client structure architecture, where
clients access services offered by server. The deployment diagram is shown as follows.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 35


Description of the architecture of the system is described as follows.

Clients are responsible for:-

 Provide user interface to the user enabling to get services
 Receiving inputs from user
 Checking range of performance
 Initiating database transactions once all necessary data are collected.
Server responsible for:-
 Transaction performance
 Guaranteeing the integrity of data.
 Putting backup of the database

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 36

4.6 Persistence data management
Persistence of our object can be achieved by relational database since it used as machine to make
object persistent. It describes the persistent data aspect of software system. Our system includes
the basic table that handles the data of system implemented using MySQL server.
Mapping class and relational table
 Mapping refers how objects and their relationship are stored in relational database.The
mapping of the data to be persisted in our system is given as follows


4.7 Access control and security

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 37

Class admin clerk Pharmacist
Add medicine yes no no no

Search medicine no no yes yes

View prescription no yes no

Manage stock yes no no no

Manage user yes no no no

Give comment no no no yes

Send message yes yes yes yes

View student info yes yes no no

View comment yes yes yes no
In the systems, different actors have access to different functionality and data. Therefore these
privileges prevent unauthorized users from accessing data’s which they don’t have granted to


4.8 User interfaces

User interface design: is the specification of the interaction between the system users and a system. The
process involves input mechanism design, output mechanism design, and navigation mechanism.

 Navigation mechanism is part of user interface that takes the user form one
part of the system to the other user system. That includes menus or links,
buttons, icons, dialog boxes etc.
 Input design is about designing a form and its controls for GUI system.
 Output design is about designing reports like detailed, summarized,
exceptional, graph, chart, text document report and extra.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 38

In our system the menus that are functioning on the home page are the


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 39


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 40


Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 41

Chapter Five

Implementation and Testing

5.1 Introduction
Implementation refers to the coding of the all documents gathered starting from requirement analysis to
design phase. So now the team is in a position of converting all documents gathered and designed into the
code so that the system will be implemented for the user to be used for the purpose it developed.

After implementing the system it must be tested.

Testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of
specification, design and coding. In fact, testing is the one step in the software process that could be
viewed as destructive rather than constructive.

A strategy for software testing integrates software test case design methods into a well-planned series of
steps that result in the successful construction of software. Testing is the set of activities that can be
planned in advance and conducted systematically. The underlying motivation of program testing is to
affirm software quality with methods that can economically and effectively apply to both strategic to
large and small-scale systems.

5.2 Final Testing of the system

We will perform following testing techniques for checking functionality of our proposed system.

Unit testing: - First we will tests each unit at each system. Each modules of the System
can be tested check the working of each classes, methods and attributes of the system. For
immediately maintain at which the problem is occurred.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 42

Test Case1 - User authentication

Test Case ID = TestCase1

Unit to Test = Authentication of login users

Assumptions = Redirects to Required Login.php
Test Data = User name (valid user name, invalid user name, empty)
Password (invalid password, valid password, empty)
User Type(valid type, invalid type)

Steps to be Executed Data Expected result

Empty User name and all Any valid data for the " user name must be filled out"
others filled other
and Click Login button fields
Enter invalid User name and User name= bhu “invalid login try again”
all others Doesn’t exist in the login
filled and Click Login button table
Enter User Name, invalid Username= bhu “invalid login try again”
Password and Password = csdp
Click Login button
Enter User Name, Password, Username = admin “invalid login try again”
invalid position Password = 1234
and Click Login button

Enter User Name, Password, type Username = bhu Redirects to Student position
and Password = 132459
Click Login button position = Student

Blackboxtesting: -To test our system, the tester may use black box testing, if he/she has not
enough time to check internal modules or codes. By looking only input/output or user interface,
the tester can test our systems functionalities without looking the internal code.
We used this testing technique for the following reasons:-
 This testing type is more effective on larger units of code
 Tester needs no knowledge of implementation, including specific programming
 Tester and programmer are independent of each other

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 43

 Tests are done from a user's point of view.

White box testing: - In this type of testing, skilled man in different programming languages tries
to test the logic of our system. If the person who tests the system is not skilled, it is difficult to
understand our systems functionality. If any failures occur while testing the system in all of the
above testing methods, the team will take immediate correction where this fault occurred before
jumping to next work.
To test whole system the team follows the following procedures.
Unit testing: -Every module of the System is separately tested. (i.e., the team tests every module by
applying some selection mechanism). If an error occurs correction will be taken without affecting another
Integrated testing: -In this testing part, all the modules will be combined together and tested for their
combinability with each other and with the systems functionality. If error occurs in combining them, the
module with problem will be identified and re combined.
Both units testing and integrated testing are performed by all team members during development. Here
users cannot involve.
System testing: - In this testing, the team performs over all functional testing by checking whether it
meets the required target or not.
User Acceptance testing: - Under this testing there are another sub tastings which would be performed:
 Alpha testing: -representative of the user will come to us and test the systembyhimself
whether it meets their need or not.
 Beta testing: - The system will be tested by the users at their own working place whether
it meets their needs or not.
Generally the main purpose of testing can be quality assurance,quality control, verification, validation,
and reliability.

 Verification – it tests that how much the software meets its technical specifications.

 Validation – this is check how much business specifications are addressed.

5.3 Sample code

include_once 'connect_db.php';

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 44

case 'Admin':
$result=mysql_query("SELECT admin_id, username FROM admin WHERE username='$username'
AND password='$password'");
echo "<script>alert('Invalid login Try Again!');</script>";
case 'Pharmacist':
$result=mysql_query("SELECT pharmacist_id, first_name,last_name,staff_id,username FROM
pharmacist WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password' AND status='active'");
echo "<script>alert('Invalid login Try Again!');</script>";

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 45

case 'Student':
$result=mysql_query("SELECT Student_id, first_name,last_name,card_id,username FROM Student
WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password' AND status='active'");
echo "<script>alert('Invalid login Try Again!');</script>";
case 'Clerk':
$result=mysql_query("SELECT Clerk_id, first_name,last_name,staff_id,username FROM Clerk WHERE
username='$username' AND password='$password' AND status='active'");
echo "<script>alert('Invalid login Try Again!');</script>";

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 46

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Bule Hora University Online Pharmacy Management System</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/mystyle_login.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/home.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/mystyle.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
var image1 = new Image()
image1.src = "images/k3.jpg"
var image2 = new Image()
image2.src = "images/k10.jpg"
var image3 = new Image()
image3.src = "images/k12.jpg"
var image4 = new Image()
image4.src ="images/k9.jpg"
var image5 = new Image()
image5.src = "images/k14.jpg"
var image6 = new Image()
image6.src = "images/k8.jpg"
var image7 = new Image()
image7.src = "images/bb.jpg"
var image8 = new Image()
image8.src ="images/hh.jpg"
var image9 = new Image()

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 47

image9.src = "images/k2.jpg"
<script type="text/javascript">
var a=document.forms["login"]["username"].value;
var b=document.forms["login"]["password"].value;
if (a==null || a=="")
alert("Username must be filled out");
return false;

if (b==null || b=="")
alert("Password must be filled out");
return false;
<body background="images/MyBackground.png" bgcolor="#FFCC99">
<div id="content">
<div id="main2">
<div id="header"><a href="#"><imgsrc="images/k2.png"

<!--<div id="well_mh">-->
<div id="header1">

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 48

<ul id="navbar">
<li><a href="index.php"class="active">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="contact.php">Contact us</a></li>
<li><a href="about.php">About us</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php">Help</a></li>

<div id="left_column">
<div id="button4">

<td width="300" style="background-color:">

<center><font size="+2"><b style="color:#191B7E"><div style="background-color:">BHUOPMS
Vision and Mision</div><br></b></font></center>
<marquee direction="up">
<center><a href="index.php?option=" style="text-decoration:none"><font
size="+1"><b>Mission: To provide safe, high quality patient care in an atmosphere of professionalism,
respect, and effective communication.
<center><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none"><font size="+1"></br>
<center><a href="index.php?option=" style="text-decoration:none"><font
size="+1"><b>Vision: Recognizing that the pharmacy staff is our most important resource.

<center><a href="se1.php" style="text-decoration:none"><font size="+1"></br></marquee>

<!--<center><a href="" style="text-decoration:none"><font size="+1"><b>Summer

<!--<center><a href="index.php?option=course" style="text-decoration:none"><font
size="+1"><b>Courses Offered</b></font></a></center><br>

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 49

<center><a href="index.php?option=gallery" style="text-decoration:none"><font

<div id="right_column">

<div id="well3">
<p><imgsrc="t.jpg" width="450" height="200" name="slide" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var step=1;
document.images.slide.src = eval("image"+step+".src");
<div id="welld">
<h1>Login here</h1>
<form method="post" action="index.php" method="post" name="login" onsubmit="return
<label class="float" for="input-one">Username: </label><input type="text" id="vbvbvbv"
name="username" placeholder="Enter user name" /><br>

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 50

<label class="float" for="input-one">Password: </label><input type="password" id="vbvbvbv"
name="password" placeholder="Enter password" /><br>
<p><select name="position">
<option>--Select position--</option>
<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"></p>

<div id="footer" align="Center"> Bule Hora University Online Pharmacy Management System 2017.
Copyright All Rights Reserved</div>

5.4 Hardware and Software acquisitions

For the implementation of the system the following hardware devices are used:-

1. Server:-for connection to the client computer (to host the system)

2 Printer: For printing Documentation

3. Cables: - For network connection purpose.

4. Computer: - for running the system which is hosted on the server.
5.USB Flash:-For data transfer and handling backup

For the implementation the system uses the following software’s:-

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 51

1. Microsoft windows (MS word and MS PowerPoint) used to write documentation and make
2. Microsoft Visual studio 2008 for creating user interface
3. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 used to connect the database
4. Browsers (Internet Explorer) used to run the program or system
5. E-draw Max 4(professional 4) used to draw diagrams
6. Wampserver
7. Notpad++

5.5 User manual preparation

As the system is hosted on the single machine that is server, there is need of preparing user manual.
Some useful information’s are given to the user when deploying the system and also little guiding
information on the site of the system which guides the user how to use the system. To access the
system the user must follow the following steps:-

1. start page
2. Display Login Form
3. entering user name and password
4. Select Position
5. Click Login button
6. Enter into the page you want
7. At the end logout the System

During the development of the system, the project group members will give short time training for the
system administrator and users explaining how the system works and in what way they can manage
their system.As the system is user friendly, it is not complicated for the administrator to manage the

5.7 Installation process

Since the project is an online System which can be hosted on the server, our system does not need
installing it on a particular machine. So system cannot need installation process. It can be accessed
using the URL given to it and browsing the URL to get the access to the system.

5.8 Start-up Strategy

Once the system is published, it starts as follows:

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 52

 One which needs password and username that is for all users and system administrator. To
access his/her own authorized pages one should have password and user name so that
he/she can enter into and use the system. This accessibility has also two parts, one which is
restricted for system administrator and for other users.

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 53

Chapter Six

6. Conclusions and Recommandation

6.1 Conclusions
Bule Hora University Online Pharmacy Management System is one of the main activities which are
undertaken within the University. This system is anonline application to serve students as well as the
working group of the system in better manner. Such as: - It can decrease time and energy consumption of
each user. It can create an efficient working environment by changing the system from manual system to
computerized system. The probability of occurrences of errors decreased due to its better feature of data
handling and operating technique. It has easy, fast and accurate searching, adding, updating, manage users
manage stock and retrieval of the students data whenneeded. Through various challenging, now the team
is coming to the end of this project. Those different challenges made possible by the cooperation of all the
group members. In developing this project all group members contributed their full capability with
maximum interest and all group members get ways toward developing a project.

The system performs works better than existing system (usability, speed, efficiency and
effectiveness). Security also included in this system developed and every usercan access the
required services. The system is also very useful in minimizing time and other utilities wastage.
Now Bule Hora University Online Management System is developed to give the effective
pharmacy service that satisfies the need of all students in the system.
Generally, based on the existing problems the team will find a proposed solution which solves some
problems of the existing system. Like it decreases time consumption, energy consumption, resource loses
during manage ofthemanual system.

6.2 Recommendations
While doing this system the team has faced different challenges. But by the cooperation of all the
group members and an advisor the team is now able to reach to the final result. I.e. This Bule Hora
University Online Pharmacy management system is developed by all the group members through
strongly fought those challenge as much as possible. Now all the group members recommend to other
developers who want to maintain this system, to add some features which are not completed on this
system. Such as:-

 Adding multi language

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 54

 Develop the system that serve for non-regular students and other employees in Bule Hora
University, since our system is now serve only for regular students.
 And other features are recommended to anyone who wants to add

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 55

The following points are questions used in the data collection method raised as the appendix. These are:

 What the type of system exist in pharmacy system, is it manual system or computerized.
 What materials are available and on functionality?
 How the systems work with the integration of employee of that system?
 Is organization style to satisfy the users need?
 Does available materials are not electronic and are mostly those does not gained from modern
technologies? Example: drug stock keeper and dispensing machine are not well properly function.
 How users are satisfied from the system, since it is manual based many information about the
medicine, especially instruction how to use it, expiration date and type of medicine for right
disease is not clear to them?
 What about the system they are working with and how they are performed all their work?
 Could available equipment satisfy all system function?
 Is there any needed equipment or materials to be effectively used and accelerates the system
 What should consider if this system should be changed to computerized system, such like issues
are occurred?

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 56


10 Popular Pharmacy Information Systems - InformationWeek. (n.d.). Retrieved January 19, 2016, from
Clinic / Pharmacy Management System Pro - PHP Scripts | CodeCanyon. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7,
2016, from
PHARMACY MANAGEMENT PROJECT Ahmad Ibitoye | Ahmad Ibitoye - (n.d.).
Retrieved January 7, 2016, from
Pharmacy Management System - pharmacy_management_system.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2016,

Bule Hora University Online pharmacy Management System 57

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