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Manalac, Daniel


TV Commercial
A year of First – Huggies Diaper Commercial

1. The message of the text is to be comfortable on your own parenting.
2. It effectively represents in reality by being comfortable on how you will raise your children
on your own parenting.
3. The message constructed by using one’s parenting experience.

1 The commercial chose a first time mother who treasures and keeps the firsts’ of raising
a child.
2 It is not actually focusing on advertising the product.

1. The message I perceived from the text is on how to be comfortable on your own
parenting. The year of firsts of a baby is the moment that more to cherish.
2. Others might understand it differently because people have a unique life experiences
that will generate unique interpretations.
1. The purpose of the text is to encourage the audience to be comfortable on your own
parenting like huggies bringing comfort on babies.
2. The target audience of are those newly parents who gives birth.
3. The target audience of are those parents who recently gives birth.
4. Anne Curtis created the text because she is recently given birth to her first baby.
1 The technique they used is choosing a mother who is recently given birth because they
are the potential buyers of their product.
2 It is effective because it describes on how it is hard to be with the baby on her firsts but
choosing a more comfortable brand of diaper is recommend because it brings comfort
to the baby.
3 Be focus on the product it advertise.

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