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Nama : Ocdhitya Gloriadi

NIM : 193020210011
Angkatan : 2019

Quick Grammar Exercise ‐ Write the question for the answer provided.
[1] Have you ever gone to snowboarding ?
‐ Yes, I have gone snowboarding.
[2] Have you been to the dentist this year ?
‐ No, I haven’t been to the dentist this year.
[3] Have you traveled to america ?
‐ Sure, I have traveled in America many times.
[4] Have you ever ridden a helicopter ?
‐ Nope, I have never ridden in a helicopter.

A contraction is when we put two words together so we can say them quickly. For example:
[ It is > It’s / We are > We’re / Can not > Can’t ]

With a present perfect sentence we can make a contraction with the “Subject” and

I have > i’ve You have > you’ve

He has > he’s She has > she’s
It has > it’s They have > they’ve
We have > we’ve

Also we can make a contraction with “have/has” and “not”

Have not > haven’t
Has not > hasn’t

Now change these sentences and practice pronouncing the contractions.

[1] I have never been to Mexico.
Answer : I’ve never been to mexico
[2] We have never met.
Answer : We’ve never met
[3] He has been to the Lotte Hotel before.
Answer : He’s been to the Lotte Hotel before
[4] I have not read “Hunger Games” in English.
Answer : i’ve no read “Hunger Games” in English
[5] She has not flown on an airplane.
Answer : She’s not flown on an airplane
[6] It has made a big mess in the kitchen.
Answer : It’s made a big mess in the kitchen
[7] They have written a new book.
Answe : They’ve have written a new book
[8] You have won first prize in the English speech competition.
Answer : You’ve won first prize in the English speech competition
[9] I think he has sent you a text message already.
Answer : I think he’s sent you a text message already
[10] Did you know they have not signed up for Facebook yet?
Answer : Did you know they haven’t signed up for Facebook yet ?
Have You Ever Questions
Fill in the table below with the correct forms of the verbs. Be sure to include the Past Simple
and the Past Participle for each verb listed.
Present Past Simple Past Present Past Simple Past Partciple
Simple Participle Simple
Play Played Played See Saw Seen
Visit Visited Visited Drive Drove Driven
Take Took Taken Eat Ate Eaten
Sleep Slept Slept Read Read Read
Write Wrote Written Buy Bought Bought
Fly Flew Flown Find Found Found
Send Sent Sent Live Lived Lived
Drink Drank Drunk Ride Rode Ridden
Have Had Had Go Went Gone
Make Made Made Lose Lost Lost
Win Won Won Finish Finished Finished

My Vacations
Use the information below to tell us about how your vacation is going. Choose 4 things that
you have done and 2 things you haven't done for each vacation. Then tell a short story using
two sentences for each activity.

Hi Mom, I’m writing you from San Francisco.
O ‐ watch a Giant’s baseball game X ‐ visit Alcatraz Island
O ‐ visit Chinatown O ‐ take a cable car
X ‐ climb Telegraph Hill O ‐ go to the Golden Gate Bridge.
I have watched a Giant's baseball game. It was fun to watch a Major League Game live.
Also I have visited Chinatown. I ate some really delicious Chicken there. Next I have taken a
cable car. They are really famous here so I wanted to try one. Plus I have gone to the Golden
Gate Bridge. I took some really great pictures there. However I haven't climbed Telegraph
Hill because I don't like hiking very much. Finally I haven't visited Alcatraz Island. The tour
there is very expensive.

[1] Hi mom, I’m calling you from New York City!

O‐ visit the Statue of Liberty O‐ buy some souvenirs
X‐ watch a Yankees baseball game X‐ practice my English
O‐ see many strange people O ‐ walk up the Empire State Building
Answer : At new york i’m have gone to the statue of liberty, that’s statue very tall from me, and
at the forward of the street some yankees playing a baseball game because i am a afraid from the
yankees, and i see many strange people and hiding on them after that i’ go to Souvenirs Shop and
i bought a miniature Statue of liberty.I’m don’t need to worry about my english because i’ve
always practicing my english at home. I’m walk up go to the empire state building. I took some
selfie and i’m took some a great pictures.
[2] Hi Dad, I’m writing you from Sydney!
O‐ take many pictures X‐ buy a surfboard
O‐ make many new friends O‐ send lots of postcards
O‐ study very hard X‐ fly on a helicopter
Answer : Sydney has a great scenery and i’ve take a many pictures. At school i’m make new
many friends because i’m study very hard with they, make homework together and studying at
library. They invite me to surfing at beach, but i don’t have money to buy surfboard. I’m always
send a lots of postcard to my dad. I’, always wondering can fly on a helicopter but i can’t
because i not know how to order a travel with helicopter and i don’t know where i go with that.
[3] Dear Murray,
I am writing you this postcard from Canada!
X‐ see a bear O‐ ride a horse
O‐ swim in Lake Ontario X‐ climb a mountain
O‐ camp in the National Park O‐ catch many fish
Answer : Murray you tell me on the canada, bear are walking around forest but i’ve not seen
them. You know ? i’m swim in Lake Ontario, that lake have a cool water and i’ve never seen
beautiful lake like Lake Ontario. After that, my friend inviting me to camping on the National
Park, i’m very happy because at National Park you can ride a horse, but i’am very dissapointed
can’t climbing a mountain because at mountain so many bears. To release my disappointment, I
caught many fish in Lake Ontario, after catching them I grilled the fish, it was very delicious
[4] Hi Mom, I’m phoning from Hawaii.
X‐ watch the volcano smoking O‐ go scuba diving
O‐ try surfing in the waves O‐ learn how to paddle a canoe
X‐ drive a boat O‐ swim with a dolphin
Answer : It look like the mountain here will erupt, but i don’t watch the volcano smoking
because the volcanic ash is very dangerous if inhaled. I’ve trying to sorfing in the waves that’s a
lot of fun. I’m trying to drive a boat but not allowed because i don’t have a driving license. After
that i go to scuba diving and i’ve see a many of fish and coral such a great scenery. I’m learn
how to paddle a canoe but fail because that canoe rolling and make me splashed to water. I’ve
ever look a dolphin from directly and i am go swim with them.
[5] Hi mom, I’m calling you from Rome!
O‐ visit the Coliseum X‐ drink some red wine
O‐ watch a bull fight X‐ practice my Spanish
O‐ eat a lot of pasta O‐ go to the Vatican Museum
Answer : Hi mom, at Rome i’ve a great journey, i’ve visit the Coliseum ti watch a bull while
fighthing and that’s was a tense fight. After i watching that, i go to restaurant and ea a lot of
pasta, they provide some red wine but i can’t drink that, because i get drunk easily. I don’t
practice my spanish because I have mastered the vocabulary and grammar, and I'm not afraid to
talk wrong with someone. Then, i go to the Vatican Museum and i see many a historical object.
[6] Hi mom, I’m calling you from London!
O‐ visit Buckingham Palace X‐ ride the London Eye Giant Wheel
O‐ picnic in Hyde Park O‐ practice my English
O‐ eat fish and chips O‐ go to the London Bridge
Answer : At london i’ve visit Buckingham Palace and go to Hyde Park to picnic. While picnic
i’am eat fish and chips. I’m don’t go to ride the London Eye Giant Wheel because i’am
practicing my english while picnic. After that, i go to the London Bridge for took some great

[7] Hi mom, I’m calling you from Brazil!

O‐ visit a World Cup Soccer Stadium O‐ see Copacabana Beach
X‐ climb Sugarloaf Mountain X‐ trek in the Amazon Rain Forest
O‐ eat local Brazilian food O‐ go surfing at the beach
Answer : At brazil i’am go to visit a World Cup Soccer Stadium for wacthing football team
playing soccer. I’m don’t go to climb at Sugarloaf Mountain because the place so far from here,
and i walking around and found some food store which sell some local brazilian food, after
eating local Brazilian Food i go to Copacana Beach to taking some great pictures . I can’t go trek
in the Amazon Rain Forest because i don’t have a friend to join me, it’s dangerous go alone to
that’s place and i go to rent a surf board, i go surfinf at the beach a lot of fun.
[8] Now make some of your own ideas. Where is your dream vacation?
‐ Tokyo ‐ Paris ‐ Madrid ‐ Bombay ‐ Switzerland
‐ Mexico ‐ Jamaica ‐ Bangkok ‐ Moscow ‐ South Africa
Hi mom, i’m calling you from Tokyo
O - visit a place like in a favorite movie X - meet a Yakuza
O - eating japanese food X - drink sake japanese alcohol
O - go to anime souvenir shop O - go to onsen japanese warm water baths
Answer : Hello mom, i’m in tokyo now and i’ve visited a place like in my favorit move, that’s
place looked same in the movie i was very happy. Then, i go to restaurant which provide a
japanese local food and i’ve order a sushi, the food made of rice rolled with seaweed with some
many topping. I feel satisfied an full after eating that, an i go to anime souvenirs shop to bought
some Light Novel, after I finished shopping from the gift shop I saw some yakuza, the famous
mafia in Japan, I pretended not to see, because they were very scary. I really want to drink
Japanese alcohol which is sake but I get drunk very easily, so i don't want to buy it. My body
feels tired, in Japan it says there is a public bath which is an onsen and then i go there. Wow the
water is warm and makes my body comfortable.
[1] Look at the different "to do" lists from different people. Write a present perfect sentence
for each job. If it is done then use the positive present perfect, and if it is not done then
use the negative present perfect sentence.
To Study List To Clean List
‐ finish Math homework ‐ clean the fish aquarium
‐ write an essay about a hero ‐ put away my clean clothes
‐ read two novels for English class ‐ wash the dishes in the kitchen
‐ research some facts about the Moon ‐ pick up my dirty clothes from the floor
‐ paint a scenery picture ‐ sweep the kitchen floor
‐ do a book report on one novel ‐ take out the garbage and recycling
‐ find a good website about travel ‐ make the beds

To Study List :
I have finished my Math homework
I haven’t written an essay about a hero
I have read two novels for English Class
I have done researched some facts about the Moon
I haven’t painted a scenery picture
I have done a book report on one novel
I haven’t finding a good website about travel

To Clean List
I haven’t cleaning the fish aquarium
I have putting away my clean clothes
I have washed the dishes in the kitchen
I haven’t picking up my dirty clothes from the floor
I have sweept the kitchen floor
I haven’t taking out the garbage and recycling
I have making the beds

[2] Finish these contractions

I have > i’ve
He has > he’s
It has > it’s
You have > you’ve
She has > she’s
They have > They’ve
We have > we’ve
Have not > haven’t
Has not > hasn’t

Writing Assignment
Today i have done my one homework, eating a food, and taking a bath. And i haven’t done my
other my homework but i’m working hard for complete my homework and doing other tasks so
that i can continue my other activities.

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