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For me, a city or the future must respect the environment, the economy

and the
For me, a city or the future must respect the environment, the economy
and the society. First for the environment, the cars will use bio-fuel to not
pollute the air but the cars will not circulate in the city but in the tunnels
under the hills, only the bicycles, the treadmills and the tele-transports
will circulate in cities. The city will be powered by new generation wind
turbines. My big city will be made up of 3 archipelagos, food production
archipelago, administration archipelago ( hospital, towns all..) and
housing of the archipelago. The buildings will all be connected of the big
city to each, with vegetables wall , several secure appartement and
several floors and gardens. The residents will be able communicate in
their buildings between them to signal fire for example. For the energy
the buildings will allow to calculate the water bills and the electricity.
Moreover the city will have a transport network in the sky, trams and train
will circulate and not will be silent.

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