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Philippines is exceptionally rich and diverse in natural resources and it makes the majority of

citizens depend on the agriculture industry in terms of source of food and income.

Agriculture Industry in The Philippines is the most important among all work force industry
since it supplies or give all of our essential needs in our daily lives. It sustain our society’s
needs and help our economy. It plays a salient role in our country even in other countries too.
It gives various opportunity to others to have a fount of income.

Philippines economy were severely affected by global health emergency crisis and many
Filipino workers were forced to work at home which is not that convenient and practical
because employees who overtime were not paid and also they cannot have subsidiary unlike
before Pandemic. Numerous establishments and businesses got closed because owners cannot
sustain anymore the bills and there were also limited costumer. However the greatest loss of
our economy was the workers who lost their job due to Covid-19 pandemic and based on my
research concerning 4.5 million Filipinos have become unemployed.

Agriculture aid the resurgence of Philippine economy in post-covid era by giving jobs to the
jobless people and giving opportunities to business owners. In addition to that, it helps the
recovery of Philippine economy for the reason that base on the internet throughout 40% of
Filipino workers are located in the agriculture sector and they give a great deal to our

If we compare to the other sector, the agricultural sector is the most poverty-stricken even
though the farmers, fisherman, etc. is working everyday for us to have daily necessities
most especially foods.

However agriculture development in our country is still not enough for it to aid the
resurgence of the Philippine economy in view of the fact that we still need the other sectors to
make it work and also agriculture industry is not that fully developed unlike the other
countries. First of all, our national government should support our agriculture industry in
terms of upgrading to new machinery, modernization, innovation and financially so that our
farmers would not suffer and also to make it easier and accessible to workers. Agriculture
products is a must in human survival but the farmers who were producing and working for it
was most of the times taken for granted. We should know that agriculture industry in our
country is a big help to our economy. We supply the other countries with our own products
and that made our country one of the top producers of vegetables and fruits.

Also one of the reasons why I think agriculture cannot aid the resurgence of our country’s
economy is the rice tariffication law or unlimited rice importation because It will not help
our farmers and there will be more than a million farmers will starve according to some
research. It is stated that under the law, the national government and the local traders have no
responsibilities or obligation in buying to our local farmers. Nevertheless there are also
advantage and disadvantage of rice tariffication law whether it is good or bad impact to our

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