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Question Sheet

Mid Term exam

Course Title: Business Ethics Exam time: 24 hours

Instructor: Misbah Uddin Babakarkhail Program: BBA
Session: Morning+ Evening Semester: Spring 2021
Day: Monday Marks: 25
Instructions for the Paper:
• Questions that need theoretical write up support must be solved in detail.

• General ethical and procedural guidelines is already sent to you by the department,
kindly follow them strictly.

• You need to attempt the paper in the answer sheet only sent to you by department.

• Attempt all of the following questions. Individual marks distribution is given to


• Your paper is subject to plagiarism check. Make sure you do not write similar to
your classmates or any other sources.

• You have 24 hours to answer the paper and upload it, starting from 24th May
2021(03:00 pm).

• The deadline for uploading this paper is 25th May 2021(03:00 pm).

• After completing the paper in MS Word format, save it by your name &
registration no and uploaded it. Upload the answer sheet in MS Word format.

Instructions: All these given questions required answers based on your own understanding from
(course reflection, open book, case study based & scenario’s) this course and all the answers
must be in your own words. You can provide the answers in summary form while including all
facts & figures & relevant headings with a detailed explanation.

Reference book: Business Ethics by Manisha Paliwal & Contemporary

reflection on Business ethics by Ronald. F Duska.

Question Number 1: Ethical problems do occur in businesses, explain reasons, sources and
some guidelines to managers to make ethical decisions. (min 600 words) 07 marks.
Question Number 2: Comment on some socially responsible Afghan companies and their
activities. (min 600 words) 08 marks

Question Number 3: If you are a manger in any corporation and you found that the
corporation is deceiving the consumers through the advertisement of their products? As a
manager how will you find a good solution for the mentioned problem while keeping in mind the
concepts & theories of ethics. (min 500 words) 05 marks.

Business Ethics Case Studies

Time-Sharing Space

Ramona is an intern at an up-and-coming power electronics startup. On her first day of work, she
was shown around a laboratory where she would complete most of her projects. During this time,
she was also introduced to nine male interns who would be sharing the same lab space. Since the
lab could only accommodate five interns at a time, a vote was held to determine who would work
in the lab during the day (e.g. 8am to 4pm) and who would work at night (e.g. 4pm to 12am)
during certain days of the week. The morning shift was a popular option for a majority of the
interns; Ramona was fortunate to be selected for four (out of five) morning shifts.

Weeks passed. Ramona had been enjoying her work and almost completed one of her projects.
However, one day, a fellow intern asked how she was doing. Ramona commented that she was
“good but tired.” The intern replied that Ramona had “no reason to be tired because [she was]
working mostly day shifts.” Ramona was offended, but chose to ignore his comment.

The next day, she ran into several interns, one of whom was the one she encountered the previous
day. At some point in group’s conversation, the same intern made a remark about how Ramona
“always got her way [in the workplace] because she was a girl.” Ramona was upset; however,
because she did not want to cause a scene, chose again to ignore his remark.

During the following weeks, Ramona tried to avoid the intern who made the inappropriate
comments. However, certain settings forced her to interact with him and, in those times, he made
a point to make Ramona feel guilty and trivial. Because she did not observe him behave
condescendingly towards the other interns, Ramona speculated that her colleague held a prejudice
towards female engineers.

Questions Number 04: (Marks 05)

1. How should Ramona respond?

Good Luck!

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