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Getting real
(&blunt) with
By: Jaime Garcia

Putting on the mask

The mask will not kill you. The mask is
not a way for your breath to no get
through. Your mask is meant to make
sure that we do not continue the spread
of this virus. If you honestly want to get
out of this pandemic, start by wearing
your mask. And wear it properly!
It does not stop
at just wearing the mask

1. Make sure you are physically distant from

people to make sure you do not continue the
spread. Yes, you still need to make sure you do
not touch another person and make sure you do
not pass the virus onto someone else.
2. Stay Clean. Alcohol, washing hands, anti-viral
sprays. Just stay clean, as much as you can.
Common sense
3. DO NOT break the rules. That should have
been simple

Get Rid of those wrong thoughts

1. No, this is a LETHAL virus. This virus can kill

you or other people if it is not controlled sooner.

2. It is going to spread if you do not listen. just

because you are one person, does not mean it
does not have the chance to affect a large
number of them

3. If you want it to end, you need to do your

part. What you desire will not just come to you,
you need to do your part.

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