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Case 3 A patient was prescribed with Bacillus clausii. How would you advise this patient?



 Good day, I can see in your prescription that your doctor prescribed you with Bacillus clausii.
Bacillus clause is a probiotic, meaning it is a bacteria needed especially in your digestive tract. I
see that you are having problems with your digestive tract, hence the prescription.


 As I said, Bacillus clausii is a bacterium, however, you do not need to worry as it is one of the
healthy bacteria. It will not cause you any harm as long as you follow the prescription given to
you by your doctor.


 If you are having doubts of taking the medication, I suggest that you consume fermented foods
as they are rich with probiotics such as yohgurt, kimchi, pickles or drink the famous yakult drink.


 This is for you to aid your body’s natural state and to prevent damage in your digestive tract. If
you do not take the medication or follow the alternatives, your condition might not improve.

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