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Best Ways to Fall Asleep

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. The goal of
having sleep is that we should get the best of it as possible, to reduce anxiety levels
especially during a stressful time and to prepare to face for tomorrow as the best
version of one’s self.

The first thing to do is to prepare your sleep environment in the bedroom even though
it’s not bedtime yet. Temperature, humidity and light levels should be set ahead of time
preferably 2-3 hours before sleeping so by the time you get to bed, you won’t have a
hard time in trying to fall asleep as this would cause anxiety which is the enemy of a
good sleep. So, the temperature must be set ideally at 18°C. The reason for this is
because the body naturally lowers its core while you sleep, so if you can assist in the
process by lowering the environment temperature, you’re going to be doing yourself a
favor. If you don’t and it’s warm in your room, your body is going to try and cool down
by sweating which makes a bad night’s sleep. You should also set the humidifier as this
would help avoid dry air that can irritate the nasal passageways and to keep the mucus
membrane moist. Next is to get rid of all external sources of light as possible. Scientific
research has shown that even small sources of light can make it difficult to fall asleep
and to stay asleep.

When it is time for sleep, the things that you shouldn’t do before going to bed is to get
cellphones or gadgets away as this will peek your anxiety levels. Second is to avoid
heavy conversations as this will cause you to worn out and have low will power so the
best way to resolve it is to save it for the next day. Lastly, you should have no news
when in bed. There will be so much anxiety that’s going to be passed on to from there
and it’s going to make it impossible to sleep.

Sleep is not only beneficial to physical health but to emotional and mental health, safety
and quality of life. A good night’s sleep improves learning of any type as it helps in
maintaining attention, making decisions and being creative.

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