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5th form Home-work Rates of reaction Name............................................................................................

1. An experiment was carried out by a group of students in which an unknown mass of calcium carbonate chips was added to an
excess of 2 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid. At specific times, the volume of CO2 evolved was measured using a gas syringe. The results
were plotted and produced the graph shown on the next page in Figure 4.
i) Use the graph in Figure 4 to determine the total volume of CO2 produced. [1] ………………….. cm3
ii) Use the graph in Figure 4 to determine at what time was the reaction completed. [1] …………………. s
iii) Use the graph in Figure 4 to determine at what time was the reaction half completed. [1] …………………. s
iv) Plot a graph and label it A on the same axes if the same mass of powdered calcium carbonate was used instead of chips. [2]
v) Plot a graph and label it B on the same axes if less calcium carbonate chips were used than originally. [2]


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