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Reaction Paper

Our barangay’s action to covid-19 virus have been very effective to the whole
community. Because our barangay staff are very strict to the protocols that they
even used like a paging horn speaker to remind the community about the
protocols and cleaning. In how many months now since the covid-19 existence,
there was only one case that cause a lockdown in our barangay. As for the
community, they are very responsive of it. Because of the arrival of covid-19 in our
country, people’s patience, perseverance, strong mind, openness, was
measured on what is happening, because it affects the everyday life of the
people especially their occupation for every day’s food. People in our barangay
learn to be more active as an individual, they are more became a follower than
before, and they learn to save more on money and foods. The effect of this to our
barangay was it became more clean to look at but quite.

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