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Chapter 14 BEYOND CLATRVOYANCE—LUCIDITY there was nothing more beyond what bas been examinod 80 his book would eonettuto aot much more than a special bis torical treatment of human sensing factors end sexsnlizing energies rejaced by the modernist mainstream aciences and philosophics cf the cclesral West. But there IS something more, a faetar eo utes strong that it has taken the iret half of thisbook to erot a reality appronch tit. The ultr-strange factor is Wlentified ax LUCIDITY. And this and the next four chapters will be required ta provide adequate backerind meer als inarder to leah it ont ‘DEINITIONS OF LUCIDITY LUCID is an adjetive, and moane sued with light, him us, brightness, translucent, having full use of ones faculties, sano, tnd clear tothe Undorstancing LUCIDITY it a noun. wo definitions oft are foundin Websters, ‘he firs is given ws “clearness of thought or sty” and in te sone tin completely aceoptablo word even within meinstream work ings. ts second established definition, however, might come asa sur prise, and, all chings eonsidared, even as somowhet of @ sbock: “The Capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneoaaly: clairvoy. lis the backgrowoi history ofthe sooond definition that mut ‘now be examined for twe reasons. First, heiity isnot merely elirvoyanes but a super format of '8,and so the definition above does lite to enghten very auch. ‘Second, there isa very big story invelved and which hoe many’ complicated aspects. Gaievoynace tsa asu necotsary human attribute ‘THE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY OF CLAIRVOYANT FACULTIES "The general rst of this andthe nox four chapteracan ba brought ‘tw light vin the following brief discussion having todo with the pecs sity of clairvoyant faculties that enable perception of invisible factors, ‘enorgies and fores. ‘Wo can got int this hy posing an important and larger-pctare| questa about what is actually nected for best chance aed eptimm hhaman survival ‘fone takes enough time to assoss the ondamental attributes Inuman organiems noed fr boot chaneo survival, choce ateibures, in the bigger picture, will he meen as twofold: the absolute noceasity of ‘sensing tho silo tangible AND the invisibe-intangibe, ‘There is «imple computation invelved that helps ereet the eed reality hee, Irone ca’ sense the invisible, one stands 2 very fod chance of getting clobhored by, Thie DOES NOT aidin sureval, And there i fir amount of historical documentation to back this up. Givegr take ile, THIS imple computation wae morecr lee unertnd REAL by mot sci up ut ho ine the morn, ‘mainstream sclnoes "wen materialistic“ ‘This event (formulated at about 1845) erected the five physi ‘al-snsoncmly paradigm, and whose assumed authentiity thereafver quired the deconstruction of clairvoyant facultce that could sonee the invisible | It ig abundantly trve that the fue physical senses lone oan \arually go lone way toward survival, although what survival i eon fidored to consist of has som bearing on this. But the five physical seases alone can eften be quite notori ‘uely inadequate when, for example, it comes to such matters as fore facing whit in ging to happen. end when it will. Since antiquity. this Toroemsing activity hax been tho prinipal roe in all premodern cul ‘tues for caizvoyance under any format or name. But in tho sense of this small discussion, the consideration is ‘not between the five physical grees and clazvoyance (and various pro ‘con attitudes raring tham), but more pointedly between sens- eth the viible and the invisible. ‘Thos all human orgaaiems are naturally endowed with clair- voyant sensing feeuities, and this is the principal reassn they keep ‘emerging down throug the generations in spite af any societal resis: tance tether, It might be added thatthe modern sentiments against cairvoy- ance have race soch an ogial meee of tse at its of lilo wondoe ‘that the simple factors cccued within i ae difficale to perce, ‘Thos, iit cam be stipulated daat the human onzaniaen ia nat- ‘ally endowed in somo way to eenee inviaibes, then the eaccept a alt= ‘oyanee is authentic. ‘Hloworor, such natural ondewmente wil fll into certain char acteristics in rexpic of all naturel endowment, Goncrly speaking, itis broadly understood that all natural endowments are cay afa POTENTIAL nature, And iti understands ‘well that and as such tho potentials need to be actively nurtured fo. ‘used, honed, snd sowehow perfictd if they ate to schiewe any kind lptimum oicieney. ‘The distinetion between natural clairvoyant faculties and ur is that the latter comes into fusetioning only ¥? methods of ar ‘al enhancement wre undertaker, “The sary of hckity ie thorefore the tala of ane auch enhance ment procedure ‘TO BEGIN THES STRANCESTORY OF LUCIDITY ‘The story of lucidity begins es follows. The nature of dirvoy- ‘ance and othoreneegetie sensing principles aro found emi an ox plained ip ancient Bestern eure Daring the later half of the nineteenth century these were n= ‘vorsigated by a numbor of Wosternorsaome cf whom: had toe eathus Asti idea of acivating their own extended peromptun] powers mare Jee haged on tas ancient Eartnen knowledge routes, ‘And among those Westerners we now encounter a particalar {ndvidual | will trode bir in the following way. Io antiquity there was a vime wher it evuld be said that all ‘roads led to Rom In muh the same was. itcam be asi that allroad Gaievoynace tsa asu necotsary human attribute ‘THE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY OF CLAIRVOYANT FACULTIES "The general rst of this andthe nox four chapteracan ba brought ‘tw light vin the following brief discussion having todo with the pecs sity of clairvoyant faculties that enable perception of invisible factors, ‘enorgies and fores. ‘Wo can got int this hy posing an important and larger-pctare| questa about what is actually nected for best chance aed eptimm hhaman survival ‘fone takes enough time to assoss the ondamental attributes Inuman organiems noed fr boot chaneo survival, choce ateibures, in the bigger picture, will he meen as twofold: the absolute noceasity of ‘sensing tho silo tangible AND the invisibe-intangibe, ‘There is «imple computation invelved that helps ereet the eed reality hee, Irone ca’ sense the invisible, one stands 2 very fod chance of getting clobhored by, Thie DOES NOT aidin sureval, And there i fir amount of historical documentation to back this up. Givegr take ile, THIS imple computation wae morecr lee unertnd REAL by mot sci up ut ho ine the morn, ‘mainstream sclnoes "wen materialistic“ ‘This event (formulated at about 1845) erected the five physi ‘al-snsoncmly paradigm, and whose assumed authentiity thereafver quired the deconstruction of clairvoyant facultce that could sonee the invisible | It ig abundantly trve that the fue physical senses lone oan \arually go lone way toward survival, although what survival i eon fidored to consist of has som bearing on this. But the five physical seases alone can eften be quite notori ‘uely inadequate when, for example, it comes to such matters as fore facing whit in ging to happen. end when it will. Since antiquity. this Toroemsing activity hax been tho prinipal roe in all premodern cul ‘tues for caizvoyance under any format or name. But in tho sense of this small discussion, the consideration is ‘not between the five physical grees and clazvoyance (and various pro ‘con attitudes raring tham), but more pointedly between sens- eth the viible and the invisible. ‘Thos all human orgaaiems are naturally endowed with clair- voyant sensing feeuities, and this is the principal reassn they keep ‘emerging down throug the generations in spite af any societal resis: tance tether, It might be added thatthe modern sentiments against cairvoy- ance have race soch an ogial meee of tse at its of lilo wondoe ‘that the simple factors cccued within i ae difficale to perce, ‘Thos, iit cam be stipulated daat the human onzaniaen ia nat- ‘ally endowed in somo way to eenee inviaibes, then the eaccept a alt= ‘oyanee is authentic. ‘Hloworor, such natural ondewmente wil fll into certain char acteristics in rexpic of all naturel endowment, Goncrly speaking, itis broadly understood that all natural endowments are cay afa POTENTIAL nature, And iti understands ‘well that and as such tho potentials need to be actively nurtured fo. ‘used, honed, snd sowehow perfictd if they ate to schiewe any kind lptimum oicieney. ‘The distinetion between natural clairvoyant faculties and ur is that the latter comes into fusetioning only ¥? methods of ar ‘al enhancement wre undertaker, “The sary of hckity ie thorefore the tala of ane auch enhance ment procedure ‘TO BEGIN THES STRANCESTORY OF LUCIDITY ‘The story of lucidity begins es follows. The nature of dirvoy- ‘ance and othoreneegetie sensing principles aro found emi an ox plained ip ancient Bestern eure Daring the later half of the nineteenth century these were n= ‘vorsigated by a numbor of Wosternorsaome cf whom: had toe eathus Asti idea of acivating their own extended peromptun] powers mare Jee haged on tas ancient Eartnen knowledge routes, ‘And among those Westerners we now encounter a particalar {ndvidual | will trode bir in the following way. Io antiquity there was a vime wher it evuld be said that all ‘roads led to Rom In muh the same was. itcam be asi that allroad ‘oucling modora concupts ofthe aura and clairvayance lead back ta the clairvoyant superponers of one rather startling individual named (Cherles Webstar Leadteater Lendbester was such a comple, argerthan-tife igure that his| personality end paychology will probably never be sorted out. Thus, there are mary approaches to introducing snd eiscoseing his cultura shaping impact. Here, however, we ure prieipaly interested only in his cate ‘yoyant facultiog, ond xo fret ga foremost, iis important te detormine ‘this clairvoyant superpowers were authentic. And thro is some star ‘ing, but compelling evidence in this regard. (CHASLES WEUSTER LEADBEATIOR CLAIRVOYANT SUPERSTAR, ‘Cagrlos Webster Loasbostor (1854-1034) hogan his aetive is ssa British clergymnn, butaoon joined the Theosophical Saciety in which ‘owas to play a promincot part. ‘He established close wosking relationship with Annie Besant (1847-1035), nother prominent Mheosophist and eventual aucconor of ‘Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the origisel powor founder uf ‘Theosophy. It is apparent that Besant wos no mean clairvoyant hereli, that evidence relative to her full isnot wa clear “The hendquartors ofthe world Theosophical Movement wes in ‘Advar, India. During the years just preceding 1908, Leadbeater and Besant teamed up to ui “miereclairyance” to perceive melecslar spd atomic particles, ‘Micro-lairvoyenco (a modern term) is one of the several supertentint faculties itemized, in the very anciont Siddhi literabure Of the Indian Subsontinont, as "Knowlege of the small. the hidden cr ‘he distant by dieting the light of superphyscal fuel.” It's ntl that lear why the elairvoyant doo took an interest in micro leirvoyenco, But they oot about working aaiduousy at thie fabuloos enterprie in order to cairecyantly see and nyeternatially describe the atomic and sub-atomic particles ofall chemical substances, “As might be expected, this effort consumed « number of years But in 1908, the dynamic clairvoyant duo nally exused the Theose- ‘phists to publish the results in rather ponderous tome enttied OC- CULT CHEMISTRY, CLAIRVOYANT OUSERVATIONS OP THE, CHEMICAL ELEMENTS. ‘Mest Theosophints then sve to have boon completely bewi: dered iy the voluminous beck and ite profurion of erophie illustrations of what melecalar and omic parciles looked Like Nom the leas wae evited and addad to in a second even lager editin in 1919 by the wo authors who aad discovered more unkown mier-lniroyant facts about hornial elements. And, aftr their deaths, t wes enlarged in 1840 and ‘gain in 1951. Tho sesson for Uhe postmortem oolargemente was most ‘noniehing Aer the invention of the oletron misrosone fist develaped in Geemany in 1992) coold begin tobe seen thatthe clairvoyant draw Inge of Leadbeater and Besant ofthe ntomic and aub-storic particles of ‘the elements corresponded almost exasely to what the elesron mcr scapes reveled, Auditionally the clairvopante had illstratad come olements| ‘which, atthe time, were mot known to exist, but later were discovered, and had correctly identifies thoir atoms etucturee, In 1960, the Amoricen physicist, Stephon M. Phillips, in exact ‘ng detail pulled this entire story togecher in-s book entited EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION OF QUARKS “quark” being an illusive ‘lomontal particle whose existence wan not even suspect tant the 9808 iad the leirvoyent duo of Leadbeater and Besant identitied the structure of quarks? ‘os, indeed, henee tho name of Phillipe’ book. But they had identified practically everything right down tothe spin and electromagnetic velenece ofthe moet elemental particles, “How could tro Thsosophists, now long dead, identify chemical ‘elements unknown to sclntiss of their day?” mused Phillipe in two popular artisies published in PATE magazine of April and May 1987, Needles to say; sonventina physica nn ad are sill rns ing fr tell regarding this tearapbantcatroyantsucoo But for eases decidedly obscure, ite perhaps equally meat ing Gomehow) that thie sucnsn eased not to mich a6 Hpple fo contempartryparapsysholsay and which otherwise i alway on the lookout for proct-poaitive of ANY Pai faculty, os E ‘Due tothe remarkable confirmations obtained ater Ledbestrs | dent, chore can boo doubt tat his iow enirwvnce was ok aly | mutheotic (since it WAS cuthentieated), but also on the order of same nasual nd of nagaitd, There x singly no other exlansti ©The haman oposie may indood poses rudimentary clairvay Uuntfacltiee, But the remarkable mcro-ctairveyance of Lendboator and ‘Bovant can arise only as tho result of some kind of very controled | Tamsoiment methods nnd processes. Unfortunately, what. thes on Wanecment methods conised of havo nct ye been died ov from “the meso cotlacions of Theosophical documents [SEXUALIZING ENERGY ENHANCEMENT OF CLAIRVOYANCE, i ‘Bat thore Sone essential clue, at ene in thecase of Leadbeater. however, a clue that no ene ropeat, no one-—will toaeh with a polo. It rosemblos something like a Sorbidden mereorvid ob- ‘dancing olf of Baris atmanphere ond coding buck into the Poaches of epaes. sing Ast transpired, Leadbeater enused the Theosophical Society © tobe embroiled in, ofall things, extraorinary (ane rather bilan | fox toandals, the nature of whieh are usually reduced to the lowest | Gomman end standard denominators of moralistic confusions. Ae it i firmed dut, however, Leadbeater AND Tasosophy managed to survive J neve evn sre sex mates, in acndiney dificult Mica ond tel mle factor of the oat mo of tari Sth oar ovr ee natin eo Trin quit Gear hae “Leadbeater wae interested in sexual onergies, and that he probably could elairvoyantly see them and their scintillating activities. isaopraeh othvereeprbely pte undone kind sf omtaie etre “eric” in which to sexual enero sul be Tpperd ani ght be thrgb osnigrstrond activate pre) er ture refined seen coer tt aight repo jaoch triggering. Ho het, there re rich traditions in antiquity regarding the com- ituading of thie kind of thing te triggoreatharsis #omewhat Sree area arrvnd Anti Mesraars aa Lownexis ‘Bt there ie anothor important aspoct involved. It was given setanaive attention by Proud within ths conteats fe athined far the LIBIDO dofinod in Webster’, beliove itor not, a2 “emotional o poy” ‘hie energy derived from primitive biological rges xpd watlly goal Aixeced, te, sox drive” ‘SEXUALLY DERIVED CATHENES However, about 2.500 years before Proud, a quite similar, but ‘mach moro dignified, eoncopt oxsted in anciont Groves CATHEXIS ‘lerring to “the INVESTMENT femphasis added] of Iibiinal energy ina percon, objet, o os.” Inthe sense used in this definition, INVESTMENT referral 9 “an outer layer of crvelope’—and which in terms of human energetics plac us in the proximity of the ura sa the energy eld that envelopes tho pijiaalazpoets ofthe body ‘The CATHEXIS concept (giving name to a typeof peak exper ‘encing) algo draw closet tho modern cee that soeual energio cn betransruted into ceative ones albeit the nature ofthe trensemuialing, ‘taps hitwoen the sexual and the eretive energias remain conspict ‘ously ambiewous and absent far Another way of putting this, es many have dane, is wo suggest tat there com be conncetions between scaual argace and co called poy Cicorgasan tie helpful, thoagh, vo clarify these types orgasm as sex _svergy ong and peyehie fore angus, Im any ovont, it ic obvious that Leadbeator was attompting to ‘ogortune the yanmuiating investiture of produetiweeatheris by means ‘otorically remember ‘This i to any, todo so via communal, participatory vitualizing fe sonal eerie. Thin, fonecvsfuly pulled il tical the iden was that it would “Tn” the sexual energies toward triggering the energetic empowormont of"highsfasulice--and within ‘how: scope the faculties of super-clairvoyance, supe-iuidity ev, would ‘be brought om line.) Hire ican be mentioned that although Wilhelm Reich wilized iaeeah Aaa ad.ccmcin. ha aronernrenres reanareh ll tear achieving eathexis much along the samo line as Leadbeater’ work, Noy; considering th ultn prio, ox roach Vietorian mea Sawalved it might reasonably be expected that ANY format of allthis Dublielylnewn, would undonso extosive concurs, Leadheater’s metho, hough, was caviain to get him into daep Kiachi or do-do, And so it ‘anspired ‘As all achioved Tantric experta do, Leadbeater distinguished between tho qualities, functions, and powers of the female and male ‘serual eneraies. ‘Presomably beonue males and females have somewhat difer ent enargy equioment, waves, lowe, frequencies, they exch have differ tnt noods, Thus, there is alogicte the ies thatthe uplifting energies of the two sexes shouldbe “developed” separately from eachother, Lendbeatecicharinma(Uhero cen be no doubt that he posceseed Fhigh voltages of) wae cued that he attracted a “oust” of youngish rates perpetually around him, and which nevor nursbered les than Leadbeater was an early sex iberationist, indicating that full sexual experiencing within coneomitants of guilt had an authentic pleco inlife Dueto the prudery af the times, becovertly advocated the there peutic advantages of masturbation, teeching it and the best ways of ‘obtaining fall therspeutic benefits from His court, howsver, had an inner circle of students (chelas) ‘numbering about ix or ao, who wore advanced in their studies Hoping ta achieve the cathesis investiture of the higher ener scticenvelope, they ell repoced ina isle and atzomptod vo utili sya ‘hronizedreasturbation to tsager the higher powers. "This process required tro important provisos, rathor strenuous it woul soem ‘+ that ail invoived wore to time their physical ejaculations tothe sume precise moment + that the elotitving jolts ofclimazing vestary experienced ‘vax by each participant. to belied, by deibernte atention {nd will hove mere erotic enjoyment inthe atorapt to bras mute that ecstasy “upward” 20 aa to mutually enceyize the “higher energy vehicle’ of all tnvatve. ‘The ecasting.sinnultateous coordination amon sx urdo youn males required, ofcourse, lot of practice, But history Ind it that the Spartans fad seceded in this ‘uwrsby making them « Foreo to bo daalt with aa well as had various laments of ancient Persia, Babylon, Byypt, Macedonia—and ofcourse, fancient India from which the excteri and eeotorie Tantre formulas Inad crncrged in the fret place ‘When news ofthese activites gradually became more broadly ‘known, the Theosophical Seccty was of course embroiled in rather sere onal "scandals" One voel eritiindientel that th Soct'y had boon “sid toruse—and by one ean” Leadbeater tomporarily retired from the cuin and voyaged to Australia—whure he develop an oven stronger following but ever fualy wor rcsived back ilo the Soity an most hurd "Eur __ Those whe have attempted t9 analyze thie particular axpoct of ‘the Elder Brother's ife have not coped with it very well —ponsihly b= ‘aus they wareemberrsssedby i However, the analyte of Leadbeater ‘were probably not wall versed in Tantric matters, atin the history cf serual eatharss of Ancient Grocoe and Keype. With those historical factors in mind, i would have ben clea that Lexdbentor di not completely invent the methods “end thet thers was & more than adequate historical bass for thar regarding thor ‘outle catharsis and metaphysical cathesie as eetabliahed in antiquity, ‘This historical bass revealed the existence of « poworlnk be- tween unobstructed wexual energies and unobstrctad higher eeative, ‘emponering funetions concepts of which infured the socalled "My tery School” of antiquity And hore, #t must be said, is solitary clue as to why subse tent cceties (including the modernist ones), which are NOT prepared ‘oendoree wide-opread development of higher powers, have always felt necessary to erect layers ofittclerance and eonfisi not only around ‘the higher powora but around sexuality inwues also o.: entnor na, tat arabian realisation can, aman ual ich ale tir tes Rave bon incorporated nt the stoning ean Chas Wier near heart somone the undarstod why. on the ooe hand, ie repcesented several layers secetal "ueat” but why on tho thor han, he embodied guetc charm scmewhet impervious to various machinations of secetal dentin Pechape as 2 lart analysis, the micre-clairvoyant Leadhester ‘Besant duo eepied and strated (is drawings) the"anatomy” of chem ‘sland atomic parties, and the pttorns othe energies, before i Tecame posible to doce by technically advanced methods. ‘They identified several chemical atomic parilee, the exiatonce of which were ony scentifically dincovredldeenses ater. "Bight or so yoars fer this ook OCCULT CHEMISTRY sev- “oral hundred payos n Ionut, their percentage of error has tured ut ‘abe 20 mall ne Yo be negligible At various points in his If, Lesdbeaver was very prolife in “writing bout usd vital energies ofall kinds, ‘Ultimates, theee wil nthe future be cempared to discoveries. “vin advaoced technologies, of human energetic elde—ctherwice exec ‘known as AURAS, rae wotioniess act in miticn Chapier 15 U6 oA waoving, AA the time - Ane geomehy WALES ik expen akc ‘Thetorm AURA takon from the Greek word meaning “oreae ‘aelaphor for thove kinds ofenergies es Manic or air” Thus, breeze: ina ba (hat coostiave the aura, implicit inthe breoae-ir ecncopt er the factors ef invisibility vA motion ht which are angible-Thu asi eae forthe ar, then, ‘eorinasble,sirke energie thet are in mation ard ore tana ‘This motional aspect aust dliberatly be cried in mind, be ‘eauso artistic and photographie representations of aus tnd ta show them as static and motionlow, {In English, AURA ie detned 1 Nublle aonsory stimula ora distinctive atmosphere surround Ing given sours, 2 ATuatnous radiation a eubjective sensation (ascflights expe ‘eaced beeause of unideetie! mentaleonattuents, cr before trduring varius kinds of altered states of coasseasness" Scurces other than ditorariee also stipulate that AURA can const ofa aubiective sera ax clit) that freavently pres Sealy an soar eprint aes tn Devoe’ heads speadingcenyaiing sil. Ahi Ss \ liven though tho uae the fer aura has become commonplace the phenomenon the term shies e acraally composed af a numboref dia be Te all macs dicusoed in the chapters shen’ —_ Tike most other things that have dynamic importance to life ‘et 8 simple attr ioe ‘Asa way of getting into whet iso fll itis worthwhile ma ing rforence te biggor peture scenario inio which the existence of ura energy Selda will logelly Bi "The modern sciences of theynineteenth century fast assumed thet the universe was made up of utter and that th pigiel tera ‘was the smallest individ particle of IH” etorns during the atomic joint energetic particles. this leary raped Ube the most fendamontal ingredient of the Un ‘yerse ws not imtler but energy ‘Out of the energies, oF crue of them, the atoms of physica sattar are somchow composed and come int physical or electromag: ‘As this book was undergoing final edtng. che January, 1899, Jo of SCUBNIIELC SLAUCRR epsine pied em arice x tihee RIVOLUTIONIN COSMOLDGY. cle Se ar et beac htvemntodiin fecentf] view of cur universe. For the past year, theorists have ttrambled to make cones ofthe intent data "Hither the universe is doaiaated by «bizarro form of enorgy or our univaron ix unt ono kesngny curved bubble ef space-time in a9 infinite ontiowus.” Wee Fad in BE chitinay tabi convmsentine 1, then, physiea! matter is not the base al of the niverse, ‘bot eteray isthe w ngniflcant question can he posed—at Teast far Iypotherieal consideration. Why showld ANY lite sjetoms emerge on eny planceenly in @ strty three dimensional physical context and with sensing spxteme ‘weaned uniquely and only to poswving the physics) forme a master? ‘Thin ution ab rnd in x murder eter way. Pr ex sole tnt ryt inh atc ef pied ma sr shal org coma oy th er antes” eraniss’ Sones 5 BoNenas Of it i rms are fndamenially erected out fener, why ‘Se ty only poses soars apts opsring ete 1B (esseritame rane energie! ‘Tho most comprehensive, and logical, answer is that alle y= toms have araye of ensing mechanisis and faculties regarding both ‘mater and energy—and in fe ietsundewseood that all Mo forme ane ‘roby more sensitive overall to cnergie than te physical matter ‘This equates t» TWO sets of ating syetoms, one geared for porcciving the physical the otber geared for perviving the energie. While philecophie and acenifc confusions ean arse a they dnave.separding the existence of he ithle mater-snaing and energy senaing estems, there se one Fundamental area of energy tensing and ‘experiencing tha leaves Lite dau in this matter ‘This fundamental area nas todo withthe sensing of dynamic boxuol energiee ea, sexual vike sensing -and which ate invisible to hyskal eyesight SEXUAL ENERGY SENSING SYSTEMS ‘These can be absolutely no doubt that our human specles joe ‘estes sexual sensing systems, slu>o0gh the efisency of too ean bo Aiscrta or downgraded by rostel confusions Of cours, in the bohavieiticeontae, this type of ribe-energy sensing is explained away as subliminal responses to “ces” af aly Fangusbe and tehevice poseanng ‘Such cue probably play a cbvious role but the responses of ten occur over distances when the direct tebting of ody rans i not possible. ‘Subliminal perceptionof seruaising aura energies ina far more logical explanation for sensing invisible soeual energie, specially it the men being is energ)-based inthe st place, For clarity hero if one senses another's vex vibes then thane ‘vibes are emanating fom thecther person aura energy Sells tn that ‘ne is wonaing inv energee in this eae, such sanaing form ot ‘dairvoyance, abit this term ie not uavallyeppled to the eensing of sexciher, [EMOTIONAL PNERGY SENSING SYSTIIS, Peoslealso posess energy sensing spstems with regerd tere ‘ons radiating rom energy Gel of othors, sah ke emanations ef love, hate, aceeptance and rejection, danger, approachabiliy, irvminent Ml. reser death and et, Again fa clarity: one i sensing inisiie emotion Andon one fics fom actor's aura energy, elds, Ths kindof thingie offen ve feved tos empathy, which in elf i frequent being knowledge ‘be ntype ef lairvoyance "THE COMPLEXITY OF AURA ENERGY FIELDS By considering the two ty of aura enerey ning above it con bogin to scce that aura cnergy Belde must be eomples i they aa, ‘conte senual and emotional radiations, ‘Therefore, cho aura i pet simply an oval energy fed around ‘the body, but has a multitude of highly complex nd dynamic factors. ‘But thi ie what might bs expected. Afterall, the physical hu ‘xm biobod i lizs-comple, indeed marvelouly so. Why. then, aod ‘isenorgy aure Gals not beat last ae equally comple? EARLY OBSERVATIONS OP THE AURA, Many nineteenth centary desritions ofthe aura sem lain- ‘eyamtly indents it “An emenaton ead to surround human bee, ‘end supposed to prooed from the wervoursyntemn Tin describe an an ‘oval ud of ight, and suffsee with various ecors: This poowived

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