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First Quarter

Learning Competency: Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations

Activity 1. Battle of the Brain (Vocabulary Game)

Fill in the blanks with the correct letters to determine the word which begins with
“brain.” The meaning of the word is given as a clue.

1. The departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field
for another, usually for better pay or living conditions
b r a i n d r a i n

2. a product of one’s creative effort

b r a i n s t o r m

3. the cranium enclosing the brain

b r a i n p a i n

4. a temporary state of diminished mental capacity

b r a i n f o g

5. a sudden bright idea

b r a i n p o w e r

6. persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship

b r a i n s a l e

7. a very intelligent person

b r a i n m o r e

8. mentally disordered
b r a i n l e s s

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