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Common IM Medications

 Betahistine diHCl (Serc) 8mg/16mg/24mg/tab for Vertigo

 Pantoprazole (Pantoloc) 20mg/40mg/tab or 40 mg/amp OD prebreakfast x 7days (Proton pump inhibitor for blockage of acid secretion)
 Hyoscine-N-Butylbromide (Buscopan) 10mg/tab or 20 mg/amp TID
 Chlorphenamine maleate (Antamin) 4mg/tab TID- Antihisamine; reduces histamine levels in the body
 Hydrocortisone 200mg IV #2vials (1 vial= 100mg) for status asthmatics, anti-inflammation
 Diphenhydramine 50mg/amp (antihistamine: 1st Gen; May cause blurring of vision, drowsiness)
 Metoclopramide HCl 5mg/amp or 5mg/10mg/tab Q8H PRN (antiemetics)
 Ipratropium bromide + Salbutamol nebule 1 neb q15 mins x 3days
 Budesonide 1 amp 250mcg/mL (2ml prep) to incorporate to PAI (Corticosteroid; asthma prophylaxis)
 Levoceterizine + Montelukast 5mg/10mg/tab 1 tab once daily For asthma controller and seasonal Alergic Rhinitis
 N-acetylcysteine 600mg/tab 1 tab in ½ glass H2O at HS x 7days
 Clonidine (Catapres) 75mg/tab 1 tab sublingual For treatment of Hypertensive Urgency/Emergency
 Paracetamol +Tramadol 325mg/37.5 mg/tab 1 tab q6H prn for medium to severe pain
 Hydroxyzine (Iterax) 10mg r 25 mg/tab (Antianxiety; Antiasthma)
 Diphenhydramine HCl 50mg/tab, 1 tab TID
 Domperidone 10mg/tab 1 tab TID (Dyspepsia sx, GERD, early satiety, Abdominal Distention, heart burn w/o regrug
 Omeprazole 40 mg/cap 1 cap Pre breakfast once daily for 2 weeks (Duodenal ulcer, GERD)
 Cinnarazine 75mg/tab 1 tab now for dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus
 Dexketoprofen (Ketesse) 25 mg/tab 1 tab TID for muscle pain, dysmenorrhea, tootahache
 Orphenadrine + Paracetamol 35mg/450mg/tab 1 tab TID for Tension Headache
 Phenylpropanolamine HCl + chlorphenamine maleate + paracetamol 20mg/1mg/325mg/tab 1 tab every 6 hrs for clogged nose, allergic rhinitis,
common cold, flu and other MINOR respiratory infections
 FOR TRAVELLER’s DIARRHEA, ECOLI infxn: Racecadotril 200mg/tab 1 tab TID for 3 days



 Insert heplock
 Hydrocortisone 100mg/vial, 2 vials now
 Diphenhydramine 50mg/amp, 1 amp now
 If with wheeze, PAI salbutamol 1 nebule now
 Home meds:Levoceterizine 10mg/tab 1 tab OD HS x 5 days, Hypoallergenic diet

Acute Gastroenteritis

 Start IV PNSS 1L x 125cc/hr fast drip 200cc now then regulate to 30cc/hr
 Fecalysis, urinalysis, CBC, Se Na+, Se K+, Se Creatinine
 Ciprofloxacin 1gram/tab 1 tab now
 HNBB (Buscopan) 1 amp now
 Pantoprazole 40mg/amp 1 amp now

Bronchial Asthma

 Start O2 at 2L/min
 Insert heplock
 Hydrocortisone 100 mg/vial, 2 vials via heplock now
 PAI Salbutamol + Ipratropium (Duavent) 1 neb q 15 mins x 3 doses
 Incoporate Budesonide 1 amp at 2nd dose
1. Admission- where patient will be admitted e.g. general ward, room of choice, icu
2. Diet
3. Fluids and drips
4. Monitoring – TPR, Neurologis stat, frequency, peripheral blood sugar monitoring via glucometer etc
5. Diagnostics
6. Therapeutics
7. Transfusions
8. O2 support
9. Referrals
10. Nursing care such as dressings, bed turning

Sample Physician’s order

Date/Time Physician’s Order Sheet

6/10/2015 General Medicine
7:30 am Please admit to room of choice under the service of Dr.
VS Diet: Low fat diet; limit oral intake to <1.5L/day
T= 39.6 C IVF: PNSS 1Lx 10hours
HR= 100bpm Side Drip 1: MgSO4 2g in 250cc D5Wx 24hours
RR= 30cpm
BP= 130/70 mmhg Diagnostics:
***classic symptoms (polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia and weight loss with unknown etiology) Chest Xray PA and Lateral View
(+) Cough x 3days Complete Blood Count with differentials and Platelet
(+) Fever x 3 days Count
(+) Chills Blood Typing
(+) DOB
(+) Yellowish Phlegm Therapeutics:
(+) Pallor 1. Ceftriaxone 2g IV q24hrs
2. Azithromycin 500mg/tab 1 tab OD for 3 days
Hgb= 8 g/dL 3. Losartan 50mg/tab 1 tab OD for 3 days

CC: Cough Request 2 units of pRBC of patient’s blood type then

Dx: CAP Moderate Risk transfuse after proper crossmatching, to run for 4 hours.
Iron Deficiency Monitor VS q 4H with Temp and O2 sats
Anemia Monitor I and O q shift
Watch out for BT reactions and desaturation.
Refer accordingly.

Alna Shelah F. Ibanez, MD

Lic No. 12345

The preparation of OGTT is based on WHO guidelines (1994) as described below:

 Three days before the examination, the subject may keep his daily eating habits (with enough carbohydrates) and usual physical activities;
 Fasting for at least 8 hours (starting the night) before the examination. Plain water may be allowed;
 Collect blood sample for fasting blood glucose examination;
 Give 75 grams of anhydrous glucose (adults), or 1.75 g/kg (children), dissolved in 250 mL of water and drink within 5 minutes;
 Fasting for 2 hours after ingestion of glucose load;
 Collect blood sample for 2 hour post loading blood glucose examination;
 During the OGTT procedure, the subject must remain at rest and must not smoke.

Writing Orders

Orders usually contain the following

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