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METHOD: For adult


The English language, besides being the best known language, it
is the most studied language and it is spoken by the 20 per cent
of the population worldwide.

English language is the only language that tallies more than a

billion students.

Worldwide, more than 520 million speak English as a native or

additional language, and it is the official language of more than
50 countries.

A lot of factors can make the English as the most studied

language, could be because the English is the medium of 80 per
cent of the information stored in the world´s computers or
another interesting source, but we know something, how the
situation is, learn English has become from a privilege to a need
in the last years.

Through the global influence of native English speakers in

movies, music, broadcasting, science, TV, the internet in recent
decades and others, and by all the innovations, which these
people have made, that the English is now the most widely
learned second language in the world.

We will check some of these factors and give an answer to this

interesting question that we have asked ourselves at least when
reading this tittle.

General objective

Analyze the factors that influence in the importance of the

English language worldwide for give to know the need and the
global demand of learn this language.

Specific objectives

 Organize the elements that influence in the importance of

learn English through the advantages and disadvantages.

 Compare the percentage of people which speak and study

this language with the percentage of learners and speakers
of other languages.

 Indicate different tools for learning English language.

I did this work because I am very interested with this language,
I am learning it and I like it, not just because the movies,
productions, songs or another English product, I like it because
it is very interesting the speech and the writing of this language
for me, also I want you know more about the learning of this
language, how it could help us in the future, could be to advance
with big steps or may be keep standing, who knows, further the
benefits and all the aspects that entails the importance of speak
English, to make aware about the worldwide situation in this

To me it is very important know more about English, for the

opportunities that opens this language and obviously because I
like it, also could be difficult give us a time to study it and
progress more in the language and it was for me too, but if you
learn English with determination you could be a person with too
many opportunities in the future.

1.-The beginnings of English

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in

early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca.

Its vocabulary has been significantly influenced by other

Germanic languages, particularly Norse, as well as by Latin and

English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years.
The earliest forms of English, a set of Anglo-Frisian dialects
brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5 th
century, these are called Old English.

Middle English

Middle English began in the late 11 th century, with the Norman

conquest of England and was a period in which the language was
influenced by French, a significant influence on the shaping of
the middle English came from contact with the North Germanic
languages spoken by the Scandinavians who conquered and
colonized parts of Britain during the 8 th and 9th centuries; this
contact led to much lexical borrowing and grammatical

The colonization of America was a big step for the expansion of

the English language.
Modern English

Early Modern English began in the late 15 th century with the

introduction of the printing press to London, the printing of the
King James Bibles and the start of the Great Vowel Shift.

Modern English relies more on auxiliary verbs and word order

for the expressions, interrogatives and some negation. Despite
noticeable variation among the accents and dialects of English
used in different countries and regions.

English nowadays

The English language has been increasing in the last century.

Approximately 330 to 370 million people speak English as their
first language and a half billion people speaks it as a second
language, if we combine both, English is the most widely spoken
language worldwide.

Across the world 67 countries have English as their first

language and there are 27 countries that have English as their
secondary language, and it is the most spoken worldwide.

Because English is so widely spoken,

it has often been referred to as a
“world language”, the lingua franca
(a language or dialect systematically
used to make communication possible
between people who do not share a
native language or dialect) of the
modern era, and while it is not an
official language in most countries,
it is currently the language most
often taught as a foreign language.
For too many the English is the
language that could give us the
bridge to the future in
communication, and make us grow up
as a society with the objective of a
better economic, scientific or social

English is the language of

international business and politics,
and by far the most commonly
learned second language, it could be
because the English language is
required worldwide by all the work and production made in
English speaker countries.

In vocabulary, English has the largest vocabulary of any

language. Depending on counting methods it has approaching
one million words.

The English alphabet consists of 26 Roman letters, the Standard

English has about 20 vowel sounds (12 pure vowels / 8
diphthongs) and about 24 consonant sounds.

About verbs, English verb grammar is easy; it does not have a

large number of inflections such as exist in French or Russian.
For example, there are only 4 forms of the regular verb to ask:
ask, asks, asked, and asking. On the other hand, English does
have a large number of possible tenses (verb forms); and their
designations are not always helpful to the learner. Indeed, the
most significant problem for learners is to decide which tense
(verb form) is required in English to correctly express the
meaning that they wish to convey.

3.-English compared with other languages

English is the third most spoken native language in the world,

after Standard Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely
learned second language and is either the official language or
one of the official languages in almost 60 sovereign states, and
there are more people who have learned it as a second language
than there are native speakers.

Some people say that English language is more or less easy than
their first language; a native English speaker wrote: “It is the
easiest language on the planet earth, if you acquire the
grammar stuff through speech patterns; it never is a head-
wracking” it depends from which language you are coming from.

We will compare some factors of English with another language

and take some elements influential of that language to give a
percentage of speakers and compare them.
First language Speakers:

English French German Italian

350 Million 76.8 Million 95 Million 69 Million

Second language speakers: (it could vary greatly)

English French German Italian

500 Million-more 190 Million 10-15 Million 24 Million

Oficcial language countries:

English French Italian German

67 Countries 29 Countries 4 Countries 6 Countries

Oficcial secondary or minority languge in countries:

English French Italian German

27 Countries 84 Countries 15 Countries 13 Countries

If we compare the 4 languages, we find 4 conclusions:

 English is the most native language spoken between

French, German, and Italian language.
 English is the most second language spoken worldwide.
 English is the 1st countries oficcial language.
 French is 2nd with all this stadistics.

The most studied language

English is “the language of the world” and the most learned

language, theres not another language more learned, teached and
studied. Too many factors could be the cause of this results, the
English language is used in the biggest productions of the world
and the English speakers can communicate among them easily,
but something important for the expansion of the English
language were all the material exported in English and English
native speakers as foreigners in different countries, all the
English impact worldwide.

4.-English worldwide scope

The English languange has become the Language of opportunnity
and Success, English is widely acknowledged as the language of
business and professional success. According to a Harvard
business review (May 2012) there are about 1.75 billion people
worldwide that speak English at a useful level. It also estimates
that there are nearly 565 million people that use it on the
internet. According to a report, British Council has predicted
that this number will go up to 2 billion by 2020.

The reasons about how the knowledge of English language is

becoming inevitable can be classified into four factors that
explain it:

-Economic reasons. -Commercial reasons.

-Academic reasons. -Social reasons.

Economic Reasons:
English has higher economic value in the world than any other
language. More and more organizations from non-native English
countries are making it mandatory; the English is called the
“business language” because we can find a notable percentage of
big companies around the world that demands their workers
learn English for the development of the communication between
foreigners and national workers.

Those companies are recognizing the fact that a company needs

to be able to talk English, if it is to globalize. An example is
India, English is the language of business as well and all major
meetings and conferences are held in English, it is generally
seen that North Indians can do business with South Indians only
in English.

-Shell, a big oil company which has workers from over the world
and they use the English as official communication language.

Commercial Reasons

England countries are acknowledged by their big amount

commercial material (Specially the U.S.A.), we have to
recognize the big influence that it impulse, the industry from
those countries is large, not just big business, but in big facts.

The production of industries from England:

-England was the first country to industrialize (there began the

industrial revolution).

-The main England exportations are: pharmaceuticals,

petroleum, automobiles and the alcoholic drinks.

-Tourism has become a significant industry, attracting millions

of visitors to England each year (with the England culture
known all over the world).

The production of industries from the United States:

-It is the “first world potency” today.

-They culture is known all over the world (Music, movies, etc.)

-The U.S. dollar is the world’s primary reserve currency.

All the big productions of those countries and others from the
rest of English speaker countries can give us a reason for think
the commercial exportation is a key to increase the influence of
English language to the world.

Academic Reasons

In the academic world the medium of instruction in most of the

good academic institutions is English, students need to be well-
versed in English if they are to do well at any prestigious
management or technical institute.
Books published in English far outnumber those in other
languages and most students are likely to have to deal with
English language to study any subject at their respective

The best universities in the world and the most educative

products recognized are in English, universities like:

-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (U.S.A.).

-Harvard University (U.S.A.).

-California Institute of Technology (U.S.A.).

-Oxford University (England).

The U.S.A. is the country with the most scientific research

development in the world.

Social Reasons

The social reasons are most like general reasons, things that
influence each person to participate and know more about the
English productions, learn English, or at least know more about the
meaning of a strange word write in English.
There are factors like:

-The adaptation in English speaker countries, the need of

communicates with the native speakers.

-The social influence from English speaker countries in social

networking, music, movies, art, literature, etc.

-The history of all world impact that the English speaker countries
has made.

5.-Tools for learn English

If you want learn some language for travel to other countries,

study in a better university, know the meaning of a song or just
for understand an original movie in the original language
without using subtitles, you will have to use a method that could
help you to learn English that by doing it on your own.


-Learn with teachers in an institute is one of the

best ways to learn this language, with someone
that could help you with every problem that you
could have and you will know where you will
have to start.

-Learn with grammar books is very helpful, but if

you have someone that could help you how use
the book and the others ambits like conversations
and pronunciation will be left behind.

-Learn by your own searching information, words

and grammatical rules could help you (if you
form part from an institute, you should do it) but
it is very difficult learn by that way, alone and
without a guide.

-Learn with internet courses, with videos, audios

and learning guide is very useful, but it is not
too much safe.

6.-Benefits of learn English

Speak English as a second language is a very big step in your

development of knowledge and it could help you with your
career or the communication with people from English countries.
The opportunities are many and the benefits too, some of them

-More job opportunities, when you speak English, you are able
to look for jobs outside of your home country, which increases
the size of your job market dramatically.

-International companies need English speakers; having English

language skills also helps you broaden your job search within
your own country

-Better chance of being hired, by knowing a second or third

language, you could have an advantage over an equally skilled
candidate who speaks only one language.

-More opportunities within your company. People who speak

English are presented with more opportunities and may be
eligible for promotions because of their language skills.

-Grow your brain; Studies have demonstrated that individuals

who speak two or more languages think differently.

-Make more money. Employees who speak more than one

language tend to make more money than those who speak only
one language.

After read this benefits (There are more, of course.) we find that
by learning a new language, you are truly investing in your
future and your ability to provide for yourself.


In conclusion, English is a very important language worldwide,

acknowledge by all the opportunities and impact that influence
us actually.
The English is the most spoken language around the world, also
it is the most learned too, and it has inspired to millions of
people for study it, speak it teach it and develop projects like:
songs, movies, poems and every product in English.

The native English speakers have got an incredible world scope

through all the big industries, the world’s currency (the dollar)
or their culture expanded around the world.

The English language is so important nowadays by the big

influence that the English people have introduced to world
system, the vocabulary simplicity and the opportunities offered
by this world language.


The English language is known around the world, it give us too

much global opportunities in economy, communication, etc. In
the same way we know the simplicity of the grammar (you
should acquire grammar stuff through speech patterns) although
there are different adaptations of the English Language,
according to the countries.

We should learn this interesting language using an accessible

method and always with interest. In addition we should know all
the benefits of learn this language, and if you don’t like the way
of you are learning English, you could get into an institute that
could make your learning more easy and we must value the
opportunities that we have and may be, someday, teach this
wonderful language too.

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