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In conclusion there should be no legal detriment to anyone who wishes to speak,

live and practice their Religion. It is understood that religions are many and varied
and they might include all manner of beliefs, some that could be deemed to be
negative to our society. Simply expressing ones beliefs however, expressing the
view that marriage is between one man and one woman, expressing the view that
euthanasia is contrary to their beliefs, expressing a position that is pro-life, these
are not detrimental to listeners, they are simply in disagreement with them, in the
same way that the proponents of the opposite view are to the person of faith. The
living of those principles mentioned is the citizen enjoying their freedom of religion
– it is not unfavourable or harmful to the non-believers.

Again, thankyou for this opportunity to provide input, may it always be said of
Australia, that it is a freedom loving country. I ask that this submission be
considered by the Panel and I give consent for this submission to be published by
the Panel among its public list of submissions received.

Yours faithfully

David Cohen
13 February 2018

PS – Attached are photos of an obelisk located at the corner of Bligh and Hunter
Streets Sydney (just up from Circular Quay and the Rocks where the First Fleet
landed.) On Sunday 3rd February 1788, the first Christian church service was held
in the Colony of New South Wales and this monument serves to remind us of the
foundation of our country. Let us not forget all of His benefits.

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