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Special Article

International pediatric sepsis consensus conference:

Definitions for sepsis and organ dysfunction in pediatrics*
Brahm Goldstein, MD; Brett Giroir, MD; Adrienne Randolph, MD; and the Members of the
International Consensus Conference on Pediatric Sepsis

Objective: Although general definitions of the sepsis contin- ables. All conference participants approved the final draft of
uum have been published for adults, no such work has been done the proceedings of the meeting.
for the pediatric population. Physiologic and laboratory variables Results: Conference attendees modified the current criteria
used to define the systemic inflammatory response syndrome used to define SIRS and sepsis in adults to incorporate pediatric
(SIRS) and organ dysfunction require modification for the devel- physiologic variables appropriate for the following subcategories
opmental stages of children. An international panel of 20 experts of children: newborn, neonate, infant, child, and adolescent. In
in sepsis and clinical research from five countries (Canada, addition, the SIRS definition was modified so that either criteria
France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and United States) was for fever or white blood count had to be met. We also defined
convened to modify the published adult consensus definitions of various organ dysfunction categories, severe sepsis, and septic
infection, sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock, and organ dysfunc- shock specifically for children. Although no firm conclusion was
tion for children. made regarding a single appropriate study end point, a novel
Design: Consensus conference. nonmortality end point, organ failure-free days, was considered
Methods: This document describes the issues surrounding optimal for pediatric clinical trials given the relatively low inci-
consensus on four major questions addressed at the meeting: a) dence of mortality in pediatric sepsis compared with adult pop-
How should the pediatric age groups affected by sepsis be de- ulations.
lineated? b) What are the specific definitions of pediatric SIRS, Conclusion: We modified the adult SIRS criteria for children. In
infection, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock? c) What are addition, we revised definitions of severe sepsis and septic shock
the specific definitions of pediatric organ failure and the va- for the pediatric population. Our goal is for these first-generation
lidity of pediatric organ failure scores? d) What are the appro- pediatric definitions and criteria to facilitate the performance of
priate study populations and study end points required to successful clinical studies in children with sepsis. (Pediatr Crit
successfully conduct clinical trials in pediatric sepsis? Five Care Med 2005; 6:2–8)
subgroups first met separately and then together to evaluate KEY WORDS: sepsis; pediatric; consensus; child; critical care;
the following areas: signs and symptoms of sepsis, cell mark- intensive care; organ dysfunction; systemic inflammatory re-
ers, cytokines, microbiological data, and coagulation vari- sponse syndrome

B ased on the 1992 Consensus literature for the definition of pediatric Both the United States Food and Drug
Conference on definitions for systemic inflammatory response (SIRS) Administration and the U.S. Congress
sepsis and organ failure, se- with infection, more generally termed pe- have recently emphasized the importance
vere sepsis was defined in diatric sepsis. of testing biomedical therapeutics in chil-
adult patients as sepsis associated with at Sepsis remains a major cause of mor- dren (10). As novel sepsis therapeutics
least one acute organ dysfunction (1). bidity and mortality among children (3– continue to be developed, they will be
This definition was upheld in the recent 6). Sepsis-associated mortality in chil- increasingly evaluated in children. Thus,
2001 Consensus Conference (2). With the dren decreased from 97% in 1966 (7) to there is a need for a consensus definition
exception of certain pediatric-specific di- 9% among infants in the early 1990s (8). of the pediatric sepsis continuum includ-
agnostic criteria for sepsis introduced in A recent population-based study by ing SIRS, infection, sepsis, severe sepsis,
the 2001 Consensus Conference report, Watson and colleagues (9) of U.S. chil- septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunc-
little guidance or consensus exists in the dren with severe sepsis (bacterial or fun- tion syndrome (MODS) to aid in stan-
gal infection with at least one acute organ dardization of observational studies and
dysfunction) reported ⬎42,000 cases in evaluation of therapeutic interventions in
*See also p. 83.
FCCM Oregon Health & Science University (BG), 1995 with a mortality rate of 10.3%. Al- clinical trials.
Portland, OR; Children’s Medical Center of Dallas (BG), though this represents a significant im- In an effort to address this need, a
Dallas, TX; and Children’s Hospital (AR), Boston, MA provement over the past few decades, se- group of international experts in the
Sponsored, in part, by an unrestricted educational vere sepsis remains one of the leading fields of adult and pediatric severe sepsis
grant from Eli Lilly and Company.
Copyright © 2005 by the Society of Critical Care causes of death in children, with ⬎4,300 and clinical research gathered in 2002. A
Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Inten- deaths annually (7% of all deaths among panel was chosen that consisted of pub-
sive and Critical Care Societies children) and estimated annual total lished pediatric critical care physicians
DOI: 10.1097/01.PCC.0000149131.72248.E6 costs of $1.97 billion (9). and physicians and scientists with clinical

2 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 6, No. 1

research experience in pediatric sepsis in- on recommendations for conduct of pe- Table 1. Pediatric age groups for severe sepsis
cluding pediatric health outcomes, past diatric sepsis trials was conducted with definitions
U.S. Food and Drug Administration pedi- the whole group. All conference partici-
Newborn 0 days to 1 wk
atric advisory panel experience, and pants reviewed and approved the final Neonate 1 wk to 1 mo
members of past successful consensus document. The final document was cir- Infant 1 mo to 1 yr
conferences on adult severe sepsis. The culated to the Pediatric Section of the Toddler and preschool 2–5 yrs
panel met with the goal of agreeing on Society of Critical Care Medicine, the School age child 6–12 yrs
Adolescent and young adult 13 to ⬍18 yrs
definitions and criteria for the compo- American College of Critical Care Medi-
nents of the sepsis continuum that could cine, and the Section on Critical Care of
consistently be applied in the pediatric the American Academy of Pediatrics for
population. In addition, the consensus comment before submission for publica- laboratory values specific to adults. A
conference panel discussed potential end tion. number of modifications of these criteria
points for clinical studies in pediatric sep- for a pediatric population can be found in
sis. The ultimate objective of the confer- RESULTS the literature (20, 30 –36).
ence was to prospectively develop the One of the most recent pediatric mod-
conceptual framework and practical ifications of the Bone et al. (1) definitions
guidelines for the design, conduct, and How Should the Pediatric Age were those used in an open-label trial of
analysis of large, multiple-center interna- Groups Affected by Sepsis Be drotrecogin alfa (activated), or recombi-
tional therapeutic trials aimed at improv- Delineated? nant human activated protein C, for se-
ing the outcome of children with sepsis. vere sepsis in children (37). These criteria
The clinical variables used to define were used as a basis for discussion and
SIRS and organ dysfunction are greatly the proposed pediatric definitions.
METHODS affected by the normal physiologic The consensus definition for SIRS in
The conference was held in February changes that occur as children age (22– children is listed in Table 2. The differ-
2002 in San Antonio, Texas, and included 26). Therefore, definitions of the sepsis ences from the adult definition are in
20 participants from Canada, France, the continuum in children rely on age- bold. Although Bone et al.’s (1) basic rec-
Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and specific norms of vital sign and laboratory ommendations for the definition of SIRS
the United States. During the conference data. We propose six clinically and phys- are applicable to the pediatric population,
the following was reviewed by all partic- iologically meaningful age groups for tachycardia and tachypnea are common
ipants: the first adult consensus confer- age-specific vital sign and laboratory vari- presenting symptoms of many pediatric
ence on sepsis (1, 2), current available ables to meet SIRS criteria (Table 1): disease processes. Therefore, the major
definitions of pediatric SIRS and sepsis newborn, neonate, infant, toddler and difference in the definition of SIRS be-
(9, 10), organ dysfunction scoring sys- preschool, school-aged child, adolescent, tween adults and children is that the di-
tems used in adults (11–14) and pediat- and young adult. In the table, newborns agnosis of pediatric SIRS requires that
rics (15–18), a review of the bactericidal/ are a separate age group from 0 to 7 days temperature or leukocyte abnormalities
permeability-increasing protein (rBPI21) of life. Premature infants were not in- be present (i.e., SIRS should not be diag-
phase III trials in meningococcemia (19, cluded as their care occurs primarily in nosed if a pediatric patient exhibits only
20), and a review of the Food and Drug neonatal intensive care units. These age elevated heart and respiratory rates). In
Administration guidance for pediatric tri- groups were determined by a combina- addition, numeric values for each crite-
als (21). tion of age-specific risks for invasive in- rion need to be modified to account for
The conference panel addressed four fections, age-specific antibiotic treatment the different physiology of children. Fi-
main questions: recommendations, and developmental nally, bradycardia may be a sign of SIRS
cardiorespiratory physiologic changes in the newborn age group but not in
1. How should the pediatric age groups (22–29). When we use the term “chil-
affected by sepsis be delineated? older children (in whom it is a near-
dren” in this document, we refer collec- terminal event). Table 3 gives the age-
2. What are the specific definitions of tively to all of these age groups.
pediatric SIRS, infection, sepsis, se- specific cutoffs for each criterion. These
vere sepsis, and septic shock? values were chosen after careful review of
3. What are the specific definitions of What Are the Specific the medical literature and the cited ref-
pediatric organ failure and the validity Definitions of Pediatric SIRS, erences. As no evidence-based values for
of pediatric organ failure scores? Infection, Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, abnormal vital signs and laboratory val-
4. What are the appropriate study popu- and Septic Shock? ues were found, the values cited are based
lations and study end points for con- on expert opinion from the cited refer-
duct of clinical trials in pediatric sep- SIRS was proposed by the American ences.
sis? College of Chest Physicians and Society Children with core temperatures of
of Critical Care Medicine to describe the ⱖ38°C may be considered to have fever
The group was split into two breakout nonspecific inflammatory process occur- (38, 39). However, a temperature of
sessions with designated discussion lead- ring in adults after trauma, infection, ⱖ38.5°C improves specificity and reflects
ers to address the first three questions burns, pancreatitis, and other diseases clinical intensive care unit practice. A
and bring forward their recommenda- (1). Sepsis was defined as SIRS associated core temperature by either rectal, blad-
tions to the combined group. An overall with infection (1). The SIRS criteria were der, oral, or central catheter probe is re-
recommendation was then formed by ma- developed for use in adults and therefore quired. Temperatures taken via the tym-
jority opinion. The facilitated discussion contain a number of clinical signs and panic, toe, or axillary route are not

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 6, No. 1 3

Table 2. Definitions of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), infection, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock

The presence of at least two of the following four criteria, one of which must be abnormal temperature or leukocyte count:
● Coreb temperature of ⬎38.5°C or ⬍36°C.
● Tachycardia, defined as a mean heart rate ⬎2 SD above normal for age in the absence of external stimulus, chronic drugs, or painful stimuli; or
otherwise unexplained persistent elevation over a 0.5- to 4-hr time period OR for children <1 yr old: bradycardia, defined as a mean heart rate
<10th percentile for age in the absence of external vagal stimulus, ␤-blocker drugs, or congenital heart disease; or otherwise unexplained
persistent depression over a 0.5-hr time period.
● Mean respiratory rate ⬎2 SD above normal for age or mechanical ventilation for an acute process not related to underlying neuromuscular
disease or the receipt of general anesthesia.
● Leukocyte count elevated or depressed for age (not secondary to chemotherapy-induced leukopenia) or ⬎10% immature neutrophils.
A suspected or proven (by positive culture, tissue stain, or polymerase chain reaction test) infection caused by any pathogen OR a clinical syndrome
associated with a high probability of infection. Evidence of infection includes positive findings on clinical exam, imaging, or laboratory tests (e.g.,
white blood cells in a normally sterile body fluid, perforated viscus, chest radiograph consistent with pneumonia, petechial or purpuric rash, or
purpura fulminans)
SIRS in the presence of or as a result of suspected or proven infection.
Severe sepsis
Sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction OR acute respiratory distress syndrome OR two or more other organ
dysfunctions. Organ dysfunctions are defined in Table 4.
Septic shock
Sepsis and cardiovascular organ dysfunction as defined in Table 4.

Modifications from the adult definitions are highlighted in boldface.

See Table 3 for age-specific ranges for physiologic and laboratory variables; bcore temperature must be measured by rectal, bladder, oral, or central
catheter probe.

Table 3. Age-specific vital signs and laboratory variables (lower values for heart rate, leukocyte count, and systolic blood pressure are for the 5th and upper
values for heart rate, respiration rate, or leukocyte count for the 95th percentile)

Heart Rate, Beats/Minb,c

Respiratory Rate, Leukocyte Count, Systolic Blood
Age Groupa Tachycardia Bradycardia Breaths/Mind Leukocytes ⫻ 103/mm3b,c Pressure, mm Hgb,c,e,f

0 days to 1 wk ⬎180 ⬍100 ⬎50 ⬎34 ⬍65

1 wk to 1 mo ⬎180 ⬍100 ⬎40 ⬎19.5 or ⬍5 ⬍75
1 mo to 1 yr ⬎180 ⬍90 ⬎34 ⬎17.5 or ⬍5 ⬍100
2–5 yrs ⬎140 NA ⬎22 ⬎15.5 or ⬍6 ⬍94
6–12 yrs ⬎130 NA ⬎18 ⬎13.5 or ⬍4.5 ⬍105
13 to ⬍18 yrs ⬎110 NA ⬎14 ⬎11 or ⬍4.5 ⬍117

NA, not applicable.

Modified from Ref. 24; bmodified from Ref. 25; cmodified from Ref. 22; dmodified from Ref. 55; eRef. 26; fRef. 56.

sufficiently accurate. Fever may also be ers are sensitive they lack specificity, and trates; or distended tympanitic abdomen
documented by a reliable source at home no biochemical markers have been con- with fever and leukocytosis associated
if within 4 hrs of presentation to the firmed to be robust enough to add to the with a perforated bowel.
hospital or physician’s office. Fever may general definition at this time. The definition of severe sepsis is sepsis
be due to overbundling in small infants The conference panel accepted the plus one of the following: cardiovascular
(38). If overbundling is suspected, the original infection criteria specified by organ dysfunction, acute respiratory dis-
child should be unbundled and the tem- Bone et al. (1) as well as the original tress syndrome (ARDS), or two or more
perature retaken in 15–30 mins (37). Hy- definition of sepsis (SIRS associated with organ dysfunctions (respiratory, renal,
pothermia (i.e., ⬍36°C) may also indicate a suspected or proven infection). Infec- neurologic, hematologic, or hepatic). Or-
serious infection, especially in infants tion could be of bacterial, viral, fungal, or gan dysfunction definitions are modified
(38, 40, 41). rickettsial origin. Although a bacterial in- for children and defined in Table 4.
Biochemical markers of inflammation fection may often be confirmed by cul- The definition of septic shock remains
may one day prove to be more objective ture or other methods, other pathogens problematic. As children often will main-
and reliable than physiologic variables. may not be positively confirmed. Exam- tain their blood pressure until they are
Elevated sedimentation rate, C reactive ples of clinical findings indicating an in- severely ill (26), there is no requirement
protein, base deficit, interleukin-6, and fection include petechiae and purpura in for systemic hypotension to make the di-
procalcitonin levels have been reported as the setting of hemodynamic instability; agnosis of septic shock as there is in
potential biochemical markers of SIRS fever, cough, and hypoxemia in the set- adults. Shock may occur long before hy-
(42–51). However, although some mark- ting of leukocytosis and pulmonary infil- potension occurs in children. Carcillo et

4 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 6, No. 1

Table 4. Organ dysfunction criteria

Cardiovascular dysfunction
Despite administration of isotonic intravenous fluid bolus ⱖ40 mL/kg in 1 hr
● Decrease in BP (hypotension) ⬍5th percentile for age or systolic BP ⬍2 SD below normal for agea
● Need for vasoactive drug to maintain BP in normal range (dopamine ⬎5 ␮g/kg/min or dobutamine, epinephrine, or norepinephrine at any dose)
● Two of the following
Unexplained metabolic acidosis: base deficit ⬎5.0 mEq/L
Increased arterial lactate ⬎2 times upper limit of normal
Oliguria: urine output ⬍0.5 mL/kg/hr
Prolonged capillary refill: ⬎5 secs
Core to peripheral temperature gap ⬎3°C
● PaO2/FIO2 ⬍300 in absence of cyanotic heart disease or preexisting lung disease
● PaCO2 ⬎65 torr or 20 mm Hg over baseline PaCO2
● Proven needc or ⬎50% FIO2 to maintain saturation ⱖ92%
● Need for nonelective invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilationd
● Glasgow Coma Score ⱕ11 (57)
● Acute change in mental status with a decrease in Glasgow Coma Score ⱖ3 points from abnormal baseline
● Platelet count ⬍80,000/mm3 or a decline of 50% in platelet count from highest value recorded over the past 3 days (for chronic
hematology/oncology patients)
● International normalized ratio ⬎2
● Serum creatinine ⱖ2 times upper limit of normal for age or 2-fold increase in baseline creatinine
● Total bilirubin ⱖ4 mg/dL (not applicable for newborn)
● ALT 2 times upper limit of normal for age

BP, blood pressure; ALT, alanine transaminase.

See Table 2; bacute respiratory distress syndrome must include a PaO2/FIO2 ratio ⱕ200 mm Hg, bilateral infiltrates, acute onset, and no evidence of
left heart failure (Refs. 58 and 59). Acute lung injury is defined identically except the PaO2/FIO2 ratio must be ⱕ300 mm Hg; cproven need assumes oxygen
requirement was tested by decreasing flow with subsequent increase in flow if required; din postoperative patients, this requirement can be met if the patient
has developed an acute inflammatory or infectious process in the lungs that prevents him or her from being extubated.

al. (52) defined septic shock in pediatric vascular organ dysfunction (Table 4), sep- evidence of validity in children to be con-
patients as tachycardia (which may be tic shock is defined as sepsis in the pres- sidered for widespread use.
absent in the hypothermic patient) with ence of cardiovascular dysfunction (i.e., Several scoring systems for measuring
signs of decreased perfusion including severe sepsis with cardiovascular dys- pediatric MODS have been described in
decreased peripheral pulses compared function). the literature. These include the Multiple
with central pulses, altered alertness, Organ System Failure score (15), the Pe-
flash capillary refill or capillary refill ⬎2 What Are the Specific diatric Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score
secs, mottled or cool extremities, or de- Definitions of Pediatric Organ (16), the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dys-
creased urine output. Hypotension is a Dysfunction and the Validity of function score (17), and the Pediatric-
sign of late and decompensated shock in Pediatric Organ Dysfunction MODS (18). Only the Pediatric Logistic
children and, although not needed for the Organ Dysfunction score has been vali-
definition, is confirmatory of shock state dated in a multiple-center study (17).
if present in a child with suspected or The criteria to define pediatric organ Thus, the panel chose not to advocate for
proven infection (52). Although there are dysfunction and scoring systems to quan- use of a single MODS score but rather
distinct clinical presentations and classi- tify pediatric organ dysfunction were re- developed criteria for organ dysfunction
fications of shock in children (e.g., warm viewed. The primary goal was to identify a (Table 4) based on those used in the Pe-
and cold shock; fluid refractory and cat- reproducible assessment of organ dys- diatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction, Pedi-
echolamine resistant), conference partic- function that allows for tracking of atric-MODS, and Multiple Organ System
ipants did not believe that this level of changes in organ function, both improve- Failure scores as well as the criteria used
differentiation was required for the pur- ment and deterioration, as a potential in the open-label recombinant human ac-
poses of this consensus statement. As end point in clinical trials of therapeutic tivated protein C study. Criteria were
many of the pediatric shock criteria de- agents. Although adult organ dysfunction chosen based on a balance of specificity,
scribed by the ACCM Guidelines (52) are criteria have been applied to various pe- sensitivity, and widespread availability of
incorporated into the definition of cardio- diatric populations, they lack sufficient the laboratory tests.

Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 6, No. 1 5

For the purposes of enrolling children ber of children with severe sepsis is in-

with severe sepsis in clinical trials of feasible, even across 50 centers, because
therapeutic agents, the panel specified in the 2- to 4-yr time frame of a clinical ur goal is for
that the two most important organ dys- trial it requires that each center enroll
these first-gener-
functions, cardiovascular and respiratory 20 – 40 patients per year. An example of
(requiring mechanical ventilator support this problem was shown in the phase III ation pediatric
for respiratory failure), must be present. randomized trial of rBPI21 in moderate to
Other organ dysfunctions should be mon- severe meningococcemia (19). Despite a definitions and criteria to fa-
itored during clinical studies. Organ dys- sample size of almost 400 subjects with
function-free days may be potentially moderate to severe meningococcemia, cilitate the performance of
quite useful as a primary end point, but statistical significance in mortality be- successful clinical studies in
this needs to be confirmed and we need to tween groups was not reached, in part
evaluate how this metric will perform at due a high mortality on or shortly after children with sepsis.
predicting long-term, clinically meaning- enrollment, even though there was evi-
ful outcome. In addition, a pediatric dence for drug effect, including a signif-
MODS scoring system should be used for icant (although post hoc) improvement
additional documentation of organ dys- in functional outcome determined by the ferences in the future. We hope that these
function. Pediatric Overall Performance Category definitions will provide a uniform basis
Score (54). for clinicians and researchers to study
What Are the Appropriate Study Although mortality cannot be the sole and diagnose severe sepsis in children.
Populations and Study End end point of pediatric sepsis trials, it is The definitions presented in this docu-
Points for Conduct of Clinical the most important outcome and must be ment should be considered a “work in
Trials in Pediatric Sepsis? included. The panel discussed the use of progress” that will require continuous re-
composite outcomes such as organ fail- finements and adjustments as our knowl-
Appropriate study populations in pedi- ure-free days or ventilator-free days. edge about pediatric sepsis grows. We
atric sepsis should be representative of These scores incorporate mortality by fully expect that more objective biological
age-based risk groups for specific severe giving it the worst score (zero free days). markers of the sepsis process and of or-
infections. In addition, special groups, The discussions from this meeting did gan system failure will be incorporated as
such as the immunocompromised host, influence the choice of the outcome mea- they are developed and tested. Until that
should be considered. In general, infants sure for the current multinational, pro- time, we suggest that these definitions
⬍2 months are at risk for sepsis with spective, randomized controlled trial of will serve as a common ground for re-
organisms such as Group B streptococ- recombinant human activated protein C search in pediatric sepsis.
cus, Escherichia coli, Listeria, and herpes pediatric septic shock (sponsored by Eli
simplex virus. Children older than 1–2 Lilly). The primary end point of the EVBP ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
months are at risk for community- RESOLVE trial is an increase in organ
acquired organisms (e.g., infection failure-free days with secondary end Members of the International Consen-
caused by invasive Streptococcus pneu- points including mortality and change in sus Conference Panel included: Gordon
monia or Neisseria meningitidis (53). Pediatric Overall Performance Category Bernard, MD, Vanderbilt University,
Children with underlying disease, includ- between before pediatric intensive care unit Nashville, TN. John Bradley, MD, Chil-
ing immunocompromised patients, make admission to patient discharge. Long-term dren’s Hospital, San Diego, CA. Richard
up a much larger proportion of the pop- outcomes, such as overall level of function- Brilli, MD, Children’s Hospital Medical
ulation with severe sepsis than in adults ing on 3- or 6-month follow-up, should also Center, Cincinnati, OH. Heidi Dalton,
(9). Both congenital and acquired immu- be considered in future trials. MD, Children’s National Medical Center,
nodeficiency states need to be considered. Selected biomarkers, such as procalci- Washington, DC. Saul Faust, MD, Impe-
Studies specifically designed to address tonin, D-dimers, interleukin-6, and inter- rial College School of Medicine at St.
these populations should be considered leukin-8, may have a role as primary end Mary’s, London, UK. Jacques Lacroix,
for evaluations of new anti-infective, anti- points in certain trials (42–51). However, MD, Hopital Sainte-Justine, Montreal,
inflammatory, or antisepsis drugs. such biomarkers have not been shown to Canada. Francis Leclerc, MD, Hopital
The choice of the most appropriate predict clinically important outcomes, Jeanne de Flandre, Lille, France. Michael
study end point remains difficult and nor have they been studied in large pro- Levin, PhD, MD, Imperial College School
controversial. The mortality rate in pedi- spective trials in children. The panel con- of Medicine at St. Mary’s, London, UK.
atric meningococcemia patients is ap- cluded that these biomarkers could be Simon Nadel, MD, St. Mary’s Hospital,
proximately 10% (20). This precludes used as pharmacodynamic end points or London, UK. Carl Peck, MD, Georgetown
powering a pediatric sepsis trial using secondary end points until more data can University, Washington, DC. Chris Ru-
mortality as a primary end point. For be compiled concerning their correlation bino, Cognigen Corporation, Buffalo, NY.
example, at a baseline morality rate of with durable clinical outcomes. Patrick Scannon, MD, PhD, XOMA Lim-
10%, to detect a relative reduction in the ited, Berkeley, CA. Ann Thompson, MD,
risk of mortality of 25% or greater (alpha FUTURE DIRECTIONS Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pitts-
⫽ .05, beta ⫽ .2, two-tailed) would re- burgh, PA. Marcel van Deuren, MD, Uni-
quire 1,979 patients per group or almost The definition of sepsis in children versity Hospital Nijmegen Radboud,
4,000 children with severe sepsis for a needs further refinement and requires a Netherlands. Ellen Wald, MD, Children’s
two-armed trial. To enroll this high num- series of evidence-based consensus con- Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

6 Pediatr Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 6, No. 1

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