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3-1 * Ped YOGODA SAT-SANGA FORTNIGHTLY INSTRUCTIONS BY PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA (To Be Confident tally Reserved for MEMBER'S USE UNLY) SosaNGOoOnEdn GUCEODEsUbdubLOniaGOCmLArEomaA MoIRIOER THE WAVELET some day, when I remove the mystery cork From this bottle of flesh, I will slip this long-cnged, wistful sigh Of lite back into the ocean of Breath. Yot, O Mystery, T will tear aside thy long Deluding veil which has hidden from me The liberating knowledge that the a1l-solacing Bliss gea Iny just beneath my life's wave. Long has this little Wavelet been tossed and buffeted by the storms of rebirth, Moving from shore to shore, from ¢lod to clod, Hiding in phosphorescent bosoms of pearls, Throbbing beneath the subterranean algae, or dancing with the ampeba and sea urchins, or gliding among the silver-fihned flying fish. padi ing past the bubbles of stars In the ekiey ocean, Or dancing on ‘the shores of planetary life. linny times this wavelet tarried for a time Im the heart of the Great Life, and yet, After a short slumber, mischievous and spritely, Té became truant again, and bounded out Into the rocks of slattering sorrow, (continued in next Praeceptum) CBOWHOBR . cuROURANG HI. AADC AVOCA TDN ASOD PRAYER 1 PRECEDE THE PRAKCKPTUM STUDY *0 spirit, teach us to consider no work greater than Thy spiritual work, as no work is possible without the power borrowed from Thee, Teach us to feel thal no duty is more important than our duty to Thee, a3 no duty is possible without Theo; and teach us to love thee best, as we canmot Jive or love anything, anybody, without Thy Lire, Thy Love." Vee enkisiks FURIKER FACTS ON CONOKNTRAT ION WN DELICATE AKT propaganda by ignorant people has beon started OY BREATH CONTROL against 111 breathing excreises because our great Hindu Masters warned students not to prac tice violent breathing exercises with weak lungs and because they asked Students to practice breathing exercises under the guidamwe of ac after reading about them in books. petent teacher, and SoT # Be23 Remember, just as oranges camnot be tabooed for all people ve- causs some people with ulcerated stomachs cannot eat them, so also, proper breathing exercises should not be forsaken because some people + with extremely weak or infected lungs cannot practice proper breathing exercises are dengerous., Everybody must properly perform Nature's breathing exercises, no matter whether he has good or bad lungs. only romenber that violent breathing exercises are dangerous, for they may cause trovble even to apparently strong but inwardly weak lungs. cast out all fear when you practice simple, but physically and spiritually extremely beneficial breathing cxerelses which the gelf-Redllizat ton Teachings recoimond. WHEN YOU NEKD TO If you are starving for oxygen because of improper BREATHN Diwiys* ~ ee te be body posture, you need to breathe deeply and to breathe properly, Those peopie who sit with a bent spine, and walk with a oaved-in chest, squeeze the diaphragm and lungs and prevent them from peoperly opening and receiving the amunt of oxygen necessary to clean ali the dark blood in the lungs, when the lungs and diaphragm do not open properly, there is a lack of oxygen brought to the blood and ‘the poisonous venous blood in the lower openings of the lungs remains unpurified and 4s poured back into the system in this condition. If you sit and walk with the chest out and the abdomen in, you will take in the proper quantity of oxygen, and all your dark boood will bo changed into red blood, and fresh blood and vitality will be poured into your system, It ia better to Ife on your back on a hard bed than to slt with a crooked opine and squcezed lungs, moving back and forth in a rocking chair. Use planks on your bed and put a spring mattress on top. This insures a straight and soft bed without boing dangerous to your health by bending the apino, as a too soft bed does. Food is necessary if you are starved; deep breathing is nece- ssary if you are oxygen-starved, put as over-cating is unnecessary when you have food in your system, so Ss over-breathing unnecessary if your blood contains less carbon due tw the right havit of cating fresh fruit and little starch, If you are calm and there is less motion in the body, there will be less decay in the body and you will need to breathe very littlo, most of the Sime remining breathless. ‘that is why ealm peoplo breathe less, and the animal type of people, who eat stareh and meat all the time, have to breathe like bellows and have to keep their Life yoree and mind constantly busy with the physioal fune- tions of breathing and with the heaviness and motion of the flesh. Breathlessness and calmed internal argans free the mind, so that it cnn concentrate upoz the soul. Do_NOw HOLD It 1s extremely unwise to hold the breath in the BREATH TOO LONG lungs to the point of discomfort, Holding the breath fo cibley in weak Jungs is injuriow . ideak- tess of the lungs must be cured before it 1s advisable to breathe deep~ ty. People with weak lungs bhould brenthe properly by keoping the body straight, Noep broath ing is vnvosessary for such persons until their lungs become strong, We must learn to breathe correctly by keeping the spine straight always. The suffocating pain felt when holding the breath in the longs too long results from the ¢onstant pouring of ven- ous blood into the lungs. When wie oxygen is used up, the carbon di- oxide in the lungs wants to get out and the thick dark tbod, unable to be purified, keeps on accumulating and expanding the lums, which are rendy to burst, cee WO~ cn ina Sat # ples Although you cannot 411 yourself by holding tho breath too long ir the lunes, you can injure the lungs and heart, ‘ierefore, you must nevoz listen to any charlatan or irnorant teacher who tries to teach from book knowledge only. bo not follow any tcacher telling you to hola your byeath in the lungs for a long time, or tells you to practice violent breathing exercises, When the lungs are filled to capacity with dark venous blood, the blood tries to push back through the pulmonary arteries into the heart. This may result in pains in the heart or leakege of valves, or may injure the over-cxvanding lungs. Nature made a good provision so that no one can kill himself by holding the brenth in the lungs, be~ cause when the vonous blood strikes back in the heart from the over- @illed lungs, the heart palpitates and fiffully shcots its current back to the medulla, The medulla becomes shocked and produces uncon- sciousness, When unconsciousness comes, breathing automatically starts again. BE CONSCIOUS OF INHALATION 1, In doin: the abcve do not foree the AND EXHALATION breath in and out, Breathe naturally, only watch the couse of the incoming and the outgoing breath, mentally chanting Hong and sou, If th breath metoselie stops ta" Lie Mag a out stToS eI ane Te owe agoin of itselr, 2, Remember that the purpose of this practice Ls to inerense naturally the intervals when the breath doce not flow. If the breath goes in or itself and does not flow ott iumedintely, walt and enjoy the state of breathlessness, When it comes out again, say Sau. Ti the breath gors out and stays out, wait and enjoy ihat state of breathless- ness, until the breath wants to flow in ogain. 3s The breath is first thrown out so that you may know when to begin menially chanting Hong when the breath goes in, In ordinary breathing you are not aware whether the breath is in or out, 4, Do not farce the breath in and out in