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CS101 Grand Quiz Composed By Muhammad Ahmad In honor of Bawa G Sialkot

1. The “inurl” operator finds web pages which contains the mentioned query in the
URL of the web pages.
a) All
b) Many
c) Some
d) None
2. Which type of instruction an Instruction Register Holding?
a) Being executed now
b) Being loaded now
c) Being stored now
d) Being transfer now
3. 10.011 added to 100.11 produces
a) 111.088
b) 111.007
c) 111.001
d) 111.099
4. Dynamic ram – Stores bits as tiny electric Charge,
a) Refreshes no times a second
b) Refreshes many times a second
c) Refreshes one times a second
d) Refreshes two times a second
5. George Boole , who was a pioneer in the field of mathematics called
a) Subtraction
b) Algebra
c) Logic
d) Progression
6. Computer does not understand any language except:
a) Machine language
b) Assembly language
c) Binary language
d) Programming language
7. Diameter of COMPACT disk is

a) 10 centimeter
b) 11 centimeter
c) 12 centimeter
d) 16 centimeter
8. Which registers act as temporary holding places for data being manipulated by the CPU?
a) Memory address register
b) Special purpose
c) General Purpose
d) Memory buffer
9. Within a transfer category which instruction is used to communicating with
devices outside the CPU?
a) STORE instruction
b) COM instruction
c) I/O instruction
d) LOAD instruction
10. One of the major uses of the operation is for placing 0s in one part of a bit pattern
while not disturbing the other part.
a) AND
b) OR
c) XOR
d) NOR
11. Truncation Errors is a problem occur in
a) Tows complement notation
b) Excess-3 Notation
c) Excess Notation
d) Floating Point Notation
12. If we are interested to search anywhere in the body of the document, we can
use operator.
a) Intitle
b) Intext
c) Subtitle
d) Align title
13. Pixel to Bitmap is often used in
a) Facsimile
b) Email
c) Searching
d) Matrix
14. In digits on right side represents the fractional part.
a) Fraction
b) Decimal
c) Hexadecimal
d) Binary
15. Approximately how many entries a typical dictionary in a word processor can contain?
a) 25,000 entries
b) 250,000 entries
c) 250.000 entries
d) More than 250,000 entries
16. is a shift operation technique is to place the bit that fell off the right end
in the hole at the left end?
a) Arithmetic shift
b) Dimensional shift
c) Logical shift
d) Circular/Rotation shift
17. The instruction code to the halt machine cycle is
a) C400
b) C100
c) C000
d) 35CE0
18. In hexadecimal notation, 1111 is represented by .
a) A
b) C
c) F
d) E

19. Hexadecimal notation for111010000101010100010111

a) Is E85517
b) Is E855
c) Is F985517
d) Is E5517
20. On Social media, sometimes, a particular is very popular.
a) Has tag
b) Symbol
c) Operation
d) Word
21. CD stands for
a) Compact disk (CD)
b) Copy disk (CD)
c) Computer disk (CD)
d) Conversion disk (CD)
22. 27 combinations=

a) 129
b) 190
c) 128
d) 1000
23. JCL is abbreviation of .
a) Job controller language
b) Job communication language
c) Job control logic
d) Job control language
24. Computer hardware is the collection of
a) Partials
b) Physical parts of a computer system
c) Software
d) Program
25. Which Excess notation is used to represent 10000 as Zero
a) Excess 2
b) Excess 8
c) Excess 4
d) Excess 16
26. The loudness of sound varies directly with the vibrating
a) Intensity
b) Amplitude
c) Pitch
d) Quality
27. By using 16 bits in 2’s complement notation, how many maximum positive
number represented
a) 32786
b) 32678
c) 32867
d) 32868
28. Using form eliminates the possibility of multiple representations for the same
a) Abnormal
b) Normal
c) Normalized
d) Unnormalized
29. One is that a CPU should be designed to execute a minimal set of machine instructions.
This approach is called _
30. When you search in the Google by typing Google finds all those pages which contains
a) All the terms given in the query
b) None of the terms given in the query
c) Some of the terms given in the query
d) None
31. Program counter is a
a) General purpose register
b) Memory address register
c) Special purpose register
d) Common purpose register
32. Most computers manufactured today use at least for storing values in
floating-point notation instead of the 8 bits we have used here.
a) 38 bits
b) 32 bits
c) 31 bits
d) 30 bits
33. To receive a bit pattern from a controller, an instruction similar to which type of
instruction is used?
a) Store Instruction
b) jump instruction
c) Receive instruction
d) Load instruction
34. Using MPEG and MP3 compression techniques, video cameras are able to record
video within
a) 128 GB storage
b) 28 MB storage
c) 128 MB of storage
d) 8 GB storage
35. is the most demanded job in United State
a) System Agent
b) IT Administrator
c) Software Developer
d) Graphic Designer
36. consists of the instructions that tell the control unit to request an
activity within the arithmetic/logic unit.
a) Arithmetic/logic group
b) Control unit group
c) RISC group
d) RISC/CISC group
37. Average amount of time required for the desired data to rotate around to the read/write
head once the head has been positioned over the desired track
a) Random TIME
b) Access time
c) Seek time
d) Rotational delay
38. A CPU consists of three parts
a) ALU/ control unit, register
d) Ram/cache/ dram
39. Subtraction can be simulated by and negation.
a) Division
b) Addition
c) Multiplication
d) Two's complement
40. Hexadecimal notation uses a symbol to represent a pattern of four bits
a) Quad
c) Double
d) Triple
41. Another lossless data compression technique is
a) Binary encoding
b) Run-length encoding
c) UTF-8
d) Frequency- dependent encoding
42. HTTP stands for
a) Hyper title transfer protocol
b) Hyper track transfer protocol
c) Hyper texture transfer protocol
d) Hyper text transfer protocol
43. Which Excess notation is used to represent 100 as Zero?
a) Excess 4
b) Excess 8
c) Excess 2
d) Excess 16
44. The bit 0 represents the value false and the bit 1 represents the value
a) Wrong
b) True/false
c) True
d) Empty
45. If you want to search for an exact phrase on Google then enclose it in
a) @
b) " "
c) '
d) #
46. Sds (Secure Digital Memory Cards) provide up to
a) 10 gbs of storage
b) 100 gbs of storage
c) Few gbs of storage
d) 1000 gbs of storage
47. If we are interested to see the map of some location, we can use map operator in
the following way
a) Location: map
b) Map: Location
c) Mph map
d) Locations
48. Basic arithmetic operations are a)
(( ),^,*,/)
b) (+,/,*,/)
c) (+,-,*,/)
d) (=,-,-,/)
49. SSDs stands for
a) Semantic state disk
b) Solid state disk
c) Software state disk
d) Simple state disk

50. Repeated erasing slowly the silicon dioxide chambers

a) Damages
b) Enhance
c) Increase
d) Decrease

51. Time required to move the read/write heads from one track to another.
a) Random time
b) Access time
c) Seek time
d) Rotational time
52. Main memory is also called
a) ROM
b) RAM
c) Bits
d) Cache
53. Google does not distinguish the capital letters or small letters.
a) Lower case
b) Upper case
c) case-insensitive
d) case-sensitive
54. If you want to search within the range of number, you can use
a) 3 dots
b) 1 dot
c) 2 dots
d) Comma
55. In excess notation of bits are used to represent each value.
a) Simple number
b) Fixed number
c) Variable number
d) Constant number

56. Each Textual Symbol is represented with a pattern

a) Kilo byte
b) Unique bit
c) Byte
d) Bit
57. Controller can connect through a connector that is called?
a) Chip
b) Serial port
c) Port
d) Parallel port
58. Generally how many steps a machine cycle have?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 2 or more

59. Previously how many bits were used to store 2’s complement notation.
a) 8 bits
b) 16 bits
c) 64 bits
d) 128 bits
60. CPU and RAM are connected with to communicate with each other.
a) Controller
b) BUS
c) Cables
d) Ports
61. Which register contains the address of the next instruction?
a) Instruction register
b) Data register
c) Address register
d) Program register
62. We need memory to store data permanently
a) Volatile
b) RAM
c) Non-volatile
d) Address
63. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as
a) Category
b) The list
c) Pages
d) Search engine results pages

64. The repetitive use of an instruction or sequence of instructions is an important algorithmic

concept. One method of implementing such repetition is the iterative structure known as
a) Loop
b) If else
c) Class
d) Condition

65. In ___________ user can executing several tasks simultaneously.

a) Multiple program
b) Multilevel
c) Multitasking
d) Simple tasking
66. Which software is used to perform tasks particular related to the machine’s utilization?
a) Application software
b) System software
c) Utility software
d) Device drivers
67. In which type of communication several signals are transferred at the same time, each on
a separate line?
a) Parallel communication
b) Serial communication
c) Network communication
d) Computer communication

68. ENIAC stands for _________.

a) Electronic numerical integrator and calculator

b) Electronic numbers and integrator and calculator

c) Electronic numerical integer and calculations

d) Electronic numbers integer and calculations

69. User can see directories or files by using ________.

a) Microsoft explorer

b) Internet explorer
c) Window explorer

d) User interface

70. Which of the following is not the advantage of TCP over UDP?

a) Congestion control

b) Flow control

c) Connection establishment

d) Efficiency

71. The computer has stop its working when the

a) No operating system

b) No software

c) Without drivers

d) Halt instruction occur

72. Internet is a type of _________.

a) Application

b) Computer

c) Network

d) Website

73. OSI stands for ______

a) Open System Interconnection

b) Open Service for Interconnection

c) Optimal Service interconnection

d) Optical System for Interconnection

74. Scheduler maintains a block of information of all processes in main memory in ______

a) Mac

b) IP

c) Process

75. ____________ not a valid IP address





76. The connection between networks to form an internet is handled by devices known as

a) Router

b) Hub

c) Gateway

d) Bridge

77. Using MPEG techniques, video presentations can be successfully relayed

over communication paths that provide transfer rates of.

a) 80 Mbps

b) 40 Mbps

c) 90 Mbps

d) 50 Mbps

78. HTML __________ supports levels of heading tags.

a) Four

b) Six

c) Ten

d) Twelve

79. What would be the next statement?

Def findmax():
Max = first number in the list
Current = second number in the list
While (elements in the list exist)
a) Current = next value in the list

b) Max=current

c) Max=value

d) If (max<current)
80. A program under _________ is called process.

a) Execution

b) Development

c) Analysis

d) Maintenance

81. What does MIDI stand for?

a) Magnetic information design interface

b) Musical information disk interface

c) Musical instrument digital interface

d) Music information disk interrogator

82. Starting with vocabulary words and then giving students a reading passage in an example

a) A bottom-up approach

b) A top-down approach

c) A Pop-up approach

d) A cron-up approach

83. In background, insertion sort algorithm works on ____ code.

a) Hexadecimal




84. The system software consists of two categories ____________ and Utility software.

a) Firmware software

b) Device drivers

c) Operating system

d) Freeware software

85. In binary Notation 11111111 is =

a) 128
b) 255

c) 567

d) 127

86. The computers of the _________ were not very flexible or efficient.

a) 1940s and 1950s

b) 1950s and 1960s

c) 1930s

d) 1961s and 1970s

87. Which of the following is not a significant issue in VolP communication?

a) Transferring audio data between communicating processes

b) Task of initiating and receiving a call

c) Incorporating emergency call services

d) Linking with traditional telephone system

88. Which of the following network layer is responsible to recognize that the packet
has reached its final destination?

a) Application Layer

b) Network layer

c) Transport layer

d) Link layer

89. Each time a process finishes task the operating system either allocates the recourse to a
waiting process or, if no process is waiting, _______________the flag.

a) Clear

b) Set

c) Restore

d) Store

90. In floating point notation if value of sign bit is zeros its mean that the value is __________

a) Negative

b) Positive
c) Numeric

d) Fractional

91. ______________ tag contains the information related to metadata that is not
usually displayed on the webpage.

a) <html> </html>

b) <head> </head>

c) <body> </body>

d) <p> </p>

92. The control of a loop consists of the ____________ activities.

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

93. World Wide Web was adopted as a standard approach for linking documents over the
Internet because:

a) No alternate existed at that time

b) No existing alternative approach was more widely used at that time

c) If got widely popular after incorporating support for multimedia contents

d) Existing alternative approaches were not very efficient

94. The large fictional memory space created by paging is called:

a) Volatile Memory

b) Non-Volatile Memory

c) Virtual Memory

d) Short Term Memory

95. Search Engines can search ________________ type of information.

a) Documents, Images, videos

b) Program

c) Only document

d) Only word files

96. The material that is displayed on the screen is contained in the ________ of the
HTML document.

a) Head

b) Body

c) Title

d) Frame

97. ________________ provides a network the internet connectivity.

a) Gateway

b) Hub

c) Node

d) Repeater

98. Which of the following is the variation of firewalls?

a) Spam filters

b) Net filters

c) Proxy filters

d) Wall filters

99. Email is less time sensitive, so the mail servers use ___________ to transfer email.

a) TCP

b) UDP



100. The ___________ resides on a computer containing hypertext documents to

be accessed.

a) Client

b) Web server

c) Browser

d) File

101. For a network to function reliably, it is important to establish rules by

which activities are conducted. Such rules are called ________ .
a) Properties

b) Patterns

c) Premises

d) Protocols

102. Which of the following technology is not related to the client side working?

a) Java applets

b) JavaScript

c) PHP


103. What is the correct option for finding fractional where f= 1 , i= 1;

While (i<n)?
a) F=f+n

b) F=f*n

c) F=f2n

d) F=f-n

104. Flip flops produce output __________.

a) Collectively

b) Individual

c) Groups

d) Algorithm

105. In multi-programming each job is given a __________.

a) Time interval

b) Small time interval

c) A regular time interval

d) Simple time interval

106. Data were stored in memory, programs were part of the __________.

a) CPU

b) Cable
c) BUS


107. Which of the following feature was incorporated in the early version of Word Wide

a) Tracking of various versions of a document

b) Storing the documents in an unstructured way

c) Transclusions

d) Flexible searching with the help of Metadata

108. When applied to a list with n entries, the sequential search algorithm will interrogate
an average of ________ entries

a) N

b) N/2

c) 2n

d) N*n

109. __________ CPU can better cope with the ever increasing complexities.

a) More complex

b) More compatible

c) More accurate

d) Complex

110. The ______ in the state of the process must be sufficient to determine uniquely and
completely the actions required by each step.

a) Program

b) Information

c) Data

d) Instructions

111. WWW stands for ________.

a) World White Web

b) World Wide Web

c) World Wild Web

d) World While Web

112. George Boole invented the ________ operations.

a) Bit

b) Logical

c) Byte

d) Boolean

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