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Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine, where thin and small needles are inserted in
different points in the body for the aim of pain relief. This procedure is mostly used for relieving
pain, but it claims it helps with more chronic diseases.

Therefore it is a pseudoscientifical procedure, which means that, scientifically it is not proven as

a functional and real medical treatment.

It is a very old therapy option, firstly used in China. Its purpose is said to be balacing and
creating energy through the points needles are placed on.

Its medical description is the stimulation of nerves, muscles and connective tissues, with which
blood flow is risen and the body releases natural pain killers.

The most used cases are for headaches and migraines. It also is said that it can help with spine
pain and sinusal rhinitis.

Some researchs show that maybe the effect is the same with Placebo, which means that the
pain relieve afterwards is more of a psychological one, as with placebo pills. This shows that
maybe the procedure after all can be fake.

A very important part of this procedure is hygiene, the needles need to be one use only and
kept in a sterile place. When done correctly acupuncture is safe.

However there are some contra indications that may happen such as: bleeding, irritation of the
place, it can cause infections when needles are not sterile. The needles when not being careful
can enter organs and cause medical conditions.

The process is said to be painless, the insertion of the needle may feel like tingling.

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