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Addiction means a psychologycal and physiological inability to stop consuming a chemical,

substance or to stop doing an activity that harms you.

The reason addiction happens is that, when the person uses a substance such as drugs, heroin it
stimulates the brain part that is responsible for motivation and happiness, it results with release
of dopamine. Which means the brain rewards itself, and because it makes you feel good, the
brain will continue asking for it in order to feel that happiness again, or to feel normal again.

The most known cases of addiction are drugs, alcohol and smoking, but there are also other
things that may be considered as an addiction such as, having the need of taking normal
medications in daily basis, harming yourself.

Drugs in general are the most dangerous forms that cause addiction, but there is a difference
between drug misuse and addiction. You can use drugs but not be in a stage of addiction yet.
However if you experience side effects such as vomitting, nausea or other kinds and you still feel
and need to use them that is called an addiction.

Medical drug painkillers also can cause addiction such as morphine (Opioids) which is used most
in cancer treatments.

Science shows that addiction activates the same brain part as depression and schizophrenia.
That's why even some of the symptoms after the use of Marijuana are similar to those of

For people looking to stop an addiction it is proposed to first consult with a doctor, since stoping
taking for example alcohol or heroine can cause even fatality when it's stoped immediatly.
Withdrawal symptoms can be such as anxiety, shaking, nausea, vomitting and fatigue.

It is often cured within a period of time and not immediatly. The theraupetical process may be
counsulting psychologically, sometimes using medications or even curing the base illness which
caused drug consumption in the first place, such as depression.

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