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HIV- Aids

Human immunodecifiency virus is a type of viruses which with entering the human body causes
the weakening of the immune system by attacking immunity cells.

Hiv can be spread with body secretions and by blood, which makes unprotected sex and iv drug
use the main forms of transmission.

This virus can't be cured, neither it can be prevented since there are no current vaccines. The
detection of the virus happens with a hiv test. Once you tested positive means that you possess
the virus and you will have it for life.

Even if the treatment is not possible there are ways to stop the virus killing the human body.
This happens with taking medications such as ART which manage the immunity and also don't
let the virus spread.

If medications are not used, Hiv turns to Aids within 8 to 10 years. People who dont get
treatment for Aids can live usually for 3 more years. However if a bigger infection happens that
time shortens to 1 year.

Because hiv weakens the immunity, it can make the body prone to a lot of more infections such
as kidney diseases,pneumonia, tuberculosis etc.

The first stage of the Hiv infection happens after it enters the body and lasts for 2-4 weeks.
During this time the body develops symptoms such as: fever, diarhea, sweating, joint and
muscle pain. After this stage there comes the stage where the virus starts to weaken the
immune system and it can last for years. In most of the cases people don't show many
symptoms during this fase, or more mild ones.

The virus can be spread also from the mother to the child during pregnancy, during childbirthing
or breastfeeding.

Taken the fact that there is no cure, the best thing that can be undertaken is to prevent it by
using condoms during sex, not sharing needles, controling the blood before blood transfusion.
After being infected with HIV its so important to take treatment in order to manage it, make it
not develop more and not spreading it. During pregnancy there are medications given to the
mom that can reduce the risk of the child being infected.

This virus cannot be spread with contacts such as huging, kissing, shaking hands etc.

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