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TOP SECRET / MAJIC EYES ONLY al discharges If the craft is functioning tat 4, it may be approached only be apseially trained onel wearing protective clithing. Any deviee thet wild also be left to M312 RED TEAM too large to be transported by covered i, if this can be accomplished easily and ted whole, or on open Sathed trailers, they as lo camouflage their shape. ntities. EBEs must be removed to a top 4s possible. Great care should be taken te pre: m by alien biological agents. Dead EBEs should nce. Every effort should be taken to ensure Personnel involvement with EBEs alive or dead must Cleansing the Area material has been removed from the secured site, the immediate oughly inspected th make sure that all traces of Extrater- y have been removed: In the case of a crash, the sur- area will be thoroughly gone over several times to ensure that 2 overlooked. The search area involved may vary according at the diseretion of the officer in charge. When the off satisfied that no further evidence of the event remains at the y be evacuated. Special or Unusual Conditions cacy Plan Md-1849-04P / 78 ( TOP SECRET - EYES ONLY ) should im readiness should the need to make a public disclosure become nec- | ON 8 a aR rsisev| comm | “Motta S087 su 0)0.9 0 neon con jo 8ojLed J0 291199 fay wan ictonea | visi | “TH FOP mBfOHOGC SRD slew pan rraseroa | ove wsedovwso | oveaeg | - EYES onzy Ses tee PSis ey Pountvapns ‘Stouieay Pounaapy | ¢ £74 oqoURD9: pur aoua}95 *PUDIPHE 10 sIuowsat» Jo pasodinen Svoouteny | oes pur s20429 anu poptiosee j RISEN | Oeorcal | yee aus wosindoud ajqsso art HOIUm smouiey Jo 5 Nott pur sami4a¢y Kd Apso D1u0ND9)3 FSICON ro. ssarpdeomeg | Stodde soy aitgoons io » rite | wencag TOP SECRET ; MAJIC n MAJIC EYES ONLY MIS FORRLDIEN wy p RET / TOP Sz RDERAL 1 aw IN ANY FON: REPRODUCTION TOP SECRET / Magic EYES ONLY iT/ MA ONLY SECRET—Magy F COmpartmengg € nation, ; ONLY limited to pergg FARANCE pga horized person ble by federal this documang Higuce 2. MI Form 1007 Packaging and Packing Data 4. Domestic Shipment isture-vaporpeoof barrier gated fiberboard bor. Individual items ary and hoat sealed. ‘Th ‘The voids within the tagged and wrapped in a hey are then placed in a cor- box are packed thoroughly 13 ! SECRET / Magic EYES ONLY PCOS ANY S018 1S FORNILIUKN HY Pe DERAD Lak MAJIC EYES ONLY is fray and at number, and the following inforena. waning. “MAC12 SRET / MA :S ONLY Howe WEIR Heo nd ape. This’ second easton aged ns deocribed aber © except thar ator are included wit with waterproof | ACCESS ONLY" ‘on all proof lined wooden shipping ein : MA ral sterbroof tape and the wonden ahipont tides and is placed with, ETRPSorE mlalner is reilored further tainer. The lining is seated, 4 eng iat inches Tom each end. Shopng # container is screwed shut t surface OF the wooden > nailing two “winch metal 5 hipping contains n is then stenciled bing of organte mation P.M of thio marual, on ocganic 4 in Chapter 5 TOP SECRET / Magic EYES ONLY CHAPTER 4 RECEIVING AND. HANDLING Section |. HANDLING UPON RECEIPT OF MATERIAL Uncrating, Unpacking, and Checking fig. 3) The sinerating, unpacking, ane ACCESS ONLY" with by gar nor wvarkea Yh thie “hecklnt reir fe mains wertag TNL A by persia with Abd chan N storage In top eet fo ven procedures, re tects are when berating and dnpeckiny the material.” Avoid Pacha aie laterlor ot the ablopling senistnen oe NOt damage puckaging materials any move than ie Abtolutely’ necessary to reniove B specimens; these i rial rested for Aitite packaging. Stee ang ay aRita materials Witkin: the shipping container.” When erating and unpacking Hmtens, follow the proosdute giver te ty > per (2) Unpack the sprciniens ia W top seeurity area to Prevont accoan Ep of unauthorized peraoaned, ee aerial MiP RH & SuABS eile), co towiat them ersg With pliers until tho straps eryataligo and beac oral (8) Remove serevey from the top of the bippivg containor with serow driver, (2) Gut the tape and sea of tho cate tiner a0 that ‘tho waterproof Duper will be damaged a litte ax possible (Gy Gata the Packaged spectrens frm tho wooden cae, (6) Gut the tape which sonia the top flaps of the outor cartons; be ceareftil not to damage the eartons, any 7) Cut the bareior along: the top heat sealed snam ‘and carefully nd remove the inner eurton, 4 ‘8) Remove tho wealed manila envelope from the top of the inner carton, (9) Open Thamar{tten atid remove the Aberbowrd inwerta, dems cant, and humidity indicator, 7) Lif out tho heat sowed packoxing containing tho Apecuiens, pyrasige them in an ordecly manne for inspeetion (1) Place all packaging material in the shipping container for use in future repacking, Thoroughly chock all items Agninet the shipping documenta, Carefully b, 12 48008 6 TOP SECRET / MAJIC EYES ONLY Scope This sey I Entities initiated by Epp Possible contact the entities them ted th may take place as q nerves. In these instances fo antici. vit ‘enieounters will take place at military inst locations a Advantagn ‘allations or other al wnnth meetings would have el With appropriate clearance, not considered very land in publie pla | this case the formulate cove and prepare b Mont and the Chiels of State Contact with Survivors of Te or malicary setioetauy occur sec important thatthe initah con Civilian Withenses Contact with BR, Hot having My 2 or Op Clearance iy to he £0 action necessary ‘0 ensure the availability of the NAC Team, EBES for 12 ¢nsun Jere also ior native, Presi Of downed natural ey In those t stories for 0 pr d debrie Py by the op 7 TOP SECRE: solation and Custogy T / Magic EYES ONLY EBE* will be detained by whatever means are necessary and Temoved secure loc with Boe tible, Precautions wine taken by person. Peace act with BBE to minictee the ineuse 88 a result ;netion by unknown organisme i ir breathing apparatus of some ty damage to these devices well-being of the EBEs th thorized pe Aieated by medical personnel ical personnel are not imme, Fist Aid will be administonee Py Medical Corps personne} jane litle is known about Ee biological functions, aid phe confined to the stopping of bleeding, bandaging of Sana and splint. eties limbs. No medications ot ‘iy Kind are to be administered ay ‘tfets of terrestrial medications on ny rachtman biological systems, art sre ab the injuries are consid, red stabilized, the inee or other sititable conveyance to ‘In dealing with any jj Entity, security ig mount import. Abert T° Secondary. Although rable to maintain the physient wellbeing of any entity, the Jon of considered acceptable ifconditiens or delays to preserve that life Toe the etontiges the security of che operations, Once the OPNAG ‘Team has {alken custody of the EBEs, the bated facilities becomes the responsibility of OPNAG Every cooperation will he extended to the team in carrying out OPNAC Team personne! Will “he given TOp PRIORITY at al] ie attloss of their’ apparent oe rear tts No person has. the srecnterfere: with the OPNag ‘Team in the performance af its *Pecial direction of tho Presiden 5 ates, of the United initial site ial Biological F care and Section tl. NON-LIVING ORGANISMS other biological | famitiar with this tyyo ot ns, 8UCH ¢ 4¥ need to his section will provide gut ee for id Pemowal of ¢ ‘adavers and ren nains in the field consideration ll personnel ation, an done by non-med vllection al, prese s090n 18 TOP sE¢ RET MAJIC EYES ONLY ren ae? Will take all reasonable t With the cada WEIS OF remains foul weather gear may be waits will be refrigerated or Packed + faexed OF labeled and the time and recorded. Con. 3 s00n 88 possible and MAIO type ONLY. on cone sare Zoorn £7 sniarnt rm demented tidings io Ar Foes Cor tal reac tr wreck clad leo vino sree era 147 188 alos ‘SOM 91-4 Figure 4. Extraterrestrial craft 20 iP SECRET / MAJIC BYES ONLY P2DUCTION IN ANY FORM IS FORBIDDEN BY PEDERAL LAW. T/ MA INLY The FAY the wohetemty ant Min ot tdemtihcation nn nese eval reach Nt shatld by opt Swe vom sre thee oF grate Stseevorn. topes CRE of Bre ; 4. Rereptoan Jeet te repr are corre omp fooedinery iit attested nati eo NLY be dren 6 repeets which 90 the positiin 10d 10 Vows vedVing wnisaioad Rules of Thump ARANGH teal Sot shod by (lore ar « tikaher of orized porgg 1 thumb,” andes ‘aneh e by fedoraty ARES, Which shnshd prove UP invoatiention AP d8tatbon of « sighting y ities His cot worthy of his dow if meer, number of individ (08 Waisbal sighs onds dara, & less than 1 OWRD AL g sbaervers cn Hom, Ht ahead noe be lersons Md dis. Number of Persons Peperting the Sighting Short dura individuals amp 1 MOFIRY Of followup, “Tua pendent ¢ Of 10 oF more sitnu ple at one is Ios we from diffecout locations telion in any ieribe, 0 sightings by ree competent ean 4 nob IPle, 25 pes however, hy Spot may ht than two reliable In the Inter e sen stance fram Newrest Feld Unie. Reports ch meet the pret their ogy above should all be = Hin the immediate open ng vicin Pits lavalving greater distor being inversoly. Proportion, SF example, an occurrence investigated ty of the squadron *, follow. lal to the squad 150 mile away mi Up necessity Of the dis. ight be con “ae APPENDIX REFERENCES T/ MAJIC. INL y a 5 1 ies 0nd Gibinienions of Recpsinitinns bd © BY bL, ppmcmions ge lis p3 ag Manevsats, ; 4 A Vechsiienl Masusule, ‘ee LY Acer Technical Bulleting : Labnieations Orders, std Uoditicetion c Orders RANCH Luyy oh hdministrative Vebbications indo A Tables A Organiaation snd Eouipment Mednetion Tables, Tables uf Orprrization ‘Takles of Kquipment, Type Tabiene of Distri Wision, 900 Taher of Mow snce ‘ent Equipment Retorences 2 ONO Pay 33-094 Theory and Une of Bleesronic Torr bq "Dy form 1 080% jn phekographle Rederonces AOA Phoseuyophie Print Proessing ( Au THQ—4 4h Prinwesing Equipment 1406, 401 Wemecits A Fignal Poutogsapivy oo Darkrorm P9472 808 POP BECRET / MAJIC LYK mgr Pon DBS WE YRDKIA. LA

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