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I promise to the following confidences:

 I pledge to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, strength and mind.
 I commit that I will enter and finish the School of Leaders and will consistently follow and do all requirements
as part of my leadership training.
 I will meet with my cell group for every week, I will also be present in all REVIVALNetwork’s activities and
sessions, unless providentially hindered.
 I devotedly give personal time to the Lord in prayer, worship and studying His Word.
 I will, at all times, consider my Discipler as my spiritual parent. I will be open at everything that affects my
spiritual growth, thus will make me a practicing Disciple.
 I will faithfully attend and deeply involve in Sunday Service and other Christ and You’s events.
 I will contribute to an atmosphere of confidentiality, honesty, and transparency for the edification of others
in the cell group as well as my own spiritual growth.
 I will support and follow the lead of my Pastors, Network Leader and my Discipler as God’s entrusted person
in authority of my life.
 I will exercise generosity to the Lord and will not be limited to giving back my Tithes to the Lord.
 I will pray every week for the others who are on the discipleship journey with me.
 I will pray about replicating the G12 process and commit doing the vision of winning souls and making
disciples who will make disciples.
 I vow to make and complete a team 12 leaders that will undergo the process of Win, Consolidate, Disciple
and Send.

Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

DISCIPLE’S Signature over printed name

Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

DISCIPLER’S Signature over printed name

Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

NETWORK LEADER’S Signature over printed name

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