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Do you think the

corona pandemic is
natural or man- made

Qazi Areeb
B.A. (H) English
Do you think the corona pandemic is
natural or man- made disaster?
Coronavirus or more popularly known as COVID-19 has rocked the whole world with
its large number of infections and fatality rate. The virus has caused more than 3
million deaths across the globe and infected over 141 million people. In India, there
have been over 15 million cases officially, and about 179,000 casualties till now. The
year 2020 was considered to be one of the toughest year of modern times. The
entire world remained in a state of lockdown throughout the year. The
transportation was stopped which induced wastage of products on one hand and
deficiency of the same on the other hand. Millions of people lost their jobs during
this time, as social distancing was required to contain the spread of the virus. This
lead to a major economic crash across the world. In order to contain the havoc
created by the pandemic, various pharma companies across the world working
rapidly towards discovering the vaccine for the virus. Diseases that pass from animals
to humans are called zoonotic diseases. They are rare. The chief concern with them
is that since they are new to humans, the human body does not have any immunity
to them. Coronavirus is one of them. It is believed to have originated in a seafood
market in Wuhan that was involved in the illegal sale of wildlife. According to WHO,
wherever there is close mixing of humans and animals, especially the unregulated
handling of blood and other body products, as happens for example in China’s
animal markets, there are greater chances of transmission of a virus from animals to
humans, and its mutation to adapt to the human body. Genetic variants of SARS-
CoV-2 have been emerging and circulating around the world throughout the COVID-
19 pandemic. Of them, the B.1.1.7 (Alpha), B.1.351 (Beta), P.1 (Gamma), B.1.427
(Epsilon), B.1.429 (Epsilon), and B.1.617.2 (Delta) variants are classified as variants of
concern. The variant that has severely affected India and is responsible for the
disastrous second wave of coronavirus in the country is the Delta variant. In India,
the virus was initially controlled in a much efficient manner. The second wave of
COVID has been much more catastrophic for India than the first, even though the
vaccine is out and is being administered to millions. Despite these measures, the
virus continues to spread, which can be mostly accounted to anthropogenic activities
like mask ignorance, vaccine hesitancy, inefficiency in administration, man being a
social animal, vaccine scams, lack of oxygen and healthcare gave a path to COVID-19
to grow more rapidly. Corona Virus is a man-made disease having roots in China and
violation of rules by human beings give this deadly virus a chance to grow up again. It
is supposed that third wave of the Corona Virus will hit India in upcoming 4-6 weeks
and it would be more severe. God please help us, have mercy on us.

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