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Greeting Card Poet

Birthday Wishes, Anniversary Messages, and Love Quotes

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Greeting Card Poet

Birthday Wishes, Anniversary Messages, and Love Quotes

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You are here: Home / Cute Paragraphs For Him

Cute Paragraphs For Him

Let that special someone know how you feel about them with these love paragraphs for him.

You can copy and paste these passionate messages for your boyfriend or anyone who catches
your eye. Perfect for texts, greeting cards, love notes, or whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
Love paragraphs for him
1.) If anyone tries to hit on me, flirt with me, message or text me, I will tell them that I am in the
most loving relationship I have ever been in, and have an amazing boyfriend who I dearly love.

2.) I love you so much! You are seriously my best friend! My rock! The sun to my cloudy day!
My one true love! I don’t know what I would do without you! I’ve been blessed with the best!

3.) The little things you say to me always put a smile on my face. You make me want to listen to
love songs, you still give me butterflies, and you still make me speechless. I don’t know how I
got so lucky to have such an amazing person like you in my life. You’re the best boyfriend
anyone could have asked for. I am truly blessed. I love you to infinity and beyond.

4.) I just wanted to do something simple to say you’re amazing and to put that smile I love so
much on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have
entered my life, I’ve been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet. I still don’t know
what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true!

5.) I want to spend every second of my life with you. You give me everything I want in a man. It
brings me happiness every day that a handsome man like you is my husband. I just want you to
know that I love you!
Love letters for him

I can’t spend a day on earth without you. And, I can’t imagine loving someone else while you
breathe. I love you. Loving you is like wearing my favorite pair of jeans. I can’t be tired of
wearing it. I love you and can’t stop loving you. Have a great day.

You have become such a strong presence in my life. It’s so hard to explain what you’ve come to
mean to me. It’s odd how you can be this big full person with a big full life, and not know that
there’s this whole other person out there for you. A whole other life that’s so much bigger than
you could have ever imagined. Now that you’re in my life, I feel like I have so much. My world
feels bigger. My heart feels full. Because of our love my world has grown. I’m so happy to be
with you.

You know you’ve completely changed my life, in every way inside and out. When everything
wasn’t in my favor you stepped in and made everything better for me and unconditionally
changed me with lots of positivity. I love you so much and if any day I have to sacrifice my life
for you then I possibly do. You make my heart beat faster than ever. I love the way how you take
care of me. Those make my day and all your activity makes my heart just melts to love with you.

Romantic messages for him

I tell you this every day, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see
that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do
something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I’ve ever been. You
give me the most amazing feelings inside and it’s been exciting and just pure bliss. I’ve never
met someone that was so good for me and made me want them to this extent. Now that we’re
together my smile never fades anymore, you’ve got me enthused about life and the little things it
has to offer.

There are times in my life where I feel lost. It’s hard to explain but it’s almost like I’m
untethered from something that used to keep me grounded, like a kite that’s lost in the wind. But
then I come home, I see you, you ask me how my day went or start talking about your day and
what’s happened to you, and it’s like you’re bringing me back to myself. I can feel myself settle
back into my own skin. You ground me and bring me a sense of security and safety I’ve never
known before. I have so much confidence in us and in our love, in the way, I feel about you and
the way you feel about me. You know I love you so much and it gives me such strength. I
wanted you to know how much you mean to me, what you do for me. Without you, I’m so lost
but with you, I’m found again.

You might like our Love Notes page.

I miss you notes

Those kisses you gave me have been a trace of sweetness in my heart. Anytime I miss you, I find
a reason to recall that day we were together under the tree. I feel like holding you right now so I
can feel the warmth of your body. I love you!

You have always been my rock and inspiration. Honestly, I don’t know who I would be without
you. You are all I want and hope to be, I love you unconditionally. When I was sad, you told me,
“It doesn’t rain every day.” When I had lost all faith, you gave me a reason to hold on and be
strong, and I only hope that I can be half the amazing person that you are. I love you
wholeheartedly and unconditionally. If anyone deserves a happy ending, it’s you. Thank you for
always being my shoulder to cry on through the good and the bad. You are and forever will be
my heart.

My love for you has no beginning and no end. It is cyclical, like life. It is ever-flowing, like the
oceans. And it is as boundless as the sky and as vast as the universe. When I see your face, I see
my past, my present, my future. When I hold your hand I feel everything inside of me expand.
You are my everything. I will love you forever.

I love you so much. You are my world. Without you, I don’t know what I would do. You are so
amazing, you do everything to make sure I’m taken care of. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
I love you with my entire heart and soul, babe. You’re my Pooh Bear forever and nobody is
changing my mind.

Good morning paragraphs for him

Love doesn’t come fully formed. It is a seed that grows. Even when times are hard, don’t curse
the dark and keep your candle burning. Good morning my prince charming.

My wish is to let you know that not a single day or night goes by that thought of you cease to
come to my heart. You are on my mind in every second of this life and every minute of my days.
You alone are all I want; it is you that my heart has chosen. I love you, sweetheart!

I hope you eat a big, healthy breakfast this morning! You’re going to need plenty of energy to
get through the rest of the day. No matter what life throws at you, you must save your energy for
when the day comes to an end and we can be together again.

Your hugs and kisses are the only sunshine I need. I just can’t imagine my life without you. With
you, I feel so loved and special. I know that there’s nothing in this world that could ever compare
to the immense love you give to me. Rise and shine, my sunshine!

I love you paragraphs for him

I wake up every morning knowing that there will be a sweet romantic text from you on my
phone. My days start with you and end with you. And in between them, there exists only one
thing – LOVE!

Every morning is a blessing because it is another chance to see your lovely smile, your
enchanting eyes, and your kissable lips. I feel so lucky to wake up each day right next to you.
Good morning, my love!

Good morning! Are you already headed to work? Because I’m still in bed. Want to come and
join me? I know I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than to spend the rest of the day with you.

I’m thinking about breakfast right now, but nothing seems good enough. I could get a fresh cup
of coffee, but it wouldn’t warm me up as you do. I could make a pillow from pancakes, but they
wouldn’t be as soft as your lips. Or, I could get a crepe filled with whip cream, strawberries, and
powdered sugar, but it still wouldn’t be as sweet as you.

The best part of waking up isn’t coffee; it’s getting to remember that I’m your girlfriend. As the
world comes into focus in the light of the day, I see your face and realize I’m the luckiest girl in
the world.

I love you video

Love messages in the morning

These are great messages for him to wake up to.

I want you to know that you are the most important thing in my life. You’re the reason I do
everything. When I get up in the morning, I feel so grateful for every second I have with you and
have here on earth. You give my life meaning, you give my days such joy, you are the reason I
smile. Thank you for being with me, for joining me on this journey through life. Your love is
everything to me.

I hope your morning is as radiant as your glowing smile that always lights up my world. Thank
you for always bringing sunshine to my life. You are my joy and my happiness. I love you.

The morning breeze makes me think of you. The sunshine on my window makes me think of
you. The sweet song of the birds makes me think of you. I just can’t stop thinking about you, and
it’s still morning!

Sweet paragraphs
I don’t want the moon, the stars, or the universe. I don’t want a million dollars or golden jewelry.
All I need in this lifetime is your love.

I’ll not stop loving you until I stop breathing. I love you sincerely, and my heart leaps for joy
with your presence. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because we belong to each other.
You are my heart and soul.
You make me feel beautiful. Thank you for giving me so much more than I ever could have
wanted. I am so thankful for what we have, and for everything, we will have. You are the only
man I ever want to share my life with. I could never imagine what it would be like if we were to
lose each other. I don’t even want to think about it. All I want to think about is you. You are the
love of my life. I love you. I always will love you until the day that I die. Hopefully, when that
day comes, I will still have you by my side and you face will be the last face that I see.

If something ever happens, and we’re not together, I want you to know that you are brave,
strong, intelligent, passionate, caring, and generous. You give so much to everyone around you
and I know there are times when you feel like you’re less than you are—not strong enough or not
around enough—but you are so much more than you know. You inspire me each and every day.

Long paragraphs for him

From the moment I first saw you, I knew that we were going to have something special. It was
just how when we came together, we found ourselves in our own world. I feel like the words I
say to you are so much more real than anything I’ve ever said to anyone else. You put color into
my world. I feel like I’ve become a better person because of you, better able to love and care for
other people in my life. You are so inspiring, and it’s always too long until I see you again. I love
you more than you can know.

Sometimes you and I seem like a wild dream, but it’s a dream I want to come true. It seems so
impossible. That I should find you, the one other person in this world who fits me so completely
and who makes me so happy. Sometimes when we’re together, I’ll look over and you’ll be doing
something small—something silly like looking for something to eat in the fridge or scratching
your back maybe—and that one small thing causes this surge in my heart. I can’t believe I’m the
person who gets to share these moments with you, these small, seemingly insignificant moments.
I never thought this would be what my wildest dream would be like, but I’m so glad they’ve
come true.

Paragraphs when he’s mad

Darling—I was trying to go to sleep last night but I couldn’t. I just kept looking out the window
at the moon, wondering what you were thinking about, or dreaming about. I’m sorry about our
fight. I know we’re going to work through this and that we’re going to be stronger because of it.
You are such an amazing partner. I feel like I can tell you anything and I know you’ll never
judge me for anything at all. Relationships can be hard sometimes, especially between us
because we’re both such stubborn people. But even though we have our differences, I believe in
us and believe that we can make this work. So I hope that right now, as you’re reading this
message, you know that I love you and that I can’t wait until I see you again.

I can’t believe that two years ago I started dating you, my wonderful boyfriend! It has been the
best ever! I know we have had our fights over stupid stuff, but I really can’t picture my life
without you! You are truly my best friend. I love you so much.
I love you with all my heart. Together, we have created a beautiful world. Through many fights
and plenty of hardships in the past years, we have been together, and we’re still working to better
our future as a couple. I’m always here for you baby! I love you!

Messages for him after an argument

I know that when I am older, I will look back at the days when we used to argue about petty
things and I will be happy, knowing that our love was stronger and bigger than those things. You
need to know that I am thankful that you are in my life and that I will love you till the day I die.
Unconditionally and without any end, I love you, baby!

You are hilarious! Even when we argue, you make it funny and just crazy! I love your sense of
humor and randomness. I think you’ve kind of spoiled me actually. Ever since we started
chatting, everyone else is just so boring.

I just wanted to say that you’re amazing, baby, and even though we fight (all the time), it doesn’t
change a thing. You’re sweet, caring, and funny. You know how to treat me right, and I couldn’t
ask for a better boyfriend. You need to stop thinking you’re a bad boyfriend, because you’re not.
I love you boo, and I hope we can prove to people that no matter how much we fight, we’re
strong enough to stay together.

What can I say? You’ve been there for me through everything. I know we fight, but every
relationship has its ups and downs. I feel so comfortable with you. It’s so easy to talk to you—I
feel like I can tell you anything. I’m so proud to say you’re my best friend and my boyfriend—
you mean the world to me. I love you so much!

Paragraphs for boyfriend

You are my world. I’ve honestly fallen deeply in love with you and I am not afraid to say it. We
have been through thick and thin and we are still going strong. I can’t imagine my life without
you by my side. I love you so much I can’t even explain it! Forever and ever baby.

You don’t know how much you mean to me and perhaps it may be the reason why you move
even an inch away from me. I must tell you that I am already addicted to you—only God has the
power to remove your love from my heart. You are the most amazing husband in the world. I
love you with passion my lovely sweetheart.

You’re my best friend. The person I can tell all my secrets to, the first person I want to talk to
when I wake up, and the last person I want to talk to before I drift off to sleep. When something
good happens to me, you’re the first person I want to tell. When I’m troubled by something or if
I get bad news, you’re the one I go to for comfort and support. But you’re so much more to me
than a friend, or someone who helps me through tough times, you’re the love of my life. You’re
my friend, my lover, my comfort, and my strength. I am so lucky to have you.

Words of love for your partner

We’ve been through so much you and I. We’ve had our ups and downs, moments where I
thought we were in real trouble. But we’ve come through them all and we are so much stronger
now. Stronger in our love, in our relationship, and in ourselves. I know whatever life throws our
way (and I know we’re not done yet) we’ll be ready to meet it head-on, together. As long as
we’re together, there’s nothing we can’t face.

Five years ago today, we became boyfriend and girlfriend. Hands down, it’s been the best years
of my life so far! We have grown together, and you’ve made me the person I am today. I love
you so much. Thank you for putting up with me.

I think I’ve loved you my whole life, only I didn’t know it was you I was loving. I have always
had this feeling inside me that I was meant for something. After meeting you, I knew I was
meant to love you. You are my reason for living. I’ve loved you my whole life and with each
passing day, my love only grows stronger.

Long-distance paragraphs for him

People ask me how we can stay in this long-distance relationship for so long and I just smile. If
they knew you, they wouldn’t ask. If they knew how amazing you are, how thoughtful, how
funny, how kind, how handsome, how generous, how forgiving, how wonderful, how silly, how
serious, how deep, how affectionate, how playful, how brilliant, how creative, how indescribable
you are—they wouldn’t ask.

I would be a fool to ever give up what we have. I would be a fool to think I could find someone
like you anywhere else. You are the only you. And you are the only you for me. I am so happy
that we’re together, even though the distance can get hard. It is so worth it. One day, we’ll be
together, in the same place, and I’ll get to see your sweet smile and hold your beautiful face.
Until then, I hope you know that I love you. I love you so much.

My life won’t be complete without you in it. I knew I was in paradise when I slept and woke up
with you by my side. My love for you is thick because I have not felt this way for anyone. I will
always love you because my feelings for you will stay till eternity.

I have never felt this hollow in my life before. The thought of not seeing you for another day can
be heartbreaking. Can I stay in your heart to stop this nuclear explosion? The heart knows what it
desires, but I know that yours yearn for the warm feelings we share all day long.

Express my love to boyfriend through text

There are thousands of ways to say, “I love you.” But the only way to truly tell you is by
showing you. I hope you will continue to let me show you how much I love you every single

The only thing I want in my life is the presence of you. I may not always express my feelings but
if you look into my eyes you will see there an ocean full of love, respect, and care only for you!
Life is better with you in it. It’s simple really. The world is more beautiful, the days are more
fun, moments are more precious. I love having you in my life. I couldn’t imagine it any other
way. My biggest hope is thatyou feel the same way. That I can make your life better by having
been in it.

I want to shout from the rooftops how much I love you. Call me crazy but that is how I express
my love for you.

I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were so I thought I’d text you. Because
the thing is—I think about you all the time. It doesn’t really matter what I’m doing, somewhere
in my brain I’m playing a little movie of you. Somewhere in my brain, I’m singing a song about
you. I’m always planning the next time I’ll be able to see you and make you feel good. It’s
always happening. I can’t help it. You’re my favorite song and my favorite book and my favorite
movie. You’re just my favorite. So, my favorite—how are you?

Love text messages for him

Hey baby – I was just thinking about you while I was on my way to work. You make me smile
all the time, even when we’re not together. I just picture your face and your big bright eyes, and I
can’t help it. I’m so lucky I am to be with you. How lucky we are that we met each other. I feel
like there are so many signs in my life that show we are meant to be together.

There are so many things about you that I love. I couldn’t name them all even if I tried. Each day
that I get to know you, I learn more about how wonderful you are. I brag about you all the time
to my friends and family, and even though they might get sick of hearing about you, I never get
sick of talking about you. Getting married is all I can think about. I hope you have a good night
and that you sleep well.

I could say it a billion times, but it would still not be enough to show the depth and breadth of
my love for you. You know I love you, and I cannot say it enough. Although I have fallen for
people before, but never like this. You are exceptional, and I am so happy that you chose to be

No day breaks that I do not love you more than I used to do. No matter the situation at hand, it is
all the same to me. I can never be comfortable without you, so why should I stop loving you?
You are the most handsome man I have ever met in my life.

Make him smile paragraphs

You made me the happiest woman on earth when you came into my life. I will shower you the
love and care you need, and I will always be right there for you when you need me. And, I know
having you was the luckiest thing that happened to me, I will handle you like a baby and treat
you like a king.

I don’t even know how to tell you how much I love you. You’re the first thing I think of when I
wake up and my last thought before I go to sleep. Everything I see reminds me of you and the
things that we’ve shared together. Being with you has opened up my world, and I feel like I see
things differently now (in a good way). I know we fight sometimes, but I just wanted to tell you,
so you know for sure that I love you with everything I have. There is nothing left for anyone
else. It’s just you, baby. I. Love. You.

Each time I see you, each time I look into your eyes, each time I hold your hands. I realize how
wonderful you’re to me. The bliss my soul enjoys each time I see your face can brighten the
darkest planet. I love you plenty, baby.

Watching you walk across a room is the greatest gift. The way you move is so strong and sure.
The way you smile makes me feel at peace. Knowing you’re walking towards me is a feeling so
hard to describe. It’s like coming home, a comfort, only the home is coming to me. I will never
know such love, such peace, as you. You’re my home.

Make him feel special paragraphs

You’re my everything, and I mean that. I will never forget all of the fun things we’ve done
together and the amazing times we have spent together. You have my heart forever and always,
and nothing will ever change that.

The light of your handsome face mesmerizes my heart. It gives me comfort that suits the temper
of a sweet lady like me. I know you can’t resist my charm either, but you are so special that I
may die without you by my side. I love you! Good morning, handsome!

Only you can turn my world around, set my heart on fire, and make everything beautiful. Will I
continue to love you? Yes, I will, forever because your love makes my world come alive. Even if
everything changes, friends go away, the sun disappears. One thing will remain the same, “My
love for you.”

I love you so much. You are my world. Without you, I don’t know what I would do. You are so
amazing, and you do everything to make sure I’m taken care of. I couldn’t ask for a better
boyfriend. I love you with my entire heart and soul, babe. You’re my Pooh Bear forever, and
nobody is changing my mind.

I still don’t know how it is that I’ve been so blessed to find you, to have you, in my life. I know
that as we get older, we’ll grow and change with one another and I can’t wait to see what
happens. You are my sweetums and I love you forever.

Touching love messages for him

It’s amazing the love and care you give me on a daily basis it’s unequaled I think I am safer with
you, that’s why I am giving all myself to you, because my life is perfect with you, and I promise
to love you and give you all you need, may God bless you continually for me, because you really
deserve much more than I can give you. I love you so much.
You are such a gift to me. Having you in my life is such a blessing. Every day, I thank God that
you are in my life and that you are by my side. I am so blessed to be able to call you mine and to
be called yours. I pray that I will always be able to give you what you need in life and that you
will always be there to hold my hand and that you will continue to walk with me on this journey
that we call life.

Before I met you, all my relationships always seemed so hard. They were something I had to
work at and it felt forced. With you everything is so easy. Loving you comes so naturally, and it
has from the very beginning. It’s as if I looked up and there you were: This amazing man. And
then there it was: This amazing love I have for you. It’s been the greatest surprise of my life.

When we’re together, I feel as though I’m invincible. It’s like every piece of me is so weightless
that I can drift from one cloud to another without ever coming down. I never want this feeling to

Thoughtful expressions of love

When you feel weak, I am here to be strong for you. When you are strong, I’m here to lift you up
and make you stronger. And, when you are sad, I am here to bring a smile to your face. And
when you are happy, I am here to enjoy every minute of it. Because you do all these things for
me. When I am weak, you give me strength. When I am sad, you make me smile. I am so
grateful for you and our life together. I have found my perfect partner.

When I was a kid I used to sit and think of what the person I loved would be like. I pictured
kissing in fields or maybe on the beach. A man who was strong and kind. Who was smart and
driven. Who made me laugh. And, who made me stronger. You are so much more than I could
have ever imagined. I never even thought to wish for someone as kind, sweet, strong, funny,
smart, and amazing as you. You are life’s biggest surprise. You are so much more than anything
I could have dreamed or hoped for.

I know I say “I love you all the time, but that’s not enough. Those three words can’t describe the
way I feel about you. You make my tummy do flips and my hands shake. I’ve never loved
anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I will ever love someone this much again. You’re
everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you so much! You’re my everything, my entire
heart, and world.

Passionate love messages for him

There are moments when we’re together, where I wish I could make time stop. I often think to
myself, that I could easily stay in this moment forever. Just being with you, sitting with you,
touching your cheek, or stroking your back. Feeling you by my side is everything to me. Every
moment I spend with you is the best moment of my life. I love you, and I will go on loving you
through all the moments we share together from now until forever.
I can say it a million times and it still won’t be enough: I love you. Your love is amazing. It’s
perfect. It’s great. I’ve seen love before, but not like this. This love is exceptional. Thank you for
being my partner.

Sometimes I try to think of what my life would be like without you. What I would be like or
what I’d do with my days. It’s so hard because so much of who I am now is due to you. You’ve
challenged me, inspired me, encouraged me, and supported me. And it’s because of all this that
I’m the person I am today. I am so grateful for your presence in my life and for the love and
attention to give to me, our relationship, and our life together. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
And, I love you so much.

The bliss my soul enjoys each time I see your face can brighten the darkest planet. I love you
plenty. Your love is engulfing, and the feeling is enticing. Your assurance is comforting, and my
heart is in the safest place on earth. I love you.

Emotional expressions of love

I have two things I have dreamed of doing with you. One of them is wrapping your soft body in
my arms, and the other is holding your hand while we take a walk at the beach. I know it’s a
dream that will become a reality someday. I love you with my heart. Baby, I imagine us sitting
right next to each other without moving, without wishing to be somewhere else. Just holding
hands and watching the Television on a breezy evening. Cute, right? Let’s make this a reality.

We started saying “I love you” some hours ago and I’m getting afraid of letting you go. Promise
to stay with me even in the darkest hour because each time I pray to God I ask for a moon that
will stick around when there is no sun. Then God sent you my way. I love you much.

You are the best thing that has happened to me. You are the most amazing guy in the world.
And, you treat me the way a woman should be treated. You are the ground that I stand on, my
knight in shining armor. I love you to the moon and back and then some. You know I could
never ask for a more amazing boyfriend because I have the best one already. I never want to go a
day without you, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much baby,
forever and always.

Paragraphs for him from the heart

Only if you love me back the way I love you, I don’t think I would worry if I die the next second.
I love you, baby. I want you to know that our love will overcome any obstacle. It will stand the
test of time like old wine. It will get better and healthy. Much love.

I wanted to take the time to tell you just how much you mean to me. You’ve become a rock in
my life, something solid and secure I can lean on. Knowing you’re by my side makes me so
eternally grateful, that I can hardly put it into words. I had felt happiness before, but nothing
prepared me for the happiness I feel when I’m with you.
If you love me as I love you. If you feel the way my heartbeats, then there is no going back. Let’s
love each other until our very last breath because I love you from sunrise to sunset. You own my
heart and I have the feeling that being with you has been the best choice I made.

My heart can’t stop loving you. I don’t even want it to stop, because the thought of you makes
my body come alive. One lesson I will teach you about love is to handle this heart with sweet
care; there isn’t another like it.

As you set your eyes upon these blissful words of mine, I want you to find a place in your heart
to always pray for you and me because I am willing to be your wife. I have found in you what a
good husband should be called—I love you, my sweetheart!

Deep love paragraphs for him

I love you, and I wish there is a way you could just see into my soul and find the depth of
passion, tenderness, and love that I have for you. No one else ever meant to me like you do. For
me, you are the true meaning of love. You are my heart and soul; the very reason why I breathe.

They say that soulmates are two souls that used to be one being. That these beings were
separated and that as they roam this earth they always feel the lack of each other, the empty spot
inside of them, until the moment they meet again. Then they instantly know that they’ve met
their soulmate. Then they connect and are made whole again. There’s no doubt in my mind that
my soul is connected to yours. With you I feel a peace, a wholeness, I didn’t know was even

When I am with you, I find peace and quietness. I never knew true love was this sweet. You
make my life worth living, repeatedly. I love you, baby. There are a million things I want to do
now, and one that I can do without distraction is loving you like no other. Order me to love you.
Command me to want you, more and more.

Famous quotes
At night, there was the feeling that we had come home, feeling no longer alone, waking in the
night to find the other one there, and not gone away; all other things were unreal. We slept when
we were tired and if we woke the other one woke too so one was not alone. Often a man wishes
to be alone and a woman wishes to be alone too and if they love each other they are jealous of
that in each other, but I can truly say we never felt that. We could feel alone when we were
together, alone against the others. We were never lonely and never afraid when we were
Ernest Hemingway

No relationship is perfect, ever. There are always some ways you have to bend, to compromise,
to give something up in order to gain something greater … The love we have for each other is
bigger than these small differences. And that’s the key. It’s like a big pie chart, and the love in a
relationship has to be the biggest piece. Love can make up for a lot.
Sarah Dessen
It has made me better loving you … it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to
want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was
satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to
have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I really am satisfied, because I can’t
think of anything better.
Henry James

Love quotes and sayings

The thing is that love gives us a ringside seat on somebody else’s flaws, so of course, you’re
gonna spot some things that kinda need to be mentioned. But often the romantic view is to say,
‘If you loved me, you wouldn’t criticize me.’ Actually, true love is often about trying to teach
someone how to be the best version of themselves.
Alain de Botton

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems
or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which
there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I
fall asleep your eyes close.
Pablo Neruda

Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I’m gazing at a distant star. It’s dazzling, but the light is
from tens of thousands of years ago. Maybe the star doesn’t even exist anymore. Yet sometimes
that light seems more real to me than anything.
Haruki Murakami

By Jill Shannon

Jill writes about relationships, pop culture, and entertainment.


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60 Cutest Paragraphs For Him To Make Him

When you fall in love with someone with all your heart, you always want to do something
special for them. Even if it is a small text message or good morning/good night wish, a small
gesture keeps the relationship healthy and adds to your romance. If you, too, want to make such
small efforts, you can write some love letters or even send some love-filled paragraphs to pour
out your feelings. Here are some romantic paragraphs for him if you are looking for inspiration
to send out to your loved one and let them know how loved he is.

Paragraphs For Him

I don’t care about your money or status. What matters to me the most is your presence. I’m going
to be by your side through thick and thin, and together we can build an empire. I will support you
and be your rock. I love you.


It would be an understatement if I told you that I love you because ‘love’ is not enough to
describe how I feel about you. I can only imagine how miserable I would be without you. You
make my entire life beautiful by just being in it.


To be honest, I cannot imagine a better boyfriend than you. You are the man of my dreams. I
often dreamt of sharing my life with a man of your qualities, and you have made it a reality.
Every girl would want to have a partner like you, but I am lucky enough to be the one.

Having you is like having a best friend and boyfriend in one. Not only do you listen to
everything I have to say, but you also help me deal with my problems with your thoughtful
advice. You have always been such a constant support for me. I am forever grateful for that.


I feel like I am in heaven when I am with you. I feel so calm, and my heart feels so light. I wake
up each day with a big smile on my face that you put there. You have turned my life into a real-
life fairy tale.


I didn’t believe in love until I met you. I didn’t even think I would be hopelessly in love with
someone until you came around and turned my life upside down. I love you so much. I want you
to know how much you mean to me because you mean everything to me.


It is amusing how you find love in an unexpected way in an unexpected time. Isn’t that magical?
Before I met you, I didn’t even imagine that a love like this could exist for me. I found you, and I
consider that my biggest blessing.


You are a fantastic person who has filled my life with a lot of happiness. I cannot thank you
enough for all that you have done for me. Each day you make an effort to make me smile, and I
hope you know how much I appreciate that. I love you.


I always dream of us together, without a doubt and without an end. I pray to God to make all
your dreams come true. I believe in you and know that you can do anything you set your mind


Time moves so slow as you are not here with me. If we swallow this distance today, I believe
that there will come a day when we will be together forever. I cannot wait for the day when I will
be able to hold you again. I miss you so much.


My heart smiles the widest when you wrap me around your tight arms. I feel safe and loved. You
are truly a safe haven for me. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I am never letting you

Small things like watching the sunset together, having a coffee date, and holding hands make me
happy. Thankfully, you never fail to make such small efforts to make me smile. You are my little
package of happiness that I never want to lose.


Everything reminds me of you; the streets we used to walk in, the sunrise and the sunsets, and a
fresh cup of morning tea. I miss every little thing we did together and am dying to hold you in
my arms again. Come back soon. I miss you.


It is raining outside, and that makes me want to rush home to you. Remember that time we
completely cut off from everyone and just watched the rain outside our window? It would feel so
good if we could snuggle up together and cuddle each other to sleep.


I love it when you sing me to sleep. You have the best voice in the world, and falling asleep to
your sound is the best thing ever. I could listen to you sing and talk to me forever without ever
getting bored. I hope you know how much I adore you.

Love Quote For Him

Cute Paragraphs For Him

Having you as my soul mate is like a dream come true. I don’t know what I did to deserve you,
but I am eternally grateful to have you in my life. I cannot imagine my life without you. You
mean the world to me.

Dear love, today I miss you a little more than usual because it’s raining. And the rain reminds me
of you and our first kiss under an umbrella. Every second of the day, I wish you were here. I love
you so much.


I yearn for your presence today. I looked at our photos a few hours ago, and it made me crave
your presence beside me. I love you, and I love the person you make me when I am with you.
You make me better every single day.

I never thought that I would come across such a handsome gentleman in my life. You are not
only good with looks, but you also have a pure heart. And that makes me love you even more.
Everyone tells me how lucky I am to have you, and none of them are wrong.


My love, I want you to know that you are precious to me. I have dreamt of a thousand dreams of
us. You are the only person that I wish to spend the rest of my life with. I want to be by your side
today, tomorrow, and always.


You came into my life when I was at my lowest. You came as a light for me, and now my life
seems so bright as you are here with me. I am so grateful that I chose you, and I will always keep
choosing you. Thank you for being mine.


I consider you as God’s greatest blessing. He blessed me with such a gentleman who has a heart
of gold and the looks of a Greek god. Your presence in my life awakens my soul and makes me
so happy. I love you so much.


Your light brown eyes and the cheeky smile never fail to bring my dancing butterflies alive. My
heart flutters every time we kiss. Sometimes I look at you and wonder how I got so lucky to call
you mine. You make me crazy.


My roots of love are planted deeply in your heart. I wish to make it bloom until every star in the
galaxy falls off. I want to grow old with you. I want to call you mine until eternity and beyond. I
love you.


You made me believe in myself more. You were always there with me as my cheerleader,
cheering for me in every phase of life. I want you to know that none of it would be possible
without you. Thank you.

Family Love Quotes

Love Paragraphs For Him

Today, I want to take a moment to appreciate my boyfriend. So, dear love, it has been such a
great journey with you. No matter how much we argue, my love for you will never decrease. I
will always love you.


To someone whom I love unconditionally, I value the precious bond that we have. There isn’t a
single moment of sadness when I am with you. All my worries disappear when you hold me in
your arms. I love you.

Every relationship has its ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean we should give up on it. I
promise to never give up on us, no matter how many fights occur. I want to be with you until the
end of time.


The only thing that can separate me from you is God’s power. I want to be with you for as long
as we shall live and thrive in happiness. I pray to him every day for your safety and our
togetherness. I love you, and I always will.


I want to take this time to tell you how much I love you. When you are by my side, I feel like I
can tackle everything that life throws at me. You are my strength and the reason for my


When I rest my head on your chest, I feel like my world is complete. I am incomplete and lost
without you. I will forever cherish every single moment that we have spent together. I wish for
nothing but our togetherness.


You are that person who knows me so well and fills the blank space on my heart perfectly. You
are the perfect person that I want to spend the rest of my days with. I promise to always be with


I want to spend the rest of my life loving you, annoying you, cooking food for you, dancing in
the kitchen with you and fighting with you. All I ever ask in return is for you to hold my hand
forever. I love you.


I never thought that I would meet someone so perfect like you. Being your girlfriend feels like a
dream come true. I wish to be your wife now. I never thought about my wedding until I met you.
You are the only one for me.


With you, I am the best version of myself. You make me want to work on myself and my goals
every single day, and you never stop supporting me and believing in my dreams. I love you like
no one else. You are precious to me.
Deep Love Quotes

Long Paragraphs For Him

I fell in love with you the moment I saw you down the street, sipping your favorite coffee. The
moment you smiled at me was the moment I knew you were the one for me. I don’t know how
we found each other at that moment, but I believe fate had something to do with it. You are my
forever love, and I will cherish you each and every day.

Dear love, thank you for everything that you have done for me and us. The effort that you put in
this relationship is what makes it so special and precious. I know some days are hard, and
sometimes we both struggle to make the relationship work, but we’ve always fought through
everything because that’s how special our bond is. There has never been a single day in which I
didn’t love you, and there never will be.


You don’t even have an idea of how much I genuinely love you. You mean the whole world to
me, and without you, I would be lost entirely. You walked into my life one fine day and I
suddenly realized why it didn’t work out with anyone else. It’s because my soul was always
meant to find yours, and we were meant to be together. I have never believed in divine
intervention, but in our case, I do. You were made for me, and I was made for you.


Babe, I wish to spend the rest of my life with you, watching the sunsets and being happy. I am
the happiest when we are together. I didn’t even believe in love like this until I met you. Now
that I have you, I want you to know that you belong entirely to me. I want nobody else to find
solace in your arms ever again because that’s my favorite spot, and I’m never going to let you


I cannot find the right words to describe how I feel about you. I never realized that one person
could make you feel a thousand feelings until I met you. The sign of a real relationship is when
two people have conflicts, but they absolutely refuse to let each other ago, and we have endured
through so many difficulties to get to where we are today. I look back at our past and smile
because we’ve made it, baby. You and me, forever.


You filled my black and white world with vibrant colors of love. Before I met you, I lived a
mediocre life, and my soul felt weak and frail. But then you walked in, a shining knight in armor,
and you picked me up. Only with your love and support am I the person who I am today. You are
truly my strength, the reason I smile, and the hero of all my fantasies. I love you.


The feelings I have for you keeps getting stronger with each passing day. Love isn’t something
that is found, love is, in fact, something that finds us and I am so glad that it found you and me. I
don’t think I can ever stop loving you now. I will spend forever trying to be the best girlfriend to
you because you deserve the best. You deserve the whole world at your feet, my love, and I will
do my best to make your dreams come true.

To my man, I want to be the reason why you wake up with a smile every morning and go to bed
with a smile. I don’t know if you know that when you smile, the whole world lights up. I could
do anything to see you smile because it stirs something deep within my soul. I want to make you
happy just as you make me happy. I want to live each day with you and come home to your


Darling, I wish to protect you from all the bad vibes and keep you safe in my arms. I always
want to see you happy, and I want to be the reason behind it. I find that ever since I met you, my
life has been full of beautiful moments. And I realize that these moments were not only beautiful
because you were with me but because every moment has been fantastic since you came into my
life. I love you to infinity and beyond.


It is unbelievable that someone can have so much love in their heart for their soul mate. No one
can measure the amount of love I have for you because you are the most precious thing I have
ever had. I am who I am today because of your love and constant support. You are every hope
that I ever had in my life fulfilled, and you are the reality who walked out of my dreams. Every
day that we are together is truly the best day of my life, and each day is better than the last.

Quotes About Love And Friendship

Paragraph For Boyfriend I love you

I have never felt this safe and loved in someone’s arms like I do when I am in yours. It feels like
you were put in this world to be mine. I know that I am not perfect, and I will never be, but it is
so beautiful to see that you accept me for everything I am. You have never asked me to change
myself for you but, baby, being with you makes me want to be a better version of myself for you.
You deserve everything this world has to offer.

The best kind of love stories are ones that involve two people who didn’t even imagine that there
was a chance for them to get together. I used to look at you from afar and love you from a
distance before you loved me back. Now that I have you, I feel like I’m at the top of the world.
Thank you for everything, my love.
You make me feel each day as if I can go out and conquer the world. I would have never had this
confidence if it weren’t your constant support. You have truly lifted me and made me believe
that I am capable of so much more. You have given wings to my dreams, and for all these
reasons and more, I am so in love with you.

Thank you for loving me for who I am. I love that when I’m with you, I feel comfortable enough
just to be myself. I don’t have to pretend to be someone else, and I don’t have to lie. I can be
myself with you and be the imperfect person that I am, knowing that you will forever be by my
side, loving this imperfection that I come with.
I don’t think I will ever be able to love someone as much as I love you. Sometimes I just look at
you doing something like combing your hair or humming a song, and I think to myself how
lucky I am to have you. I can’t believe how lucky I am to hear those three magic words from
you. I hope you will stay by my side forever. I wish to die in your arms.

I believe that there will come a day when you and I will be together forever tangled in an
unbreakable bond. You are truly the prince charming that was missing from my fairy tale. You
have made me feel beautiful every day, and I feel like I have a crown on my head, because you
make me feel like I am your queen. I love you, my king.

My world would seem incomplete without you. You are a part of me, and without you, I would
lose myself. Falling in love with you was so unexpected, I didn’t even realize I had fallen in love
until I couldn’t stop loving you, no matter how hard I tried. Imagine my joy when you confessed
your love to me. Since that day, I have been floating high among the clouds, and each day has
been magical since we got together.

The happiest moments of my life are the moments that I spend with you, snuggling in your arms,
and talking about our lives. You are not only a person but a home to me. I know that every day is
not going to be the same, and there will be many hardships that we will have to face. But, my
love, I promise you that I will be by your side through everything, and you will never have to
doubt my love for you because there is no one else for me but you. I will forever be your biggest

Today, I promise to always be there for you, by your side through everything. You have no idea
how much I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out and listen to my worries. You don’t
know how much I cherish your advice and your knowledge. I love that you always have the best
intentions for me, and you want me to succeed. I love you.

You are the most amazing person that I have ever met. And I feel so proud to call you my
boyfriend. I consider myself very lucky to have found my soul mate in you. When you run your
fingers through my hair, it still gives me goosebumps. When I look at you, I can seriously see
our future playing before my eyes. You are my today and tomorrow, always and forever.
Paragraphs For Your Boyfriend

Dear boyfriend, do you know how adorable you are? When I first met you, I had no idea that you
would become the most important person in my life. Look at us now. You and I have the
strongest bond ever, and looking at you still gives me chills. You are my sunshine on a cold,
gloomy day.

Today is such a great day to appreciate my loving boyfriend. Babe, I thank you for all the effort
that you put into our relationship to make it work. I know sometimes we fight, and sometimes we
have our differences. But you have never let our disagreements get in the way of our love. No
matter how bad the fight was, you always make an effort to talk to me again, and I love you so
much for it.

To my adorable boyfriend, first of all, I love you so much. I want to be your wife and take care
of you until the very end. We are still young and have a future ahead of us, but with you, I
believe we could fulfill our dreams and live in a fairy tale life full of love and positivity. I hope
this dream comes true soon.
I had no idea what it would be like to be loved unconditionally. Thank you for accepting me
entirely with all my flaws and imperfections. I cannot imagine my life without you. Finding true
love is not an easy task, but you made it a breeze by walking into my life with your charm and
wit. I love you so much.

My life wouldn’t be as beautiful as it is now if it weren’t with you. I know that you genuinely
love me and want me in your life because you make an effort every day to let me know how
much you love me. I hope you know that I love you as much and want you in my life forever.
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185+ CUTEST Long Love

Paragraphs/Letters For Him and Her
May 13, 2021 by Deniz Yalım

Being in true love is one of the most magical experiences because it encompasses a variety of
different emotional and mental states. Also, it is so difficult to express the feelings with right

These long love paragraphs and letters will give you the inspiration you need. Bookmark this
collection so you can take a look whenever you need.

These cute paragraphs will fill your lover’s heart with delight:

• Cute Long Love Paragraphs For Him

• Romantic Love Letters For Him
• Cute Love Paragraphs For Her
• Love Letters For Her
• Sweet I Love You Paragraphs From Literature
Love is a choice, a decision, a goal and of course a way of life, give your best and you will get it
back, nothing is lost when you give it to love.

When you feel full in the presence of love, and you are really missing someone, I miss you my
love quotes and thinking of you quotes will help you express your feeling.

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” –
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Show how much you appreciate your loved one by giving them a unique and thoughtfully-
written I love you paragraphs. If today is a special day like a birthday, then you can send one of
the happy birthday my love quotes and romantic wishes to show your feelings.

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live
without you.” – Winnie the Pooh

“I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness,
against all discouragement that could be.” – Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Cute Long Love Paragraphs For Him

Deep paragraphs for him will express your love and adoration for your partner. Writing a
paragraph for him lets him know his importance in your life, and understand what makes your
relationship special.

Sweet paragraphs for him will spark romance and deepen your connection.

The Best Cute Paragraphs For Him

When you love someone, you want to let them know just how important they are to you. Cutest
paragraphs for him will show your boyfriend or husband just how much he means to you.

Take the time and write your own paragraph for him and share in a card, text message, email, or
a letter.

Let express your love to make your significant other feel special with these cute love paragraphs
for him:

I have for the first time found what I can truly love—I have found you. You are my sympathy—
my better self—my good angel; I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you are
good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws
you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you—and, kindling in pure,
powerful flame, fuses you and me in one. – Charlotte Brontë

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for
me. Thank you for loving me and accepting me unconditionally and providing me with
undivided love and attention. You’ve been there for me through everything. Thank you for
helping me grow into the woman I have become. I love you so much more than just to the moon
and back.

You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart. Every day and
night, my mind is filled with thoughts of you. As long as the sun continues to shine, you can be
sure that my heart will remain yours. I’ll never finish falling in love with you.

You have inspired me to be the best version of myself. I am grateful for all the laughs we’ve
shared and the great times we have had. You’ve always been my strength in tough times and the
sunshine when it’s cloudy outside. You have brought so much light into my life. You make
everything else feel meaningless because the only thing that matters is you. You’re my soulmate
and I love you so much. You are love of my life. Without you, I don’t know what I would do.
Together, we have created a beautiful world.

Hi Love,

You’re the center of my dream, and knowing you are with me makes me the happiest person in
this world. I remember our first and how my heart beats for you.

Our souls become one when our eyes met each other. Seeing you is feeling everything is fine.
You are my best friend, my soulmate and my lover. You mean the world to me and I will always
love you!
We understand each other. We listen to each other. We inspire each other to become stronger
with each passing day. You are the best boyfriend of all. You are so amazing, and you do
everything to make sure I’m taken care of. I love you.


No relationship is perfect, ever. There are always some ways you have to bend, to compromise,
to give something up in order to gain something greater … The love we have for each other is
bigger than these small differences. And that’s the key. It’s like a big pie chart, and the love in a
relationship has to be the biggest piece. Love can make up for a lot. – Sarah Dessen

I will always have this piece of my heart that smiles whenever I think about you. I vow to help
you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands. I
vow to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not. I vow to live
within the warmth of your heart.

I wanted to write a love paragraph for my boyfriend, but it’s going to sound more like a gratitude
diary. Spending time with you is undoubtedly the greatest thing ever. It’s the most enjoyable
thing I have ever done in my life. When I’m with you baby, I have the time of my life and time
flies by. The little things you say to me always put a smile on my face. But when we are apart, I
really miss you and couldn’t wait to see you again. I am truly blessed. I love you to infinity and
Cutie pie,

I want to thank you for existing. Thank you for being my partner. For being patient, forgiving,
loving, genuine, and giving in a world full of selfish people, thank you for calling me gorgeous
like it’s my name, thank you for not only making me your girl but for making me feel like the
only girl In the world, thank you for never letting me forget I’m beautiful and loved, thank you
for admiring my flaws and making me comfortable with myself, thank you for the many nights
you stayed awake and took care of me and rubbed my back throughout the nights when I’ve had
cramps, thank you for holding my hair why I throw up, thank you for putting up with my crazy
jealousy ways, thanks for spoiling me and never telling me no! Thank you, my dear boyfriend!

You have taught me so much about life and because of you, I truly know what love is. Thank
you for doing all those amazing things for me.
Thank you for all of the hugs you have offered me to squeeze the sadness out and all of the pep
talks you have given me when I doubted myself. Thanks for the apologies after horrible fights,
thanks for understanding and respecting my feelings, thanks for truly trying, for loving me, for
caring, for making sure I’m okay at all times, thank you for the times I feel you wake up
throughout the night and cover me back up and kiss my forehead.

Thank you for waking me up in the morning to a billion kisses and hugs before you leave and for
never letting me forget you are here. Thanks for never making me feel like I owe you in return
and that I have nothing to be sorry for. thank you for giving me my way even if that means
pouting and stomping my feet as you laugh and tell me I’m silly and still give me my way.
Thanks for showing me a love I’ve never felt baby thanks for being you , I know you’re not
perfect and I know we fight , sometimes it’s slammed doors and harsh words it’s sometimes
wondering if we made the right choice , but despite that it’s the one person you look forward to
coming home to every day all over again.

You are my best friend, you’ve given me a reason to believe again and to believe miracles do
happen, I admire your strength, your beauty, your drive, your goals, your soul, your big warm
loving heart, the fact that you would give the shirt off your back to someone in need. I love the
fact you are such a hard worker and by any means take care of home. You are an amazing daddy
and it only makes me so much happier to bless you with a child of our own one day too, I often
miss up the opportunity to tell you to thank you for our schedules and busy days. Sometimes it
seems like we only get to sleep together but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you with my
all thoughts and feelings!

The only way you can beat my crazy was by doing something crazy yourself. Thank you. I love
you. I knew it the minute I met you. I’m sorry it took so long for me to catch up. I just got stuck.
No matter how many times we fight or argue, I always want to work it out. You have touched me
more profoundly than I ever thought you could. No one could ever take your place. You will
always be in my heart. You are amazing in every way and I am better with you. You understand
me like no one else can and I can truly relate to you in every way. I mean it when I say that I am
yours, and you are mine. I love you and will always fight for you. I want spend the rest of my life
with my amazing boyfriend.

You have brought more love and laughter into my life than anyone before. You are not only the
perfect amount of silly, but you have eyes full of charm and mischief. You are my lovely
boyfriend. because of you, I know that my prayers were answered.

I don’t know how to tell you just how much I miss you. I love you till my heart could burst. All I
love, all I want, all I need is you—forever. I want to be just where you are and be just what you
want me to be. I know it’s lousy of me to be so late so often, and I promise to try a million times
harder, I promise. Love. Marilyn Monroe

Happy one year anniversary to my amazing boyfriend! I’m so excited about the future because
you make me the happiest, most grateful and luckiest person in the world. Every love story is
special, unique and beautiful but ours is my favorite. Thank you, babe, for everything, to the
moon and back my love, always.

You have truly changed my life in ways I couldn’t image. Everything was going wrong in my
life until the day I met you. You have made and always make everything in my life better. You
make my heart skip a beat from your cute good morning text messages to those adorable
nicknames you come up for me.

So just to brag on my amazing boyfriend for a minute! You are so sweet and I’m so blessed to
have such a thoughtful wonderful man in my life. I absolutely love you, honey! I can’t wait to
start the rest of my life with you!! You mean the absolute world to me and I’m so happy to have
you! Thank you for continuing to make me happy every single day! You’re beyond perfect.
I know I say “I love you” all the time, but that’s not enough. Those three words can’t describe
the way I feel about you. You make my tummy do flips and my hands shake. I’ve never loved
anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I will ever love someone this much again. You’re
everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you so much, you’re my everything, my entire
heart and world.

So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day,
but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. —
The Notebook
I want you every second of every day from now until the end of forever. I didn’t believe in love,
and now I understand that I just spent my time gratuitously. But, being with you has changed my
outlook on love and life entirely. I now know true love exists… Because I found it with you. I
love you.
I need to take a minute to appreciate the most amazing man I know. That’s why I decide to write
i love you paragraphs for my boyfriend from the heart. You mean the absolute world to me, not
only are you an amazing boyfriend but you’re the perfect best friend! You put up with me and
my attitude, you do everything you can to make me happy and I truly appreciate everything you
do, no matter how big or small. Sometimes we had hard times, but we always come together and
overcome all the problem. You have made me such a better person and make me want to
accomplish so much more with my life although dealing with you forever is a huge
accomplishment. No matter what, you’re my one and only. I love you so much! Thank you for
being everything I could ever dream of.

I love my boyfriend with all my heart. He came to my life and turned my world all the way
around. Every since we been together it’s been nothing but smiles. As long as we stick together
we can accomplish anything and we have accomplished so much already .I could care less what
anyone has to say because you are my man crush every day. You are more than a best friend.
You are my entire heart and I love you, honey. You may not be perfect but you are perfect for
me. Now let’s go see what more God have in store for. You got my back and I got yours. Happy
Valentine’s Day baby!
Three years ago today I fell in love with the most wonderful guy in the world! These past two
years spent with you have been the best two years of my life. We’ve come so far even though
we’ve had some difficult times and being there at my worst and putting up with me, even though
it’s kind of hard sometimes but I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else! I appreciate everything you
have done for me and do for me. I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend and best friend I
can’t wait to spend many more years with you. I love you with all my heart.

Romantic Long Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Smile

When you love someone, it’s important to tell them with long love paragraphs for him:

I know we say I love you a lot. I am happiest when I’m right next to you. For every day, I miss
you. For every hour, I need you. For every minute, I feel you. For every second, I want you.
Forever, I love you. My love for you is a journey starting at forever and ending at never. ‘I love
you’ is three little words said so many times and so many different ways and they all add up to a
story of our love together and what it means. I wanted to add one more I love you to the bunch—
an I love you to let you know that I’m paying attention. When I say I love you and you say I love
you too it still means so much to me. It’s such a part of our every days lives, ever since the day
you came in my life, I know that you are the one I’ll truly love till the end.
I wanted to take the time to tell you just how much you mean to me. Before I met you, I never
knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. Knowing you’re by
my side makes me so eternally grateful, that I can hardly put it into words. You’re special to me
in every way. Thank you for being who you are. I had felt happiness before, but nothing prepared
me for the happiness I feel when I’m with you.

I love you in a place where there’s no space or time. You are the source of my joy, the center of
my world and the whole of my heart. My love for you knows no bounds. I was drawn to you and
your soul in a way I can’t explain. No three words have greater power than ‘I Love You’. You’ll
never know how much you mean to me. I can only tell you that my soul will love you forever.
It started with wanting to spend more time with you. I love that feeling I get when I see your
smile. I’d make excuses to see you, to ask you questions, to come up to you at events, to be in
the same place at the same time. I want to be your favorite hello and hardest goodbye. I didn’t
know it was love then, I just knew I had to find a way to be around you. I close my eyes and I see
you in my thoughts. I fall asleep and I see you in my dreams. I need you in my life. I need to be
around you. Your presence, your smile, your very self. You make me so happy.

I can’t stop loving you and no matter what I say or do you know my heart is true. Sometimes
when we’re together, I’ll look over and you’ll be doing something small—something silly like
looking for something to eat in the fridge or scratching your back maybe—and that one small
thing causes this surge in my heart. Do you even realize how amazing you are to me? My six-
word love story: I can’t imagine life without you.

Long Love Messages For Him

You can keep your relationship strong by surprising your partner for no reason at all with long
love messages for him:

Thank you for making me feel beautiful. You give me so much more than I ever could have
wanted. I am happiest when I’m right next to you. You are the only man I ever want to share my
life with. I could never imagine what it would be like if we were to lose each other. I don’t even
want to think about it. All I want to think about is you. You are the love of my life. I love you.
For every day, I miss you. For every hour, I need you. For every minute, I feel you. For every
second, I want you. Forever, I love you.

My love for you is a journey starting at forever and ending at never. I just wanted to do
something simple to say you’re amazing and to put that smile I love so much on your face. Ever
since the day you came in my life, I know that you are the one I’ll truly love till the end. You’re
my first thought in the morning, my last thought before I fall asleep and almost every thought in

The only thing I want in my life is the presence of you. I may not always express my feelings but
if you look into my eyes you will see there an ocean full of love, respect and care only for you! I
will love you until infinity runs out, which is never.

I love looking into those beautiful eyes of yours. God has blessed me with so many things in life
but the most beautiful blessing has been you. I just wanna see you. Hold you. Hug you. Touch
you. Kiss you. Cuddle you. Love you.

When I say I love you more, I don’t mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you
more than the bad days ahead of us, I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you
more than the distance between us, I love you more than any obstacle that could try and come
between us. I love you the most.

Paragraphs for Your Boyfriend

Of course, you can wake your boyfriend up with boyfriend love quotes or send him a virtual
goodnight kiss with sweet good night quotes.

While long paragraphs to send to your boyfriend will make him happy and smile, sweet love
paragraphs for your boyfriend are also great to send for special occasions like to wish him a
happy birthday or anniversary.

Cute paragraphs for boyfriend will make him feel special by showing your appreciation and win
his heart.

You are my world. I’ve honestly fallen deeply in love with you and I am not afraid to say it. We
have been through thick and thin and we are still going strong. I can’t imagine my life without
you by my side. I love you so much I can’t even explain it! Forever and ever baby.

Thank you loving me for who I am. Thanks for making me laugh and smile when i’m sad or
have a bad day. I still get excited when I see your name pop up on my phone. You’re always on
my mind. You’re my whole entire world. Babe, you know I love you and I tell you everyday to
remind you, but you’ll never know how much I love you because my love for you can’t be
expressed in words.

Darling, it’s safe to say you are my entire reason for being alive. It’s also safe to say that I’ve
fallen deeply in love with you. After everything we’ve been through, the demons we’ve fought
and the sadness we’ve endured… we’re still together. Everything we’ve been through has made
us stronger. We are unstoppable. Our love is too powerful and we can overcome anything.

I love you in a place where there’s no space or time. My love is everlasting, ever growing, and
ever present. My love for you knows no bounds. I was drawn to you and your soul in a way I
can’t explain. It was like I just knew, here he is. This is it. He is it. You’ll never know how much
you mean to me. I can only tell you that my soul will love you forever. I love you my boyfriend.

Dear boyfriend,

You’re the love of my life and my best friend. I’m so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life
with you. I have embraced many beautiful memories in my life but the one I admire the most
was when I met you.

I love the ways you find to make me smile every single day. I promise to spend every day trying
to make you smile too.

Long Sweet Messages for Boyfriend

Let express your love to your partner with long sweet text messages to send to your boyfriend:

Dear boyfriend, words fall short whenever I want to tell you how special you are to me. All I can
say is that my world is full of smiles because of you. And I promise that I will always try to
make you ridiculously happy. Because I want to see your smile and hear your laughter. I want to
kiss away your hurts and hold you until you know without a doubt that this is for real.

My handsome boyfriend, I’ve noticed that being with you, I smile more often, I anger a little less
quickly, the sun shines a little brighter, and life is so much sweeter. For being with you takes me
to a different place: a place called love. My six-word love story: I can’t imagine life without you.

My angel, my life, my entire world, you’re the one that I want, the one that I need, let me be with
you always, my love, my everything. You make me happy in a way no one else can. I promise I
will always be there for you through all the ups and downs, no matter what happens.

Your beautiful smile and your happy laughter attracted me to you, but your caring loving heart is
the reason why I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Babe, you make me feel beautiful,
loved, taken care of, and protected. You make me a better person and I don’t want to live my life
without you by my side.

More than ever, I love you. More than ever, I admire you. More than ever, I like you. More than
ever, I respect you. More than ever, I want you forever. I promise to be always there when you
need me.

The way you make me feel is hard to explain. You make me smile in a special kind of way. You
make me fall deeper in love every day. Every day, every night, every hour, every place I go, I
always think about you. I will love you until the stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.

Romantic Love Letters For Him

If you want to be really romantic, you could write a love letter for him from the heart and send it
off to let him know he’s amazing.

Also, cute love letters for boyfriend show him how much you care and inspire deeper affection.

Get some inspiration to write a sweet love letter to your boyfriend and make him surprise. Let
express your appreciation and gratitude for your partner with beautiful love letters for him:

Nothing compares to your hands, nothing like the green-gold of your eyes. My body is filled
with you for days and days. You are the mirror of the night. The violent flash of lightning. The
dampness of the earth. The hollow of your armpits is my shelter. My fingers touch your blood.
All my joy is to feel life spring from your flower-fountain that mine keeps filling all the paths of
my nerves which are yours. -Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera

Love of my life,

I cannot believe another year has passed. It was two years ago tonight that you first told me you
loved me and asked me to be your girlfriend. It feels like we just met yesterday, but at the same
time, it feels like I have known you all my life. You make time meaningless. In fact, you make
everything else feel meaningless because the only thing that matters is you. You have brought so
much light into my life. I would be lost without your torch. Thank you for everything you have
done for me, and thank you for helping me grow into the woman I have become. You changed
my life that evening and put us on a path that has brought us such joy.

With love from the one who adores you.

Dearest, my body is simply crazy with wanting you. If you don’t come tomorrow, I don’t see
how I can wait for you. I wonder if your body wants mine the way mine wants yours; the kisses,
the hotness, the wetness, all melting together, the being held so tight that it hurts, the strangle and
the struggle. -Georgia O’Keeffe to Alfred Stieglitz


If you wonder just how much I love you, wonder no more. You are the sun in my sky, the river
that runs through my soul, and the very air I breathe. The more I see you, my love, the more I fall
for you. With each passing night and day, my love has only grown. Before I met you, I didn’t
believe it was possible to love someone so deeply and completely, but you have given me faith
that true love really does exist because I share it with you.
Since the time I met you, I knew it was you. Why do I feel so passionate when I am with
you? You are the reason why I breathe, you are my only clue. Thanks for coming in my life, and
giving me a reason to smile. I always glow when you are with me, all the time and all the while.
Baby, I love you more than everything.

…should I draw you the picture of my Heart, it would be what I hope you still would Love; tho it
contains nothing New; the early possession you obtained there; and the absolute power you have
ever maintained over it; leaves not the smallest space unoccupied. I look back to the early days
of our acquaintance; and Friendship, as to the days of Love and Innocence; and with an
indescribable pleasure I have seen near a score of years roll over our Heads, with an affection
heightened and improved by time—nor have the dreary years of absence in the smallest degree
effaced from my mind the Image of the dear untitled man to whom I gave my Heart. -Abigail
Adams to John Adams
Dear Cutie-pie,

‘I love you’ are the three simple words, my love. But, the meaning is too deep. Now and for the
rest of my life, I want you to have in your heart. You won’t know how much you mean to me
because I failed to express it well in words. You should know that no word can explain how
much you mean to me but in my heart.
Love is a feeling which is felt from the heart. There are no logics or weep. When I say I love
you, I mean it from the heart. It is not now, it is not today, was right from the start. You are the
one I want to spend my whole life with.

You are in my every thought. Baby when I say I love you, I really mean a lot. I can’t think of a
day without you. When you are not around, I feel gloomy. I just wanna be with you all the time,
by the day. Love you and miss you, honey!

I would have liked to have dined with you today, after finishing your essay—that my eyes, and
lips, I do not exactly mean my voice, might have told you that they had raised you in my esteem.
What a cold word! I would say love, if you will promise not to dispute about its propriety, when
I want to express an increasing affection, founded on a more intimate acquaintance with your
heart and understanding. -Mary Wollstonecraft to William Godwin

I don’t want to wait until your birthday or our anniversary to remind you how much you mean to
me. Hint: You mean everything. I know I don’t always say how I’m feeling because I have a
nasty habit of keeping my heart guarded, but I hope you realize how much I care about you.

You have no idea how you’ve changed my life. I never thought it was possible to have this much
love for someone, I never thought my heart could handle it. I know there are days when we argue
and don’t see eye-to-eye, but you are the only person I would want to have those arguments
with. What we have together is unique. It is a special bond that is strong and unbreakable. I truly
love you!

I cannot tell you the compassion I have felt for all your sufferings for these weeks past that you
have had so many drawbacks. Nor the gratitude I have felt for the cheerful & affectionate looks
you have given me when I know you have been miserably uncomfortable.

My heart has often been too full to speak…I love you well enough to believe that I mind your
sufferings nearly as much as I should my own & I find the only relief to my own mind is to take
it as from God’s hand, & to try to believe that all suffering & illness is meant to help us to exalt
our minds & to look forward with hope to a future state. -Emma Darwin to Charles Darwin

No one brings so much happiness to my life as you. In your company, I find love that I have
never known before. I can’t imagine what my life would be without you. I want to spend the rest
of my life with you.
You have given me so much love and encouragement that I don’t think I will be able to return all
that to you. You have been lighting up the dark and bringing joy to my heart. When I am with
you I feel alive and strong.

I am truly blessed to have you as a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day when we start a
new life. When I say ‘I love you’, I mean every word of it.

Dearest My Love—

The sky closed over the lake like a gray oyster shell and pink pearls of clouds lay in the crease
where the water met the Juras—still in the black iridescence and I wanted you to be there in the
boat with me so I could watch the funny soft way you do things, so sweet, the way you move,
like the tickling of a kitten’s whiskers on my neck.

Dear Love—I’ve made Scottie [our daughter] some wonderful paper-dolls, you and me and
her…I remember every single spot of light that ever gouged a shadow beside your bones so you
were easy to make—and I gave you some very doggy green socks to match your eyes. -Zelda
Fitzgerald to F. Scott Fitzgerald
To my soulmate,

I love you. I love you. I love you. I can never say those three words enough and unfortunately, I
feel like you haven’t heard them at all lately. I’m sorry about that. I’ve been so overwhelmed
with work that I haven’t had the time to give you much attention, but that will change soon. You
know why? Because I love you. I love you. I love you.

Off you go again alone and its with a very heavy heart I part from you. No more kisses and
tender caresses for ever so long—I want to bury myself in you, hold you tight in my arms, make
you feel the intense love of mine.

You are my very life Sweetheart, and every separation gives such endless heartache…

Goodbye my Angel, Husband of my heart I envy my flowers that will accompany you. -Tsarina
Alexandra to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
My Prince Charming,

You are the one who has given meaning to my life and I am very glad that our relationship has
gone through a paradise visit from when it started. The stars are waiting to come out at night to
remind us about the sparkling moments of our life.
May our love be a remarkable one which reach the moon and stars and bring a new meaning to

Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Melt His Heart

Instead of keeping your feelings inside, express your emotion with passionate love letters for

Love of my life,

You are the first thing I think of when I wake up and I’m looking forward to a life where I will
wake up next to you, not needing to imagine you, because you will be sleeping right there next to

My dear boyfriend,

I love you for your sense of humor, your generous heart, and your ability to make any situation
an adventure. I love you now and I promise to love the person you’ll become as you change and
grow in the coming years.

I hope you know that every time I tell you to get home safe, stay warm, have a good day or good
night, what I’m really saying is I love you. I love you so much that it is starting to steal the
meaning of other words.

I’ve fallen in love many times… always with you.

My love,

In this crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing
which does not change: my love for you.

I want you to know that I’m always there beside you, even in your dreams. Whenever you look
at the dream catcher I gave you, think of me and my love for you.

I vow to encourage you, respect you, and treasure you. I will stand under you in support and
beside you in battle. I will love you during conflict and hardship. I will serve you with joy, and
cherish the way you serve me.

My dearest,

I wanted to write you a love letter, but it’s going to sound more like a thank you note. Maybe it’s
both. I want to thank you for washing the dishes when I forget my dirty ones are still in the sink.
I want to thank you for agreeing to watch shitty reality shows with me and letting me pick the
songs during car rides even though we have completely different tastes. I want to thank you for
all of the hugs you have offered me to squeeze the sadness out and all of the pep talks you have
given me when I doubted myself. Most of all, I want to thank you for existing.
Thank you for being my partner. Thank you for being my best friend in the world.

Dear Heart,

I love you with all my heart. I cherish every moment we spend together, and I love you even
more in the moments when we are apart. Tonight as I write this letter, it’s like you are right here
with me. I feel your hand on my shoulder, your fingers in my hair, and the soft breath of your
kiss on my cheek. I miss you, darling.

The apple of my eyes,

We may have been through a lot. My love for you is unquestionable. There may have been some
misunderstandings, but they are there to make us understand ourselves even better.
We are better together than apart, my love. I can beat my chest and say that our love is stronger
than anything in the world.

To my everything,

I hate being apart from you, but our long distance love gives me something to look forward to
each and every day. I keep counting down the moments until I get to feel your arms wrapped
around me again, until I get to fall asleep to the sound of your soft breathing, until I get to hear
your laugh the second it leaves your lips instead of through the delay of the phone. I love you
and I miss you — but the pain of not seeing you is worth it. You are worth it. I would wait a
lifetime for you.

Cute Love Paragraphs For Her

Do you really love your girlfriend and want to express your true feelings in a cute romantic way
such as I love you quotes? Wake up with good morning love quotes for her or send out these
sweetest love paragraphs for her text during the day. Nothing could be more soothing, unbiased
and faithful than writing long paragraphs for your girlfriend to make her day.

Best Love Paragraphs For Her

Sweet paragraphs for her will help you explain how and why you feel the way you do. Touching
love paragraph for her in a card or in a text message will show your girlfriend or wife just how
much she means to you.

Let make your special someone feel truly loved, cherished, and valued with cute paragraphs for

At night, there was the feeling that we had come home, feeling no longer alone, waking in the
night to find the other one there, and not gone away; all other things were unreal. We slept when
we were tired and if we woke the other one woke too so one was not alone. Often a man wishes
to be alone and a woman wishes to be alone too and if they love each other they are jealous of
that in each other, but I can truly say we never felt that. We could feel alone when we were
together, alone against the others. We were never lonely and never afraid when we were
together. – Ernest Hemingway

You have contributed such a great amount of bliss, joy and happiness to my life. With you and
you only, I discover a true love that I have never known. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I
will be right here waiting for you. I can’t imagine a single day without you. I promise to love you
to the end of time.

I have to be honest with you my angel, you are one rare gem, your beauty have laid a song in my
heart, I sing it every day with joy in my heart, I feel whole having you as my life partner, I am
not teasing you when I say you are perfect for me in every form and proportion, spending my life
with you is my utmost desire. You make me loved and cherished.

Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of
beaches…I have stayed these years in my hovel because of you. I have taught myself languages
because of you. I have made my body strong because I thought you might be pleased by a strong
body. I have lived my life with only the prayer that some sudden dawn you might glance in my
direction. I have not known a moment in years when the sight of you did not send my heart
careening against my rib cage. I have not known a night when your visage did not accompany
me to sleep. There has not been a morning when you did not flutter behind my waking eyelids…
I love you. Okay? Want it louder? I love you. Spell it out, should I? I ell-oh-vee-ee why-oh-you.
Want it backward? You love I. – William Goldman

You are my match made in heaven. Whenever I need you, you are there to lift me up. I am so
incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with you in the beginning. I am so lucky that you are
my girlfriend. We, together, come to this beautiful point in our lives. A point where I find that I
cannot wait to build with you, grow with you and face the future with you. You are everything I
could ever want imagine. I will never stop to love you. That I can promise.

Upon my soul I have loved you to the extreme. I wish you could know the tenderness with which
I continually brood over your different aspects of countenance, action and dress. I see you come
down in the morning: I see you meet me at the Window. I see every thing over again eternally
that I ever have seen… If I am destined to be happy with you here – how short is the longest
Life. I wish to believe in immortality. I wish to live with you forever… Let me be but certain that
you are mine heart and soul, and I could die more happily than I could otherwise live. – John

You are my perfect match, you are always there to pick me up when I am down, you always
knows how to put a smile on my face and gives me the motivation to continue to try and be the
best I can. I honestly never thought I would get so lucky but I guess there’s always a surprise
waiting for you to make you want to be better, not just for other people but for yourself. Thank
you for helping me grow In confidence, to push me to success, and to still want to continue
moving forward every day no matter how tough the day can be. I love you.

Before you, my life was so much harder and darker. Before you were by my side, I felt so cold
and alone. My blind eyes were desperately waiting for the sight of you. I never knew what
warmth and love truly felt like until you were here. You and your love make me change myself
for the greater good. My happiness is to be near you. Without you I would still feel lost, cold and
alone. Thank you for being the map that guided me home. Thank you for being my sweetheart,
my angel and my everything.

This is what love does: It makes you want to rewrite the world. It makes you want to choose the
characters, build the scenery, guide the plot. The person you love sits across from you, and you
want to do everything in your power to make it possible, endlessly possible. And when it’s just
the two of you, alone in a room, you can pretend that this is how it is, this is how it will be. –
David Levithan

You have always been my biggest supporter and fan. You’ve always had my back and in your
eyes, I can do nothing wrong which has built my confidence throughout my life. Thank you
darling for loving me unconditionally and forever! You have made me the man I am today and I
will always love you with all my heart. People say they would love to have a wife that would do
anything for her husband. I have that in you and I appreciate all that you do and have always
done in my life. You will be the love in my heart to eternity.

When I look at you, I always feel so much stronger and surer of myself. When I think about you,
I feel so happy knowing that there is someone out there in the world who loves me as much as I
love them. You always make me feel like anything in this world is possible. With your love, it
really does feel like I can do anything that I set my mind to. Your love is a miracle that I am so
happy to have received. Being with you is a special feeling that I never want to lose. Knowing
you and having you in my life has filled me with so much hope and a deeper sense of
appreciation for everything that I have in my life. Because of you, I feel special and I know that
what we have together is special. I am sure that we spend the rest of my life together.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems
or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which
there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I
fall asleep your eyes close. – Pablo Neruda
Being in love with you is like falling into a blissful sleep. It happens slowly, then I find myself
asleep. I then find myself never wanting to wake up again. Falling for you was the best things
happened to me. I still don’t want to wake up and I hope that I never have to. The best love is the
kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and
brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. You are the girl of my dreams in
real life. I hope that you do not fade away, but that you stay with me forever.

Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I’m gazing at a distant star. It’s dazzling, but the light is
from tens of thousands of years ago. Maybe the star doesn’t even exist any more. Yet sometimes
that light seems more real to me than anything. – Haruki Murakami
I just wanted to let you know that how much I appreciate having you in my life. For helping me
through the bad times and being there to help me celebrate the good times, I cherish all of the
moments that we share together. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary for me to tell you
how glad I am to have you in my life. I am so lucky to have you by my side. Everything you do
for me never goes unnoticed. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you,
but I am eternally grateful to have your love, support, and affection. Thank you for being you,
and for having me by your side.

You are my strength. You are my courage. You are not only the sails that steer my ship, but you
are also the waves below that carry me. Your love make me see life differently. Together we are
strong. We are unstoppable. That is why I love you my lovely girlfriend.
It has made me better loving you … it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to
want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was
satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to
have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I really am satisfied, because I can’t
think of anything better. – Henry James
There is no comparison with our love life, together we scaled through thick and thin, the love
you have for me is second to none, it’s perfect to say, it will be a grave mistake trying to love
another because it will be a failure before it starts, and truth is I just can’t do without your love.

Do you know the thing I love about you the most? Well, the first thing is your eyes. Yes, your
eyes. Your beautiful eyes drew me into you. Your eyes are full of so much strength, beauty and
wisdom. I fell in love with you entirely, heart and soul but I fell in love with your eyes first.

Now, I’m not going to deny that I was aware of your beauty. But the point is, this has nothing to
do with your beauty. As I got to know you, I began to realise that beauty was the least of your
qualities. I became fascinated by your goodness. I was drawn in by it. I didn’t understand what
was happening to me. And it was only when I began to feel actual, physical pain every time you
left the room that it finally dawned on me: I was in love, for the first time in my life. I knew it
was hopeless, but that didn’t matter to me. And it’s not that I want to have you. All I want is to
deserve you. Tell me what to do. Show me how to behave. I’ll do anything you say. – Choderlos
de Laclos, Dangerous Liaisons

Sometimes, when I think about our relationship, I wonder, what does the future hold in store for
us? What surprises are right around the corner? We have already had so many wonderful,
exciting adventures. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. With you at my side, I
know that life will always be exciting. You are the only person in the world I can imagine
building a life with. From the bumps in the road to the wonderful times, with our fair share of
both heartbreak and laughter, I know that there is no one I would rather spend my future with
than you.

I can only use so many words in the dictionary to show you how much I love you. I love you so
much that you are always on my mind, putting a smile on my face and making my heart skip a
beat. There are so many ways for me to express my love and I plan on showing you just how
much love I have for you for the rest of my life. I hope that my actions let you know the extent of
my affection, adoration, and commitment to you.
What we have together is unique. It is a special bond that is strong and unbreakable. We can
make it through anything we encounter and we only grow stronger from the trials we face
together. Together, we are strong. Being with you has made me a better person and I can’t
believe that I found you. Ever since I met you, I never want to let you go. The attraction that you
and I share is one that is so intense and I never want to be separated from you.

I promise you to forever care for you. I love you and I will move mountains for you if need be. I
will keep you out of harm’s way. I will be anything you need at any given time. No matter what
you ask of me, I will do it, because you are the love of my life. You are my everything. Forever.

It’s always a pleasure seeing you smile at all times, I derive joy from that awful laughter of yours
and its, even more, joy knowing I am the reason behind your beautiful smiles, I don’t think I can
bear the sight of you being unhappy even for a second, I will give you my all because you are the
queen of my heart.
I love you. That is all I know. I hope that you know that I will always be there for you. Not just
for the good times when we are celebrating and enjoying life, but for the bad times as well.
When you are sad, stressed out, or angry, just know that I will be by your side to see you through
the tough times. I will hold your hand and lead you through the storm. And when things are
going great, I will be there to cheer you on and dance with you.

The love we have is greater than any of the story books we’ve read. I am your knight in shining
armor and you are my fairytale princess. There is no more perfect tale of love to tell. Our love
story is filled with adventure, passion and trust. We will never give up on each other. No matter
what hardship comes our way. I will ensure that we will always live happily ever after.

It’s amazing the love and care you give me on a daily basis it’s unequaled I think I am safer with
you, that’s why I am giving all myself to you, because my life is perfect with you, you are a
bumper package, and I promise to love you and give you all you need, may God bless you
continually for me, because you really deserve much more than I can give you. I love you so

Heart Melting Long Paragraphs For Her

When you have a woman who occupies your heart, you want to surprise her with heartfelt long
love paragraphs for her:

Before I met you, I didn’t think love was for me. Today I caught myself smiling for no reason…
then I realized I was thinking about you. My angel, my life, my entire world, you’re the one that
I want, the one that I need, let me be with you always, my love, my everything. Now that I’m
with you, love is so much more tangible. It’s something I can reach out and touch. You make me
happy in a way no one else can. I love you and because of that love I love so much more than
you. I love myself and the world in a way I never thought possible. You’ve made that possible
for me. You’ve made everything possible.

More than ever, I love you. More than ever, I admire you. More than ever, I like you. More than
ever, I respect you. More than ever, I want you forever. When I think of you and our love and
how I feel about you, I feel the there’s no mountain I wouldn’t climb just to be with you. My
love for you doesn’t make me feel small though, it makes me feel powerful and new. You are my
morning sunshine after a dark night. I look at you and I know that I will love you forever,
through storms and droughts, through all the changes that will undoubtedly come our way. I will
love you forever. There’s no changing that.

I wanted to take the time to tell you are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and
the first thought when I wake up each morning. You’ve become a rock in my life, something
solid and secure I can lean on. Your beautiful smile and your happy laughter attracted me to you,
but your caring loving heart is the reason why I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I had
felt happiness before, but nothing prepared me for the happiness I feel when I’m with you. I
don’t know what I said or did that made me lucky enough to deserve you, but I will spend the
rest of my life trying to be the best man I can be so that you can be proud.
I want you to know that you are the most important thing in my life. Always know how valuable
and uniquely beautiful you are. You’re the reason I do everything. When I get up in the morning,
I feel so grateful for every second I have with you. I fell in love with you because of a million
tiny things you never knew you were doing. You give my life meaning, you give my days such
joy, you are the reason I smile. Thank you for being with me, for joining me on this journey
through life. Your love is all I need to feel complete.

Long Love Paragraphs For Her From the Heart

They say the heart wants what it wants and there’s no logic to such things. It’s a little crazy, my
love for you. Sometimes it makes me so happy and giddy, it’s like I’m a little boy or on some
drug. You make me feel like I can do anything and I am so happy to be with you. Thank you for
being the wonderful, amazing person that you are. You surprise me every day and you warm my
heart every night. I am the person I am today because you’ve loved me and helped me, love. You
are amazing.

You are my happiness the only treasure I adore with a complete passion. Since the day you came
into my world; my life has never remained the same. You brought an endless smile to my face,
amazing joy to my heart, baby I love you!

Listen to me, okay? I’m in love with you. I love you every second of the day. And I’ve never
loved anyone as I love you. I cry over you not because I’m in pain but because I feel so blessed
that I just can’t hide my emotions. You are on my mind every moment. I’ve never missed anyone
as I miss you. You are someone special to me. Please be with me forever and ever.

Watching you walk across a room is the greatest gift. The way you move is so graceful and easy.
The way you smile makes me feel at peace. Knowing you’re walking towards me is a feeling so
hard to describe. It’s like coming home, a comfort, only the home is coming to me. I will never
know such love, such peace, as you. You’re my home.

Cute Paragraphs For Your Girlfriend To Cherish

Show your appreciation and feelings with love paragraphs to send to your girlfriend:

My dear girlfriend,

You came into my life like the warmth of the sun. You made my life better and you made me a
better person. You made me smarter, more understanding, and happy to be alive each day. Thank
you for being in my life.

Thank you for going on this journey through life with me. There is nobody else who I would
want by my side but you my angel.

You make me smile even when I feel like crying. You make me laugh even when I feel empty
inside. You make happy even when I have no reason to be. There is only one thing you can’t
make me do; you can’t stop me from loving you. And words simply cannot tell how much I love
you. There aren’t enough words in the world to express my feelings for you, so I will just say: I
Love You.

Sweetheart, I’m so happy to have you in my life. You are very special to me. I feel like
everything in my life had led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks and my regrets. Everything.
And when we’re together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I
might never have met you.

I promise to be there when you need me. I promise to hug you tight when you’re lonely. I
promise to wipe your tears when they fall and I promise to keep you, not for the rest of my life
but for the rest of yours because you are my everything.

Once upon a time I became yours and you became mine and we’ll stay together through both
tears and laughter, because that’s what they call happily ever after. I want you today, tomorrow,
next week, next month, next year, and for the rest of my life.

We came together underneath the stars above. What started out as liking soon turned into love. I
sensed a certain something in my heart that was true. I know I waited all my life to fall in love
with you.

Love Letters For Her

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings and sweet love letter for her will help you show your
emotions. Deep romantic love letters will make your girlfriend cry in love and make her fall for

I can’t say how every time I ever put my arms around you I felt that I was home. -Ernest
Hemingway to Marlene Dietrich

My sweetheart,

I’m in love with you. So many reasons are there to love you. Your cute smile, your sweet laugh,
your innocence, and your kind heart makes me love you. And I’m not in the business of denying
myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is
just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there
will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow
the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.
Since I left you, I have been constantly depressed. My happiness is to be near you. Incessantly I
live over in my memory your caresses, your tears, your affectionate solicitude. The charms of the
incomparable Josephine kindle continually a burning and a glowing flame in my heart. When
free from all solicitude, all harassing care, shall I be able to pass all my time with you, having
only to love you, and to think only of the happiness of so saying, and of proving it to you? -
Napoleon to Josephine


I wanted to write you a love letter. I know it’s a little silly but I thought I’d try anyway. It’s just
that I feel so much when I’m with you that I try to put it in words, so that you know how I feel
about you. You are such a gift to me. Having you in my life is such a blessing.

I can’t see you right now but I can picture how you are. I see your hair and the way it falls on
your shoulders, the way you smile and how you look right before you laugh. I want to be next to
you right now. I don’t want you to hold anything back. I hope that you know that I will always
be there for you.
I can feel you close to me even though you’re far away. Please believe me when I say I love you.

Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, Be calm-love me-today-
yesterday-what tearful longings for you-you-you-my life-my all-farewell. Oh, continue to love
me-never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours. -

This should be a very easy letter to write — words should come easily and in short, it should be
simple for me to tell you how desperately happy I was to open the paper and see the
announcement of our engagement, but somehow I can’t possibly say all in a letter I should like
to. I love you, precious, with all my heart and to know that you love me means my life. How
often I have thought about the immeasurable joy that will be ours someday. How lucky our
children will be to have a mother like you… -George H. Bush to Barbara Bush
The important thing is I don’t want to be without you for the next 20 years, or 40, or however
many there are. I’ve gotten very used to being happy and I love you very much indeed. -Ronald
Reagan to Nancy Reagan

Everyone is furious with me for going back to you, but they don’t understand us. I feel that it is
only with you that I can do anything at all. Do remake my ruined life for me, and then our
friendship and love will have a different meaning to the world. I wish that when we met at Rouen
we had not parted at all. There are such wide abysses now of space and land between us. But we
love each other. -Oscar Wilde
But if you please to do the office of a true loyal mistress and friend, and to give up yourself body
and heart to me, who will be, and have been, your most loyal servant, (if your rigor does not
forbid me) I promise you that not only the name shall be given you, but also that I will take you
for my only mistress, casting off all others besides you out of my thoughts and affections, and
serve you only. I beseech you to give an entire answer to this my rude letter, that I may know on
what and how far I may depend. And if it does not please you to answer me in writing, appoint
some place where I may have it by word of mouth, and I will go thither with all my heart. No
more, for fear of tiring you. -Henry VII to Anne Boleyn

Dearest Angel Girl:

…I suppose most of us are lonely in this big world, but we must fall tremendously in love to find
it out. The cure is the discovery of our need for company — I mean company in the very special
sense we’ve come to understand since we happened to each other — you and I. The pleasures of
human experience are emptied away without that companionship — now that I’ve known it;
without it joy is just an unendurable as sorrow. You are my life — my very life. Never imagine
your hope approximates what you are to me. Beautiful, precious little baby — hurry up the sun!
— make the days shorter till we meet. I love you, that’s all there is to it. -Orson Welles to Rita

Romantic Love Letters for Her from the Heart

You can show show your partner you are in love with them. Let make her cherished, adored,
special, and secure with emotional love letters for her:

My darling,

Love is an everlasting flower with the fragrance of adoration, respect and appreciation. My love
for you will go from now till infinity. I only see a future without an end with you. Whatever
promises I’ve made to you, be sure to see me do as I’ve said. I’ll kill your lonely days and
stimulate happy ones. My queen, I have no reason to take you for granted. Just take a look into
my heart and you’ll be amazed at my feelings for you. A touch will do, a kiss will do, but love
will be more than enough. At your feet will I lay down my life for you; when it comes to you,
I’m proud without a pride.

Hello, sweetheart.
I’ve wanted to send this write-up to you for a while now, letting you know what I feel inside.
You gave me all I need to make my life glow. I know I’d cover a book if I start to write
everything you did. I don’t think a short letter would contain all the words I really want to say —
I won’t be able to cover how exactly I feel. You have proven to me that in every place and age,
Love is very much guaranteed to exist and I’m delighted that I found you, my bwautiful

My Love,
In this journey of life, I only want to walk with you. I need no one else to be my friend; I have
everything I need in this life with you. I’ll be wrong if I don’t love you the way I do. Will
heavens forgive me, if I loved you less? I’m here to show you the true meaning of love. I’m so
attached to your smile, concerns and your laughter. I wish to be the one to spend forever with
you. I doubt if love can fail, but one thing is sure, I’ll never fail you, my love. There’s no place
I’ll live my life without you being there with me, cause you’re my heaven and earth.

My sunshine,
There’s not even an ounce of doubt that my Love is for you and just you. You were there for me
when I had nothing — when I had no one around. I can’t even imagine what my life would look
like without your warm embrace and touch. Right now, I miss you so much, and I know I’ll be
with you real soon — the most significant distance would be that distance between your lips and
your nose. I know life has lots of struggle, obstacles, and tough times; but I’m delighted and
happy to struggle with you.

Emotional Love Letters For Girlfriend

When it comes to expressing how you really feel to your significant other, amazing love letters
for girlfriend will impress her:


You have no idea how much I like you, how much you make me smile, how much I love talking
with you, or how much I wish you were mine.

I wish you knew how much I adore you. I love you! I promise to encourage you, inspire you and
love you truly through good times and bad.

Yours Always

My Love,

I am writing this letter to you to let you know that you’re not just my friend, you’re my love.
You’re not just my love, you’re my heart. You’re not just my heart, you’re my life. You’re not
just my life, you’re my everything.

You are the poem I never knew how to write and this life is the story I have always wanted to
tell. I love you so much.

My Sweetheart,

When I’m alone, I think of so many things to say to you. When I have a chance to tell you, I am
speechless. When I say, I always think of you, no matter how busy I am, no matter what I’m
doing, my brain is constantly thinking of you. My days consist of looking forward to talking with
My beautiful girlfriend,

I’ve longed to write to you in a while, letting you know how I feel inside. But trying to explain
how much I love you is like trying to count the stars. You can try, but it’s impossible.

You gave me everything to make my life much better. Sharing my life with you turns everyday
living into something warm and beautiful. I’m so happy to be sharing life with you.

I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will be.

My Love,

I never knew the meaning of true love till the day I met you and having you as my sweetheart is
like a dream come true for me.

The best thing about having forever is you. We are timeless. Together, we will always have
stability, friendship, laughter and joy. I love you.


My life is beautiful because of you my love. You showed me the meaning of love not with your
words but with your care. You are the sunshine that makes my day. You’re like my favorite song
on the radio, I could listen to you all day. You are the first and last thing on my mind each and
every day.

Sweet I Love You Paragraphs From Literature

“When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it
subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether
your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.
Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to
mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every
part of your body. No … don’t blush. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being in love;
which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in
love has burned away. Doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? But it is!” -Corelli’s Mandolin by
Louis de Bernières

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same…my
great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to
be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty
stranger. I should not seem a part of it.” -Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë

“I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life.
There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect
I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: I’ve loved another with all my heart
and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.” -The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
“Love is a temporary madness; it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides,
you have to make a decision: You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined
together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is
not breathlessness, it is not excitement. It is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion.
That is just being ‘in love,’ which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being ‘in
love’ has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Those who truly love
have roots that grow toward each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms have
fallen from their branches, they find that they are one tree and not two.” -Captain Corelli’s
Mandolin, by Louis de Bernières

“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together…there is something you must always
remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.” -Winnie the Pooh,
by A.A Milne

“You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. The great acts of love are
done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness. We pardon to the extent that
we love. Love is knowing that even when you are alone, you will never be lonely again. And
great happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Loved for ourselves. & even loved in
spite of ourselves.” -Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

“Once upon a time, there was a boy. He lived in a village that no longer exists, in a house that no
longer exists, on the edge of a field that no longer exists, where everything was discovered, and
everything was possible. A stick could be a sword, a pebble could be a diamond, a tree, a castle.
Once upon a time, there was a boy who lived in a house across the field, from a girl who no
longer exists. They made up a thousand games. She was queen and he was king. In the autumn
light her hair shone like a crown. They collected the world in small handfuls, and when the sky
grew dark, and they parted with leaves in their hair. Once upon a time there was a boy who loved
a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.” -Nicole
Krauss, The History of Love

“When he looked into her eyes, he learned the most important part of the language that all the
world spoke — the language that everyone on Earth was capable of understanding in their heart.
It was love. Something older than humanity, more ancient than the desert. What the boy felt at
that moment was that he was in the presence of the only woman in his life, and that, with no need
for words, she recognized the same thing. Because when you know the language, it’s easy to
understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it’s in the middle of the desert or in
some great city. And when two such people encounter each other, the past and the future become
unimportant. There is only that moment and the incredible certainty that everything under the
sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love and creates a twin soul for
every person in the world. Without such love, one’s dreams would have no meaning.” -The
Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

“What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life—to
strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in
all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last
parting?” – Eliot, Adam Bede

More ideas:

127+ Text My Wife That Will Make Her Love You Forever

100+ POWERFUL Messages To Text Hubby to Fuel The Spark

How to Write a Love Paragraphs?

While writing love letter, just be yourself. And let your words come from the heart. It’s a chance
to express your feelings, so don’t worry about anything else.

How do you start a love paragraph for a girl?

First of all, start off by stating the purpose of your paragraph. Then you can recall a romantic
memory and reaffirm your love and commitment. If you feel that you couldn’t find the right
words, cute paragraphs for her will help you.

How do you tell your girlfriend how much you love her?

You can write and surprise your beloved with love paragraphs to send to your girlfriend. And
show affection when she least expects it.

What should I say in a paragraph to my girlfriend?

You can say what you feel every time you think of your partner. Love is one of the strongest
emotions that makes you always smile like a fool and sing melodies.

How do you make a girl feel special over text?

You need to let her know she’s a special girl and she deserves to feel that way. Just be open and

What do you say in a paragraph to your boyfriend?

You could say your feelings in a love paragraph and send it off to him to let him know he’s

How do I tell my boyfriend how much I love him?

You can write and surprise your beloved with cute love paragraphs to send to your boyfriend.
And show affection when he least expects it.

What should I write in a love letter to my girlfriend/boyfriend?

To deepen your connection with your beloved, you must be open, sincere and honest. Writing a
love letter is not hard but it takes some time and you need to just express your emotions and
don’t think too much.

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24 thoughts on “185+ CUTEST Long Love Paragraphs/Letters For Him and


1. anie

January 16, 2018 at 9:31 am

very beautiful, but it is always better to find your own words…; )


2. Anonymous

December 6, 2018 at 10:36 am

enjoyable reading


3. Maria

December 7, 2018 at 1:43 pm

lovely letters, I will re-read it because I know it will be a different experience.


4. NRI Marriage Bureau

December 10, 2018 at 3:09 am

Lovely Post


5. uanoop

December 11, 2018 at 12:32 pm

Nice Post


o Anonymous

February 14, 2020 at 1:54 pm



6. Aiden

December 19, 2018 at 7:28 pm

I specially enjoy letters from Beethoven and Oscar Wilde.


7. jeff.stanblackpink

March 28, 2019 at 2:26 am

you should create your own paragraph to your partner so it adds its own special touch,
but if you cannot then just get some inspo from here but i find it best if you write it from
your heart, and not copy off of a website.


8. Ernesto

May 2, 2019 at 9:02 am

I loved all of those.

9. Anonymous

May 5, 2019 at 11:30 pm

Niceeeeeee…. I believe that writing love letters and paragraphs was the most chivalrous
and affectionate way to win someone over. Passionate words of love are always
appreciated as a way of expressing feelings for your lover and I really enjoy reading this
collection. Thanksss


10. Anonymous

May 14, 2019 at 1:02 pm

These letters and paragraphs remind me that love is such a strong feeling for another and
you can understand them in a way few can.


11. Sage

May 14, 2019 at 1:02 pm

I love it it’ make sense love is a beautiful thing .


12. Natalie

August 24, 2019 at 11:43 am

very thank you my love has worked


13. Anonymous

November 24, 2019 at 2:12 am



14. himesh
January 12, 2020 at 2:11 am

Amazing and like a wonderful experience


15. Anonymous

May 22, 2020 at 2:57 pm

He is priceless and the most amazing man i have ever met. He is not just my boyfriend,
he is my love and my everything. i just want to let him how much i love you


16. Olivia

May 24, 2020 at 9:00 pm

I love you baby. When I am with you, it feels like a dream come true. You are my angel
from heaven. To love and be loved in return is perhaps one of the most wonderful
feelings in this world and I know this feeling because of me.


o Chris

November 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Thanks I love you to


17. Sophia

May 30, 2020 at 6:14 am

Nothing could change my love for you

You already know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But i love for you forever


18. William Ro
July 6, 2020 at 6:35 pm

Wow these love paragraphs are just amazing… they helped me with telling my beloved
just how much I care!


19. Anonymous

July 7, 2020 at 4:33 pm

I really appreciate these paragraphs u guy share. I find inspo to write my own words…; )


20. Michael

July 8, 2020 at 10:04 am

This collection is awesome


21. Stolve

September 4, 2020 at 2:28 am

Wow… So lovely. Thanks for these


22. Lyricssa

June 3, 2021 at 5:16 am

This one is awesome

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have
to live without you.” – Winnie the Pooh


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Romantic Long Messages For Boyfriend –

Love Paragraphs
Long Messages for Boyfriend : Choosing the right word to express your love to your partner is
very important. Maybe your boyfriend doesn’t tell, but most men want to get long love messages
and cute paragraphs from their girlfriend. They love being appreciated, and this makes your
relationship stronger. It is not only about him. Sometimes you need to open up your heart to
show your man how you feel about him. Don’t wait for a special occasion to express your love.
Send these long love messages for him anytime or use these on special days like your
anniversary or his birthday.

• Long Love Messages For Boyfriend

• Long Love Paragraphs For Him
• Romantic Long Messages for Boyfriend
• Long Messages on His Birthday
• Long Messages on Anniversary
Long Love Messages For Boyfriend
You make me feel beautiful. Thank you for giving me so much more than I ever could have
wanted. I am so thankful for what we have, and for every thing we will have. You are the only
man I ever want to share my life with. I could never imagine what it would be like if we were to
lose each other. I don’t even want to think about it. All I want to think about is you. You are the
love of my life. I love you. I always will love you until the day that I die. Hopefully, when that
day comes, I will still have you by my side and you face will be the last face that I see.

I just wanted to do something simple to say you’re amazing and to put that smile I love so much
on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered
my life, I’ve been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet. I still don’t know what I did
to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true… I am so thankful though. In this
short time that we’ve been together, we have grown so much and I can’t wait to see what the
future holds for us.
Sometimes I wish every girl in this world should have a caring boyfriend like you. But then I
realize that I would be extremely jealous if it happened. You are the only mine forever and I
don’t want anyone to enjoy the love I have in life.

The only thing I want in my life is the presence of you. I may not always express my feelings but
if you look into my eyes you will see there an ocean full of love, respect and care only for you!

Even if I could travel the entire universe looking for a perfect boyfriend, I would never be able to
find someone like you. You are so uniquely made by God just to come into my life and make it
wonderful. I love You so much!

I wake up every morning knowing that there will be a sweet romantic text from you on my
phone. My days start with you and end with you. And in between them, there exists only one
thing – LOVE!

God has blessed me with so many things in life but the most beautiful blessing has been you. The
love and care you have given me all these years is something that can only be compared with
heaven. I will love you till my last breath.
A million stars up in the sky one shines brighter I can’t deny. A love so precious a love so true a
love that comes from me to you, The angels sing when you are near within your arms I have
nothing to fear You always know just what to say just talking to you makes my day. I love you
honey with all of my heart together forever and never to part.

I know that when I am older, I will look back at the days when we used to argue about petty
things and I will be happy, knowing that our love was stronger and bigger than those things. You
need to know that I am thankful that you are in my life and that I will love you till the day I die.
Unconditionally and without any end, I love you, baby!

You know you’ve completely changed my life, in every way inside and out. When everything
wasn’t in my favor you stepped in and made everything better for me and unconditionally
changed myself with lots of positivity. I love you so much and if any day I have to sacrifice my
life for you than I possibly do. You make my heart beat faster than ever. I love the way how you
take care of me. Those make my day and all your activity makes my heart just melts to love with
I tell you this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see
that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do
something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I’ve ever been. You
give me the most amazing feelings inside and its been exciting and just pure bliss. I’ve never met
someone that was so good for me, and made me want them to this extent. Now that we’re
together my smile never fades anymore, you’ve got me enthused about life and the little things it
has to offer.

I love you entirely with all my heart. Through thick and thin, we have been together and have
fought for the survival of this relationship. I will always be there for you. I love you, baby!

I know I say “I love you” all the time, but that’s not enough. Those three words can’t describe
the way I feel about you. You make my tummy do flips and my hands shake. I’ve never loved
anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I will ever love someone this much again. You’re
everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you so much, you’re my everything, my entire
heart and world.
It is the little things that put a smile on my face. You are the reason I went back to love songs. I
am immensely lucky to have met a guy like you. No woman can ask for anything better. I love
you today and will love you till kingdom come.

Baby, always remember to take it easy. Don’t stress yourself out too much and don’t lose
yourself by doing more than you’re capable of doing. Slow and steady will always win the race.
Take your time and do the best you can! Take care sweetheart, I love you.

You do not realize how much I love you. You don’t realize how much of a positive effect you
have had on my life. You are the greatest boyfriend I have ever had. Since I have been with you,
I have always been smiling.

True love is measured by how deep you fall and judged by how low you are willing to crawl,
Just to save it and make it last It is determined by how willing you are to open up and offer your
trust. It is hospitable, amazing at all times and always kind. It is never prejudiced, it is color
Spending time with you is undoubtedly the greatest thing ever. It’s the most enjoyable thing I
have ever done in my life. When I’m with you baby, I have the time of my life and time flies by.
But when we are apart, every second is spent in agony waiting to see you again. I love you and I
miss you so incredibly much, can’t wait to see you again!

I can say it a million times and it still won’t be enough: I LOVE YOU. Your love is amazing. It’s
perfect. It’s GREAT. I’ve seen love before, but not like this. This love is absolutely exceptional.
Thank you for being my partner.

Baby, you are my inspiration. I cannot fathom what I would be like without you in my life. Take
everything away from me and you will be the only thing that I desire. All that I have for you is
unconditional love. You have always been the shoulder I cry on. You and me forever!

Also Read: Love Messages for Boyfriend

Sweet Long Message and Paragraphs For Him

No matter how many times we fight or argue, I always want to work it out. No one could ever
take your place. You are amazing in every way and I don’t know what I would do or where I
would be if I never met you. You understand me like no one else can and I can truly relate to you
in every way. I mean it when I say that I am yours, and you are mine. I love you and will always
fight for you.

I just wanted to take this time to say thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
Thank you for loving me and accepting me unconditionally and providing me with undivided
love and attention. I thank you for all the laughs we’ve shared and the great times we have had.
You’ve always been my rock in hard situations and the sunshine when its cloudy outside. You’re
my everything and I LOVE YOU.

A boyfriend like you is like a bliss, I just want to seal my love with a kiss, I want to stay in your
arms forever, I want to be yours my love, Stay as you are just perfect, My love for you will never
change, I will love you more each day, Baby I love you so much!
You are the reason why I wake up with eyes full of dream. You are the reason why I go to sleep
knowing everything is alright in my life. But most of all, you are the reason why I feel happy all
the time.

Growing old with you is the most wonderful feeling in this world. I look forward to the day
when we will become old and look back to these amazing moments together. I love you now and
I will still love you then.

Since you have come into my life, I have never known what sadness is. Today my life is full of
positivity and hopes. I never thought someone could have such an impact on my life. I am lucky
for the love you have given me.

When I’m with you everything seems enjoyable. I even like the scorching sun and the non-stop
rain. Clouds don’t frighten me anymore. I’m lost in the love of you! All I know is you are
everything I want! I love you more than you will ever know!
Your smile is what makes me happy in this life. When I look at you, I can’t help myself thanking
God for such a wonderful blessing. You are the type of boyfriend any woman would die for. I’m
lucky that I have you already!

I want you to know that since the day we met I’ve fallen deeply in love with you. There are no
words to express the feeling I feel in my heart the day you came into my life. You make
everyday in my life so special. You are my life, my heart, and my soul. You are my best friend,
my one and only true love, and my everything. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and
I’ll love you more tomorrow than I do today, and this cycle will always go on in till in the day I
die and still, It’ll continue.

Babe, just wanted to let you know that if anyone tries to flirt with me- whether it’s in person or
over a text message- I will proudly let them know that I am in a very committed and loving
relationship with my amazing boyfriend.

You have truly changed my life in ways you will never understand. Everything was going wrong
in my life until the day I made you. You have made and always make everything in my life
better. You make my heart skip a beat from your cute good morning text messages to those
adorable nicknames you come up for me.

I once had a competition with adjectives, and I won, because adjectives failed to give me a word
that described how much you mean to me. I love you more than words could ever describe.

I want to thank your unconditional and undivided love. Thank you for all the laughs and all the
good times we spent together through thick and thin, you have been the sunshine in my life. I
can’t stop thinking about you! You are everything and very special to me! I love you!
Oh! I miss you so much my dear you are the sunlight of my life Baby cannot stay a single day
without you you make my world so bright your love shines and sparkles along like a radiant love
song I love you so much baby, It’s all you I want to see!

You are my world. I’ve honestly fallen deeply in love with you and I am not afraid to say it. We
have been through thick and thin and we are still going strong. I can’t imagine my life without
you by my side. I love you so much I can’t even explain it! Forever and ever baby.
You’re the luckiest man because I’m the luckiest girl. You’re the salt to my pepper, the coca to
my cola. I love you more than words can describe and I could never imagine losing you. You are
my anything and everything. You’re the last thing I think of when I go to bed and the first thing I
think of when I wake up. You’re priceless and the most amazing man I’ve ever met. You’re my
best friend, my boyfriend, and my love. I feel like there is absolutely NOBODY who could make
me feel like this but you. I love you more then my life!

Loving you is the only thing that makes life worth living. Day by day, my love for you becomes
overwhelming and I cant handle it when I don’t get to talk to you. A day without you in my life
is like a day without sunshine, a day without food, or a day without air. I need you in my life to
keep me happy babe. You make me feel wonderful. You give me strength when I just can’t carry
on and I truly treasure that.

It’s true, when I see other couples, I think to myself “Wow”, how on earth did I end up with the
best guy on this planet! You’ve made me laugh in so many different ways that nobody can count
that high. I swear to god, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I just want you
to know that. No matter what, I’ll love you from the ground to the sky. Sure there are other fish
in the sea, but you’ll always be my Nemo and I would be proud to call myself of your Mrs.
someday! With loads of love, sweetheart.

Also Read: Thank You Messages For Boyfriend

Romantic Long Messages for Boyfriend

Words will not be enough to express my eternal love for you. My love for you is increasing day
by day, and it feels amazing. You made me realize how true love feels like. I am the luckiest girl
because I have you. Thank you for helping me grow into the girl I have become.

We fight, we cry, we love, and together we have much more to do. I feel so comfortable with
you. You are the one with whom I can share everything without the fear of being judged. And, in
my life, the only thing that matters is you. I love you, and I love that I have you.

No one will ever love you as much as I do. Unfortunately, that love makes me stingy – selfish. If
I can’t have you when I want, I fear my mindset resembles that of a five year old brat in a
supermarket crying and banging my head against the floor until blood comes out of my ears and
my mother finally concedes and buys me the candy I wanted so badly. But…that makes me feel
clingy. If I had it my way, you’d never leave my side and you’d be with me all day but…then
you’d get tired of me. I know you would because I get tired of myself. The everyday blase
experience of my presence would bore you right out the door.

You are the best part of my small world. I would be lost without you. I cannot imagine my life
without you. The messy girl gets the most amazing boyfriend, and it’s a blessing, isn’t it? You
made me a confident girl that I never imagined before! Thanks for everything you have done for
I thought that I would never find a love that is as strong as ours, but now that we’ve found each
other I know that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with the person I want to
marry, the person I want to have babies with, and the person I want to grow old with. Baby, you
complete me. You make my life so amazing and I don’t know how else to repay you but to love
you just as much as you love me. The world is a better place for me because of you. Missing you
with loads of love!

Long Messages for Boyfriend on His Birthday

Happy birthday, my prince charming. This is my favorite day of the year. Your appearance can
simply put a smile on my face. We’re so perfect for each other, and I love the way you shower
me with happiness. I promise to love you until the last day of my life.

May this birthday shower you with an abundance of love and happiness; you deserve it. God
gave me the opportunity to meet so many excellent people, but no one feels like you. You are my
love, my friend, my guide, my everything. Seeing you growing as an adult man is amazing.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.

Every moment I spend with you is special, but and today is a different kind of special. Happy
birthday to the king of my heart, who made my life feel like a fairy tale. I am going to make this
the best birthday you ever had. I love you.

Happy birthday to the man who stole my heart. You light up my day and make me smile every
day, no matter what. I pray that you God fills your life with infinite peace, prosperity, and
happiness. You deserve it, babe.

Happy birthday sweetheart! I love you from the core of my heart, love. I’ve never seen a
perfectly beautiful man both inside and out. Life never seemed so good to me before I met you.
You changed everything magically and affected me with your happy virus. I promise to be by
your side forever and for always. Lots of love.

Read More: Birthday Wishes for Boyfriend

Long Messages for Boyfriend on Anniversary

Happiest anniversary to my dream man who makes me perfect in every way. We have a long
way to go. All these years and I am falling for you every single day. I want more anniversaries
with you. I cannot wait to spend another happy year alongside you. I love you!

This was the day when we started our journey together. I feel so lucky that I have you in my life.
Every day you make me feel loved and special. Being with you is a dream come true. You are
my favorite human being. Thank you for being my partner.
Happy anniversary to the man with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. You made my life
fulfilled; everything seems magical with you. I love you the way you are; I love you for who I
am with you. You are the only person I would want to have in every phase of my life.

I’m just so happy with you. You have made me the happiest girlfriend alive. These past few
years have been amazing. I’ don’t think I could ever get tired of your love. Thank you for giving
me all these beautiful memories. Every moment spent by your side is a huge blessing. I promise
to love you, baby, for all the years we will have together.

Surprise your man with these beautiful romantic messages. Expressing your feelings with the
right words will make him feel special and loved. Convey your feelings for him with the right
word. You can write a romantic message to him because you are his Juliet. Alternatively, you
can write cute romantic long messages to him. This will strengthen the beautiful bond you both
share. You can send this on any occasion like birthday or anniversary. A romantic message from
you can light up his day. Expressing your love in text messages is simple, yet finding the right
words can be difficult. We’re here to help you out. Pick a romantic message and send it to him,
or you can take our ideas and rewrite it for your handsome hunk.


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Cute Paragraphs For Him

Let that special someone know how you feel about them with these love paragraphs for him.

You can copy and paste these passionate messages for your boyfriend or anyone who catches
your eye. Perfect for texts, greeting cards, love notes, or whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
Love paragraphs for him
1.) If anyone tries to hit on me, flirt with me, message or text me, I will tell them that I am in the
most loving relationship I have ever been in, and have an amazing boyfriend who I dearly love.

2.) I love you so much! You are seriously my best friend! My rock! The sun to my cloudy day!
My one true love! I don’t know what I would do without you! I’ve been blessed with the best!

3.) The little things you say to me always put a smile on my face. You make me want to listen to
love songs, you still give me butterflies, and you still make me speechless. I don’t know how I
got so lucky to have such an amazing person like you in my life. You’re the best boyfriend
anyone could have asked for. I am truly blessed. I love you to infinity and beyond.

4.) I just wanted to do something simple to say you’re amazing and to put that smile I love so
much on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have
entered my life, I’ve been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet. I still don’t know
what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true!

5.) I want to spend every second of my life with you. You give me everything I want in a man. It
brings me happiness every day that a handsome man like you is my husband. I just want you to
know that I love you!
Love letters for him

I can’t spend a day on earth without you. And, I can’t imagine loving someone else while you
breathe. I love you. Loving you is like wearing my favorite pair of jeans. I can’t be tired of
wearing it. I love you and can’t stop loving you. Have a great day.

You have become such a strong presence in my life. It’s so hard to explain what you’ve come to
mean to me. It’s odd how you can be this big full person with a big full life, and not know that
there’s this whole other person out there for you. A whole other life that’s so much bigger than
you could have ever imagined. Now that you’re in my life, I feel like I have so much. My world
feels bigger. My heart feels full. Because of our love my world has grown. I’m so happy to be
with you.

You know you’ve completely changed my life, in every way inside and out. When everything
wasn’t in my favor you stepped in and made everything better for me and unconditionally
changed me with lots of positivity. I love you so much and if any day I have to sacrifice my life
for you then I possibly do. You make my heart beat faster than ever. I love the way how you take
care of me. Those make my day and all your activity makes my heart just melts to love with you.

Romantic messages for him

I tell you this every day, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see
that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do
something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I’ve ever been. You
give me the most amazing feelings inside and it’s been exciting and just pure bliss. I’ve never
met someone that was so good for me and made me want them to this extent. Now that we’re
together my smile never fades anymore, you’ve got me enthused about life and the little things it
has to offer.

There are times in my life where I feel lost. It’s hard to explain but it’s almost like I’m
untethered from something that used to keep me grounded, like a kite that’s lost in the wind. But
then I come home, I see you, you ask me how my day went or start talking about your day and
what’s happened to you, and it’s like you’re bringing me back to myself. I can feel myself settle
back into my own skin. You ground me and bring me a sense of security and safety I’ve never
known before. I have so much confidence in us and in our love, in the way, I feel about you and
the way you feel about me. You know I love you so much and it gives me such strength. I
wanted you to know how much you mean to me, what you do for me. Without you, I’m so lost
but with you, I’m found again.

You might like our Love Notes page.

I miss you notes

Those kisses you gave me have been a trace of sweetness in my heart. Anytime I miss you, I find
a reason to recall that day we were together under the tree. I feel like holding you right now so I
can feel the warmth of your body. I love you!

You have always been my rock and inspiration. Honestly, I don’t know who I would be without
you. You are all I want and hope to be, I love you unconditionally. When I was sad, you told me,
“It doesn’t rain every day.” When I had lost all faith, you gave me a reason to hold on and be
strong, and I only hope that I can be half the amazing person that you are. I love you
wholeheartedly and unconditionally. If anyone deserves a happy ending, it’s you. Thank you for
always being my shoulder to cry on through the good and the bad. You are and forever will be
my heart.

My love for you has no beginning and no end. It is cyclical, like life. It is ever-flowing, like the
oceans. And it is as boundless as the sky and as vast as the universe. When I see your face, I see
my past, my present, my future. When I hold your hand I feel everything inside of me expand.
You are my everything. I will love you forever.

I love you so much. You are my world. Without you, I don’t know what I would do. You are so
amazing, you do everything to make sure I’m taken care of. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
I love you with my entire heart and soul, babe. You’re my Pooh Bear forever and nobody is
changing my mind.

Good morning paragraphs for him

Love doesn’t come fully formed. It is a seed that grows. Even when times are hard, don’t curse
the dark and keep your candle burning. Good morning my prince charming.

My wish is to let you know that not a single day or night goes by that thought of you cease to
come to my heart. You are on my mind in every second of this life and every minute of my days.
You alone are all I want; it is you that my heart has chosen. I love you, sweetheart!

I hope you eat a big, healthy breakfast this morning! You’re going to need plenty of energy to
get through the rest of the day. No matter what life throws at you, you must save your energy for
when the day comes to an end and we can be together again.

Your hugs and kisses are the only sunshine I need. I just can’t imagine my life without you. With
you, I feel so loved and special. I know that there’s nothing in this world that could ever compare
to the immense love you give to me. Rise and shine, my sunshine!

I love you paragraphs for him

I wake up every morning knowing that there will be a sweet romantic text from you on my
phone. My days start with you and end with you. And in between them, there exists only one
thing – LOVE!

Every morning is a blessing because it is another chance to see your lovely smile, your
enchanting eyes, and your kissable lips. I feel so lucky to wake up each day right next to you.
Good morning, my love!

Good morning! Are you already headed to work? Because I’m still in bed. Want to come and
join me? I know I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than to spend the rest of the day with you.

I’m thinking about breakfast right now, but nothing seems good enough. I could get a fresh cup
of coffee, but it wouldn’t warm me up as you do. I could make a pillow from pancakes, but they
wouldn’t be as soft as your lips. Or, I could get a crepe filled with whip cream, strawberries, and
powdered sugar, but it still wouldn’t be as sweet as you.

The best part of waking up isn’t coffee; it’s getting to remember that I’m your girlfriend. As the
world comes into focus in the light of the day, I see your face and realize I’m the luckiest girl in
the world.

I love you video

Love messages in the morning

These are great messages for him to wake up to.

I want you to know that you are the most important thing in my life. You’re the reason I do
everything. When I get up in the morning, I feel so grateful for every second I have with you and
have here on earth. You give my life meaning, you give my days such joy, you are the reason I
smile. Thank you for being with me, for joining me on this journey through life. Your love is
everything to me.

I hope your morning is as radiant as your glowing smile that always lights up my world. Thank
you for always bringing sunshine to my life. You are my joy and my happiness. I love you.

The morning breeze makes me think of you. The sunshine on my window makes me think of
you. The sweet song of the birds makes me think of you. I just can’t stop thinking about you, and
it’s still morning!

Sweet paragraphs
I don’t want the moon, the stars, or the universe. I don’t want a million dollars or golden jewelry.
All I need in this lifetime is your love.

I’ll not stop loving you until I stop breathing. I love you sincerely, and my heart leaps for joy
with your presence. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because we belong to each other.
You are my heart and soul.
You make me feel beautiful. Thank you for giving me so much more than I ever could have
wanted. I am so thankful for what we have, and for everything, we will have. You are the only
man I ever want to share my life with. I could never imagine what it would be like if we were to
lose each other. I don’t even want to think about it. All I want to think about is you. You are the
love of my life. I love you. I always will love you until the day that I die. Hopefully, when that
day comes, I will still have you by my side and you face will be the last face that I see.

If something ever happens, and we’re not together, I want you to know that you are brave,
strong, intelligent, passionate, caring, and generous. You give so much to everyone around you
and I know there are times when you feel like you’re less than you are—not strong enough or not
around enough—but you are so much more than you know. You inspire me each and every day.

Long paragraphs for him

From the moment I first saw you, I knew that we were going to have something special. It was
just how when we came together, we found ourselves in our own world. I feel like the words I
say to you are so much more real than anything I’ve ever said to anyone else. You put color into
my world. I feel like I’ve become a better person because of you, better able to love and care for
other people in my life. You are so inspiring, and it’s always too long until I see you again. I love
you more than you can know.

Sometimes you and I seem like a wild dream, but it’s a dream I want to come true. It seems so
impossible. That I should find you, the one other person in this world who fits me so completely
and who makes me so happy. Sometimes when we’re together, I’ll look over and you’ll be doing
something small—something silly like looking for something to eat in the fridge or scratching
your back maybe—and that one small thing causes this surge in my heart. I can’t believe I’m the
person who gets to share these moments with you, these small, seemingly insignificant moments.
I never thought this would be what my wildest dream would be like, but I’m so glad they’ve
come true.

Paragraphs when he’s mad

Darling—I was trying to go to sleep last night but I couldn’t. I just kept looking out the window
at the moon, wondering what you were thinking about, or dreaming about. I’m sorry about our
fight. I know we’re going to work through this and that we’re going to be stronger because of it.
You are such an amazing partner. I feel like I can tell you anything and I know you’ll never
judge me for anything at all. Relationships can be hard sometimes, especially between us
because we’re both such stubborn people. But even though we have our differences, I believe in
us and believe that we can make this work. So I hope that right now, as you’re reading this
message, you know that I love you and that I can’t wait until I see you again.

I can’t believe that two years ago I started dating you, my wonderful boyfriend! It has been the
best ever! I know we have had our fights over stupid stuff, but I really can’t picture my life
without you! You are truly my best friend. I love you so much.
I love you with all my heart. Together, we have created a beautiful world. Through many fights
and plenty of hardships in the past years, we have been together, and we’re still working to better
our future as a couple. I’m always here for you baby! I love you!

Messages for him after an argument

I know that when I am older, I will look back at the days when we used to argue about petty
things and I will be happy, knowing that our love was stronger and bigger than those things. You
need to know that I am thankful that you are in my life and that I will love you till the day I die.
Unconditionally and without any end, I love you, baby!

You are hilarious! Even when we argue, you make it funny and just crazy! I love your sense of
humor and randomness. I think you’ve kind of spoiled me actually. Ever since we started
chatting, everyone else is just so boring.

I just wanted to say that you’re amazing, baby, and even though we fight (all the time), it doesn’t
change a thing. You’re sweet, caring, and funny. You know how to treat me right, and I couldn’t
ask for a better boyfriend. You need to stop thinking you’re a bad boyfriend, because you’re not.
I love you boo, and I hope we can prove to people that no matter how much we fight, we’re
strong enough to stay together.

What can I say? You’ve been there for me through everything. I know we fight, but every
relationship has its ups and downs. I feel so comfortable with you. It’s so easy to talk to you—I
feel like I can tell you anything. I’m so proud to say you’re my best friend and my boyfriend—
you mean the world to me. I love you so much!

Paragraphs for boyfriend

You are my world. I’ve honestly fallen deeply in love with you and I am not afraid to say it. We
have been through thick and thin and we are still going strong. I can’t imagine my life without
you by my side. I love you so much I can’t even explain it! Forever and ever baby.

You don’t know how much you mean to me and perhaps it may be the reason why you move
even an inch away from me. I must tell you that I am already addicted to you—only God has the
power to remove your love from my heart. You are the most amazing husband in the world. I
love you with passion my lovely sweetheart.

You’re my best friend. The person I can tell all my secrets to, the first person I want to talk to
when I wake up, and the last person I want to talk to before I drift off to sleep. When something
good happens to me, you’re the first person I want to tell. When I’m troubled by something or if
I get bad news, you’re the one I go to for comfort and support. But you’re so much more to me
than a friend, or someone who helps me through tough times, you’re the love of my life. You’re
my friend, my lover, my comfort, and my strength. I am so lucky to have you.

Words of love for your partner

We’ve been through so much you and I. We’ve had our ups and downs, moments where I
thought we were in real trouble. But we’ve come through them all and we are so much stronger
now. Stronger in our love, in our relationship, and in ourselves. I know whatever life throws our
way (and I know we’re not done yet) we’ll be ready to meet it head-on, together. As long as
we’re together, there’s nothing we can’t face.

Five years ago today, we became boyfriend and girlfriend. Hands down, it’s been the best years
of my life so far! We have grown together, and you’ve made me the person I am today. I love
you so much. Thank you for putting up with me.

I think I’ve loved you my whole life, only I didn’t know it was you I was loving. I have always
had this feeling inside me that I was meant for something. After meeting you, I knew I was
meant to love you. You are my reason for living. I’ve loved you my whole life and with each
passing day, my love only grows stronger.

Long-distance paragraphs for him

People ask me how we can stay in this long-distance relationship for so long and I just smile. If
they knew you, they wouldn’t ask. If they knew how amazing you are, how thoughtful, how
funny, how kind, how handsome, how generous, how forgiving, how wonderful, how silly, how
serious, how deep, how affectionate, how playful, how brilliant, how creative, how indescribable
you are—they wouldn’t ask.

I would be a fool to ever give up what we have. I would be a fool to think I could find someone
like you anywhere else. You are the only you. And you are the only you for me. I am so happy
that we’re together, even though the distance can get hard. It is so worth it. One day, we’ll be
together, in the same place, and I’ll get to see your sweet smile and hold your beautiful face.
Until then, I hope you know that I love you. I love you so much.

My life won’t be complete without you in it. I knew I was in paradise when I slept and woke up
with you by my side. My love for you is thick because I have not felt this way for anyone. I will
always love you because my feelings for you will stay till eternity.

I have never felt this hollow in my life before. The thought of not seeing you for another day can
be heartbreaking. Can I stay in your heart to stop this nuclear explosion? The heart knows what it
desires, but I know that yours yearn for the warm feelings we share all day long.

Express my love to boyfriend through text

There are thousands of ways to say, “I love you.” But the only way to truly tell you is by
showing you. I hope you will continue to let me show you how much I love you every single

The only thing I want in my life is the presence of you. I may not always express my feelings but
if you look into my eyes you will see there an ocean full of love, respect, and care only for you!
Life is better with you in it. It’s simple really. The world is more beautiful, the days are more
fun, moments are more precious. I love having you in my life. I couldn’t imagine it any other
way. My biggest hope is thatyou feel the same way. That I can make your life better by having
been in it.

I want to shout from the rooftops how much I love you. Call me crazy but that is how I express
my love for you.

I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were so I thought I’d text you. Because
the thing is—I think about you all the time. It doesn’t really matter what I’m doing, somewhere
in my brain I’m playing a little movie of you. Somewhere in my brain, I’m singing a song about
you. I’m always planning the next time I’ll be able to see you and make you feel good. It’s
always happening. I can’t help it. You’re my favorite song and my favorite book and my favorite
movie. You’re just my favorite. So, my favorite—how are you?

Love text messages for him

Hey baby – I was just thinking about you while I was on my way to work. You make me smile
all the time, even when we’re not together. I just picture your face and your big bright eyes, and I
can’t help it. I’m so lucky I am to be with you. How lucky we are that we met each other. I feel
like there are so many signs in my life that show we are meant to be together.

There are so many things about you that I love. I couldn’t name them all even if I tried. Each day
that I get to know you, I learn more about how wonderful you are. I brag about you all the time
to my friends and family, and even though they might get sick of hearing about you, I never get
sick of talking about you. Getting married is all I can think about. I hope you have a good night
and that you sleep well.

I could say it a billion times, but it would still not be enough to show the depth and breadth of
my love for you. You know I love you, and I cannot say it enough. Although I have fallen for
people before, but never like this. You are exceptional, and I am so happy that you chose to be

No day breaks that I do not love you more than I used to do. No matter the situation at hand, it is
all the same to me. I can never be comfortable without you, so why should I stop loving you?
You are the most handsome man I have ever met in my life.

Make him smile paragraphs

You made me the happiest woman on earth when you came into my life. I will shower you the
love and care you need, and I will always be right there for you when you need me. And, I know
having you was the luckiest thing that happened to me, I will handle you like a baby and treat
you like a king.

I don’t even know how to tell you how much I love you. You’re the first thing I think of when I
wake up and my last thought before I go to sleep. Everything I see reminds me of you and the
things that we’ve shared together. Being with you has opened up my world, and I feel like I see
things differently now (in a good way). I know we fight sometimes, but I just wanted to tell you,
so you know for sure that I love you with everything I have. There is nothing left for anyone
else. It’s just you, baby. I. Love. You.

Each time I see you, each time I look into your eyes, each time I hold your hands. I realize how
wonderful you’re to me. The bliss my soul enjoys each time I see your face can brighten the
darkest planet. I love you plenty, baby.

Watching you walk across a room is the greatest gift. The way you move is so strong and sure.
The way you smile makes me feel at peace. Knowing you’re walking towards me is a feeling so
hard to describe. It’s like coming home, a comfort, only the home is coming to me. I will never
know such love, such peace, as you. You’re my home.

Make him feel special paragraphs

You’re my everything, and I mean that. I will never forget all of the fun things we’ve done
together and the amazing times we have spent together. You have my heart forever and always,
and nothing will ever change that.

The light of your handsome face mesmerizes my heart. It gives me comfort that suits the temper
of a sweet lady like me. I know you can’t resist my charm either, but you are so special that I
may die without you by my side. I love you! Good morning, handsome!

Only you can turn my world around, set my heart on fire, and make everything beautiful. Will I
continue to love you? Yes, I will, forever because your love makes my world come alive. Even if
everything changes, friends go away, the sun disappears. One thing will remain the same, “My
love for you.”

I love you so much. You are my world. Without you, I don’t know what I would do. You are so
amazing, and you do everything to make sure I’m taken care of. I couldn’t ask for a better
boyfriend. I love you with my entire heart and soul, babe. You’re my Pooh Bear forever, and
nobody is changing my mind.

I still don’t know how it is that I’ve been so blessed to find you, to have you, in my life. I know
that as we get older, we’ll grow and change with one another and I can’t wait to see what
happens. You are my sweetums and I love you forever.

Touching love messages for him

It’s amazing the love and care you give me on a daily basis it’s unequaled I think I am safer with
you, that’s why I am giving all myself to you, because my life is perfect with you, and I promise
to love you and give you all you need, may God bless you continually for me, because you really
deserve much more than I can give you. I love you so much.
You are such a gift to me. Having you in my life is such a blessing. Every day, I thank God that
you are in my life and that you are by my side. I am so blessed to be able to call you mine and to
be called yours. I pray that I will always be able to give you what you need in life and that you
will always be there to hold my hand and that you will continue to walk with me on this journey
that we call life.

Before I met you, all my relationships always seemed so hard. They were something I had to
work at and it felt forced. With you everything is so easy. Loving you comes so naturally, and it
has from the very beginning. It’s as if I looked up and there you were: This amazing man. And
then there it was: This amazing love I have for you. It’s been the greatest surprise of my life.

When we’re together, I feel as though I’m invincible. It’s like every piece of me is so weightless
that I can drift from one cloud to another without ever coming down. I never want this feeling to

Thoughtful expressions of love

When you feel weak, I am here to be strong for you. When you are strong, I’m here to lift you up
and make you stronger. And, when you are sad, I am here to bring a smile to your face. And
when you are happy, I am here to enjoy every minute of it. Because you do all these things for
me. When I am weak, you give me strength. When I am sad, you make me smile. I am so
grateful for you and our life together. I have found my perfect partner.

When I was a kid I used to sit and think of what the person I loved would be like. I pictured
kissing in fields or maybe on the beach. A man who was strong and kind. Who was smart and
driven. Who made me laugh. And, who made me stronger. You are so much more than I could
have ever imagined. I never even thought to wish for someone as kind, sweet, strong, funny,
smart, and amazing as you. You are life’s biggest surprise. You are so much more than anything
I could have dreamed or hoped for.

I know I say “I love you all the time, but that’s not enough. Those three words can’t describe the
way I feel about you. You make my tummy do flips and my hands shake. I’ve never loved
anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I will ever love someone this much again. You’re
everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you so much! You’re my everything, my entire
heart, and world.

Passionate love messages for him

There are moments when we’re together, where I wish I could make time stop. I often think to
myself, that I could easily stay in this moment forever. Just being with you, sitting with you,
touching your cheek, or stroking your back. Feeling you by my side is everything to me. Every
moment I spend with you is the best moment of my life. I love you, and I will go on loving you
through all the moments we share together from now until forever.
I can say it a million times and it still won’t be enough: I love you. Your love is amazing. It’s
perfect. It’s great. I’ve seen love before, but not like this. This love is exceptional. Thank you for
being my partner.

Sometimes I try to think of what my life would be like without you. What I would be like or
what I’d do with my days. It’s so hard because so much of who I am now is due to you. You’ve
challenged me, inspired me, encouraged me, and supported me. And it’s because of all this that
I’m the person I am today. I am so grateful for your presence in my life and for the love and
attention to give to me, our relationship, and our life together. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
And, I love you so much.

The bliss my soul enjoys each time I see your face can brighten the darkest planet. I love you
plenty. Your love is engulfing, and the feeling is enticing. Your assurance is comforting, and my
heart is in the safest place on earth. I love you.

Emotional expressions of love

I have two things I have dreamed of doing with you. One of them is wrapping your soft body in
my arms, and the other is holding your hand while we take a walk at the beach. I know it’s a
dream that will become a reality someday. I love you with my heart. Baby, I imagine us sitting
right next to each other without moving, without wishing to be somewhere else. Just holding
hands and watching the Television on a breezy evening. Cute, right? Let’s make this a reality.

We started saying “I love you” some hours ago and I’m getting afraid of letting you go. Promise
to stay with me even in the darkest hour because each time I pray to God I ask for a moon that
will stick around when there is no sun. Then God sent you my way. I love you much.

You are the best thing that has happened to me. You are the most amazing guy in the world.
And, you treat me the way a woman should be treated. You are the ground that I stand on, my
knight in shining armor. I love you to the moon and back and then some. You know I could
never ask for a more amazing boyfriend because I have the best one already. I never want to go a
day without you, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much baby,
forever and always.

Paragraphs for him from the heart

Only if you love me back the way I love you, I don’t think I would worry if I die the next second.
I love you, baby. I want you to know that our love will overcome any obstacle. It will stand the
test of time like old wine. It will get better and healthy. Much love.

I wanted to take the time to tell you just how much you mean to me. You’ve become a rock in
my life, something solid and secure I can lean on. Knowing you’re by my side makes me so
eternally grateful, that I can hardly put it into words. I had felt happiness before, but nothing
prepared me for the happiness I feel when I’m with you.
If you love me as I love you. If you feel the way my heartbeats, then there is no going back. Let’s
love each other until our very last breath because I love you from sunrise to sunset. You own my
heart and I have the feeling that being with you has been the best choice I made.

My heart can’t stop loving you. I don’t even want it to stop, because the thought of you makes
my body come alive. One lesson I will teach you about love is to handle this heart with sweet
care; there isn’t another like it.

As you set your eyes upon these blissful words of mine, I want you to find a place in your heart
to always pray for you and me because I am willing to be your wife. I have found in you what a
good husband should be called—I love you, my sweetheart!

Deep love paragraphs for him

I love you, and I wish there is a way you could just see into my soul and find the depth of
passion, tenderness, and love that I have for you. No one else ever meant to me like you do. For
me, you are the true meaning of love. You are my heart and soul; the very reason why I breathe.

They say that soulmates are two souls that used to be one being. That these beings were
separated and that as they roam this earth they always feel the lack of each other, the empty spot
inside of them, until the moment they meet again. Then they instantly know that they’ve met
their soulmate. Then they connect and are made whole again. There’s no doubt in my mind that
my soul is connected to yours. With you I feel a peace, a wholeness, I didn’t know was even

When I am with you, I find peace and quietness. I never knew true love was this sweet. You
make my life worth living, repeatedly. I love you, baby. There are a million things I want to do
now, and one that I can do without distraction is loving you like no other. Order me to love you.
Command me to want you, more and more.

Famous quotes
At night, there was the feeling that we had come home, feeling no longer alone, waking in the
night to find the other one there, and not gone away; all other things were unreal. We slept when
we were tired and if we woke the other one woke too so one was not alone. Often a man wishes
to be alone and a woman wishes to be alone too and if they love each other they are jealous of
that in each other, but I can truly say we never felt that. We could feel alone when we were
together, alone against the others. We were never lonely and never afraid when we were
Ernest Hemingway

No relationship is perfect, ever. There are always some ways you have to bend, to compromise,
to give something up in order to gain something greater … The love we have for each other is
bigger than these small differences. And that’s the key. It’s like a big pie chart, and the love in a
relationship has to be the biggest piece. Love can make up for a lot.
Sarah Dessen
It has made me better loving you … it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to
want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was
satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to
have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I really am satisfied, because I can’t
think of anything better.
Henry James

Love quotes and sayings

The thing is that love gives us a ringside seat on somebody else’s flaws, so of course, you’re
gonna spot some things that kinda need to be mentioned. But often the romantic view is to say,
‘If you loved me, you wouldn’t criticize me.’ Actually, true love is often about trying to teach
someone how to be the best version of themselves.
Alain de Botton

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems
or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which
there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I
fall asleep your eyes close.
Pablo Neruda

Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I’m gazing at a distant star. It’s dazzling, but the light is
from tens of thousands of years ago. Maybe the star doesn’t even exist anymore. Yet sometimes
that light seems more real to me than anything.
Haruki Murakami

By Jill Shannon

Jill writes about relationships, pop culture, and entertainment.


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