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1- Find words related to medical concepts in this word chain. Use different colors.


Put the words you found and the ones in the bank in the correct column.

3- Look at the illustration. Say what the problem is.

4- Make suggestions for the people on exercise 3. Use affirmative and negative
a. You shouldn’t go out. You should keep warm and drink lots of water.

b. ________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________

e. ________________________________________________________

5- Write T (TRUE) or F (false) to each statement. Correct the false ones.

a. F Lightning and thunder are signs of an earthquake.

Lightning and thunder are signs of thunderstorm.

b. ___ When there is an earthquake we should go out.

c. ___ To avoid fires adults should let children play with matches.

d. ___ The kit to be prepared for an earthquake includes pain relievers, gauze and cough

e. ___ When there is a thunderstorm we should stay inside.

6- Match words in column A with words in column B to make new words. Then make
sentences with the new words.


Tooth store ______________________________________________________

Shoe paper _____________________________________________________

Note ache ______________________________________________________

Birth book

News day

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