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Alumno: Martínez Juan

Curso; 2 “A” Economía

6)1) I´m bored! I haven’t got anything to do

6)2) the cat isn´t anywhere in the garden

6)3) this maths problem is really difficult. Does anybody know the answer?

6)4) they live somewhere in Quito.

6)5) There´s something good on TV tonight.

6)6) There´s nowhere to go. It´s boring here.

6)7) I didn´t see anyone from my class at the party.

6)8) Jack wants something to eat.

7)1) I Didn´t do anything interesting at the weekend

I do something interesting at the weekend.

7)2) Did Helen go anywhere on Sunday?

Helen didn´t go nowhere on Sunday.

7)3) There was someone at the bus stop.

Was there anyone at the bus stop?

7)4) you have got something in your bag

You have got anything in your bag?

7)5) I Know somebody in that school

I didn´t know anybody in that school.

7)6) Kevin didn´t say anything

Kevin say something

7)7) I didn´t know anyone at the party.

I know someone at the party

7)8) David Saw something at the cinema yesterday.

David didn´t see nothing at the cinema.

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